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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

"i've survived worse" Vallen said looking down at the dark water below "You should try breaking through a steel divider." Vallen said taking off his shirt revealing dozens of injection scars all up and down his spine with faded surgical scars zig zagging up and down his back.


Victoria frowned in concern. "What...Happened to you?" She asked. "You don't have to tell me or anything but, I was just wondering."
Victoria frowned in concern. "What...Happened to you?" She asked. "You don't have to tell me or anything but, I was just wondering."

"You know how I said I'm the only host my little bastards can live in?" Vallen said rubbing his neck "A lot of people have tried to harness my power, and a lot of people have died trying to take it for themselves". Vallen withdrew small square of paper from his pocket and showed Victoria. It was a picture of a younger Vallen in a hospital gown with a dozen other children. "When they sent me tot hte hospital after I got shot some of the doctors tried to transplant a colony of my microorganisms into other children, all but one of them died."
"You know how I said I'm the only host my little bastards can live in?" Vallen said rubbing his neck "A lot of people have tried to harness my power, and a lot of people have died trying to take it for themselves". Vallen withdrew small square of paper from his pocket and showed Victoria. It was a picture of a younger Vallen in a hospital gown with a dozen other children. "When they sent me tot hte hospital after I got shot some of the doctors tried to transplant a colony of my microorganisms into other children, all but one of them died."

She looked at the picture and shook her head in disgust. She respected and admired many scientists, but some deserved to be wiped off of the face of the earth, those are the assholes who experiment on children. "That's a level of recklessness I can't even reach. Why would they..." She ran her hand through her hair, refraining from going on a tangent. "Who was the one who survived?"
She looked at the picture and shook her head in disgust. She respected and admired many scientists, but some deserved to be wiped off of the face of the earth, those are the assholes who experiment on children. "That's a level of recklessness I can't even reach. Why would they..." She ran her hand through her hair, refraining from going on a tangent. "Who was the one who survived?"

"A girl named Luna" Vallen said his face hardening at the memory "Something in her genetics mutated the colony and gave her powers similar to mine" Vallen looked out across the dark ocean and clenched his fist around the photo as his ash turned his fingers into claws. The photo burned away as dull green fire spread across it and the wind blew the burning embers away across the ocean "The others didn't die because of the tests, most were either crippled or driven insane, they died because Luna killed them."
"A girl named Luna" Vallen said his face hardening at the memory "Something in her genetics mutated the colony and gave her powers similar to mine" Vallen looked out across the dark ocean and clenched his fist around the photo as his ash turned his fingers into claws. The photo burned away as dull green fire spread across it and the wind blew the burning embers away across the ocean "The others didn't die because of the tests, most were either crippled or driven insane, they died because Luna killed them."

Plot twist 

"She couldn't control it? Or were they controlling her?"
"Neither" Vallen said letting the smoke in his hands coil together and form twisting tendrils "Something inside her made her cruel and hungry. she ripped the test subjects apart with her powers and "ate" the colonies inside them. I managed to put up a fight, but she was so brutal. It was like fighting an animal. If I'm complex strategy she's simple instinct, reflections of each other. She has raw power that I simply cant match whereas she could never hoe to create what I can."
"Neither" Vallen said letting the smoke in his hands coil together and form twisting tendrils "Something inside her made her cruel and hungry. she ripped the test subjects apart with her powers and "ate" the colonies inside them. I managed to put up a fight, but she was so brutal. It was like fighting an animal. If I'm complex strategy she's simple instinct, reflections of each other. She has raw power that I simply cant match whereas she could never hoe to create what I can."

"Where is she now?" Victoria asked, not so much concerned as she was confused on how she'd never heard about this. But then again, they kept the supernatural stuff really quiet. 
"Where is she now?" Victoria asked, not so much concerned as she was confused on how she'd never heard about this. But then again, they kept the supernatural stuff really quiet. 

"Close, I assume" Vallen said "She and I are linked in a way. we can only be separated by a few hundred miles before something brings us back together to fight again. though she keeps her distance now that we've hit puberty"
"Close, I assume" Vallen said "She and I are linked in a way. we can only be separated by a few hundred miles before something brings us back together to fight again. though she keeps her distance now that we've hit puberty"

Victoria furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "This place is hidden from time and space, do you think its still possible for her to get here?" She asked, staring off the cliff and at the water, watching the waves crash against the beach and the tides roll in. 
Victoria furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "This place is hidden from time and space, do you think its still possible for her to get here?" She asked, staring off the cliff and at the water, watching the waves crash against the beach and the tides roll in. 

"Who knows" Vallen said watching figures dance in the pale glowing embers "SHe represents the primal aspect of my power, and if anyone can Luna will"
(Can we have multiple characters? I'm thinking of making one for Luna)

Snapping back to reality Vallen said "Probably, She'd brute force her way in eventually"

((I think we can))

"Where do you think he is?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and looking over at the campus.

((EDIT: I gotta run to the store. I'll be back in an hour or so))
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((I think we can))

"Where do you think he is?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and looking over at the campus.

Vallen shrugged and tapped his chin in thought. "I used to be able to make wings and fly, but I cant do that anymore. IF I could I could try to find him""
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(It's fine, we all have lives outside of rpn.)

"I don't know, that's why I asked you." Kaylin then actually facepalmed with her free hand and she turned a slight pink around her cheeks. "I mean, umm, this is getting really awkward now." She giggled softly and ran her fingers through her hair, which she had let down at some point while watching over Alex. "Oh, I have to ask Marcus questions about my village, I meant to do it a long time ago but I've never had the time since he has always had someone else talking to him first." She looked up at him before blushing a darker red color. "Do you want to come with me, you might learn a little bit more about where I was from since I have a sneaky suspicion that Marcus knows something about who attacked Calimarie since he is, well, Marcus, he knows just about everything and that might also include my parents, Kelly and Manid Jones." 

"Sure, I mean I'm always excited to learn more about a pretty girl like you. Maybe I can even learns little more about me along the way" he stated smiling and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It feels good doing that without worrying if I'll get slapped" he stated with a laugh.
She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Take the lead."

He began walking forwards before the Dragons on his back began to move around. "Oh no..." He muttered as Cam's strong metallic smell filled the air
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"Sure, I mean I'm always excited to learn more about a pretty girl like you. Maybe I can even learns little more about me along the way" he stated smiling and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It feels good doing that without worrying if I'll get slapped" he stated with a laugh.

Kaylin laughed and she rolled her eyes playfully before tugging at his hand. "Well then let's go find him before someone else borrows him first, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is busy with someone else thanks to my rotten luck so far." She grinned for a second thinking about what he said about him getting slapped and she faced him before standing up on her toes and whispering something in his ear that the rper will not type due to it being extremely not so innocent, and said rper will let everyone just imagine what she just said. Kaylin giggled again once she finished and she started dragging him along towards where she thought Marcus would be, his office. "Well, this is the only place that I can imagine him being right now, what do you think?"

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