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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

12 minutes ago, CrystalYoshi said:

Kaylin laughed and she rolled her eyes playfully before tugging at his hand. "Well then let's go find him before someone else borrows him first, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is busy with someone else thanks to my rotten luck so far." She grinned for a second thinking about what he said about him getting slapped and she faced him before standing up on her toes and whispering something in his ear that the rper will not type due to it being extremely not so innocent, and said rper will let everyone just imagine what she just said. Kaylin giggled again once she finished and she started dragging him along towards where she thought Marcus would be, his office. "Well, this is the only place that I can imagine him being right now, what do you think?"


(You could have tagged me. Here, I'll make him get there. Just wait.)
She held him tighter, her right eye glowing red as her other one glowed gold. She wouldn't let him touch Marcus.

It was a vision of Cam. "Soon, the day will succumb to the night, and you and your world....Will burn." He said before vanishing. Marcus looked shocked "Dammit..." He muttered

Alex looked at her with his face still beaming red "sorry what did you say?" He asked obviously oblivious to what she had just said as he was lost in his own head imagining something that he enjoyed. (PG 13 am I right XD)
She went rigid, holding onto him. "Marcus you son of a-I'm not going to leave you!"

His eyes were fierce looking her in hers. "I'm not asking you to abandon me. I'm telling you to keep everyone safe and get them to a safe place." He said sternly.

Alex looked at her with his face still beaming red "sorry what did you say?" He asked obviously oblivious to what she had just said as he was lost in his own head imagining something that he enjoyed. (PG 13 am I right XD)

(Yep, I kinda want to stay on the site xD.)

Kaylin giggled and she stopped again before turning back to Alex and tilting her head slightly. "So you need me to tell you again, but I don't think that I will since you weren't paying attention to what I said." She had a teasing look in her eyes and she ran her free hand down his arm before looking back at the door. "Should we go inside, I'm used to having to resort to eavesdropping since he is always with someone."

Alex smiled back at her knowing she was teasing him. "Well I've always barges in on him at the best times so why should this be any different right?" He stated and gestured his arm out towards the door "ladies first" he said
His eyes were fierce looking her in hers. "I'm not asking you to abandon me. I'm telling you to keep everyone safe and get them to a safe place." He said sternly.

She gritted her teeth, glaring right back. She couldn't read his eyes. "Dammit." she muttered, turning to run off. "Remember if you die I die!" she yelled, running forward.
1 minute ago, Mori-Jin said:

She gritted her teeth, glaring right back. She couldn't read his eyes. "Dammit." she muttered, turning to run off. "Remember if you die I die!" she yelled, running forward.


Marcus sighed "Now I need to find out...When will it begin..." (I'll continue this story tomorrow. I'd like everyone to finish their stuff before hand.)

Alex smiled back at her knowing she was teasing him. "Well I've always barges in on him at the best times so why should this be any different right?" He stated and gestured his arm out towards the door "ladies first" he said

Kaylin shrugged and she let go of Alex's hand before knocking at the door. "Excuse me, are you busy Marcus, if you are then I can come back later but you'll probably be busy with other people like you usually are whenever I try to talk to you." She mumbled that last part and waited for a few seconds to see if she would get an answer, although she wasn't really sure if she would.

(My poor character, the entire world might as well be against her for everything.)

Just now, CrystalYoshi said:

Kaylin shrugged and she let go of Alex's hand before knocking at the door. "Excuse me, are you busy Marcus, if you are then I can come back later but you'll probably be busy with other people like you usually are whenever I try to talk to you." She mumbled that last part and waited for a few seconds to see if she would get an answer, although she wasn't really sure if she would.

(My poor character, the entire world might as well be against her for everything.)



(Well....You're not wrong xD)
Alex walked in without knocking "hey Marcus we wanna talk to you" he stated 



(Well....You're not wrong xD)

(I mean like, it really is and I didn't even plan on it being against her, it just sorta happened.)

Kaylin rolled her eyes and groaned before following Alex inside. "You know it is incredibly rude to do that sort of thing, you could have walked in on something that you didn't want to see."
1 minute ago, CrystalYoshi said:

(I mean like, it really is and I didn't even plan on it being against her, it just sorta happened.)

Kaylin rolled her eyes and groaned before following Alex inside. "You know it is incredibly rude to do that sort of thing, you could have walked in on something that you didn't want to see."


(If there is a problem, PM me. No need to plague the Forum.)
(((( I can make a quick post before going back to my homework though ))))



Making his way back home after leaving Marcus's, something started to give Roman a bad feeling. He looked down and held his nose in irritation. Whatever it was, he didn't like it. He wanted to head back to Marcus and tell him, but he figured he'd probably be sleep by now, with that in mind, he decided to wait and that's what he did. Once he made it to his apartment, he just sat, looking out of the window. 


"No sleep tonight I guess..."

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