Marauders in Mirstone

Sora Z Lachance

Taking a breath he tapped his pipe on his shoulder before he headed over to the railing.  As he did he picked up one of the unconscious pirates and dragged him behind him.  "Trying to jack my ship, I paid way to much for some lowlife to steal it.  Should have nabbed a fishing boat instead idiots. And yay, talking like I should again"  He mumbled under his breath as he got to the railing.  When he got there he watched as the marines jumped down into the water below as they retreated.  Curious about this he looked at his crewmates and they didn't seem all that out of breath and the marines were able to make a quick enough retreat so they weren't greatly injured, more likely than not.  "They didn't win the fight. So why are the marines running?"  Now tossing the pirate overboard he looked around for anything that might want to set the marines off. 

And that's when he too saw the flare.

'Nothing good comes from a flare that makes even the marines run off without finishing an opponent.' ".....We need to get going..."  Putting his pipe in it's holder on his back he looked down at Cait and Xaio.  Only to see Cait get aboard who then informed him of the marines that were retreating.  "Agreed I saw the flare, marines don't run unless something is up." He  said before looking down at Xaio who had yet to get aboard. "Get on board!  We need to get going!" He shouted at them before he looked over at the others on the ship.  "Those of you who haven't joined my crew, I think its best if you stay on the ship.  The marine bastards are planning something, and if they are running it's not going to be something good. For pirates and civilians alike"  He said in a serious tone before he glanced behind him at the island.   A sigh left him as he shook his head.  "I was hoping a navigator would come before this.  Just have to alter the plan a bit... Either way we will be fine.  I will make sure of it."   With that he moved over to the side and began to raise the anchor.    Albi jumped off his shoulders and ran to the railing.  Hopping onto this she looked around and watched to make sure the two on the ground would get on the ship in time.

@shadowdude505@Azure Sky@Felix@AtlannianSpy@Refaulted@Exanis
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Keya Fenris

Keya was happily smashing the feets of the invading pirates as she ran around, laughing the entire time. Her little plan seemed to work quite well seeing as they all went down relatively easy. Or rather, it was working good until she was suddenly scooped up by someone; which was a feat in and of itself seeing as how fast dwarves moved. The action wasn't without consequence as the girl likely nearly pulled Elijah down with the momentum. She glared right back at him when he called her a kid, "Kid? I'm not a kid, I'm 21! I can't help being short you know, in-fact I'm tall for a dwarf so there!" She shouted, nodding with a small 'hmph' of indignation. "Lemme down anyway! Don't make me hurt you!" She insisted, starting to squirm around to break free. She really didn't want to be caught, sure she could easily break free, but on the off chance he was a member of this crew she didn't want to hurt him. He was in perfect range to get the crap beat out of him too. When Cait mentioned something about a flare signal her eyes widened a bit. Her extremely short attention span soon shifted from her capture to Sora, listening as he spoke of the marines.

Of course a smile immediately graced her lips when he mentioned everyone staying, crew or not. Perfect! Now they'd have to take her! She was sure she could convince him to let her join too, especially after she told him that she helped out just now. It only made sense! "Looks like I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." She told Elijah, a satisfied smirk replacing the smile immediately after.

@Azure Sky@Felix@AtlannianSpy@Exanis
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Syrin Insinu

It was official, he needed a drink. As he slowly dragged his foot all the way to the Lucky Nova, he came to the conclusion that he needed a drink, not for the pain in his foot, for he has been through so much more pain than that, but to calm him down. He had no medical supplies on him, no sewing kit, and no one to eviscerate to calm himself down. At least he had the last laugh, sort of anyway. Robin assumed that he would be incapable of walking, but dragging his foot worked just as well. When he found that blasted man again, and whomever saved him, he was going to have fun. Oh yes, he would have fun. He snorted to himself and began to coil his chain around his arm once more, as he conceded to the point of him actually finding the two that escaped him to be slim, as he wasn't going to actively search for them. Shaking his head to clear the unnecessary thoughts, he noted that he was nearly there, and he could swear he heard fighting on the ship. Syrin shrugged to himself, it wasn't too much of a surprise. All he could hope for now is that the owner of the ship won, because he really didn't feel like fighting his way through idiots with an injured foot. Who knows how bad the tear in his shoe would get?

Finally, after a grueling process of dragging his foot and grumbling under his breath, he made it close to the ship. He vaguely noted what could only be described as a humanoid panda. He shook his head. Not his problem, he didn't care, he just wanted off the island and this was his best bet for now. Stopping in front of the ship, he took a breath and barked out, "Oi! I heard the captain of this ship was lookin' for a navigator to get off this thrice damned island! 'Slong as I can get off at the next pirate-friendly island, I'm willin' to navigate for you!" Taking another breath, Syrin crossed his arms and leaned on his good foot, staring blankly upwards at the ship, waiting for the captain's response.

@Azure Sky @shadowdude505 @Felix @Mitchs98 @AtlannianSpy@Refaulted @Peaceswore

Sora Z Lachance

Taking a breath he tapped his pipe on his shoulder before he headed over to the railing.  As he did he picked up one of the unconscious pirates and dragged him behind him.  "Trying to jack my ship, I paid way to much for some lowlife to steal it.  Should have nabbed a fishing boat instead idiots. And yay, talking like I should again"  He mumbled under his breath as he got to the railing.  When he got there he watched as the marines jumped down into the water below as they retreated.  Curious about this he looked at his crewmates and they didn't seem all that out of breath and the marines were able to make a quick enough retreat so they weren't greatly injured, more likely than not.  "They didn't win the fight. So why are the marines running?"  Now tossing the pirate overboard he looked around for anything that might want to set the marines off. 

And that's when he too saw the flare.

'Nothing good comes from a flare that makes even the marines run off without finishing an opponent.' ".....We need to get going..."  Putting his pipe in it's holder on his back he looked down at Cait and Xaio.  Only to see Cait get aboard who then informed him of the marines that were retreating.  "Agreed I saw the flare, marines don't run unless something is up." He  said before looking down at Xaio who had yet to get aboard. "Get on board!  We need to get going!" He shouted at them before he looked over at the others on the ship.  "Those of you who haven't joined my crew, I think its best if you stay on the ship.  The marine bastards are planning something, and if they are running it's not going to be something good. For pirates and civilians alike"  He said in a serious tone before he glanced behind him at the island.   A sigh left him as he shook his head.  "I was hoping a navigator would come before this.  Just have to alter the plan a bit... Either way we will be fine.  I will make sure of it."   With that he moved over to the side and began to raise the anchor.    Albi jumped off his shoulders and ran to the railing.  Hopping onto this she looked around and watched to make sure the two on the ground would get on the ship in time.

@shadowdude505@Azure Sky@Felix@AtlannianSpy@Refaulted@Exanis

Emilie De Cortagne


Without a word Emilie slid past Sora, mounted the railing of the ship and nimbly launched herself back on to the docks, skidding to a halt near the wall she had left her equipment by and reclaimed it. This vital step accomplished the girl took a moment to consider her next move. Emilie had relatively little experience with marines to draw on to determine if this flare was really  the portent of doom the strange, red headed captain seemed to think it was but it definitely didn't seem like he was lying. At the least he probably had little to gain by inviting a couple of armed, demonstrably dangerous strangers onto his ship and then trying to double cross them in some way. Of course the real question wasn't to determine which path was the safer and Emilie chided herself silently for allowing her judgement to be so clouded. 

The real question was which path would take her closer to fulfilling her duty, tracking down the One Piece and by extension her master's killer. Mirstone was so far her only concrete lead but it so far hadn't panned out in any way. On the other hand travelling with this crew would mean gambling on their path eventually crossing with her own goals. Emilie frowned and one eyebrow twitched slightly, a sign of intense frustration for the normally stoic maid. Ultimately there was only one way to find out what this man's intentions were though.

Dashing back onto the ship with little time to spare Emilie sought out the captain, hurrying over to him and stopping well within what most would consider their personal space, her soft nose mere centimetres from his chest, violet eyes boring into him.

"I'm searching for someone who's searching for the One Piece." she said, her voice dispassionate but carrying an undeniable intensity. "If your path is going to cross with his then I can go with you. Otherwise I'm staying here."

being addressed: @Peaceswore

nearby: @Azure Sky @shadowdude505 @Felix @Mitchs98 @Refaulted 
Xiao was disappointed that his fight against Zargo finished just like that. He hadn't met such a powerful foe in ages. For some reason, the marines ran away when they saw the flare in the sky. "It is probably a signal, but for what?" he asked himself.

 "Get on board!  We need to get going!"

Sora's shout brought him back to reality. There was no time to think about it. If the place was full of marines, then they needed to get away as soon as possible. With that thought in mind, Xiao tensed the muscles in his arms and jumped while trusting both of them towards the ground, performing a double Pan-da-Ho, using the technique for propulsion. Thus, he landed on the deck of the Lucky Nova in one big jump.

"Sorry for the wait" he said, calmly. The panda was ready for departure.


Nerissa Orta


Upon arriving above deck, Nerissa saw Mr. Jasper exchanging notes with a leopard…boy? Nerissa paused and tilted her head. How curious. She had read that such creatures existed outside of Mirage Island, but she had never seen one before. Yet another new visitor aboard the Charbydis.

“Aquarius indeed flows in mysterious ways,” Nerissa commented, to no one in particular. She had heard the commotion above deck and went to investigate. Fortunately, it would seem that everything resolved itself peacefully. Nerissa hadn’t seen the intruder aboard the Charybdis, but she recognized his voice and heard bits of their conversation. It was Ryuu…the one who called himself Arlen and Kaito’s enemy. The one who attacked her friends.

Clear blue eyes traveled to where Arlen lay prone on the ground. It didn’t take much to guess what happened. The Priestess of Water immediately stepped forward, walking purposefully towards the Leviathan of Mirage Island. Kneeling beside the darker skinned boy, near where Mr. Jasper and the leopard-person stood, she reached a pale hand forward and pressed two delicate fingers to her bodygard’s neck…to feel for his pulse. It was there. Beating steadily.

Nodding, Nerissa turned towards Scarlet’s butler and the new animal-like visitor, her gaze trailing over the notes in Mr. Jasper’s grasp. Nerissa was a quick reader. She had always been. She also noticed the kit of supplies he’d left and the rag of wet cloth on Arlen’s forehead.

“I see a lot has happened,” Nerissa smiled at Shae. “Thank you for tending to Arlen. Your kindness shall not be forgotten. Not by Aquarius, nor by myself.”

It was around that time that Miss Scarlet and Mr. Cletus returned to the ship. Nerissa pushed a blue lock of hair behind her ear, her eyes brightening as she heard Scarlet’s declaration. Stealing was hardly a deed worthy of praise, but Nerissa found herself pleased at the success of her friend regardless. The daughter of Aquarius mustn’t fall to bias. She must remain neutral in all matters, listening only to Aquarius, for her words and decisions greatly influence the people of Mirage Island.

But she wasn’t on Mirage Island anymore.

She was onboard the Charybdis, with a pirate captain that had just stolen a flag for their crew. Nerissa’s smile widened ever so slightly. When Nerissa spoke, her words weren’t just for Shae, but the boy who’d hidden in a barrel as well…assuming he arrived on deck with her. “That’s Miss Scarlet, the Captain of the Charydbis,” Nerissa nodded towards Scarlet in a simple, friendly greeting. A similar nod was given to Cletus who trailed after her.  “Welcome back you two. Congratulations on retrieving a flag.”

Then she clasped her hands. She could feel it. The waters were ominous and the fish around the area mysteriously absent. It was time to depart Mirestone…as merchants. Whether they would be successful or not was difficult to say. Truly, with their bounties, her friends having picked a fight with marines, and Scarlet’s terrible acting skills, trying to pass as simple merchants was probably pushing it.             

But Nerissa had faith in Aquarius, in herself, and in her friends. She was certain they would pull through whatever storms come their way…no matter where they were. Nerissa’s gaze dropped back down to Arlen who let out a snoring sound, and shifted ever so slightly, but otherwise no signs of movement...or returning to the waking world. Dusting her skirt, Nerissa stood fluidly. “Would anyone be so kind as to help me carry Arlen to his room?”  




@Pequeno Burraidh


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Raine Braddock

If there was any doubt in Raine's mind what this crew was planning before, it was certainly gone now. After Stacy thoroughly explained the situation, the man certainly began to understand why they needed to leave. Raine had undergone several run-ins with the Navy in the past, and he was planning on having another one soon. As he was considering his options, he noticed that Ferra had begun to work on the riggings of the ship, prepping it for departure. With or without him, this ship was setting sail. Then Raine remembered a detail the Ferra girl had mentioned about herself. Didn't she say that she was a former Navy Captain? While Raine certainly despised the World Government just as much as the next pirate, he had worked with many navy-turned-pirates over the years. If this Ferra Mcklinnen was really a captain at some point, then as far as Raine was concerned, she had all of the proper qualifications.

"Aye Aye!" Raine shouted, conveying his intention to stay aboard. He quickly joined his new captain in working with the riggings, when suddenly a curious young man walked up. He was wearing baggy clothing and a large scarf, which Raine thought was strange. He understood baggy clothing, it was great for concealing weapons, but Mirstone was a tropical island. Why would he be wearing a scarf? Raine was about to introduce himself when his Captain began speaking to him. From what he could pick up from the conversation, he guessed the scarfed lad was the source of the aroma that led him to this ship in the first place. They spoke some about Kenji's whereabouts, and Raine tuned them out, until he suddenly heard a splash from over the side of the deck. Judging by her position, Raine assumed Ferra had pushed him overboard. Nonetheless, he ran over to the side of the ship to see. Once the two finished talking, Raine spoke up to his new Captain.

"Captain, I don't mean to be rude, but are we going to leave him behind too?" He said, trying to force as much humility into his voice as possible. "Not that I have a problem with that, but chefs can be an invaluable resource on the high seas."

Mentioned: @DaughterofAthena

Spoke to: @Pequeno Burraidh

Cletus T. Bass


Cletus wasn't sure why Scarlet stopped to talk to a stranger. They had successfully retrieved a merchant flag and God knows how long it'll be before someone threw a wrench into that plan. He continued to run toward the Charybdis, thankfully his Captain managed to catch up to him before anything could go wrong. Back on the ship, the sight of the aftermath of Arlen's fight wasn't comforting, but it looked like the danger had passed...for now. Cletus took a couple drags on his cigarette as he overlooked the crew on deck. It looked like they had a couple of new recruits, including one animal man who Cletus assumed was a doctor based on what Nerissa said. Cletus wondered if the Red Ribbon Pirates were lucky enough to have two doctors.

Leaving Scarlet to deal with the flag situation, Cletus walked up to Shae, Nerissa, and the unconscious Arlen. "Where's the big guy when you need him?" he grumbled to himself. He hadn't seen Skorrigg yet, but that didn't mean that he wasn't on the ship. Cletus scooped up Arlen and placed him over his shoulder. "Follow me, doc. (I'm getting to old for this...)" he said as he started to head toward Arlen's room. Cletus wouldn't be surprised if his back gave out on him, but at least a doctor wouldn't be too far behind (assuming Shae was following him.)

He grimaced as irritating pain flared up in his side from the wound a marine gave him. "When you're done with Arlen, the Captain's leg could use a doctor's touch," Cletus said, intentionally not mentioning his own wound. Now in Arlen's room, Cletus placed his crewmate on his bed. "I'll leave you to it then," Cletus added gruffly before leaving the room. He made his way below deck to inspect the Charybdis, just in case she happened to get damaged in whatever fight Arlen had found himself in. After minutes of searching and finding nothing short of shipshape, Cletus walked back up onto the deck. "The Charybdis is ready to leave when you are, Captain."

@DaughterofAthena @QuirkyAngel @Pequeno Burraidh

Nearby: @AllHailDago @vergil @Felix
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Aria Rumiko & Laura Ray Young


[SIZE=14.6667px]Aria breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the Marines didn’t hurt her, but the woman in front told her to get off the island and that it’s not safe. She could tell that it wasn’t safe from all those pirates from before running away from something, but she didn’t know what exactly the danger was. Regardless, she turned around and walked away, heading to the coast. She was disappointed in all the things she couldn’t do, but she didn’t want to oppose her authority. She still didn’t know who had the map to the One Piece, and she hadn’t even found a crew to join which was her top priority. She wondered if it’d be safe for her to keep going on without a crew, and hoped that she would find a good one to join on the ship she’d board on the docks. She kept walking amongst all the chaos and had eventually reached the docks. She walked forward towards a ship and was about to climb up on it, but spotted a figure hanging on to a rope ladder and walked closer to see who it was. If it was a person and they were planning on hiding there so that they would plunder the ship if the time was right, she had to warn the people who were on the ship, regardless if they were to be her enemies or not. However, she had to first make sure of their intention and confront them directly. She had her right hand holding on to the bow in her back quiver as she got closer. When she was close enough, she could discern that it was a girl with light blonde hair. She tugged the rope back and forth to get her attention, and then waved at her with a small smile.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Laura was watching the group talk when she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. She looked down the ladder and saw a girl at the bottom. She had a faint smile, which meant she probably wasn’t hostile. She looked back at the ship one last time, but no openings to enter the ship had come. She quietly slid down and stood next to the girl. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Um, hi, can I help you with something?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]she whispered. She didn’t have time for petty talk. She needed to find an escape route and fast. However, if this girl was part of the ship, she could be her ticket on board. She crossed her arms and waited for the girl’s reply, tapping her foot anxiously.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Are you planning on joining this crew?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]She kept smiling at her, trying to find out what her intentions were. She looked suspicious just hanging on the ropes like that. If she wanted to join, she could simply get on board and ask the captain. She could just be shy, but the place she was in was peculiar.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]No, well, not yet.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] she said with a shrug. “I’m looking for a crew to join, but I want to find out more about them before I join. Are you part of the crew or something?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]No, but I’m going to ask them if I can join.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Aria found what the other person said believable, as she was going to do the same thing.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Laura nodded. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Maybe we can ask together? I’m not much of a socialist so having someone with me might help.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Aria nodded. She was thinking the same thing. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]I’m not a good speaker either, so I agree. Let us go now.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Laura nodded and began climbing up the ladder. When she made it on the ship, she waited for Aria to climb on board. She reached out her hand to help her on.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Aria smiled a little, grabbed her hand and got on. She stared at Laura. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Shall we go?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Laura nodded and turn to the people on the ship “[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Yep, let’s do this.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” s[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]he said quietly to Aria. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Aria began walking towards the deck. She stared at the sky as she thought about everything that had happened on that day. Because of a huge explosion that she could guess probably had something to do with the Marines, she had to wake up earlier than she had expected. Everything after that had just blitzed past her. The pirates running for their lives, the Marine army marching inland, all that happened so fast. She looked at the ocean and smiled. She hadn’t planned on this, but some way or another, she ended up on a pirate’s ship. All she could do now was hope that the crew was full of nice people.  [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Laura walked over towards them and stopped not getting to close, but close enough to where they could hear her.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Hi, I couldn’t help but over here that you guys are looking for some recruits?[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] she said with a forced smile. She glanced at Aria then back at the pirates. Her stomach turned nervously. Going in blindly was not what she planned. However she had grown tired of looking for a crew. Plus, if she didn't like the crew she could just sneak away, but a hunch told her that wasn’t going to happen. She sighed and waited for someone to reply.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Collaborated with: @MidnightStar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Mentioned: @Sinister Clown@Sullivanity@Pequeno Burraidh@DaughterofAthena[/SIZE]
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Scarlet Johanna Indigrid | Jasper Pharos

[SIZE=13.3333px]Scarlet's eyes did a quick survey of the ship as she limped a bit closer to the center of the deck. Many of the faces she expected to find were there, but as she ran through the list she was beginning to keep in her head of her crew, Scarlet was also quick to realize that there were a few faces missing. However, before she got a chance to ask about them, Scarlet also came to realize that she was being introduced to someone. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Looking around to see who might not already know her, Shae was the first one her eyes fell upon so Shae was the one she smiled at. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Even that didn't last long, though. Her eyes trickled down to take in the sight of an unconscious Arlen and Scarlet's expression became one of complete confusion. She looked up and found Jasper quickly, her eyes baffled.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"What happened, Jasper?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]She wasn't mad as she asked it. She was just trying to make things make sense. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Jasper was prepared to help Arlen, but turned his attention to  Scarlet herself as she asked him what happened. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"It seems Arlen and Kaito ended up fighting a Cipher Pol member. A secret agent Marine. They are often very powerful."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]He put a hand on his chin. Perhaps more powerful than himself if he was honest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"He dropped Arlen here on the deck, bantered and nearly ended up fighting me. Then left when he got some sort of call. As for Kaito..... my assumption is the Cipher Pol member killed him. Beyond that Skorrig has apparently been taken in by the Marines for medical treatment. So while he's safe he's not going to be joining us."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Scarlet blinked as she took everything in. She watched as Cletus carried Arlen below deck and then her attention returned to Jasper as she tried to figure out what to say. It seemed quite a lot had happened. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Are we ready to go?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px] Scarlet wondered.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"We have the flag,"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]she held out the object that she had put time and effort into collecting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Jasper nodded in agreement. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Yes, I believe it is time to go. I fear for what the flare and Marines subsequent retreat means."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]He eyed Lady Scarlet's leg in surprise and self directed disgust.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Lady Scarlet, what happened to your leg?!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Scarlet's eyes followed Jasper's and she saw the cut running along her shin. For a moment, her eyes widened as though she had forgotten about it and then she chuckled a bit as she remembered where it had come from. Looking back up to Jasper, she answered,[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"I tried using a really weird sword. It didn't work too well."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Jasper was at a lost for words for a second. He let out a long sigh and took off his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Lady Scarlet, perhaps when we get a bit of time you would allow me to teach you how to use a sword? If not for your safety, for my peace of mind?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Scarlet smiled but replied, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"I don't think that would go very well."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]She couldn't help but remember how the one she'd been fighting had kept telling her that didn't know how to use the weapon she tried to fight with. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Jasper replaced his glasses and adjusted them properly. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Of course not Lady Scarlet. Even the most legendary swordsmen and swordswomen tend start off poorly. Though through practice and diligence improvement is not out of anyone's reach. We can take it as slow as you need."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Scarlet was still hesitant but she cast a glance towards the shore and realized that more and more marines were coming. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Ehh... I don't know. Maybe."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]She finally decided that a 'maybe' would have to be good enough. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"We should get going, though, right?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]She glanced back at the shore as it filled with more and more marines. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.3333px]Jasper nodded. He supposed a maybe was good enough for now.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Yes. Let us be off."[/SIZE]

Collab With: @AllHailDago
Shannon bowed to Cletus' words almost as soon as they had left the man's mouth, acknowledging his size and tone as clear statements of Cletus' experience over himself. Following the man as he carried Arlen below, Shae listened as he explained that the captain also needed aid, something he'd noticed right before she had smiled at him. Judging by her limp she was in a decent amount of pain. But still...

Despite, or perhaps because of, his size and role in life Shannon had become adept at learning how to read subtle hints a clues that people gave off, even if they didn't mean to. While the trait had been most useful in avoiding angry or upset pirates back on the slaver ships. But now, however, it was more useful as his eyes widened slightly as he watched Cletus put down Arlen and flinch in some form of pain. Watching the man go carefully, the boy noted the way Cletus walked before turning to apply another cooled rag to Arlen's forward before scrambling back outside.

[SIZE=13.3333px]"Yes. Let us be off."[/SIZE]

And that was Jasper speaking. Looking at the people aboard before settling on Cletus and Scarlet, the Mink immediately got to work. Firstly he tried to lift a small box, but instead struggled fruitlessly before realising he was going to have to drag it. A brief scratching noise later, as well as a short trip across the deck that likely drew everyone's attention, much to Shannon's chagrin. Still once he finished his trip he was right next to Scarlet, tugging on her sleeve before pointing for her to sit on the box, and then motioning for her to roll up her pant leg. That said before he saw to her he needed to ready for his other patient. Quickly jogging back to the door way again Shannon dragged out another box, this time closer to one of the side rails. From here he move to Cletus and tapped him on his unhurt side, holding a small note he'd penned as well as a smaller than palm sized bundle of herbs.

~Please sit, chew this and rest your arm on the rail and I will be right with you~

Pulling his kit back out from where he'd tucked it in his robes Shannon made his way back to the Captain and readied himself to look at her leg, handing her a note and a small bundle of herbs as he waited for her to get ready for him.

~Hello, I am Shannon. If you could chew this it will ease the pain. If you would allow it I would like to see towards your leg ma'am.~







Sora Z. Lachance


While getting the ship ready to launch his ears perked up when he heard the word navigator.  "Finally."  He whispered as he stopped what he was doing and headed over to the edge of the ship.  Looking down at Syrim and sizing him up for a moment he was quiet.  Though moments later he grinned and nodded.  "Get on board, once everything is ready to go I'll have someone tend to you foot."  He said as he gestured for the other to come aboard.  As he did so his eyes moved to the dock and he saw, this section at the very least was lacking a lot of boats.  Only his and the two that were now at the bottom of the water were still here as well as a few that looked to be in too poor of condition to sail.  "Damn, we need to pick up the pace.  If the marines plan something nasty, I don't think us being here is a good idea."  He muttered under his breath his eyes now going back to the city.  'What are we going to do about Ren?  She isn't back yet....'  

Before he could finish his thought someone else caught his attention.  The woman in the maid outfit.  Moving away from the railing he listened to her while he went back to getting everything ready to go.  "I really advise against staying here."  He said as he picked up a barrel that remained on the deck and headed to put it away.  However before he did he looked at her with a pretty happy grin.  "Though you are in luck, you won't have to stay because out paths will cross.  I'm Sora, and I plan to be King of the Pirates, so yes... Yes I'm going to get one piece."     

With that he left for a moment to put away the barrel and then he quickly returned.  Doing one more quick search around the ship for the female chef he let out a sigh.  He couldn't wait much longer, and he couldn't risk his new crew over one person.  So he had to make the call.  "Hey! Anyone that's not in the middle of taking a nap, lets get ready to sail!  I need the anchor up!  When the navigator is on board we take away the gangplank!  We will sail in a few moments! I want to give Ren a chance to arrive! But if she's not back in five minutes, we are leaving!"  He shouted to the crew so they and anyone that was still off the boat could hear him.   After he ordered this he went to the front of the ship and looked out at the sea.  'It shouldn't be hard to get by this blockade.  However I still need to plan just incase.  Far as I know, no one has a bounty.  Though not everyone has really told me, no telling with the new guy.  Would really hate it if I was blown out of the water this early in the game.  No way I'm losing that damn bet to the other two.'  

@shadowdude505@Refaulted@Mitchs98@AtlannianSpy@Exanis@Felix@Azure Sky
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Zeon G. Zephyrfield

After a long 3 years in Mirstone of waiting for Ruth, Zeon had accepted the fact that she wasn't coming. He gave in to his thoughts of her either forgetting about hi-awww hell naw, like she'd forget him since he's in possession of all her items basically. Especially Hero's Anthem, Legendary gauntlets that she found and took for herself. Not to mention all she went through....All of the suffering that was caused by that group of....pirates... The dyed hair wanderer sat on the roof of a building observing the docks, watching the fleeing and even fighting of pirates. A look of disdain in his eyes that zipped over the sea criminals of all their kind. Not to mention, the marines who also started deserting the looked like the flare from earlier actually meant something. 'Well...time to go...' Relieving himself from his rooftop hangout, he quietly but quickly made his way down to the docks, bag strapped over shoulder and all.

Zeon looked around to notice a few ships leaving, and contemplated which one he should stowaway on. 'Ene-mene-mine-mo, find a ship so i can go, which one should i pop on to, ene-mini-i-choose-you.' His sights was set on the Lucky Nova as he made a hot step towards it.
"Oi! I heard the captain of this ship was lookin' for a navigator to get off this thrice damned island! 'Slong as I can get off at the next pirate-friendly island, I'm willin' to navigate for you!" It seemed someone else had a similar idea to leave the island on that sea vessel....except he was being front and center about it. Honestly, sneaking aboard was more of the thing since they were all pirates and no way in hell was he going to trust a pirate.

Upon getting closer he skidded before leaping into the water and swimming to the other side of the ship, it was a chore with the bag but it was worth being able to leave...unless caught gauntlet handed of course. Proceeding to climb the sides, Zeon had finally made it onto the ship, laying on the flooring with his lack of presence, hoping that the man from earlier would've been a good enough distraction than none would've seen when he jumped into the water.
"Hey! Anyone that's not in the middle of taking a nap, lets get ready to sail!  I need the anchor up!  When the navigator is on board we take away the gangplank!  We will sail in a few moments! I want to give Ren a chance to arrive! But if she's not back in five minutes, we are leaving!"  He made himself comfortable in his little corner, taking off the gauntlets and opening the bag to see if anything got damaged or wet. He sighed to himself, putting the gauntlets in the shiny chest and placing everything back in the bag then to use it as a pillow.


Cait Merlin


Cait flashed a smile at Xiao and her new crewmates. She wanted to introduce herself to Emilie and Syrin, but her Captain's orders seamed urgent. "Aye, aye, Captain!" she replied, giving him a playful salute. Cait ran over to where the anchor chain was and started to use her fishman/human hybrid muscles to pull the anchor up. It took her less than a minute to store the anchor, giving Ren at least four more minutes to return. "You don't suppose Ren was captured, do ya?" she asked, looking and sounding concerned as she directed her question mainly to Sora.

Cait didn't wait for Sora's response though, wanting to utilize the remaining four minutes, Cait scooped up her guitar case as she rushed below deck and entered the room she had claimed for herself. She took off her lightly blood soaked shirt, a result of getting her teeth knocked out of her earlier, and changed into a fairly modest plaid bikini top. Cait completed her outfit by putting on aquatic shorts and sandals. She wanted to be ready to swim just in case things got rough. There were some benefits to being part fishman.

Cait reemerged on deck looking more like a fishwoman with her muscles and fins on the back of her lower legs exposed. She started to walk toward the ship's railings facing the island, but immediately stopped when she noticed a human form laying on the deck. "Shit!" she cursed, quickly realizing that Seth was unconscious...again. Cait rushed over to Seth's side and crouched beside him. "Oy, is the doctor guy still around?" she called out. "Seth looks like he could use some medical attention, Captain."


@Felix@Azure Sky@JR260
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Syrin Insinu

Hiding a grimace as the pain in his foot throbbed once, Syrin dragged himself up the gangplank, eyeing the crew members aboard the boat cautiously. As far as he could tell, none of them had a bounty in the millions, though the last time he checked a bounty board was quite a while ago. He had to admit that the boat itself was quite beautiful, not something you tended to find with captains starting up their career in piracy. Well, at least that meant it would be fairly smooth sailing due to the distinct lack of infamy. Collecting his thoughts, he began trudging over to an unoccupied railing, then sat down on it and let out a relieved sigh as he get rid of the minuscule pressure that was still applied to his injured foot. Stretching out his arm till the soreness dissipated, he let out another sigh. Satisfied for now, Syrin called out to the captain as he pushed off the rail and onto his feet, all the while pulling out his flask. "The name's Syrin. Syrin Insinu. I'll be the one to chart the path to freedom for our collective asses. And on that cheerful note, where do you want to go, and do you have a map for me?" As he said this, he checked his flask, and was happily rewarded with it being halfway filled, more than enough for now. Putting it away, he focused his attention on the captain of the ship. "Beyond navigating I'll be keeping to myself till we arrive at wherever you want to go."


Nearby: @Refaulted@Mitchs98@AtlannianSpy@Felix@Azure Sky@shadowdude505

Stacy Beauregard | Ferra McKlinnen

Stacy could not contain a chuckle as she watched Norman get convinced to dive overboard to look for a fish that really didn't seem to exist. The more Ferra said, the more Stacy was finding it entirely amusing to watch. Then as she heard Norman's last words, her expression turned slightly serious again.

Before she could really address Ferra and the situation as a whole, though, her eyes trailed over to the edge of the ship and she listened as two people apparently waited to get on board. She smirked slightly and shrugged. "I don't care. Come aboard if you want." 

Thinking about it, she glanced towards Raine one final time. "Stay or leave. Last chance." Stacy didn't really address his comment that they would need a cook. In all honesty, Stacy didn't plan on the ship turning into a functioning crew. She didn't see how that was possible. All she needed was a way off the island and she figured they could manage that much, at least. 

Stacy shook her head at Ferra in a subtle gesture that she didn't want to let Norman back on board before they left. Then she subtly nodded towards the rope. 

Recognising the nod and agreeing with Stacy's opinion, Ferra strod purposefully over to the rope and with a simple flick of her wrist her deadly sharp sabre bit deep through the rope fibres and severed the Sea Dragon's last connections to the dock of Mirstone. Granted it was at a slow clip, and it allowed one final chance for people to either take leave of the ship or to hop on before leaving the dock behind.

With a slight jolt as the wind caught the sails and pushed the craft forward, the former Captain made her way to the helm and began looking about the bay as she started to plot a course to get them out of here, taking this as a chance to explain something as well.

"To be clear, especially to you tall one, I'm not the official Captain, just the standing captain until we find a new place to make port. From there people can either choose to find Kenji, or go their own way or do whatever they want, but it is not my intent to become a standing and acting captain of a pirate crew." she noted fiercely, levelling a no nonsense attitude as she spoke, "But until we do make port, if I say jump, I expect it to happen, just like if I was still commanding  in the Marines. I don't bark orders as kind suggestions, it's to ensure my ship and crew make it to the next day."

Stacy shifted her attention to Ferra as the woman spoke and then she glanced around at the people who were now on board the ship. Her eyes focused on each of them for a brief moment before she added, "Don't break anything. I've already put enough work into this ship."

Despite the fact that she really didn't have much to say, Stacy was actually quite glad that they'd figured things out and were finally moving along. It was better than waiting on the docks, and it was nice to feel the breeze as the ship moved along. More than the comfort of leaving the island was the comfort of the fact that she had managed to rid herself of everyone on the deck of the ship who annoyed her. Well, she hoped no one else on the ship managed to be as annoying as Norman and Kenji had. 

Even she knew, though, that the impending problem of the marines was waiting for them. 

Collab With:  @Pequeno Burraidh

Tags:  @Sinister Clown @Yato @MidnightStar @Sullivanity
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Before he could finish his thought someone else caught his attention.  The woman in the maid outfit.  Moving away from the railing he listened to her while he went back to getting everything ready to go.  "I really advise against staying here."  He said as he picked up a barrel that remained on the deck and headed to put it away.  However before he did he looked at her with a pretty happy grin.  "Though you are in luck, you won't have to stay because out paths will cross.  I'm Sora, and I plan to be King of the Pirates, so yes... Yes I'm going to get one piece."     

Emilie De Cortagne


Emilie paused to consider the Captain's words and then nodded curtly. "Then I'll follow you. I don't know much about ships I'm not very experienced with ships but I can clean, cook, fight and serve to the best of my  ability in any role you deem necessary. If you have anything specific for me to do please direct  me as you see fit, in the meantime I shall endeavour to make myself useful."  Emilie retrieved her tools, intending to store them below deck out of everybody's way, passing by Seth and Cait on the way.

Cait Merlin

Cait reemerged on deck looking more like a fishwoman with her muscles and fins on the back of her lower legs exposed. She started to walk toward the ship's railings facing the island, but immediately stopped when she noticed a human form laying on the deck. "Shit!" she cursed, quickly realizing that Seth was unconscious...again. Cait rushed over to Seth's side and crouched beside him. "Oy, is the doctor guy still around?" she called out. "Seth looks like he could use some medical attention, Captain."


@Felix@Azure Sky@JR260

"He took a pretty good hit to the hit to the stomach and one to the head, he probably has a concussion at least." She opined, stopping in her tracks to bend over and examine the boy she had seen fighting earlier. "Check his breathing and make sure his airways are clear, if you can wake him up do so but otherwise see that he rests undisturbed and continues breathing." Emilie crouched down next to Cait and poked Seth in the stomach experimentally a few times with a frown. "I don't think he's bleeding internally or anything but I'm not really sure. I'm not a doctor but my training included very basic first aid." With that she stood up again and headed down.

It was dark and cramped below deck but that was pretty much to be expected, it was dishearteningly dirty and disorganised however. As soon as we're underway I'm going to have my work cut our for me imposing some kind of order on all of this Emilie though, wrinkling her dainty nose as she searched for a broom cupboard to store her gear. She found one but found herself wrinkling her nose at the rather pitiful selection of implements stashed their. No wonder it's so dirty, how on earth did they manage up until now? What she really wanted to do was attack this place at once and get eveyrhting sparkling but she reasoned it would be better to head back up and see if her new lord needed her to do anything more relevant. 

@Peaceswore @shadowdude505
Scarlet had not been attentive enough to notice the oddity that was the snow leapord mink when Shae first left with Cletus to follow Arlen. Her attention had been too distracted by her ensuing conversation with Jasper. However, that did not prevent her from noticing the mink as he started dragging a box across the deck of the ship as she had been preparing to bark out the orders that would get them moving towards their next destination. The captain's eyes turned to the source, not quite angry, but curious at the very least. Then her eyes flashed like starlight when she saw Shannon. 

Her excitement was such that Scarlet barely even thought about following along with the gesture to sit. She did, however, miss the second gesture. Technically, she saw it, but it didn't quite process. 

Then after a moment, she was handed a note. Her expression could not have sunk more than it did. "Do you not talk?" Scarlet asked, rather bluntly. A talking walking snow leopard would have been so much more interesting than one who didn't talk. 

Scarlet hadn't even read the note yet. 

Shannon couldn't have been more pleased with how the Captain was responding to him. Usually when he'd treated ship crew members there was spitting and shouting and cursing. Occasionally a thrown bottle, usually a slave beaten for his mistakes, even if he didn't make any and occasionally a thumping for himself if they got really angry with him.

But no, not this Captain, she already seemed happy just to see he was trying, and he never got to see the old crew happy no matter how hard he tried. As she began to follow is instructions, Shannon set about pulling out a few items from his kit such as herbal draught to clean out the wound with, and fresh water to wash it with first. As his nimble fingers picked through everything he needed his ears picked up on more words from the Captain, and when he looked up his heart sank a little.

She wanted him to talk.

He couldn't do that, and it looked like it was the worst news she could have gotten. Sinking down a little further and pulling his right hand up to rub at his other arm, the small Mink looked away to the side before forlornly shaking his head no.

Scarlet's jaw dropped into a firm and rounded 'O' shape and it matched the sound that came out. "Oh..." She stopped and considered for a moment before she declared quite jubilantly, "Well, that's ok. You can walk and that's cool too!" Reaching out, she patted him on the head and smiled brightly, some of her former excitement returning. 

Then she finally looked at the note. 

Scarlet started shaking her head a little bit while simultaneously rolling up her pant leg to show the wound she'd acquired. "It doesn't hurt at all," she commented. "Not really, anyway. It's good that you're a doctor, though. Are you going to join our crew!? You really should! We need a doctor since Skorrigg left." She was nodding to herself as she said it. 

Doing his best not to flinch too much as Scarlet's hand came down, Shannon was pleasantly surprised when instead of clouting him between the ears she simply pat his head. Not questioning it at all but instead letting his spirits rise back up, the boy watched as the Captain turned back toward her more cheerful demeanour.

Using the fresh water to dampen a small cloth he carried, Shae set about carefully cleaning around the wound, taking care to not apply too much pressure as he swept away the dirt and debris that had been acquired through Mirstone. Next he pulled out a thinner but longer roll of cloth, rolling out a bit and then cutting through it easily with one of his claws. 

Wetting one smaller piece of cloth with the herbal draught, Shannon placed it gently against the wound before taking the long, thin piece and wrapping it around tightly and tying it off.

~Simple wound, should heal in no time.~ he penned quickly, ~If it is too tight you are more than welcome to readjust it, and I am sorry if I did tie it too tight.~

With his note finished he offered it with a smile and nod.

Scarlet sat still and patient as Shannon tended to her wound. She had no problems with allowing it and she knew it would help her heal in the end. 

Taking the note, she read it over and then she smiled at him. "It's fine," she replied to the note. "You're a good doctor!" Scarlet added the affirmation with a firm and certain nod. "So are you joining our crew!? We could use a good doctor, you know. And you are a good doctor." Not to mention, he was also a walking snow leopard. 

It was something that hadn't even been an option to Shannon, and not something he'd been expected to have been given. To join the crew? As in to choose to join the crew? And the actual crew? He'd thought that the man that had saved him had been ordering him to come here, perhaps because he'd needed a doctor on the boat. That and even if he wasn't ordered, where was he meant to go? Back towards all the fighting?

Looking around at all of the more peaceful looking faces on the ship, and remembering that the one man, Jasper, had helped protect him to was all that Shae needed to think about as he readied himself to go see towards the other man's side. 

It was almost surreal, and it was quickly dawning on him that this was actually a really, really, really big decision. As the weight of it started to bear down on him, Shannon almost wanted to panic, as he was not good with big decisions or stress, but realised that he was expected to give an answer.

Wanting to both stay out of trouble and stay on the nice Captain's good side, Shannon nodded quickly and gave a hopeful smile up to Scarlet.

Scarlet smiled brightly and nodded affirmatively. "Good! I'm glad!" 

Without further hesitations, Scarlet stood up and tested her leg now that it had been bandaged and taken care of. She winced just a little but she quickly found her balance and managed to take a few steps without stumbling. It would work. "Thank you," she said to Shannon quickly before Scarlet's attention returned to her original intentions. 

"Alright everyone! We've got a crew and now we've gotta move! Everyone get to work! Raise the anchor! Raise the gangplank and hoist the sails!" Her eyes traced over the members of her crew as she considered whether or not she could assign jobs to. In the end, she just added, "Jasper! Take the helm!" at the end. She trusted him to not get them lost until they had decided upon a heading. 

Shannon started slightly as Scarlet suddenly raised her voice, but once he realised it wasn't directed at him specifically, but instead just so the whole crew to hear he calmed back down quickly. Gathering together what he needed and throwing the soiled cloth into the bay, he made his way over to Cletus and prepared to work on the man's side as they set off.

@DaughterofAthena @AllHailDago @Felix @vergil @QuirkyAngel @shadowdude505
Kaede Nakahara, Khazra Marshton, Ferra McKlinnen, and Stacy Beauregard


"Sometimes I wish he would stick to the plan.  Would make my life a lot eaiser, that and it would be simpler to figure out where he hid my sweets.  I know I didn't misplace them... He always does this before leaving on a mission."  A man stated as he casually walked on the deck of his navy vessel.  His hands behind his back, his bright orange hair wiping in the wind much like his marine coat on his back, which had the words justice written on it's back.  "We might have to have this chat of ours without anything to eat... Don't feel like opening up a new bag.  Where ever that maybe."  The man pulled up a chair and just plopped into it as he moved the straw to the side of his mouth.  "Though I'm sure we can still have a nice time even without the sweets.  It is a very beautiful day out after all." 


Khazra swept her white hair out of her face and over her right shoulder. She stood, quite pleased, in a rather bright patch of sunlight a few feet from Kaede? "A very beautiful day indeed. Unfortunate we have to be spending it cleaning up after pirates, rather than something more relaxing. Though it can't be helped I suppose." She moved a foot or two to her right as the patch of sunlight shifted. "Don't worry about the snacks Commander, I am quite full. Though I appreciate the offer. I'm sure we can make do with conversation for now, no?"


Kaede sighed as he shifted his hat a bit adjusting it on his head.  "We can, still I slept through breakfast....and lunch.  A snack or two would have been nice."  He said simply as he leaned back in his seat completely relaxed despite the importance of the mission and the fact the higher ups would be beyond pissed if he ended up letting a ship slip by.  "You know, I'm surprised you came to my ship now of all times.  Are you that bored right now?"  He asked as he looked over at the woman adjusting his hat once again to block the sun from his eyes.


Khazra tilted her head in a rather confused manner. "Do I have to be bored to visit one of my dear ex-crewmates?" She rustled through the bag she had brought with her and pulled out a plastic container with a red lid. She popped off the lid and passed Kaede the container. "You still like bacon wrapped chicken bites I assume? Help yourself!" She gave a warm smile that showed her sharp teeth in an oddly non-threatening manner.  "I made them earlier today for when i visited." 


One could have thought that Kaede had used Soru from how fast he was out of his chair.  Now standing in front of the Rear admiral the containor in hand he looked down at it with a very pleased grin plastered on his face.  Popping one straight away into his mouth he let out a sigh of relief.  "It has been too long since I had any of this."  He said a hearty laugh leaving him as he ignored a few of his crew looking at him oddly.  Taking the containor he would pop one in every now and then as he looked at the Rear Admiral.  "Also to answer your question from earlier.  No you don't have to be here because you are bored.  Just figured you are since I think you have your own ship you are suppose to be watching over." he said as he ate the snack, the golden straw still in his mouth as he chewed on his food.


Khazra laughed as she watched Kaede enjoy the snack wholeheartedly. "Well my crew is plenty capable of dealing without me for a short time. I believe in their abilities enough to leave them be while I visit. Though it's not like i couldn't return to them quickly. Also, as leader of the Marines present for this operation, I have to be watching over just about everyone." She glanced out towards the distant shape of Mirstone. She hoped Zargo was doing alright on his first big mission. She turned back to Kaede. "Any thoughts on the mission perchance?"


Kaede gulped some more of the snacks down before putting a lid on them and placing them down on his chair to save for later.  "True enough."  He siad calmly as he moved to the railing and leaned against it once again adjusting his hat so it wouldn't be blown off by the wind.  "And thoughts? Not much really, though a bit...surprised how big of an operation this is.  When I first got the order almost thought it was a Buster Call."  A light sigh left him as he rested his chin in his hand, his elbow now on the railing.  "My main concern however is about the civilians.  Were they evacuated safely? Or at least moved to an area where panicking pirates won't attack them?  I don't have any of my men on the ground, other then Ken...... And Ken.. He's him so he won't be much help about this concern." 


Khazra moved back into the warming patch of sunlight a foot or two behind Kaede. She turned her head to let it warm her face through her fur. "Civilian casualties were expressly communicated to be avoided. Every ship in the operation was told to avoid them at all costs. Last i heard many hundreds have been evacuated or moved out of combat zones already. Though the flare and recent report indicates most all the pirates are preparing to head our way. So there aren't really any dangerous individuals left to hurt the civilians anymore." She inhaled slowly and exhaled a large puff of breath. "Are you prepared to capture or kill those trying to escape? I heard there are a few big names."


The orange hair man remained silent as he listened to Khazra a light sigh of relief left him when he was informed of what was happening with the civilians.  "Good, I was over worrying about the civilians then.  Though pirates can be unpreditable, which makes them so dangerous....and annoying."  Scoffing lightly at what he said he shook his head a bit.  "Though you don't have to be a pirate to be annoying."   After stating this he looked at Khazra out of the corner of his eyes.  "Of course Ma'am, I got my orders and I have every intention of following them through.  If any pirates come our way thier ship will be completely demolished before even passing me." 


Khazra nodded. "Good, though remember that if you can take them alive. Avoiding needless death is something we should all strive for if possible. Not to mention the judicial branches get a bit.... testy if they lose the ability to have their trials." She stretched and yawned for a moment. "I personally don't want to have to deal with them unless it's absolutely necessary." 


"Yea, I get nagged by them a lot so I get it.  Besides I don't want too much bloodshed eithe-"  Before he could finish his sentence a shout came up from the crows nest. 


"Commander! I see a ship approaching starboard!  It's heading to leave the blockade!"  


A sigh left Kaede and he pushed off the railing and simply casually headed to the starboard side of the ship.  Squinting a bit he saw the ship that was in fact heading right to them. "Tsk, can you tell if it's a merchant ship!"  


"I think...... I think that's the ship Kenji was last seen on when it was reported he was heading here!"  


"Ah, so its a pirate ship then."  


~ ~ ~ 


Stacy had been standing on the edge of the ship as it sailed, glancing over to watch for anything that could tear a hole in the hull because she wanted to avoid it if at all possible. Considering how much traffic Mirstone had received over the past few days, she wasn't about to take any chances and just assume that the way out would be clear. Though she didn't see anything that she'd specifically been looking for, her eyes did fall upon the blockade. 


Her attention turned to Ferra at the helm. "Do we have any plans to get through that?" 


Ferra too had seen the blockade, and to be honest with herself it did not look like things were going their way. First was her and Japser's predictions for the mission. They had blundered badly here. Of course, it was genius to use a non-standard approach to handling the situation, there were many Marines amongst the pirates who likely came to the same conclusion she and her compatriot had.


This non-standard plan had likely made fools of all of them.


Staring out over the sea and along the line of ships, it was all too clear what their chances were, but she wasn't going to roll over quite yet. Grabbing a length of rope, Ferra adjusted course to set them straight at one of the ships before tying the wheel into place.


"I have one, and it's a long shot," Ferra announced bluntly. She wasn't a liar to people, there was always truth in her words, one way or another, "And there will be two options for everyone on board."


Letting silence hang in the air, Ferra allowed those on board to think of all their best and worst case scenarios as she pulled out as many lengths of rope as she could find from the cargo on the deck. Once satisfied she quickly began lashing it all together in a rough form before using the longest length of rope she could find to tie to the back railing of the Sea Dragon. Using the other end of the rope Ferra tie off the 'raft' and pushed it over board with a great heave.


"Option one floats behind us. You get on the raft, you avoid the fight coming up. It won't be against grunt Marines either, I won't bullshit you and claim that it will be. The blockade likely has high ranking Marines to deal with, and I won't blame anyone for wanting to avoid them," she admitted. Hell even she wanted to avoid this altogether, but there was no choice, "Anyone else that stays aboard will likely have to fight. The plan is to left our starboard side strike theirs. Amongst the confusion the raft gets cut loose and floats past. Those of us aboard will then fight off anyone to keep our ship our own, and once the raft is safely past we set our sails full and pick them up. With any luck, and a great deal of skill, we should be able to escape with a few scratches."


Nodding with a face set in a determined scowl, Ferra moved back to the wheel and took the helm once more before speaking to Stacy alone.


"It's a shame, you know? This craft was just repaired. You seem dependable though, and while I won't judge you either way, I'd appreciate you staying aboard to help me with everything."


Stacy found herself shrugging. Her eyes trailed from the rafts to the ships in the blockade and then back again and a sigh trickled from her lips. "Well, I might as well try to make sure she stands for as long as she can, right?" Basically, Stacy was not about to jump overboard at the slightest sign of trouble. 


Kaede watching the ship as it went on a direct course for his own ship.  His hand in the air telling his soldiers to hold fire.  He didn't want to waste any more ammo than abosutely needed, so he waited for the ship to get a bit closer.  As they got closer he saw the movement on the ship, however he didn't let himself get concenred by this, not yet at least. 


".....Fire!"  He ordered letting his hand fall down and in that moment several cannons went off each using the chain ball, making it evident where his aim was.  The chain balls wizzed through the air as they headed right for their target.  Three missed their target, however number four and five hit the mast.  One only scratching it a bit while taking out the sail and the other completely taking a bit over half the mast clean off, allowing it to crash down onto the ship and slid over the edge.   "Switch to normal canon balls!"  He ordered.  There was a break in the fire, one that wouldn't last long. 


The tell tale whistiling told Ferra everything she needed to know. Ducking down as the screeching whistles whizzed over her head, Ferra heard the tell tale cracking as she realised exactly what had just happened. Looking up just in time to jump out of the way, Ferra realised just how close to death she'd come as the mast crashed down onto the wheel.


Rolling to a knee, Ferra reached behind her and swung her rifle up into her grip. Looking keenly towards the Marine's craft. The first she saw was the crew loading standard shot.




Then what appeared to be a Commander which wasn't helping her mood.


"Shit again."


And then she rested her sight on one more person, the Rear Admiral.


"Shit on me..."


Swinging her rifle back onto her back, the former Captain rose up and barked orders immediately, gesturing to the raft momentarily before perching herself on the fallen mast and readying her rifle once more.


"Everyone get off the Sea Dragon now! It is time to go, so everyone get to the raft. MOVE!"


Shifting her aim, the woman fired off a shot at the cannon crew that seemed closest to getting their cannon loaded. Her intent was not, of course, to kill, but instead she began rifling through her pockets for rounds. Someone was going to need to hold cover while everyone else filtered off.


Stacy nodded and waved her arm towards the others. "Follow me! Now! Only a dead man's going to stick around on this ship any longer!" 


Glancing towards Ferra before she stepped down on the ladder, she told her, "Don't stick around too long. You don't need to be a dead one." Then she headed down, hoping to whatever sea gods did exist that the others would folllow her. 


Collabed With:

@DaughterofAthena @Peaceswore @Pequeno Burraidh


Aboard the Sea Dragon:

 @Yato @MidnightStar @Sinister Clown @Sullivanity

Sora Z Lachance

He had waited long enough, he knew this full well. If he allowed his crew to remain here any longer it would risk all of their lives.  "...I hope she got a way off the island."  He mumbled before making his way to the helm. Everything was in place the sails were down the gangplank out of the way.  The only thing holding them back was a single rope.  "Albi if you would."  With a smile on his face the white mink nodded and ran off his shoulder onto the railing and right up to the rope which she started to bite into tearing it away slowly.  "We are setting sail!  If you have a bounty on your head I need you to go below deck! Really would like to avoid having this lady to be blown to bits right off the bat!" Sora shouted his words clear so no one on the boat could miss them... Unless they were unconscious of course.   

He then looked at Syrin remembering his foot he looked around his eyes landing on the new girl dressed like a maid.  "Hey maid! I need you to look at his foot and stop the bleeding.  I think we all want to avoid  cutting it off."  He said to her with a light smile.  He saw how she looked over Seth even if it was for a moment, and knew she had at the very least basic first aid.  Hopefully enough to tend to another's bloody foot.  He would do it himself but well, he has to make sure the boat is on it's course.  While keeping an eye out for any marine ships.  His hands lightly touching the top of the wheel he looked out at the horizon with a broad grin on his face. "So I finally got a crew huh?  I can't wait to see how far we make it~"  He mused as he glanced down once more at the crew.  When he did he blinked a few times upon seeing someone that was not there before.  The deck had no barrels or crates above it any more...the last ones were sadly thrown, everything else was in storage.  There was a small alcove one could hide from view if a person wasn't at the helm...and Sora was at the helm.   There he stood blinking a few times before a sigh escaped him as he rubbed his head.  "I did say to come aboard if they wanted to leave...should close that invitation."  He muttered to himself. "Hey!  Rainbow hair!"  He hollered.  "Don't take a nap on my ship! If you are going to be on here you better at least pretend to be helping out!" 

Before he could say more the ship started to sail forward, a squeak of confirmation was heard.  The mink had chewed through the rope and now they were setting sail.  Almost right away they caught a good breeze and were heading straight to the blockade.  Sora had thought of several ideas, get a merchant flag, wait, etc etc.  But they simply didn't have enough time for most of his plans.  So... He decided to go with the simplest one in mind.  Go straight ahead, he didn't have a bounty, those who might could hide.  Sure it wasn't a perfect plan, but hell if things were easy. Everyone would be a pirate~  

Both hands gripped the steering wheel and his eyes gazing ahead a broad as well as a rather delighted grin on his face.  They were leaving....finally. "If we can make it through....then our adventure will really begin~"

@shadowdude505@JR260@Refaulted@Mitchs98@AtlannianSpy@Exanis@Felix@Azure Sky@AllHailDago

(Time to get this underway don't ya think~~~~)
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Stacy Beauregard | Raine Braddock


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]It took a bit for Raine to fully grasp what was going on. When he finally did, he clamored toward the raft and hooped on. The other girl, Stacy, was there as well. Raine figured he might as well talk to her, maybe relive some of his own stress about the situation.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Hey, I'm Raine. It's Stacy, right?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] He said, with no small amount of anxiety in his voice.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]After clambering down onto the raft with one of them following close behind her, Stacy's eyes turned to the marine blockade for a moment, considering all the options that they now had and realizing that there weren't very many. It didn't make her very eager to see what came next. However, she still managed to hear Raine's question and she turned to him briefly. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Uhm... yeah... Stacy."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]She really didn't see why her name would matter at a time like this, but it was slightly distracting, regardless. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"I'll bet you're wishing you got off the ship before we took off, aren't you?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"W-well, I g-guess. But I wish I'd done a lot of things differently in the past."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]  He replied, his voice still shaking. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"No use in th-thinking about it. Gotta look ahead, to brighter seas!" [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Raine repeated the phrase that Quinn had often used around him. It helped calm him down in times like this.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] "Do you think we'll actually make it?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"No use in thinking about it?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Stacy couldn't help but find that statement questionable. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Of course there's use thinking about it. Isn't there this thing called learning from your mistakes?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Of course, while Stacy could say it, she wasn't very good at it either. Essentially, she was calling the kettle black. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"If you don't think about it, that can't happen."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Her eyes glanced back towards the marines again. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"As for getting past them, though, I don't know if this is gonna be a mistake we can look back on anyway." [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Raine followed her gaze toward the marine ship. Although it was still some distance away, something about the way the light hit it's hull made it seem impossibly large and imposing. The concept that his dreams of serving under a Pirate King or Queen might come to an abrupt end suddenly seemed very real. But somehow, the added pressure only served to calm him down.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Well, I don't know about you, but I certainly won't let them take me alive. We are pirates after all. Dying with a bang certainly seems to be a habit of ours."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"You're not alone there,"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Stacy commented. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"I won't go down without a fight either. I made a mistake... not quite fighting hard enough when I really should have. I certainly won't be making that mistake this time around."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] She rolled her eyes at the memory of the marine who'd set her whole life in motion. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"I'd rather try and take whatever chances we have with escape, first, though. Ferra seemed to have a plan and maybe..."[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] she glanced towards the other ships that would need to escape, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"... maybe we have a ghost of a chance." [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Raine nodded in agreement. If anything, the Marines would likely go after the ships full of pirates, rather than a tiny raft with only a few of them. He also made a small mental note about what she said about not fighting hard enough. They would have to exchange personal demons at some point, but right now wasn't really the time. Thinking for a moment on what else to say, Raine turned back to Stacy. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Listen. If we make it out alive, regardless of where we end up, let's promise to become stronger. So stuff like this doesn't happen. Sound good?"[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Raine said as he gave a halfhearted smile. He hoped it would lighten the mood, if only by a little bit.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"That was always the plan."[/SIZE]

@Sullivanity @Pequeno Burraidh @MidnightStar @Yato
He then looked at Syrin remembering his foot he looked around his eyes landing on the new girl dressed like a maid.  "Hey maid! I need you to look at his foot and stop the bleeding.  I think we all want to avoid  cutting it off."  He said to her with a light smile.  He saw how she looked over Seth even if it was for a moment, and knew she had at the very least basic first aid.  Hopefully enough to tend to another's bloody foot.  He would do it himself but well, he has to make sure the boat is on it's course.  While keeping an eye out for any marine ships.  His hands lightly touching the top of the wheel he looked out at the horizon with a broad grin on his face. "So I finally got a crew huh?  I can't wait to see how far we make it~"  He mused as he glanced down once more at the crew.  When he did he blinked a few times upon seeing someone that was not there before.  The deck had no barrels or crates above it any more...the last ones were sadly thrown, everything else was in storage.  There was a small alcove one could hide from view if a person wasn't at the helm...and Sora was at the helm.   There he stood blinking a few times before a sigh escaped him as he rubbed his head.  "I did say to come aboard if they wanted to leave...should close that invitation."  He muttered to himself. "Hey!  Rainbow hair!"  He hollered.  "Don't take a nap on my ship! If you are going to be on here you better at least pretend to be helping out!" 

Emilie De Cortagne


"At once sir," nodded the girl, before hurrying over to Syrin to examine the damage. She didn't have to get very far to see what the problem was, there was a thin red trail of drops all over the deck where he had been walking and his foot was dyed a deep crimson. I must clean that up once I deal with this Emilie noted to herself meanwhile reaching Syrin and announcing herself with a false cough. "The Captain ordered me to treat your injury, I'm going to find some supplies and then clean and bandage it for now," Without waiting for a response she turned on her heels and retreated back under the deck, heading for the medical quarters she had glimpsed on her way out last time. 

Arriving in the cramped little office she immediately spotted some bandages, thankful that whoever had used the place last had seen fit to keep it organised, although there was a thin layer of dust on everything. Treat foot, clean deck, dust medical quarters Eliot thought to herself as she gathered bandages, gauze and a bottle of saline, a familiar sense of clarity settling over her.  

The necessary items in hand, Emilie left the medical room and hurried back on deck, searching out Syrin and making her way over to him. "Sit down and, if you can, take your shoe off," She instructed placidly though without presenting any room for disagreement, holding up the medical supplies to demonstrate her intent. 

@Peaceswore @Exanis

Marcus Gaverenton & Elijah Baden


Marcus groaned. He had no idea how he had gotten wrapped up in this mess. He had stood up to Marines. He had fought with other pirates. He was on a pirate ship. With said pirates he had fought with. If there was any way for him to lay low and stay out of anything involving the Marines, then he had no chance of doing so. He was trapped. He sat against the railings of the ship, head in his hands, mumbling under his breath. He slowly recited a poem about being lost at sea, and running into a sea monster. As he recited it, his heart rate slowed down. He at least had some essentials. What was left back in his shack were only a few books about medicine and some concoctions that...

[SIZE= 12px]He jumped up, roaring into the air. "[/SIZE]DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! DAMN THIS WHOLE SITUATION! I LEFT IT ALL FOR THEM TO FIND! ALL MY WORK AND MORE![SIZE= 12px]" While most of his important work he had on him, he had left the book with all of his [/SIZE][SIZE= 12px]combinations[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px] in the hands of the Marines. If they were smart enough to look for it. He had specifically hid it where no one besides him would find it. So, for now, things were safe. [/SIZE]

When it was fully done hardening, Marcus put the vial back in his coat, and pulled off his gloves. Shoving them back into his pocket, Marcus stood up, clapping his hands together. "That salve should work quickly. Within a few hours, the bruise should start to disappear, and it will be gone within one, if not two, days." With that, he looked at the woman, scowling. "I don't like it, but I guess I should be thanking you. If you hadn't jumped in, then who knows where those Marines would have dragged me off to." Marcus bowed to her. "I'm Marcus Gaverenton. A few pirates know me by the alias Doc Mercy, but I prefer my actual name. Nicknames are such silly things. May I ask who you are?"

Elijah, meanwhile, watched everything unfold around him. He had an arm over the chest he had recovered from the wreck of his ship, and his duffel bag was dropped a few feet from him, but still close enough that he could keep an eye on it. He looked between each person, inspecting them all. He hadn't officially joined their crew, but he was now on their ship, setting sail away from Mirstone, so he couldn't say he wasn't a part of it now. He had no ship to call his own, and all the precious time he had spent on his last one had been lost. All he had now was to look forward and either build a new one, or...

Groaning, ELijah rested his head against the railing. He was exhausted. So much had happened today, and it didn't even feel like it was over yet. He had lost his ship, dove to the depths to recover his important belongings, fought and almost been choked to death, and escaped with a pirate crew he knew nothing about. But he still had luck on his side. Reaching out, he grabbed his duffel bag and placed it on his lap, opening it and searching through it's contents. He had a few pairs of clothes in it, along with a bunch of rolled up pieces of paper. As he pulled one out, he opened it to examine the contents. Each of the papers were blueprints, either for weapons or machines that can be used on a ship. They were all his own design, as well, so he was especially proud of them. He smiled as he rolled them back up and closed his eyes, leaning back and listening to the waves again. 

@Anyone On The Lucky Nova. Sorry, not sure who exactly is there.

Cait Merlin


Cait felt relieved after hearing Emilie's explanation of Seth's injuries. She didn't like seeing her crewmate unconscious, but at least she knew it wasn't anything too life threatening. As Emilie left to do other duties, Cait stood up and turned her attention to Marcus. "There's no need to thank me, I wasn't tryin' to save ya," she explained. "I had my own motives," she added, subconsciously grabbing the locket around her neck. "I'm Cait Merlin. If you still want to thank me, Seth could use your medical expertise." 

After gesturing toward her unconscious crewmate, Cait just stood there and contemplated what to do next. Captain Sora wanted people with bounties below deck. She didn't have one...yet. Though she had been in a fight with a marine, or tried to fight one anyway. How fast would news of that "fight" travel? Would she even be perceived as a threat since her old set of teeth were knocked out of her by the marine fishwoman? Forget what the Marines would think, if someone fell overboard there wasn't much she could do below deck. 

Cait started to walk toward Elijah and Keya as she mentally prepared herself for a fight. "I'm sorry about your ship," she said tenderly as she stood beside the shipwright. "I know the Lucky Nova won't replace the one you lost, bein' different ships and all...." She flashed Elijah a warm smile as she patted the Lucky Nova's railing. "...but I'm sure she's glad that you're on board."


Nearby: @Mitchs98 @AtlannianSpy @Peaceswore @Exanis @Azure Sky @Felix @JR260
Norman "Kinda Lost" Newman

Norman had been underwater for a seemingly endless period of time looking for the Bubble Fish. Eventually though he got bored and resurfaced to find the ship had sailed too far away to see. In fact, it appeared he also swam quite the distance from his original location. He looked around for a different ship to climb aboard, as Norman honestly doesn't like swimming all that much. Thankfully when he surfaced one was passing closely by, so Norman did what came naturally. He stabbed a several knives, with the blades facing horizontally, into the side of the ship and made a makeshift seat out of them for a moment. It was a good thing he had such great balance and was rather light, otherwise this probably wouldn't work.

He just kinda sat there for a moment, pondering what to do. It was unlikely he was going to catch up to Kenji's ship anytime soon, not to mention the lack of Kenji aboard the ship. Unfortunately aside from his current set of clothes, and his weapons which he always kept on his person, all of Norman's belongings were on Kenji's ship. He looked up at the rather nice looking boat he was on while pondering. Well, it seems he'd just have to take his chances with this ship. Hopefully there was need for a cook on the crew, and hopefully people were a little more friendly too.

He hopped up onto the knifes and began stabbing in a few more knifes here and there as he climbed up the boat. He peeked over the side of the boat to find several folks going about their business. He looked around for a authorative looking type, and decided the one at the helm seemed to be callin the shots. Norman double checked that his scarf still covered his face below his eyes, then hopped over the side of the ship. With impatient poof he disappeared from the side of the boat, appearing next to the guy at the helm. "Hey guy, my name's Norman, Norman Newman. Lookin to join a crew since I lost my old one. You need a cook maybe?" He rocked on the balls of his feet, pretty unaware it might be taken poorly to just randomly board someone's ship and sneak up on it's Captain.

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