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Fandom Justice No More (DC RP)


Live Life, Love and Survive
The ruthless assault led by Darkseid left Earth in ruins. Countless died, and many more were injured. Buildings, across the globe, were shattered, destroyed and burnt down. Not even the likes of Trigon, the all powerful demon from bellow, was able to cause this much havoc in only a few days. It took the likes of every single member of the Justice League to stop the God known as Darkseid, and despite the fact that they did eventually whittle him down and kill him, many heroes became Martyrs, including the big three: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman sacrificed themselves for the greater good.

From the dust and ruins, comes a new generation of heroes and villains alike. Some, with a vendetta or a promise to keep. Others, continuing on the mantle for their parents. With the Justice League in shambles, who is left to save the Earth from another possible invasion?

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It had been five weeks since the Earth faced a full front attack by a god known as Darkseid. The small green planet put a valiant effort in trying to defend themselves, and eventually, was successful. However, casualties were common indeed, and those brave people who dared defy the god made up the majority of the population who were now deceased. Buildings crumbled as three iconic heroes: Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman met their fate, along many other martyrs. It looked dull for Earth's society to ever make a return to how it once was.

However, despite all odds, humans done what they did best. They rebuilt, their will as strong as The Man of Steel. Governments were now gaining more control, despite huge revolts in many places around the globe. Cities were still in shambles, though signs of how life once was were beginning to shine back through. While many houses and buildings were still in pieces, many others had been rebuilt in their former glory. And in this time of need, came new heroes. And with new heroes, came new villains. How the people met these new heroes and villains was unknown, but once it did happen, the world would go through yet another metamorphosis.
Imrae flew with the green glow of he lantern power covering her, over the slowly rebuilding human city slowly picking itself together from the destruction brought by Darkseid. Humans though physically relatively weak especially by Maniades standards were certainly resilient and able to recover faster than she would expected them to. Still there was still a long way to go, she could see the ruins of large buildings, wrecked vehicles and even creates into the earth as large object fell with incredible force. In some areas of the city the humans still haven't managed to get to with the dead littered the place and fires still burned.

Imrae wished she could have seen humans in their prime, the large cities whole and teaming with people on a scale she had never seen before. To see and experience technology far beyond what she knew, carriages that moved without beast, the capture of world as it is in a still image like a painting some of which moved and communication like so or by voice or text over hundred of miles through seemingly thin air. It was amazing to hear and humans were not the most advanced race in the galaxy as she was told. She so pitied the humans sympathising with their plight though at least the retained their homeworld.
Jamie crouched on the edge of the roof of an old abandoned Queen Industries building, one that had nearly been totalled in the war against Darkseid. If anything, he was semi happy that Star City was quiet for once. It really captured the whole 'concrete jungle' feel. Cracking his neck, he pulled down his hood, and popped in some ear buds. It had been a stressful day for the blue haired man, but no matter.
Finally finding a song that he liked, he pulled his hood back up, hit the play button and took a running leap off of the building. It's time to go to work.
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  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    LURID EMERALD Orbs stared with a seemingly feigned look of optimism as she gazed upon the new Titan Tower being built. Her stomach swirled with a variety of emotions, eyes becoming cloudy as memories began to replay over and over in the young womans head. The Tower was definitely stirring up something within her.

    Of course the superhero daughter was a wreck, which seemed nearly impossible for the always cheery and upbeat girl. Even her friends were stunned when she didn't hop right back up and tried to make the best out of the heinous situation. They were even more surprised when she continued to be in this slump.. but she seemed to have been getting better.

    Despite that, she still felt as if nothing could get better, a massive hole in her heart. A hole that could only be filled with vengeance and justice.

    She had a whole new meaning for being a superhero, something else to strive for. As a young, bright-eyed child, she had the stereotypical answer of wanting to help people and be just like her parents. Now that had changed.

    Reveling in her thoughts, she was shook by a member of the Teen Titans. "Starwing, it appears that your fathers Red X suit is missing."
    This instantly snapped her back to reality. "Oh? A-are you sure it's still not lost in the rubble?" She bit her lip and shifted her gaze to and fro.
    "I mean.. I could check again? But the mess is nearly cleared."
    "Hm.. Thats fine. If not, I assume maybe a fan saw it and ran off with it?" She chirped, tilting her head.
    Although she'd prefer to have her fathers suit back, she wouldn't mind if it benefited whoever took it.
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  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    LURID EMERALD Orbs stared with a seemingly feigned look of optimism as she gazed upon the new Titan Tower being built. Her stomach swirled with a variety of emotions, eyes becoming cloudy as memories began to replay over and over in the young womans head. The Tower was definitely stirring up something within her.

    Of course the superhero daughter was a wreck, which seemed nearly impossible for the always cheery and upbeat girl. Even her friends were stunned when she didn't hop right back up and tried to make the best out of the heinous situation. They were even more surprised when she continued to be in this slump.. but she seemed to have been getting better.

    Despite that, she still felt as if nothing could get better, a massive hole in her heart. A hole that could only be filled with vengeance and justice.

    She had a whole new meaning for being a superhero, something else to strive for. As a young, bright-eyed child, she had the stereotypical answer of wanting to help people and be just like her parents. Now that had changed.

    Reveling in her thoughts, she was shook by a member of the Teen Titans. "Starwing, it appears that your fathers Red X suit is missing."
    This instantly snapped her back to reality. "Oh? A-are you sure it's still not lost in the rubble?" She bit her lip and shifted her gaze to and fro.
    "I mean.. I could check again? But the mess is nearly cleared."
    "Hm.. Thats fine. If not, I assume maybe a fan saw it and ran off with it?" She chirped, tilting her head.
    Although she'd prefer to have her fathers suit back, she wouldn't mind if it benefited whoever took it.
Kinda surprised at the initial grabbing of his earbud, Jamie instinctively reached up and grabbed her by the wrist. Then, as he looked up to try and identify who it was that was talking, he recognized the familiar black leather jumpsuit.
"Oh shit." He chucked to himself. "What are you doing so far away from Gotham, sweetie?" Tarot remarked with a smile.
Professor Flare
Location: Metropolis

Professor Flare casually walked amongst the debris left of the Daily Planet, his hands in his pockets. He took a moment to breathe in the air and rested a finger inside of his ear.
"Yes, I'm on the surface. I'll meet you at Lexcorp...Or, rather what's left of it in ten." He spoke in a soft tone, taking in more air. He had been underground for the past few weeks, breathing artifical air.

He took a stroll through the city, passing by two men who had cornered a dog in an alleyway.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asked
"No problem here, mister." One of them answered "Just trying to get a decent meal."
"Meal?" Flare asked, looking at the men before staring at the dog. He stepped closer towards them "Leave, now." He commanded

One of the men raised a steel pipe to Flare's head, only for the scientist to catch it in his left hand. He sent an electric shock down the pipe and into the man, dropping him. The second man looked at his friend, then at Flare.
"You can keep the dog." He said, turning to run. Flare stretched out one leg, tripping him up.

He turned towards the dog, knelt down and scratched behind his ears. Flare smiled, reached into one of his pockets and handed the dog a piece of jerky.
"It's not the real thing, I'm afraid but it'll give you the same sustinance as beef. I made it myself."
The dog sniffed the piece of jerky and tucked into it
"You want to come home with me, boy?" Flare asked, scratching behind the dog's ears "I can make you stronger."
Jessica Amberscott sat on a bench across the street from the new Titans Tower, dull eyes staring at a page of a book she wasn't really reading. She turned the page absent-mindedly, feeling a surge of emotions well up inside of her. She pressed them down, locking them tight in her metaphorical Jar of feelings, immediately becoming a blank slate, as she had done every day for the last five weeks. Her face was unreadable by all save those who spent the most time with her.
Losing one parent was enough to send a child over the edge. Jess had lost her two real parents, and now she lost the man who had taken her in like a father from the hellhole she was living in before he found her. She was angry. Very angry. Her eyes were her only betrayal of any sort of emotion. Her body language was that of an angsty teen who didn't want anything to do with the world.
"Starwing, it appears that your fathers Red X suit is missing."
Jess looked up from her book and raised an eyebrow, but didn't move or say anything.
uwupolice uwupolice
Edward O'Brian sat in a red t-shirt and black jeans, his Civvies that could actually change into his Plastic Man suit. His father was one of the only few remaining members of the Justice League to have survived. The man was basically indestructible. However, he didn't have a spirit that could bounce back like his body. Patrick O'Brian spent most of his time lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling of the house that he shared with his son just outside of Jump City, Thankfully untouched.

Eddie's half-brother, Offspring, would stop in every now and then with food and a quick chat with Eddie, but nothing more. The updates on the news kept him current and while things were looking hopeful, Eddie couldn't see how they would get back to normal. Not everything was as elastic as he was. He was sad, sure. Who wasn't? But he was taking it like he took everything, with a nod and a smile and a joke or two, and a shoulder those cry on for those that needed it.
(Open for interaction)
Ser Crawford of Tilmere
Location: Gotham City

Emma touched down on the streets of Gotham. During Darkside's war, both Arkham Asylum and Blackgate were destroyed and although many of the inmates were killed, those that survived had gone underground Gotham or simply made the destruction caused by Darkseid worse by unleashing their own chaos.

She heard someone yelling and used her wings to propell herself forwards, landing in front of four large men in orange jumpsuits cornering a GCPD officer. He was in the fetal position as the convicts kicked him over and over again. Emma loudly cleared her throat, getting their attention.

"You're not the Bat!" One of them shouted "If you don't get outta here soon, you'll be sorry!"
"This man is a soldier of the law, leave him in peace and stand aside." Emma commanded sternly
"What are ya gonna do if we don't?" Another convict asked, stepping towards Emma so that their faces met. She rolled her eyes and headbutted him, throwing him back.
"I will not ask again, you orange fiends. Unless you want to spend the next week in the hospital, I'd suggest surrendering."

The three other convicts charged towards her
"Very well." She sighed. As one convict threw a left hook, she caught his hand and threw him at one of his friends Both of them collided and were thrown into the back of the alleway.

The remaining convict drew a shiv and ran towards Emma, the blade struck her in the neck but snapped in half upon contact. She stared into his eyes and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, flying into the air and dropping him before flying back down and catching him by the leg right before he hit the ground.

"So uncivilised." She sighed, approaching the GCPD officer and helping him to his feet. "Can you walk?" She asked
"I don't think so..." He coughed
"Hold on, law soldier." Emma picked the officer up in her arms and flew upwards, making her way towards the remains of the GCPD building.
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The Phantom
Time: Night
Place: The Gotham Dock
Characters with:

This place was already a well-known destination for many criminals trading activities in Gotham, drug, weapon, even people. Tonight was no different as there were nobody else in the dock but two groups of men stayed around the dock so late. They were gang members from two different criminal organization in Gotham, trading a cargo just arrived from the ship. They're just about to get to business, not knowing that there was someone else here as well, watching them.

The Phantom had been focusing taking his eyes out on many criminal activities by the Vinci crime falmily around the city and it led him here, where they would paid for "a very important shipment". He stayed low on the top of a ware house, listening from a device that allow him to listen to their conversation.

"This get up is sweet..." Mumbled Jordan as looked at himself in the mirror, still full of himself after finding the Red X suit. He didn't even mean to find it, he was just passing by during the invasion and there it was, laying there, begging the male to snatch it and try it on. And once he tried it on, it was like a drug. All the of the awesome gadgets that were for some reason shaped as X's, the cool look to it and the fact that he basically had powers now. His favorite had to be the teleporter, he could get away with taking a lot things with that bad boy. "Well...may as well go for a quick joy ride. Not like anything is stopping."

Teleporting on top of a bus riding past, he rode it like a surfboard and yelled out with joy as other's still mourned and cleaned up. He then jumped off, flipping in the air before teleporting up to a building which was just rebuilt. The scaffolding was still surrounding it, and Red X used it as his own personal playground. Climbing up and down the metal bars, he looked inside one of the windows and smirked. He tapped the glass casually before opening it from the outside and climbing inside. "Cool get up..." He mumbled to the person who was obviously fed up. "You know what would make it better?"

Picking up a pair of Plastic Man's goggles, he spun it around on his finger, looking at the droopy man. "If you got rid of this garbage. I know, how about I take them off your hands?"
sitanomoto sitanomoto
Imrae flew towards the docks, scanning the distance for the warehouse she was meant to get to. Crime never ends even in times of hardship like the humans are now, she had seen it in her people as well. In fact it seems to encourage more crime, disasters cause people in desperate need for items and distribution of regular ways to gain these needs and those that regulate them. A money making open season for those with criminal intent and the likes of her were the only ones to stop it though they are small potatos in the galactic scale the green lantern Corp works towards.

She found the warehouse and her contact and landed a foot away from him with the lightest touch, the glow from her rings instantly vanishing covering her in darkness. "Interesting show?" She asked the phantom softly.

Sopranos Sopranos
Allen's eyes were a stormy blue, though the color was contrasted by the calm look in his eyes. His hands carefully grasped at the luggage in the compartment above the seat which served as his home for the last fifteen hours. His body ached, but his movements seldom let on to it. He grabbed hold of his roll-on bag and joined the long line of people who were shuffling along towards the exit.
He finally stepped off of the plane, into that strange airport hallway which marked the beginning and end of every airborne journey. He walked quietly along the hoards of people, hand tucked into the pocket of his blue trench coat, other hand on the metal handle of his bag. He passed by the magic, spinning conveyor belt where a considerable crowd had gathered in search of their luggage, for the modestly sized bag was all he needed. It contained a meteor hammer, a collapsable metal staff, currency, a change of clothing, and the formal outfit given to him at his temple.
He walked out into the chilly night, taking a deep breath. Cars filed through the road in front of entrance of the airport, picking up and dropping off, buzzing by, looking for friends and family members, or strangers in need of a ride. He managed to flag down a taxi.
"Where you headed?"
"Gotham. 85 Halsted Street, or as close as you can get to it."
"Yes yes, I can get there."
"Thank you, sir."

The Phantom
Time: Night
Place: The Gotham Dock
Characters with: Green Lantern Offcier Imrae Khan

- Evening officer Khan.

The Phantom said to his unexpected guest, with a low, cold voice while his eyes were still focusing elsewhere. His full attention in his ear-set on his mask, where he're still listening to the conversation between the criminals down there.

He had already got used to a sight of a Lantern Corps officer a.k.a a Green Lantern around Gotham or anywhere else around the world. They're the intergalactic police and the Darkseid war had also more or less damaged their number. Ever since then officer Khan has been probably one of the only to take patrol in Earth. Though he knew her, The Phantom and officer Khan only worked with each other a few time if her problem has anything to do with Gotham. Phantom also believed that she's the first non-human ever to be assigned to Earth.

- I hope I haven't violated any intergalactic laws around here in Gotham.

Still adjusting the ear set on his mask while keeping his eyes to the two gangs, he spoke to the Maniades Green Lantern.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    CELESTE TURNED Her attention to her morose friend; Jessica, or better known as Bluejay. She was probably equally as glum as her, knowing how close her father was to the younger girl.

    Celeste slowly sunk besides one of her closest friends, offering her a smile. Jessica was probably one of her first kid friends, if that made any sense. Of course she had the dynamic four, but they were all adults. When Celeste began to grow attracted to boys (and later any gender), she would swoon with her. When drama happened at school, they would gossip. When some boy broke her heart, she would tell her. The green eyed halfling told Jessica everything, and even made her the co-leader of the Teen Titans (When Celeste turns 20, Jessica will become the new leader of the Teen Titans).

    "How are you doing sis?" She murmured softly, wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.

    sitanomoto sitanomoto
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Imrae looked on curiously wondering what tech was in the vigilante's mask. She had heard all manner of tech being small enough to be stored in small spaces like inside mask. Part of her was tempted to ask to have a go with that mask but she didn't want to mess it up and it seemed the phantom wouldn't be the time. She didn't know Phantom well beyond his reputation as he was like her, distant but unlike Imrae whose distance was due to inexperience his was something else.

"Several and I am sure a few of your own country's laws too as I understand it." She said with a small smirk. "Not mention your vigilantism." She shrugged. "If your police don't do anything about you why should I bother? Could cause diplomatic incident you know. Anyways what do you hear from your... how do you call it? Insect?"

  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    CELESTE TURNED Her attention to her morose friend; Jessica, or better known as Bluejay. She was probably equally as glum as her, knowing how close her father was to the younger girl.

    Celeste slowly sunk besides one of her closest friends, offering her a smile. Jessica was probably one of her first kid friends, if that made any sense. Of course she had the dynamic four, but they were all adults. When Celeste began to grow attracted to boys (and later any gender), she would swoon with her. When drama happened at school, they would gossip. When some boy broke her heart, she would tell her. The green eyed halfling told Jessica everything, and even made her the co-leader of the Teen Titans (When Celeste turns 20, Jessica will become the new leader of the Teen Titans).

    "How are you doing sis?" She murmured softly, wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.

    sitanomoto sitanomoto
"You know, there are literally thousands of names you could have called me that are better than carrot." Jamie said with a chuckle, before she started to play with his hair. Now it was starting to get weird. He wasn't really used to the whole idea of femme fatales yet, only violent drug dealers and stuff (humble beginnings, you know?).
"Are you implying that you want to 'prey' on me? What about the new Robin in Gotham? Or better yet, the Batman Copycats?"
"This get up is sweet..." Mumbled Jordan as looked at himself in the mirror, still full of himself after finding the Red X suit. He didn't even mean to find it, he was just passing by during the invasion and there it was, laying there, begging the male to snatch it and try it on. And once he tried it on, it was like a drug. All the of the awesome gadgets that were for some reason shaped as X's, the cool look to it and the fact that he basically had powers now. His favorite had to be the teleporter, he could get away with taking a lot things with that bad boy. "Well...may as well go for a quick joy ride. Not like anything is stopping."

Teleporting on top of a bus riding past, he rode it like a surfboard and yelled out with joy as other's still mourned and cleaned up. He then jumped off, flipping in the air before teleporting up to a building which was just rebuilt. The scaffolding was still surrounding it, and Red X used it as his own personal playground. Climbing up and down the metal bars, he looked inside one of the windows and smirked. He tapped the glass casually before opening it from the outside and climbing inside. "Cool get up..." He mumbled to the person who was obviously fed up. "You know what would make it better?"

Picking up a pair of Plastic Man's goggles, he spun it around on his finger, looking at the droopy man. "If you got rid of this garbage. I know, how about I take them off your hands?"
sitanomoto sitanomoto
Eddie stood, elbowing his dad. "Pops, we got company, and he doesn't look friendly."
Patrick stood, crossing his arms, a serious expression appearing on his face as both he and his son morphed their civvies into their suits. They looked nearly identical, except Eddie's suit showed more chest. Hairless chest. He couldn't grow hair anywhere but on his head. Not even a mustache, but he had morphing for that.
"You're gonna want to put those down, son." Patrick said, cracking a small smile. "I don't think it goes with that outfit." He stretched, literally stretched out his arm, snatching the goggles from across the room. There was a sound like a rubber band snapping back into position as Plastic Man 1.0's arm returned to its proportional size. "Now, I suggest you leave. Things won't go well for you if you don't."
Eddie cracked his knuckles, surprised that he could even do that with his rubber bone structure. Still, it was threatening, at least. The goofball didn't want to start a fight in his own apartment, but if it had to be done, so be it.

  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    CELESTE TURNED Her attention to her morose friend; Jessica, or better known as Bluejay. She was probably equally as glum as her, knowing how close her father was to the younger girl.

    Celeste slowly sunk besides one of her closest friends, offering her a smile. Jessica was probably one of her first kid friends, if that made any sense. Of course she had the dynamic four, but they were all adults. When Celeste began to grow attracted to boys (and later any gender), she would swoon with her. When drama happened at school, they would gossip. When some boy broke her heart, she would tell her. The green eyed halfling told Jessica everything, and even made her the co-leader of the Teen Titans (When Celeste turns 20, Jessica will become the new leader of the Teen Titans).

    "How are you doing sis?" She murmured softly, wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.

    sitanomoto sitanomoto
Jessica flinched out of reflex before realizing it was just Celeste, and hugged her back. They told each other everything, or at least almost everything. Celeste had enough on her plate already to be worrying about her, and so Jess smiled at her surrogate sister and shook her head, keeping her feelings to herself for the time being. "I'm alright, really." She said, but her eyes told another story. "Don't worry about me, it's just pain," they said. Jess's smile never faltered, however, as she kept talking. "So how're developments on the tower going? Think we'll be able to move back in soon?" She said, changing the subject.
Timothy Hart AKA Scrapyard

"Please. Do tell me why you thought that it was acceptable to bum off work. Entertain me, Mr...?"
"His name is Hallis, sir."
"Thank you, Reggie. Mr Hallis, please, go on."
"I-I'm sorry, I... I just needed to find some pills! Y-you don't understand; before the city got blown up, I had a deal with a guy at the hospital, it was easy, I got my supply. But now... fuck, he's probably dead, and no one's selling, I just need some or I'll go crazy! You..."
The man withered under Scrapyard's gaze. His helmetless head and armoured body made for an intimidating figure, coupled with the deathly stare directed straight into the eyes of the coward before him.
"I what? I should make an exception for you? I should treat you differently to everyone else who I've punished for disobeying my rules? God damn, you know, I would get it if you were just sniffing the occasional little dab of the product you handle. No harm. But do you know what? I don't have the fucking patience for anyone who decides that whatever the hell they want to do is more important than the work they've been assigned, in a fair arrangement. It's a god damn blessing that you've got this stable supply of foo-"
"Are you ki-"
Blood spurted from the man's lip as the back of Scrapyard's armoured gauntlet smacked him to the ground.
"LEARN YOUR GOD DAMN PLACE!" He shouted, visibly fuming as Hallis cried out, then groaned, soon falling silent.
"Reggie, make sure he doesn't get rations for two days. Next time you find him breaking my laws, beat him to death on sight."
"Yes sir."
"Jackson, get him out of my sight."
"Yes sir." Jackson stood to attention, the hydraulics in his suit hissing as he walked over, grabbing the man by one shoulder. He was still dazed from the blow, and would probably only realise his true punishment when his mind cleared later.

"Reggie, I need your input on something."
"What's up boss?"
"We're getting more and more addicts causing problems. Some like that dumbass earlier, some not being able to work from withdrawal."
"Don't forget that guy who ODed last week. Still no idea how that crazy fucker had enough stashed."
"Exactly. I'm thinking we need to get them off whatever they're on. I can't just kill 'em, I'll lose workers, and the product'll get delayed. What do you think about rationing them their supply, weaning them off of their painkillers, heroin or whatever?"
"It sounds like a good idea, but where are you gonna get that kind of supply?"
"We expand. There's an unlooted, almost operating hospital just north of the territory, if we just shift the compound walls maybe three blocks further that way we can get safe raiding parties that way, make sure they can call backup if some "hero" shows up."
"Alright. That should only take a day with enough workers. Want me to oversee the building?"
"Bingo, Reggie. And get three of our best raiders once that's finished. I haven't gotten my hands dirty in a while, and this seems like an opportunity for some fun."

The Phantom
Time: Night
Place: The Gotham Dock
Characters with: Green Lantern Offcier Imrae Khan

- Thanks god for that. I forgot my wallet home.

He said sarcastically with a little smirk under the mask. He also didn't remmber that Imrae might not understood his joke. Bribing an police officer in Gotham had been something so usual. He wondered if it's gonna work for a Green Lantern officer, what would they ask really ?

- A bug.

Phantom answered to Imrae's question. He was not surprised to see Imrae's curiosity toward his mask and the devices inside it. As he studied about her planet Arayia that it's technology was slow, even compare to Earth. He noticed that she took an interest in the device, though it seem that this technology had been discovered on Earth for a very long time.

Turned off the device as he had listened enough and already got what he needed to know, The Phantom stood up. He took a better look at the gangs down the dock and the environment around it, calculating his approach to stop their activity. While adjusting his sword and other gadgets in his belt, he said to the Green Lantern Corps officer.

- You like it ? Ok, how about if you help me stop whatever is going on down there, I will give you mine.

Seem like he decided to bribe a cop after all.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Ser Crawford of Tilmere
Location: Gotham City

The GCPD building had taken a few hits during the invasion, but was slowly being rebuilt. Officers in SWAT gear patrolled the outside, protecting the builders. They looked up at Emma as she approached, preparing to fire only to lower their firearms as she touched down, carrying the wounded officer.
"Your comrade needs medical attention." Emma spoke "Four orange fiends cornered him."

Two officers took him from Emma's arms, carrying him inside.
"What happened to those...Fiends?" The SWAT officer asked
"They're lying in an alleyway, unconcious. If you want I can retrieve them for you."

Emma flew upwards and within moments returned carrying the four criminals, setting their unconcious bodies down in front of the police station.

"Thank God. For a second there I thought you were one of those vigilanties."
"I am a Knight of Tilmere. I will not fill your streets with blood."
"Good. Last thing we need right now is a bunch of Batman wanabees going around killing everyone who breaks the law." The SWAT officer sighed "The Bat knew how this city worked."
"Your city is without it's Dark Knight, yet I am not here to replace him. I was meerly, how do you say it passing through?"
"If you want to help, maybe there is one other thing you can do."
"Go on." Emma folded her arms
"Arkham Asylum was hit during the invasion, but we haven't really had the chance to check it out. We're re-taking the city one block at a time. Haven't reached that part yet. A lot of us are paranoid that...He might still be alive."
"Who?" Emma asked
"You're not from around here, are you?" The SWAT officer asked
"I was born in your dark ages. I was taken in by the Amazons of Themiscara. This is only my third time in Gotham this century."

The SWAT officer sighed heavily "So, have you heard of The Joker or not?"
"Ah. The pale Jester, he who's source of laughter is the suffering of others. Unfortunetley I have heard of him. You and your fellow law soldiers fear that he might still draw breath."
"Somethin' like that."
"And if he is alive..."
"Make sure he can't hurt anyone, but I'm not going to give you a free pass if you kill him."

Emma nodded and took off, flying towards Arkham Asylum. It, like the majority of the city had taken a hit. A large, gaping hole was in the middle of the building while bodies of SWAT offiers lay outside, having made a final stand against Darksied's forces. They had to make sure that Darksied couldn't get in, but nothing could get out.

Stepping over the bodies of Parademons, Emma walked through the front doors. The asylum had fallen into dissaray. She looked throught the records, now in the form of books as the computers had been taken by looters and found the cell belonging to the Clown Prince. With a sigh, she approached it.

The cell doors were open, a side-effect of both the power and emergency back-up power failing. While some Parademons had made their way inside, their bodies lay in a pile on the floor. His cell, like the others was open but also empty. Emma walked inside, finding a playing card sitting on the bed. Aisde from that, the room was empty.

(leaving the fate of the Joker ambiguous in case there are plans Vsland Vsland )
Professor Flare

The dog, a German Shepard had stuck by Flare's side as he walked onto the pile of debris where the Lexcorp building had once stood. Four gorillas enhanced by his scientific meathods were currently throwing parts of rubble aside. One of them noticed Flare and walked towards him.
"Professor, you're on-time as usual."
"Would have been earlier but I ran into some raiders trying to eat this dog. I promised him I'd make him stronger too."
"Humans." The gorilla grumbled, turning away
"I'm human too."
"Yes, but you are not like the others Professor."
"Thank you." He smiled. He gestured one arm forwards "May I?"
"Of course." The gorilla nodded

Professor Flare climbed onto a pile of rubble and reached into a pocket of his suit, pulling out a group of honeybees. They flew from his hand and into the cracks, eventually returning and, having taken the shape of a hand were carrying a steel briefcase.
"Is this it?" The gorilla asked
"It's one of them, my friend. Another one of these briefcases should contain the blueprints too. That way I can simply build more, like I agreed." He turned to the gorilla "I heard your mate is pregnant, congratulations." He smiled
"Thank you, Professor. She could not reproduce before you intervined."

As the two friends talked, the bees continued to retrieve more and more suitcases, setting them in a pile in front of the two while the three other gorillas kept guard, armed with energy rifles.
"Any ideas for names?"
"None yet, although we both agreed that you should be the Godfather."

The Professor fell silent
"Are you, alright Professor?"
"It's nothing. I've just got something in my eye."

The gorilla patted Flare on the back as the bees retrieved another briefcase.
Admittedly Imrae needed a moment to fully understand the comment about the the wallet, staring him blankly for a moment. He smirked at the realisation shaking her head. "My people cut of hands of those that try to bribe officers of the law and those that accept them." She said her tone neutral indicating honestly though a slight smirk might have indicated she was only kidding. "Not quick though we saw them off slow..." She added but thought it might have been a comment too far.

She turned serious again clearing her throat as if trying to get rig of a bad taste in her mouth. "Bug... Thanks you. I still get you words confused. " She added as she watched the man stand, taking in more of the man as she raised her ring and shining it on him." Wouldnt know how to use it. Still i will help you anyways. What is the plan? I suspect they have black powder weapons, i can shield our entry allow you to go for the attack... "She looked at his sword." I hope though that will not be used for its intented purpose." She said her expression turning cold.

Sopranos Sopranos

  • annie_mei_nycc_promo_portrait_by_dctb-d81c1q1.jpg

    SHE FELT Jessica flinch, frowning slightly. Sighing, she only pulled her in closer, hugging the life out of her. She hated seeing her closest companion like this, hoping that smothering her in love would make her somewhat happy.

    Pulling away reluctantly, the blue eyed girl claimed she was fine. The corners of Celestes lips tugged down as her emerald gaze searched Jessica's. "The developments don't matter at the moment.. You do." The eccentric haired woman never broke contact with her, worry but warmth dancing across her eyes. "You better not be lying to me Jess.. We're supposed to tell eachother everything, remember?" Celeste spoke softly.

    sitanomoto sitanomoto
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Red X watched the Plastic Man take the goggles back off of him, chuckling somewhat as he threatened him. Cracking his fingers, he watched as a smaller version of the so called hero idolized the elastic incarnation of an idiot. "Doesn't go with my outfit?" He replied, walking into the kitchen like he owned the place, opening the fridge and looking through it, mumbling as he pushed a bottle to the side; Red X found nothing, and so let out a small sigh, turning away and kicking the fridge shut behind him.

"Who said I wanted to wear 'em?" He inquired before vanishing and reappearing next to Eddie. Then, he smirked, snatching the goggles once more before teleporting out the window. "Watch it kid, you don't know who you could be messing with." He jumped up and grabbed the metal scaffolding, flipping himself onto the rooftop before running to the end and jumping to the next building.

Once he landed, he turned and waited, placing the goggles on his belt. "Chop chop, old man." Retorted the thief out loud.
sitanomoto sitanomoto

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