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Fantasy Fantasy one on one

Osamu happened to be in the woods as well and he ran into Maximus. However, he was too close to Maximus and his mist like barrier activated and made a shallow cut across Maximus's chest. Donatello Donatello
"maximus" he said as he look at him and healed his chest "um nice to meet u by any chance have u seen someone running here? " he ask him
"Don't worry, I won't get too close. That was just an accident. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." Osamu said to Maximus, feeling guilty. Donatello Donatello
Maximus look at him and smile "alright... i understand you Osamu" he said as he walk around "i just wonder were he is right now, he might get into some strange alley again and this time it might be damed "

Ldybug123 Ldybug123
Meanwhile, Haruyuki was climbing up a tree in hopes that Maxwell wouldn't find him. He was barefooted, and he got scratches on his face, arms, hands, legs, and feet from branches. Donatello Donatello
Maximus look around "he must be here somewhere... i dont what happen i just held him and he ran away" he said worried
"The only good place to hide in the woods is up a tree. Maybe he's climbed one?" Osamu suggested to Maximus. "By the way...why did he run away, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked him curiously. Donatello Donatello
maximus shook his head "i dont know either we just meet today and i say him being attack so i save him... i was cleaning his wounds when he suddenly ran away" he said as he look up the tree and saw a shadow "wait... is that him?" he said as he ran by a tree

Ldybug123 Ldybug123
"Oh I see." Osamu said, following after Maximus. Haruyuki saw Maxwell and his eyes widened. "Go away!" He yelled, his voice sounding fearful. Donatello Donatello
maximus look at him "how did you..." he pause "i have a reason why i have to do that Haruyuki... they killed my family... im just returning the favor"

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