OOC thread

@Truthblade Might want to link this Hosted project in your interest thread. It would alert others that it is already up and running ^-^

Also, will it be too much if I had the Air destroyer and say the general of the Earth army?

I should also bring up some guidelines about the destroyers (which I will add to the Character sheet area later).

1 They cannot love,

2 Their life span is infinite, though they are not technically immortal

3 They are mostly emotionless and unsympathetic (note the word, “mostly”)

4 They do not need oxygen to breath, and therefore cannot drown or suffocate

5 they are natural more durable than normal humans

That should be it. Any objections
4 minutes ago, Truthblade said:


I should also bring up some guidelines about the destroyers (which I will add to the Character sheet area later).

1 They cannot love,

2 Their life span is infinite, though they are not technically immortal

3 They are mostly emotionless and unsympathetic (note the word, “mostly”)

4 They do not need oxygen to breath, and therefore cannot drown or suffocate

5 they are natural more durable than normal humans

That should be it. Any objections


Well, there's still plenty of weaknesses still and since they cannot do the same things normal benders do, they are not OP, so no objections.
@Kenzo Raxon, I said in the interest check that their abilities are not true bending (example, the Earth Destroyer cannot manipulate pre-existing earth, only his/her own body when it is transformed.). They also do not have the sub skills that normal benders get. There are some upsides to this though, as they are not susceptible to the same weaknesses either (The Earth Destroyer does not have to worry about being on the ground, and the Water Destroyer does not have limited resources of water to control).
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May I suggest copying and pasting the synopsis of the RP from the interest check into the description of the Hosted Project? That way we don't have to keep referring back for the plot and such ^-^
I my bender soon because I'm busy and I need to catc up on kissing work from school while I was sick ^^
Just a note to everyone, your benders don't have to be from the Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom. All the regions will be getting involved.

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