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Realistic or Modern Sedar Hospital |OOC|

I got another dumb question: is the mental ward barred off from the general hospital, or is it easily accessible? Also, do mental patients need to be escorted by staff to go places or do they have free roam of the hospital?
pasta pasta
I guess the ward is accessible. Mental patients should probably be escorted by a staff member. Though in the end it really depends on how bad the person's mental disorder is.
I guess the ward is accessible. Mental patients should probably be escorted by a staff member. Though in the end it really depends on how bad the person's mental disorder is.

I guess Kaiden would have to be escorted, since he's shown violent/possibly suicidal tendensies and was just in juvy and all. Kid's pretty messed up. XD
I guess Kaiden would have to be escorted, since he's shown violent/possibly suicidal tendensies and was just in juvy and all. Kid's pretty messed up. XD
I'm actually really excited to see how your character plays out. He honestly makes me want to play a younger patient, but I'm probably going to stick with the characters I already have XD
Kasey is open to relationships (not the dating kind though since I do have her listed as 'Married'). Just letting y'all know. Do talk to me if you wanna establish anything!
finally completed my character's bio... if anyone wants relationships, let me know ^^ perhaps i'll work on another decidedly tragic character to pass the time.
haha yeh. i feel bad for her. TT poor thing
Both Mother and Child are gonna be okay. But the baby isn't gonna have a Dad =( So I guess I'm on the Tragic Side. Oh and its gonna be a little girl.

By the way, V vital , we should probably figure out the Relationship between Kasey and Emma <3
mine is literally an angel (at least by name), but... yeah, he's a bit depressing. and the next one i'm working on will be just as tragic >.<
alright, Jasmine is completely done now! I know I said i wouldn't make her backstory tragic...but its tragic guys im sorry. But hey at least her family isn't dead!
Sunny has born at 29 years old and was born a doctor the end. Perfect backstory.

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