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[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]ohmygosh yes having crippling anxiety finally paid off thank you thank you mr/miss/insert-pronouns mod[/COLOR]


☆ Jinkx's Prompt Time! ☆


Time Limit: 48 hours

Word Limit: Under 800

Prompt Word: Pawnshop


☆ On Your Marks, Get Set, Go! ☆
There once was a pawn shop.

Where it was does not matter. When it was does not matter. Why it was does not matter. All that matters is that

there once was a pawn shop.

A fabulous, magnificent, dreadful pawn shop. One that inspired many a King or a Queen to start running, whether it be to its gloriously spectacular wonders or from its frightfully harrowing secrets. It was so unusual, so extraordinary, that it became a legend - no, it had already been a legend, because

there once was a pawn shop.

Swords clashed, sparks flew. Knights in shining armour with shining weapons on shining horses leapt across the land, over streams, over trees, over mountains. They lept over Knights, over Priests, over Royalty, over Castles. They lept over the Tiles, the Squares, the houses, the buildings - the pawn shop. They lept and lept and lept, because leaping was all they did, all thanks to the fact that

there once was a pawn shop.

The Priests, the Bishops, the Monks. Go, go look to the Church. Be like them. See only in Black and White. Black and Red. Cream and Black. Brown and Brown. They glide, not parallel, not perpendicular, but something in between. Straight, smooth, slipping through the cracks - the gaps that are unseen, by leaping Horses, by charging Castles, by sweeping Knights, by high-rise Towers. Only the elite, the Royalty, the Church, can find these kinks, and use them, laying waste to the enemy. Only the elite. And the pawn shop. Oh, the pawn shop. You know,

there once was a pawn shop.

High, high, high in the air, the Castle resided, in which many resided. The King with his kingly kingness, the Queen with her queenly queenness; Knights in their shining glory, Towers in their regal strength, Monks in their stealthy cunning. Then, with a howl, the Castle moved. Cannoning away, cutting swaths in the enemy’s ranks, it moved like a Castle possessed by a Castle disguised as a Castle. But left behind, still at the start, was the place. The place of ingenuity; the place of horror. The place where

there once was a pawn shop.

The Queen was a Queen. An assassin in the right light. Crafty, sly, prone to fly - the real power behind the throne. Death, destruction, doom to the enemy. Anywhere was her place. Her place was everywhere. Here, there, the Edge of the World, the Four Corners of Reality - she can be there. The scheming of Priests, the might of Towers - she was the embodiment of these essences. But she had a beginning. A beginning, and an end. As such, it was like the thing. The thing is,

there once was a pawn shop.

Gold. Glitter. Old. Strong. Light. Dark. Crown. King. The lavish, the weak. Needs protection from any threat. Useless. But vital. Without him, all would be lost. Without him, the enemy has won. He is important. He is frail. Pitiful. But he is the puppet master, pulling the strings, controlling everything. Yet, he is but a puppet. A puppet. A puppet to the Entity. The Entity, the Controller. The Player.

Yes, there once was a pawn shop.

It once sold pawns.
The man brought his head up as the bell at the top of the front door rang. With a sigh, he pushed himself up and away from the work bench, glancing briefly at the closed circuit security monitor. A single person had entered the shop and he thankfully recognized them. Sadly, in these times, one could not be too careful.


Stepping out from the back, he was standing behind the counter before the person caught sight of him. They approached, dressed in easily forgettable attire, with an easily forgettable face. The only reason why he recognized this person was because they visited his shop so often. They reached into what he supposed was a breast pocket as they approached.


Once they reached the counter, they placed their closed hand fingers down on the counter before carefully placing whatever was in their palm upon the glass. They retracted their hand, revealing several bits of currency and an odd trinket, no bigger than what could comfortably rest in a closed palm. He cocked a tired smirk, picking the odd trinket up. “Need a new one already?”


The figure shrugged. “Hard week.”


The man pocketed the odd trinket, arching an eyebrow. He had forgotten how forgettable their voice was. Nothing about this person seemed to stick in his memory very well, did it? “I’ll say. These things are not meant to break so easily.”


Forgettable lips twitched towards a smirk. “Hard week,” they repeated, though now there was amusement laced into their words. But, even then, they just sounded tired. Always tired. Funny how that was one of the few things he remembered about this person.


He reached under the counter and grabbed a crate before placing it on top the glass. He leaned back a bit, looking over the assortment of odd trinkets all meant to do the same thing but slightly different in minor details. “Not sure why you keep coming back here for one if you have such hard weeks. These are all used and won’t last you quite as long as a new one.”


The figure merely dug through the contents, though he didn’t understand why. There wasn’t really any need to. They all did the same thing.


But, like always, the person found one they seemed to deem worthy over the others and tucked it into an inner pocket as he put the small crate away and collected the currency. He touched the one in his pocket as he watched the person turn, his curiosity – and his concern – nagging at him. “Why do you keep coming back for these if you just keep needing to replace them? Wouldn’t it be easier to just buy a new one?”


The person stopped not far from the counter and turned back, their eyes piercing in a way that had him feel as if his soul was bare. He involuntarily shuddered. The person offered with ease, “This is the cheapest place to buy one. Besides,” the person touched wherever they had tucked the odd trinket, “they don’t make them how they used to.”


“Oh?” the man inquired. “And how’s that?”


The person smiled but it looked sad, yet fond, causing anxiety to quicken his heart. He wasn’t sure how to interpret that expression and he wasn’t sure he wanted to.


“They used to be stronger.”


The person left without another word, slipping out of the shop along with the man’s recollection of what the person looked like. He swallowed thickly, pulling the odd trinket out of his pocket to look at it worriedly. Stronger?


He turned and entered the back area, sitting at his work bench and placing the odd trinket down on the work surface. He grabbed the nearest tools and started popping the thing open, though it took a bit of work. The outer case clattered against the work bench as he stared, dumbstruck, at the thing before him.


With a shaking hand, he reached out careful fingers and gingerly brushed them over the exposed inner workings of the soul case. It was a mastery of mechanics and alchemy but, as of late, he had been getting a lot of them. He had thought it was because people no longer needed them. It would seem he was wrong; the newer cases were nothing but a hoax.


The case had always protected a soul from sharp words and anxieties, keeping apathy and self loathing at bay with ease. He looked to his door, his heart feeling heavy. How many people had come through his door that he had forgotten? How many of them had been hoping for just one reason to be remembered? Cared about? Loved? How many of them had he just sold a new case to that would not make it through the next week because it failed?

Word count: 799

Bells jangled brightly as the man opened the door to the shop, a sharp contrast to the steady, soaking rain that turned the rest of the world gray. From the outside the shop was nondescript, blending in with its surroundings, only a pale pink sign feebly flashing the word ‘PAWN’ in one window to distinguish it from the rest of the street. Pausing on the mat, the man removed his heavy outer coat and wide brimmed hat, leaving both on the rack beside the door.​

“Thanks,” a voice called from deep in the shop. “You have no idea how many people forget basic courtesy these days, just tromping up to the counter, leaving a trail of mud and water for me to clean up.”​

Glancing around sharply, the man searched for the source of the voice, but all he saw were neat rows of, stuff. Plate armor rubbed shoulders with flat screen televisions, and along one wall, longbows shared a display with muskets and AR-10’s. After wiping his boots on the mat, he headed deeper into the store, his eyes roving over the eclectic contents of the shelves. Items from every possible period of history, arranged neatly on shelves that seemed to stretch on and on, all having one thing in common; the fact that someone, somewhere, had valued them. The aisle he was walking down ended abruptly, opening up into a brightly lit space dominated by a horseshoe shaped set of glass cases, each full of small objects that glittered and gleamed in the light. Rings, coins, watches, and even what looked like a gem encrusted crown drew the eye, the glimmering contents of the cases matching the timelessness of the rest of the store.​

“What can I do for you sir?”​

The voice came from a thin man, perched on a stool behind the right hand counter. His outfit was rather dated, a white shirt and dark pants with a grey waistcoat. A pair of wire rimmed glasses were perched on top of his head, keeping company with a receding hairline. Rising, he offered a hand that appeared frail, but gripped firmly as they shook hands.​

Reaching into his pants pocket, the man pulled a crumpled piece of pink paper and smoothed it on the counter.​

“Could you tell me whether or not this was issued at this shop?” he asked, looking at the clerk hopefully.​

The thin man leaned over the counter to examine the paper for a moment before pulling his glasses down and looking at it more closely. His fingers drummed against the countertop as he completed his examination, then rose in a sharp snap as he looked up.​

“Yes, yes,” he said. “It was a bit before my time, but I recognize the signature as that of my predecessor. Let me check the records.”​

Taking the paper with him, the thin man moved to a row of filing cabinets and began to rummage through them. He worked his way through four drawers before straightening with a file folder clutched in his hand. Bringing the folder to the counter, he opened it and began to read.​

“Amethyst ring,” he read aloud. “Period of… Oh my, those terms. Ah, special circumstances.”​

“Can I redeem the ticket?” the man asked, interrupting the clerk’s musings. “I… I found that when I was packing…” he broke off with a choked sob, then visibly gathered himself to continue. “I found it while packing my daughter’s room. She was killed by a drunk driver a month ago, and I… need to remember her as she was.”​

The clerk looked up from the contents of the folder, and his eyes were compassionate and stern at the same time.​

“The terms are very specific sir,” he said gently. “Only the original owner can redeem this ticket.”​

The man started to protest, but the clerk held up one hand.​

“However, terms can always be renegotiated. If someone were to say, agree to take over proprietorship of this shop in a few years, I’m sure this ring could find its way back to its original owner.”​

“But she’s…” the man stopped speaking abruptly as the clerk reached under the counter, pulling forth a large scythe.​

“She needn’t be,” Thanatos said quietly. “Look around. Every item here has a story like your daughter’s. Did you know she had cancer?”​

“It was in remission… oh,” the man said, emotions chasing themselves over his face.​

“She offered everything she was to have a few more years with you,” Thanatos said. “Now I offer you a deal, as my predecessor offered me. Will you serve? You may serve for years, centuries even, until someone such as you comes to redeem a loved one’s ticket and agrees to take your place.”​

“Will she live?”​


“I accept.”​

word count : 797
Tell me, what's a pawn shop?

A pawn shop could be many things: a store for example. Many come in to sell their broken down wares and the man behind the counter then marks them up by 50% and no one knows the difference. 

A pawn shop is a organization. A pawn shop can be a bigger organization run by one guy in charge who takes in that all of it. However, it could also mean the guy in the white shirt with bodyguards come in and say "Give us our protection money!". The cashier hids in behind and says "But sir, I don't have any!". The man in the suit chuckles and takes out his pistol and says "I know you do, because you would have it because of those prices,". He then shoots the man in the head

A pawn shop could be blood with a woman walking down the street and two goons knocking her out. They take her valuables and drag her to the pawn shop and bring them to the white suit man. He smiles at the body and says "Perhaps I'll sell you in my new pawn shop, I mean, at least I'll give you your worth,". The two drag the woman to his room

So, tell me, what do these pawn shops have in common? Simple... They're evil
Woo! I actually won something!

Prompt: Spin

Word Limit: Under 600 words

Time Limit: 48 hours

There was a flash. Then everything began to rush past you. Your head spun and swam with visions of deadly choices. The spiral of time and choices, the tides of fate raging around you. This spinning realm was what you were confined too. Now as the silvery tendrils drop you into the darkness, you stand and turn on heel. Everything was dark and cold. Then in the time it took for you to blink, you awaken back in reality. THe battle raging around you, you had witnessed someone's death before the trance took hold. Now you've spun the tides of time backwards. Calamity averted, the battle rages around you. Every death is prevented by meddling in the pool of time. 

Welcome to the Game TableSpinner. 

"Mom! Mom, come on!" Rose grabs you by the hands, both of them at once, and she spins you around. Once, twice, three times. You let her, gripping her tiny hands as you turn on the spot and she squeals in delight. She throws her hands up in delight before racing in the direction of the park. 

You glance at Jess and she offers you one of her softest, most genuine smiles. She's always been a quiet, polite woman but she's one of the warmest people that you've ever met. As you walk, your hand swings into hers and she takes it for a brief moment, your fingers clasped together. Then, she spots Rose struggling to push the roundabout and drops your hand again. Both of you help push the roundabout. 

"Mom! Mom!" Rose says, to get your attention and then Jess's, "You have to get on the roundabout too!" 

Reluctantly, you kneel on the roundabout opposite her and cling to the metal bar so that you don't go flying off and knock yourself unconscious. It sounds like the sort of thing a klutz like you would be able to manage. Rose reaches across to you, so you free one hand to grip her tightly. She yells with joy as the roundabout spins around and around. But it's not long before she gets bored. 

"This way!" Rose races off in the direction of the swings, settling into one of the seats and yelling for one of you to push her as high as possible. After exchanging a quick glance, Jess takes on this responsibility. You watch her push Rose as high as either of you can cope with without freaking out about her safety and smile at the pair of them. They look the perfect mom and child. 

Jess is the girl that you started dating just after college, after you bumped into her at a coffee shop near this very park. If you squint, you can almost see the place down the street from here. You got married two summers ago at the local church, despite your parents' disappointment, and you were talking about having children not long after that. Jess was kind of against it at first; she was scared and it lead to one of the first arguments that you ever had with her. 

But this year, you both finally felt you were mature enough to be able to adopt a child. Rose is a sweet little girl from a children's home not far from here and she's on trial with you, until social services decide that they're okay with you adopting her. You and Jess are both absolutely in love with this little girl- you love her like she's your child by blood not adoption. 

"Mom!" Rose tugs on your arm to get your attention. She's stopped swinging now and she insists she wants to go on the roundabout with you again. It's been a few weeks, maybe just over a month, but she calls you mom. She beams up at you with her sweet little face and you squeeze her hand and tell her that of course you can push her on the roundabout. And Jess catches your eye as you're dragged back over there and she smiles at you again. 

As you spin around and around until you're dizzy, you can't help thinking this might be the best moment of your life. 
I had everything I ever wanted.

The best wife a man could ask for, the perfect high paying job and three beautiful children. Everything felt like an amazing dream. One day I was sitting with my youngest, Tommy. He had just bought a spinning top out of his pocket money and wanted to show me it. After multiple tries Tommy just couldn’t get it to work. So I gave it a try. Here’s the thing though, when I spun it an hour ago… it hasn’t stopped. Now everything really does feel like a dream.

Word count: 95

The inception references are real :P  
Last edited by a moderator:
The after-party of a senior's graduation; excitement and vitality fills the air. One chapter in life done, now to move onto the next liberating part of life. The party is filled with loud music, motley decorations, and rowdy, out-going students. A couple close friends that you have known since elementary are there as well. The thought of elementary school invoked the carefree memories of childhood that did not feel so distant. The past few years have gone through so quickly with grueling math work, excruciating science labs, etc. Most of the time was spent on studying. But there are also memories of fond intimacy. Bonding with close friends, sharing deep conversations with them. Socializing with others, and creating their own fun in the otherwise dull classroom. All these busy years, you had hardly enough time to see how much you yourself had grown. Despite the extensive amount of time separating these memories, they seemed to blur together. As if you were spinning and the images of the things around you merge together into one myriad of shapes and colors. Perhaps it was the nostalgia at realizing how far you have come or perhaps it was the alcohol that was smuggled. Either way, you were certainly feeling some kind of buzz. Some of the fellow soon-to-be-alumni invited you for a cruise to pick up some more beer. The buzz of alcohol was certainly appealing so you eagerly accept the invitation. You feel a hand on your should. A close friend, one of the very few that have been together since elementary. "Hey man, I don't think you should go with them." your friend said worriedly. "It's OK. We aren't that drunk." you said naively. "Leave the stick-in-the-mud." the driver called jeeringly. "Come on, don't be stupid." Your friend said seriously as he gripped your wrist.  Looking towards the other party-goers, you tell your friend, "Lay off, man." whilst pushing them away. As you walk over to join the others, your good friend loses his balance and does a jerky spin before regaining stability. As you got into the car, your friend shook his head with a mixture of hurt and disappointment. 

After picking up the "goods" from a supplier, the little argument was soon forgotten behind the buzz of more alcohol. You and your troupe of cool friends were back on the road again, feeling the air through your hair, reminding you of your soon to be freedom. The thrill of the car speeding down the asphalt further heightening the sensations of your buzz. But suddenly, things took a turn for the worse; sudden jerking of the car, then a loud crash. The car was now mid-air having driven off the side of the road and through the side-guard. Things slow down as you see the steep side of the road approaching. The memories from earlier flash through your mind. The nostalgic memories of your childhood. The experiences of puberty. The fondness of familiar friends throughout junior high and high school. The look of your best friend as you left him. All the memories spun together in a indistinguishable blur as the car crashed, violently rolling over and spinning into oblivion. 

Word Count: 527
so i wasn't expecting to win?? wow, thank you, senpai!! ^.^ okay so

jinkx's prompt: "sunshine" 

time limit: seventy two hours

word limit: 100-1000 words

best of luck to everybody participating!! 
(Well, sunshine, sunflower. They're connected and stuff >.> )

See the Sunflowers

It was dark. There was only the one little window that let in light. It was really far up, so I could never look out of it to see what might be past what little I knew of the world. They let me into the courtyard every now and then when I behaved, so at least I saw that.

“Oi, YB-8, the profs want you.” The familiar voice of the doorman called me to my feet. I was only able to stumble to the door. I had noticed that I got clumsier when I was hungry. Hopefully today wouldn’t be an exercise day. But sitting days weren’t very nice either. Sitting days often hurt more.

The doorman walked with me as usual. Always half a step behind and a little to the side. His boots were a lot louder on the floor than my bare feet as we travelled the familiar corridors. It made me a bit sad that there were no windows, but I was used to it. It was better not to complain, anyway. They didn’t like it when I complained.

The professors were all there, which was strange. Usually only half were there at a time. Half in the morning, then the other half in the evening. They were also a bit later fetching me than usual. Today was a strange day. It made me wonder what the tests would be if all the professors were here. It made me worry a bit. They rarely broke their habits. They were all professional and punctual. Scientists. Everything had to be exact. They told me that themselves.

“Good morning YB-8.”

“Good morning professor.” It was an automatic response by now. They got upset when I wasn’t polite. I stood at the faded X on the floor. That floor could be scrubbed clean, but I would still know where to stand. It was my spot. From this spot, I would look up at all the professors who stood on the raised ground. Only a few of them would be next to me, the rest would be watching and writing on their little boards.

That was all still normal. Three of the professors came to me to do all the basic tests. Blood pressure, lung capacity, pupil dilation, temperature. Those types of things. It had become a lot faster than when I first came here. They didn’t need to tell me what to do anymore, I already knew. All the procedures were always in the same order and always took the same amount of time.

“Sit in the chair, YB-8.” I did as I was told even though I was scared. Today was a sitting day.

It was so dark. All I remember was pain, and screaming, and blood, then I woke up back in my room. But it was too dark to wake up. It still hurt. My whole head hurt. My eye was really sore and wouldn’t open. Reaching up to touch it made me realise what happened. It was all stitched, but the space was empty. They had stolen yet another thing from me. Would they ever stop taking? Tears wanted to flow, but only one eye could.

I am not sure how much time passed, but eventually, they let me out. Not out to the courtyard, but the actual outside. They dropped me on a road and told me to start walking. They had even given me food in a bag. I didn’t understand. I was scared, but I did what I was told. I began walking along the dark, dirt road.

The sun started rising, slowly bringing light with it. It showed me what the outside looked like. There was a field of flowers, trees, and the occasional bird flittering across the brightening sky. It was so different.

I found myself in that flower field as the sun rose higher. They smelled so nice. Their petals were brightly coloured. Golden yellow with green stems. I didn’t know what they were called, but they made me happy.

So I stood there in the middle of the flower field. They seemed to follow the sun’s movement just like I did. Watching as it made its way across the sky, bringing light to the world. I could only imagine how bright it would be if I still had my other eye, but it didn’t matter. It was far brighter than anything I had seen when I had both.

I had never seen such beautiful sunshine before.

Word count: 747

Was actually a little based on an image I already drew ^-^

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-23 at 10.26.02 PM.jpeg
Sunlight filled the room around her. Lily rubbed sleep from her eyes as she slowly sat up, stretching her arms out behind her. Outside her window she could hear birds chirping. In the window she could make out where the sun was, hiding behind the houses. She smiled serenely swinging her legs over to the side of her bed where slippers were waiting.

She looked around the plain white room, which was slowly becoming clearer. After slipping the slippers over her tiny little feet she stood and walked to the mirror. She didn’t look worse than yesterday. The bags under her eyes looked the same. Her red hair was just as messy. Her freckles hadn’t moved across her face. So what was different. She couldn’t quiet put her finger on it. Shrugging it off she walked into the hall. A few of the aids were down the hall dealing with Jenny, one of the harder patients. Lily sighed as she turned the opposite way and started to walk.

She knew no one would bother her. She was one of the easiest people to take care off. She only wondered off every now and then. She lost a few things here and there. She wouldn’t- No couldn’t walk out the front door. It was watched by a hawk-eyed woman named Penny. Lily didn’t like her very much.

But she wasn’t heading for the front door either. She was heading for the cafe. The place where they gave her grey mush that was supposed to pass for food. She sighed shaking her head at the thought. There wasn’t much she could do about the ‘food.’ So she ate it and tried to ignore the taste that came with it and hoped that one day they would give her better food.

Lily doubted they ever would though. As she turned the corner into the cafe, she remembered why. Most of the patients were unable to feed themselves. There were a few who were. But most of them fought it. Lily found it to be no use. Standing in line she thought about what her time could better be spent doing. Reading. Listening to music. Thinking. She got a bowl of the grey mush and floated to the spot in the corner she sat in. The aides around her chatted away as she thought. She could try to found a way out. But they would just bring her back.

Slowly taking small bites of the grey mush she caught a few bits of the conversation nearby, between two of her aides.

“Did you hear the news?” One, a short black haired woman said.

“ Did you see it!!” The other replied. “ The sun is back. “ She said.

Lily stopped. They sunlight in her room. It hadn’t been a dream. That was what had been wrong. The sun, the real deal sun, had been shining through her window. Not the fake sun they projected to keep her happy. She knew she had to reach it.

(I found my new book for Nano wromo. :D)
“You are my sunshine,”


The caverns echoed as she made her way through them, her breath short and her body aching. She pushed on as hard as she could, tripping in the dark with numb feet. The water that flowed through the caverns was ice but she had no time to avoid it. She needed to get out.


“My only sunshine.”


Tears pricked the back of her eyes and she ignored the tightness in her throat. It became a moot point as her foot caught and she let out a cry as she fell into the water. The freezing water stole her breath and panic swelled in her chest. She pushed against the floor.


“You make me happy”


She broke the surface with a gasping cough. Shaking from the cold and fear, she stumbled forward, searching for the rock wall. She found it and leaned against it, a sob escaping her as her body trembled.


“When skies are gray.”


She pushed away, moving on as quickly as she could. She was becoming numb, unable to feel anything now. She tripped again, but this time she kept her feet under her and she didn’t go under again.


“You’ll never know, dear,”


There was a sound from behind her and she tensed, listening. Eyes wide, she looked back. There was no light, nothing to illuminate what she had heard, but that didn’t matter.


“How much I love you.”


She was being followed.


“Please don’t take”


She moved farther into the caverns, following the wall as the water level slowly rose. Or maybe the floor was descending. She couldn’t tell.


“My sunshine away.”


She took a step but there was no ground to stand on.


“I’ll always love you”


Her head went under the water again and the freezing cold water stole at her breath again, coaxing panic into her chest. She swam against the current to where her other foot was still solid against the cavern floor. She pushed her head up over the surface again, gasping and coughing with lungs that felt like they were being compressed. She stood up fully and huddled against the wall.


“And make you happy,”


She looked towards the way she had come, not sure what to do. There was no telling what was ahead of her but she knew for sure what was behind her.


“Cus you are my sunshine,”


She looked towards the water before her, even though she was robbed of her sight with no light. Did she dare swim in the bitter cold, see if there is an end to the cavern and flow with the water to the way out?


“My only sunshine.”


But what if there wasn’t a way out?


“You make me happy”


The sounds were growing louder.


“When skies are gray.”


She was running out of time.


“You’ll never know, dear,”


With tears streaming down her cheeks, she sank into the water till her head was just barely above the surface. Setting her feet against the edge of what floor was left within her reach, she kicked off, swimming slowly and carefully in as straight of a line as she could manage.


“How much I love you.”


She swam for what felt like forever, her limbs numb from the freezing temperature of the water. She was getting tired but the sounds hadn’t died down. At one point, she rolled onto her back and just drifted, letting the water to take her wherever it wanted. She ended up bumping against a wall. She straightened in the water and felt along, finding that the ceiling was just barely brushing the top of her wet head. The cavern itself had closed in around her. She could touch both walls at the same time.


“Please don’t take”


There was a splash from where she had come from and she pressed up against the wall behind her, feeling solid rock against her heels. She was trapped.


“My sunshine away.”


She screamed when the amber eyes materialized before her.


“Please don’t take my sunshine away.”

Word Count: 671

Influenced by 


Sunshine broke once more through the ruined steel and glass monoliths, edifices to bygone ages, a testament, a warning, a foreboding symbol of humanity’s thirst, need, want for destruction. The reclamation and reconstruction squadrons hadn’t yet reached this area, hadn’t yet torn down the leaning towers, leering like crooked teeth in an old man’s mouth. Green tendrils climbed the buildings, lush trees doing their best to obscure the foundations, their scraggly variants clinging to whatever threshold they could find higher in the skyscrapers. If you looked carefully, you could spot features on the buildings – shuttle gates, cracked holographic projectors, broken antennas, a few remnants of a massive screen that had fallen from its supports decades ago.

The rising sun painted everything shades of reds, oranges, yellows – from the forest canopy, a green carpet under the towering monoliths, to the towers themselves, their blacks and greys softened as the star edged itself over the horizon. Sounds of life drifted up from the forest floor – the calls of birds, a secret language, hidden gems of knowledge called out in crystal clear notes. The distant star caught the reflection of a distant river, the silvery string in the distance gleaming brightly, a shining crystal ornament, more delicate than any found in the penthouse of one of the arcologies that housed the remnants of humanity, those not destroyed by the near-total destruction of the climate just a few decades ago.

Although you could hardly see it now, what with life teeming, growing, living, spreading. It had highlighted the importance of conservation, and had thrown the delicate balance of Earth’s ecosystem into sharp contrast. The atmosphere was now cold enough to offer rain – real snow was still a daydream, one not to be realised for many decades. Humanity had changed for the better, now a perfect society in the arcologies, the vertical cities that rose into the skyline, green paradises overseen by the Terra Coalition. Of course, people still lived in the old, spread-out cities, barely clinging onto existence. It wasn’t a harsh price to pay, if it kept Earth sustained, healthy – living.

Word Count: 348

A little scene-setting for something I'm thinking about starting. I got a little off-topic, but hopefully not too much.
so i wasn't expecting to win?? wow, thank you, senpai!! ^.^ okay so

jinkx's prompt: "sunshine" 

time limit: seventy two hours

word limit: 100-1000 words

best of luck to everybody participating!! 

Her name was Sunshine. It was weird, because everything exterior about her was bright and radiant, and everything within her was dark and fiery. 

I remember seeing her for the first time. It was like heaven. It was like sweet tea in the middle of July, with the perfect amount of lemon squeezed into it. Just like my Mama would make me back in '65 when I was just a little girl.

She was eating sunflower seeds and spitting the little shells out onto the black pavement. Her sneakers were off white and dirty. She had bright hair, almost white, and eyes bluer than the sky. I remember askin' what her name was. Sunshine. Sunshine.

She was a new girl. I was only 12 but she was 13. A real teenager. She was still in my class, though. Grade 8, Junior High. She liked daisies. She smelled like summer. Sunshine was a flower princess, a hippy. She was the embodiment of the 60s. Looking back at her, she was beautiful.

She still is, though. She never wore braces or makeup or jewelry. Her ears weren't even pierced. Mine were. I wanted to be Sunshine so bad, so I let mine shut. Mama wasn't too happy, though. She pierced them through again and I cried. Sunshine was always true to herself. She told me to be but I just couldn't be. I wanted to be her.

Or so I thought.

I was 17 when I realised I loved Sunshine. She was beautiful, and radiant, and passionate. Self-pleasing but still cordial. Never fooled around with  boys. Never took nothin' from anyone. I adored her. I loved her.

She loved me too, good and true. My sweet Sunshine. 

But it's just like every night, sunshine sets and the moon rises. Her moon was lymphoma. That moon overtook her at the age of 21. Her sun never stopped shinin' till the moon totally eclipsed her light. 

I see her in the stars now.

And now that I'm old and setting just like my sweet Sunshine, I get to meet her once again. 



349 words

The sun shines. The sun shone. The sun is shining. The sun will shine.

The radio whines. The radio whined. The radio is whining. The radio will whine.

The moon glows. The moon glowed. The moon is glowing. The moon will glow.

The trees grow. The trees grew. The trees are growing. The trees will grow.

The stars twinkle. The stars twinkled. The stars are twinkling. The stars will twinkle.

The skin wrinkles. The skin wrinkled. The skin is wrinkling. The skin will wrinkle.

The clouds fly. The clouds flew. The clouds are flying. The clouds will fly.

The living die. The living died. The living are dying. The living will die.

The sun shines. The sun shone. The sun is shining. The sun will shine.

It’s all fine. It’s all been fine. It’s all being fine. It’ll all be fine.
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Sunshine... I think it's been a while since anyone asked me about that one. Well, the last time I saw it was back when I had someone to see it with. Those damn rats always had to take what they believed was theirs even. We as people weren't ready for them. My ma' promised me they weren't going to do something so crazy.  Well ma, looks who's wrong now?! I told you we had to be ready, why the hell couldn't you just listen? The man cleared his throat and shook his head. I'm sorry, I just... I miss my family so much. Anyways, I'm sure you remember this story super well considerin' you're here. They told us the sun was theirs. The god damn sun.
Wow, I'm exactly on time to judge this. All of the entries were super, duper good but obviously I have to pick a winner: @ghoul!! Yours was super good and I really enjoyed it.

(But special mentions to @asharasahara and @ResonantStorm, who were totally amazing anyway. Consider yourselves sort of like runners up.)
wowow many thanks for that!! I appreciate.


prompt: Halloween

time limit: 48 more hours (as of 5 pm November 3)

word limit: 200-700 words

i'm excited to read these!
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it seems as though nobody wants to get in spook spirits :(

I do, I just currently have a massive project due by this evening I've been working on for the past week. 0-0 If you don't mind extending it, I can post something tomorrow morning.

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