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Fantasy Altissa; School of Magic (Character Sheets)

name ✿ akemi naomi
alias ✿ mimi
age ✿ sixteen
dob ✿ october 7th

h. color ✿ mainly blonde
e. color ✿ magenta
complexion ✿ pale

height ✿ 157 cm
weight ✿ 53 kg
species ✿ ajin
Naomi is an eccentric headcase of energetic fun. She's a very optimistic and happy one, the phrase "giving up" not in mind. The girl always tries to stand out in a crowd with her odd attire and colorful ways, not to mention her loud voice and strange actions. At first glance she can be very annoying but as you find yourself getting to know her better, you'll find out that she's a very kind individual who wants nothing more than for everyone to be happy.

Naomi will start a conversation with just about anyone no matter who they are or what they look like. She's quick to try and make friends with everyone as she's a supernatural enthusiast–growing up as a human without powers has caused her to be very interested in these beings and as such, she aspires to be able to use magic like them. Well, there's that and the fact that they're just so cool!

The girl can be seen as very weird as well. She's always doing fake rituals she finds on the internet and creating completely, out-of-the-blue theories about different supernatural topics and species. Some could consider her out of her mind and down-right crazy, but who cares, right? Standing out is standing out!

No matter where she is or what the situation, Naomi is always smiling big and brightening the mood with her cutesy ways. she appears as a very optimistic individual who believes everything can be possible if you just try. naive, yeah, but who doesn't like a little ray of sunshine every once in awhile? her smile is contagious and seeing a frown present is very unlikely. if she ever is sad, she can easily be cheered up, and if she's every angry, someone must've been one big pain in the ass for her and her close ones.

Naomi grew up in an area where the only things the existed were humans lacking any sort of magical ability. No one in that area had ever heard of anywhere else, and thus, supernatural things were only false myths to them.

This wasn't the case for Naomi, however, seeing as she had always held a great fascination towards these beings and concepts. She had never seen any in her entire life before but she wanted to believe that they were somewhere out there, living in the same world as she. And thus, she began researching various different species ranging from vampires to werewolves to fairies. It even got to the point where she began to try doing magic of her own–and failing.

One day, Naomi decided to explore beyond the confines of the human world and into the wild where no one on her island had stepped foot in. Were these being really there? She was about to find out. Naomi snuck out from her parents' house and stole a boat, which marked the beginning of her many adventures as a regular human in the supernatural world.

Only a few weeks had passed until she found out about Altissa. Maybe she could find out about her magic potentials there? After all, she figured it would take professionals to bring out her true powers.


Although she isn't aware of it yet, Naomi actually isn't as human as she believes herself to be. She is an Ajin.


Ajin are unheard of in the world, as their total population is a mere 12, Naomi included. Not much is known about them either–it's pretty much impossible to tell if someone is a human or an Ajin unless you kill them. Given the fact that Naomi isn't aware of the fact that she's an Ajin, nor is she able to use any of the abilities she gains from being one as of yet, there's really no way for others to think she's not human. { i mean she's obviously not anything else, she can't use super strength or elemental magic or any of that }

Not even people who are Ajin know that much about their new-found species as they're either not aware of the fact that they're not human or they haven't heard of any information regarding their kind. The only thing known about Ajin is that they cannot die by normal means and as such, if one is found and captured, experiments will take place in order to learn more about this strange species.

Currently, Naomi is unaware of her abilities. The only thing that is in use is her immortality that she { surprise surprise } also does not know about. After she 'dies' once, the following will apply to her:


The main cause of the Ajin's powers, all Ajin so far possess Invisible Black Matter which are not able to be seen by other organisms unless they are an Ajin and have died at least once. This matter is what allows the Ajin to replace any lost body tissues or nutrients, but there is a more lethal way in which it can be used. Created using the IBM, a Black Ghost is an entity which is manifested by an Ajin and most commonly used for combat purposes. Seeing as the Black Ghosts are matter, they can touch the same things anyone else could touch; which makes for possible ways for non-Ajins to detect the IBM.

The IBM uses it's claws and agility to fight. It's claws are very deadly and can slice through many things. They are also very hard to escape from as they are fast and they're invisible { depending on the situation. If strong emotion is directed towards someone, then they will be able to see the IBM without being an Ajin. Also, as stated before, classic detection methods can be used to determine it's location such as steps in water, dust, sand, snow, broken glass, etc. }. Although IBMs are extremely difficult to deal with, there are a lot of weaknesses as well.

IBMs can only be terminated by another IBM's claws/head colliding with it's own head, or if the Ajin is rendered unconscious. It should be noted that Black Ghosts can only be out for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time, and the number of times an Ajin can summon one is limited on a daily basis–if an Ajin cannot summon any more then they are unable to fight.


Ajin can also use a paralyzing scream that seizes the nervous system, paralyzing everyone in their immediate vicinity for about ten seconds. Its effects on the affected person can also be neutralized by the user if he/she wishes to. However, this is easily countered by wearing ear plugs or other noise dampeners.

While this does work for anything physical, anyone who can mentally use their powers { so, they don't need to do any kind of motion for it to take effect } will still be able to use their powers to potentially defend themselves or attack from their spot. This is why this ability is normally used as a means to escape more than anything. { they cannot use it over and over again. There's a rather large cooldown which only allows them to use it twice a day. }


The defining trait of all Ajin is their immortality. They are unable to die under any circumstances, such as being completely crushed, decapitated, or even due to malnutrition. The exact mechanism of this is unknown but it is suggested that the only way it is possible would be because they possess an unknown matter in their body which replaces any body tissues or nutrients lost. The regeneration can take from seconds to minutes depending on how severe the injury is and how much control the Ajin has over his/her IBM although committing fatal injuries (such as self-inflicted headshot) would allow them to regenerate quicker - this is known as "resetting".

However, this could be pretty bad for an Ajin as they are still able to be knocked out and restrained. Their body functions as a normal human's minus the fact that their death means the body resets, meaning that their performance can be hindered greatly if they are injured without any way to reset. They can be knocked out like anyone else as well–pressure points, blunt takes to the head, etc.

While Ajins can be restrained normally, they can also be put in place if they're constantly dying. If they keep getting killed without any chance to do anything then you should be able to keep them in one spot. Examples of this are locking them in a tight space of lethal poison gas or simply killing them every three seconds as that's how long it takes for them to revive. { I know Ajin seem pretty overpowered but trust me, they aren't. There is a hella big number of weaknesses they have but it'll take too long to list them all down. }


Naomi is a variant Ajin. Unlike any other Ajin, she is able to summon an IBM with wings, and as such, can fly with it carrying her. { she needs a method of transport, people. she can't sonic dash or any of that so hahahahh }

♥ candy
♥ supernatural beings
♥ playing around
♥ standing out
♥ making friends

♥ bitter shit
♥ vegetables
♥ people who betray her
♥ being alone
♥ having to sit still

♥ running { i mean she's pretty fast for a human/ajin y'know }
♥ ignoring shit { oops }
♥ making friends

♥ candy { infinite; in hair lel }
♥ notes on various species
♥ a fake wand

code by reminiscent



✿ ✿ ✿
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Adelina Quinton


giphy (1).gif

"I'm sorry, here- Let me help.."


Age: 16, December 13th
Height: 5'1.5" <- that .5 tho
Weight: 106
Race: Her mother Chloe was a necromancer, and her father Gabe a telepath. So that would make her either one interesting swoop-de-doop, or just a supernatural flunkie. But seeing as how she is here..

Anthropomorphism. The term is used to describe giving human like characteristics to an inanimate object or inhuman creature, and just as in the description this version is not far off. Adelina is a necromancer of sorts, but rather than giving something life for it to turn into a flesh hungry, gross green zombie, she creates an energy that is- well human-ish for the target who'm is getting anthropomo-ed.
Positives and negatives as always, there will be the ups, creating a voice for something that couldn't speak prior has a few negatives, of those the main being that every time she uses this ability her energy is drained.

Unfortunately for those around her, Addie's body has the natural reaction to replenish the lost energy and is very lax of control. Much like her father before her, Adelina has the ability to link to others minds, and like a mental vampire can suck the link dry of energy. This is no bueno. So legit she has this paranoia resulting in her usually wearing a hat (?) I know. It doesn't help but allow the child to dream why don't you.. And having a consistent icy mental barrier.


Personality: Honestly, Addie is a rather bright calm girl despite her odd abilities. Strangely enough even if she has the ability to harm people without control, or the ability to make someones dinner start screaming at them, she tends to be mild yet confident in her actions. Don't get me wrong, Addie is a blush-easy and easily intimidated by simple things, but she is but a simple fluff.
Bio: Simple enough to explain, Addie grew up in the confines of her home. A tall massive mansion on the edge of a cliff overlooking the stormy blue west coast, privately owned and locked up to keep those outside safe. You see when growing up Addie had no control over anything, not her mind nor her pompom powers, so often things around her would begin speaking or visitors would collapse from exhaustion. After only a few incidents her parents took the liberty of making the decision to lock themselves and her away in their private estate.

As she grew Addie began to become known as the 'ghost' of the mansion, never leaving the confines of her home since the age of three people assumed she had died. Later on her mother began to grow weaker, to a point of a coma. Her father growing worried had her sent to a separate estate not far from the previous, but far more secluded, it was then that she was taught the true dangers of her powers and would often refuse to drain the energy.

That as well proved to be far more tragic as her body naturally pulls energy slowly from its surroundings, causing there to be a horrible overflow of energy resulting in nosebleeds, and anxiety. This sucks, but with the good must come the bad I suppose.
Race Lore: I'm fairly certain most people know about necromancers, as well as telepaths, and since I gave the definition of what her breed does this should be fairly clear?


Bueno: Ice cream, cold, people,
Nicht: Spicy, people who try to get on her bad side, people who don't know how to stop, etc.
Strengths: Addie is rather good at befriending people, though often she is thought to have too many secrets as she seems to always be on guard.
Weaknesses: Once she starts, she cannot stop. Not even if she desperately wants to, rather she would need to loose consciousness before anything can end her greedy mind.

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Name: Who Tetsunori
Basic Information
Age: 15
Height: 5"7
Weight: 124lb
Race: Human (sorry to just he generic but I can't imagine this character as anything but human.)

Appearnce, Persona, and Background

Personality: After many years of abuse form h8s brother he has become a repressed person. After a life of torment it is no wonder that he is depressed. After the Los of his fired he really just wants to be alone. Though he still dose his best to interact with people. Even though it's hard he knows that he should at keast try. Even though every fiber of his being is telling him that it will b3 a bad idea to talk to anyone.

Bio:So he lived a rather piecful life, it was nothing amazing but it was good. Everything was fine until his parents died. So his brother had to drop out of shcool to get a full time job in order to support Who. Though the loving brother turned violent. Taking the stress of life and his drunk ragging, he would beat him and verbally abused him. This went on for years until Who was ground into a pulp. He could only accept his place in life. Though he managed to find a skill he was good at in shcool. He was able to make great robots for the robotics team. He leaned that he had a gift for it. So he started to enter contests and win money. It wasn't much but it did lessen the beatings. Though his brother still took and wasted all of the moeny. It was at the finals of a big competition that actually had some big money on the line. It was easy for Who to get to the finals. Only another person seeped through everyone as well. His name was Brundyn. It was just those two in the finals. It was a hard fight but in the end Who lost. Brundyn was interested in Who. Turns out that Brundyn is a rich business man who builds robots for personal, private, and even governmental reasons. They make other things but that dosn't mater. They saw potential in Who. So they decided to take Who under there wing and teach him how to better them self. Brundyn hired Who as a intern. They would go on "missions" to retrieve rare meterilas. Brundyn could have just payed for it but that's not as fun as they said. Eventually Who's only friend Buzz begged to be on one of the missions. Eventually Who got Brundyn to agree to let Buzz go on the mission. But there was another person after the material. A fight broke out and Buzz sacrificed himself to save Who. Let's just say it destroyed Who. Brundyn could tell that this along with many other facets of Who's life. He is still piecing himself back together. Brundyn thought that it would do him some some good if he went to a shcool that would help the development of his skills. So Brundyn gave him less hours to work so that he could have time to go to shcool.

Abilities & Invintory
He can imbue constructs with his life force giving them the ability to move or even fly depending on how much life force he puts into them. At any point he can retrieve the life force. Though at his current stage he is forced to touch the construct to imbue or retrieve the life force. He can do this with anything including people. Though if he dose it to a person he dosn't gain complete control of there body. He can only ether aid or hinder there movements.

Who is not perfect at but he has definitely has practice in enhanting. He hasn't perfected it or anything he is still learning. So fare he is able to enchant his constructs to shrink and grow to there original sizes. It helps him with storage. He can give some more protective armor and more harmful weapons. Its nothing much or special.

Who has on his or son many kinds of constructs. They are small so that they can fit in his pockets but will grow to combat size.
Some are designed for combat while others are designed for utility uses.

He posses a tool kit he uses in his crafting, ingredients he uses for enchanting. Both shrunk down to keep stored.

Brundyn gave him one enchanted item that will protect him. One standard shield that will give a small defence. Not that hard to break through but should give time to reach to attakcs. It has another use. If the users life is ever in danger it will absorb the damage that woukd have killed them. Though doing so will shatter the item.

Skills: He is a magnificent engineer, even at such a you get age he has a gift for putting things together. Or taking them apart, to figure out how they work. He prides himself in his craftsmanship.

Interests and Other Information
Likes: he likes high places, writing, singing alone, and sour candy.
Dislikes: He really hates it when he has to talk to people. Though he will do it it just drains his energy fast.
Strengths: he is really good at crafting things. He is a good singer.
Weaknesses: He has clinical depression
He has extreme social anxiety.
He suffers form bouts psychosis.
He suffers form delusions
Fear of physical contact.
In extreme situations he will faint.
(I don't believe in character sheets so don't expect much.)
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Weight: 187
Race: Masked one
A group of humanoid beings meant to kfeep balance amongst men, the supernatural, and the Gods. They have all of the same features as humans but their bodies are simply reused bodies. Along with their souls.
Every Masked one has died a horrific death, this alone doesn't allow them to become masked ones, they must have died for a cause that succeeded, and must have met a masked one.
Appearance, Persona, and Background
Appearance: IMG_0158.JPG
Personality: Elch is brave, to say the least, some have even called him stupid. Elchs upbringing has taught him to be patient, patient enough to wait for days for a simple meal. Elch is clever and quick tongued, often sarcastic but in a humorous way.
Abilities & Invintory
Racial Attributes: Everytime that Elch trains in something it's 5x as effective. In laymen terms:
5 push-ups=25 push-ups with 5 pounds on his back. Get it? Got it. Good.
Magic: None. However most masked ones are capable of learning it.
Invintory: His katana, Oblivions Light, can transform into any weapon he pleases, however he prefers its original katana state. Oblivions light always returns to its sheath.
Skills: Elch is good at flirting despite his terrible looks. He's good at parkour and any card game out there.

Interests and Other Information
Likes: Puzzles. Anything he's terrible at, he strives to become better at what's he's awful at.
Dislikes: Fire. 'New' foods. Water too. He hates cheaters and bullies. Cowards too, seeing them as scum.
Strengths: Fighting, especially swordplay but is decent at Krav Maga specializing in blocks and palm jabs.
Weaknesses: Fire and water. He can go swimming but if water gets into his blood he will die. A normal bullet will put him down for up to 5-6 hours, but to fully kill Elch you need one of these two elements.
Other: Smokes from an old fashioned pipe.
Name: Edgar Williams
Real name: Edgar du Gaunt
Basic Information
Age: 325
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130
Race: half speed demon

Appearnce, Persona, and Background

Personality: Edgar is cocky he thinks he's untouchable because of his father but on the other hand he dislikes his father for making him so hard,cold and ruthless. Deep down he just wants his approval and to be loved.
Bio: Edgar was born to the criminal Vincent du Gaunt and a human he never knew his mother his father took him away at a early age and began training him as a thief and as his successor. Tramitized at a young as Edgar lost all feelings of anything he became cold. He quickly learned he had his fathers talent for breaking in to high value areas. He never got along with his father because he treated Edgar as more of a tool then a son getting him to do his dirty work like talking care of rats and collecting money. He treated him more like a lacky then a son. So while his father was in prison Edgar ran everything his way. When his father finally returned he wanted the magic knowledge stored in the altissa library and the only person he knew would get the job done was his son.
Race Lore: Speed Demons are basically demons, or creations of the traitor Angel,who have evolved to be fast and swift.

Abilities & Invintory
Racial Attributes: enhanced speed but he's only half as fast as his father because he's only a half demon
Magic: use of shadow and fire magic shoot fireballs and shadow bolts.Able to open just about any door, easedrop on any conversation and able to hide inside of shadows
Invintory: comb, notebook, pen and a magic pocketwatch that allows him to talk with his father.
Skills: great lier and a great manipulater, can play the guitar and sings

Interests and Other Information
Likes: music,causing mischief and power
Dislikes: talking about his father, people who think they're better then him and authority
Strengths: lying, sneaking,talking his way out of things
Weaknesses: light magic, physical violence

Oliver Thorn

Basic Information
Age: (26+ For Teachers): Looks to be in his late 20s, although he's really 196.
Height: 6'6
Weight: 276
Race: Satyr
Teaches: Magical Fauna and Magical Flora (If there are those in this)

Appearnce, Persona, and Background
Appearance: A tall muscular Satyr stands before you. He gives off a mix of lust and strength to those around him.
Personality: Oliver is a man of his word. He is kind, always willing to help one of the students out if needed. He's also kind of an alchoholic.
Bio: Born in Ireland, Oliver had a loving family. They became his only friends because the forest didn't provide much friends, unless you count the animals. At 13 Oliver started developing his magic, being able to commune with animals to the brink of controlling them. That and controlling plants, being able to speed their growth to the point where they grow in practically seconds.
Race Lore: ((Not sure if Satyr is generic if not I will edit.

Abilities & Invintory
Racial Attributes: Increased Stamina, higher jumping, and faster.
Magic: Communing and Controlling Nature.

Interests and Other Information
Likes: Nature, Kind students, people who are interested in his class and continue for excel in it, and the good kids.
Dislikes: Drama, the bad kids, out of control animals (because guess who has to deal with it), and poison.
Strengths: Calming animals/Communing with them/Taming them, Running, Lifting heavy things, Climbing rocks.
Weaknesses: Ladders and things like ladders, city things, business.
Other: He sports a thick Irish accent combined with a deep voice. He has emerald green eyes.
Name: Seiko Yubari
Basic Information
Age: 16
Height: 163 cm
Weight: Secret (54 kg)
Race: Human(White Mage)

Appearnce, Persona, and Background

Personality: Seiko is nervous around new people and likes to keep to herself. She is a pure hearted soul who wouldn't hurt a fly but gets easily frightened. She is also one who is reluctant to surrender thinking that the effort she had put in the task would have been wasted if she gives up now. She has a longing to see her mother and doesn't seem afraid of her 'Ghost possessed' doll thinking it's her mother watching over her. She is very gullible and and innocent due to a lack of contact with the rest of the world.

Bio: Seiko Yūbari was born in a small town in Japan.Her mother died at a very young age for mysterious reasons and she lived with her older sister until she is 16 where she had been homeschooled and trained by her in the ways of the White mage like her mother and her ancestors. She worked hard and in times of sadness, her doll, which she believes her mother posseses, would be there to cheer her up in a sort of puppet like way. Her sister was more into divination however, so she learned a select few divination techniques like Kokkuri and Tea leaf reading along with her Basic White Mage skills. Her older sister decided to send her to a proper education rather than homeschool her ;for the best. She was given a crash course on English by a local tutor before going to Altissa High School to learn magic even further.

Abilities &

Magic: Healing powers, Alchemy, Self defense Repulsion
Invintory: A bag full of potions and herbs for medicine, a book for creating potions, Doll she believes her mother inhabits and her staff

Skills: Cooking, Japanese, The basic English language, Chemistry, Art, Kokkuri, Tea leaf reading and defending herself

Interests and Other Information
Likes: Curry rice, Alchemy, The happinness of others, Her doll and Healing
Dislikes: Scary movies, Fighting, Natto and others feeling pain
Strengths: Healing and Alchemy.
Weaknesses: She is a Pacifist and is reluctant to fight, she is really only a supporting role in combat.
Other: She can't speak English well.
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