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Fandom AVATAR: Legend of Futeki OOC CHat

@all in the rp X)

Okay, Imma just say here, any who witness the Peace talks, either have to like "change their post" pls dont do that :P

Or get caught, to advance the plot :) sorry, its one of those two, because the plot involves peeps getting brainwashed, if theres people who witness it and go blabbing, then the rest of the plot doesnt work <3  sorry loves

anyway, imma be putting up a post tonight, need to pull my muse up so i can make a half-way decent response haha <3

If Zhen's capture was insufficient let me know and I'll fix it
@National i put um a rather generic response to yours, but can you remind me, exactly the agreement between Jianguo and Kieoru?
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Well to be fair there wasn't much posting anyone outside of the prison could do, and now it looks like the whole thing might be resolved without anyone coming down. I was going to post sooner but I've been super busy with family.

But Ketu will want to form a group to help her out, since she is suspecting the Avatar is imprisoned. 
Well to be fair there wasn't much posting anyone outside of the prison could do, and now it looks like the whole thing might be resolved without anyone coming down. I was going to post sooner but I've been super busy with family.

But Ketu will want to form a group to help her out, since she is suspecting the Avatar is imprisoned. 

Uh, they couldve got caught too? I offered that numerous times. lol

Or they could merely converse about the peace talks?

(Or post at all? XP)

Regardless, your post was pretty dang good. I liked it :) And it wont be resolved too quickly. I dont intend for Jianguo to go down easily just yet.
I know Raava is some sort of spirit that fused with the first Avatar, but that 's kinda it. (No, I still haven't watched LoK).

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