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Fantasy Altissa; School of Magic (OOC Chat)

I might make another character like,,, way later when I'm not dying

Speaking of magic classes, it's safe to assume characters would be split up, based on their magic type? I've come across a decent number of characters with Dark Arts or Shadows as their magic type and am wondering if they are split up, because if someone had a unique magic/doesn't use magic they would kinda just be sitting there on their own while all the other characters have someone to be with y'know. If that makes sense. or would the categories be like. bended a bit so it's avoided

If this was already answered then I apologize ~ Just wondering because I'm looking forward to seeing how this RP pans out and if anyone were to be alone I could see things getting uneventful for that player y'know ~
I started writing a response post to doneanddusted doneanddusted and so many people have come to the front row I don't know what do to. like I don't want to ignore them
Ahhh sorry poi poi ! It's okay if you ignore Alice, lol.
It's alright, I added a little part in mentioning her, although with how many people I've done that with I'm not sure how much sense my post is gonna make. I'd feel bad if I ignored her ~
i swear for every new post i have to scroll up and down the character sheets to figure out who's who
I should do that but I always have like 783649873094237 tabs open and if I open anymore I'll probably die
oh right now that I htink about it

BluDaBaDee BluDaBaDee how should i change my character?
Like I know how people will argue "oh, copy them, illusion, knock out!" but that's exactly why i made her such a weakling physically

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