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Fantasy School of Elemental Arts

(It's the 2 Year Timeskip. The school will be destroyed. All Magic will be gone until something happens to fix it. Obviously we'll jump pretty close into that event.)

(Ok, I was going to ask if we can have two characters? because I explained a bit of Vallen's backstory being connected to another ash user. Also how does this affect Vallen who draws his power from little microorganisms in his body?"
3 hours ago, StarKeeper said:

(Ok, I was going to ask if we can have two characters? because I explained a bit of Vallen's backstory being connected to another ash user. Also how does this affect Vallen who draws his power from little microorganisms in his body?"


(Yeah, that's fine. It removes any trace of magic. More so sealing it. Any magic related effects are removed until un-sealed.)

@BoundByWords @Mori-Jin @StarKeeper @abomba1234567 @Roman @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

((Christ on a stick my eyes. How is this supposed to be tied up? Just so I can manage not to get antsy and kill my character off 3 minutes before the skip. Or maybe I will, depends on my mood))

((Edit: Nevermind, I comprehended the message wrong. Carry on))
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(((( We really need an OOC thread... Or to turn this into a hosted project. ))))
(I'm very sorry guys, I've not been feeling amazing today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm very sorry for making you all wait.)
Marcus was standing ontop of the school where the bell was. He looked out at the long distance to where he felt a strong power. He knew Cam was on his way. Suddenly the sky became much darker with bits of dark green in it as a man appeared on the floor looking up at Marcus. It was Cam. 

(Here we go. I'll continue this in a bit.)
(( I don't know how much i'll be on the rest of the week, I just found out that my audition for a school im trying to get into is this weekend and I need to prepare))
Marcus landed on the floor infront of Cam "So this is how it's gonna go down...You're gonna threaten the entire school...With your mere presence." Cam laughed "Come now, you can't mean you possibly want to kill me. After all, we're not that different you and I...Indeed one wrong step and you'd be the same as me...Marcus..." Marcus charged at Cam, and once he struck his fist against Cam's arm a ripple was created. One through time and space. The very fabric of reality was broken, and Marcus and Cam were gone, lost in time and space.

In the days to follow, the Academy was shut down due to no one being able to run it. Students were returned to their normal ways of life with a catch. All magic had vanished from the world. All it was in the minds of many was just a myth. It has now been two years. No one has heard from Marcus since.

Vallen stood in his workshop hammering a metal panel into shape. it had been two years since his powered had left him, and even his blood was clear of the tiny creatures that had granted it. His world was silent. Absent was the distant song that had been with him all his life; replaced with deafening silence that had threatened to smother him. As he hammered Vallen looked at the scars on his wrists and stopped hammering. with a sigh he put the hammer and panel away and went over to the computer, and activated the search program. thousands of blog posts, news articles, and forum posts streamed by as they were combed for information. As the program worked Vallen tapped his fingers on the desk waiting:

"Please find something" Vallen muttered "Anything."
Kiara sat in the center of a dark room, emotionless and silent. She'd lost her powers, her connection with Marcus, and anything else related to the school. The only way she knew that it ever existed was the babies that she'd give birth to, who were both a bit over a year old. The boy, properly names Marcus, looked like Marcus, but had the violet eyes of her mothers. And his twin sister, who she named Tetania, looked like her mother, but had the strange Golden eyes of her father. They were being watched over back at her home by her entire family. Upon her arrival back, they'd been enraged she got pregnant. But the second the babies were born they did a huge personality switch. Though Kiara had as well, as she was silent and distant. As now around her were the dead members of one of the most dangerous gangs in the city. And they were dead, every, single, member. She sighed, looking up. "Marcus . . ." she muttered, "You promised you wouldn't leave . . . You promised you wouldn't die." she couldn't even tell if he was alive anymore, as the chain she'd made to link their souls still existed, but was unaccessible. Like it wasn't even there. She looked down, sheathing her blade. "Fucking bastard." she muttered, walking back.

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