RP Section

Zoey nodded at Veda, making sure she knew that she was paying attention. "I was going to go with Kyns and be there on the front lines-im assuming you'd rather go with Riley." she said, her voice more mono-tone. "Would it be best if i were to leave?"  she asked the girl, standing up and preparing to leave. I've defiantly overstayed my welcome Zoey thought as she awaited the girl's answer

Veda shook her head yes at her assumption about Riley. “Kyns is a bit too 'in action' for my taste.” She confirmed as the other stood. “Ah, Zoey you can stay really, it’s not a big deal!” she walked backwards towards the door. “I’ll uh, be in the next room, I'll knock when it gets around 4.” She was nervous to be in the others presence, thinking from the attitude Zoey was upset with her. She gave a short wave and closed the door, going to her own room to lay down. Laying on the soft mattress, she was a bit worried that she wouldn’t have another chance to be with the elf.

"I'll give you a nickname then!" She declared with a smile then looked at him and tilted her head, "Well I don't make nicknames often so I'm just adding 'nny'. Kynny!" She stated  with a laugh. Points for creativity, or lack of. As he mentioned the sparring area Echo and Elana both got a devious grin, "I bet you couldn't beat both of us!" Elana said as Echo was already planning a way to whoop his ass, "You sure Kyns? Elana's untrained but she's fast as an Asp." She explained, and being fast ment she hit harder, moved quicker and dodged faster.



Kyns smiled at the new nickname. "Kynny? I love it!" He says, beaming. He looks at Elana and Echo, who have both grown devious grins. "Beat you both? I think I could take you both on." He says smirking. "Now will I be fighting you guys one at a time, or both at once?" He asks with a raised eyebrow as he gets up and walks to the stairs. "It's down the street from here." He says, then starts walking up the stairs. 
Echo smiled at her nickname success, "Well Kynny I think I'd at least put up a fair fight in hand to hand combat, I'd bet on Elana'd whoop your ass though." She said with a smile. Echo knew she was quite good and most likely faster then him but she'd never really seen him fight, she couldn't call it without knowing his skill level. She was sure Elana would win in hand to hand though, she was just to fast to dodge. As he asked if it was 2 on 1 or one on one they both shrugged and Elana piped up "You choose, It doesn't really matter to be to us." She said and Echo nodded her agreement as they followed him up the stairs.

Echo smiled at her nickname success, "Well Kynny I think I'd at least put up a fair fight in hand to hand combat, I'd bet on Elana'd whoop your ass though." She said with a smile. Echo knew she was quite good and most likely faster then him but she'd never really seen him fight, she couldn't call it without knowing his skill level. She was sure Elana would win in hand to hand though, she was just to fast to dodge. As he asked if it was 2 on 1 or one on one they both shrugged and Elana piped up "You choose, It doesn't really matter to be to us." She said and Echo nodded her agreement as they followed him up the stairs.



Kyns walked out the door and held it open for the two to walk out. He grinned at Echo when she said Elana would 'whoop his ass'. "You think so? Well we'll see about it." He said. Shuddering as he thought of the time he broke an enemy's war axe in two, then proceeded to snap the man's spine over his knee. "Just make sure the staff drag me out of the ring with dignity if you knock me out, okay?" He said laughing weakly as they started walking down the street. After a moment of thought he grinned. "Let's do one on ones first, then before we leave we can do a timed two versus one match." Kyns said happily. Small sordid flashbacks filled his mind for a moment and he scowled. What's wrong with me? Why can't I stop thinking of this stuff? 
Aurora stares at blume startled and backs away. She glares at the woman then huffs and crosses her arms.

"Girls! Girls! You're both crazy beautiful. Lady red how about you let me knock some sense into my friend alone? I can be very persuasive. Come on Clair, I'm sure...Bugsy wouldn't want us to die here!" She winks to her friend then it turns silent only for the girl to huff. "I said!!! I'm sure Bugsy wouldn't want us to die!" Silence once again only making Aurora agitated. "Where is that robot? He should have popped in."

@Drakeel @Mr Swiftshots

Zoey RedShard 

Zoey removed her helmet with a sigh, raveling the tears in her eyes and the few that had strewn down her cheek, she smiled at Veda's attempts to comfort her before starting to walk again. She wanted noting more than to get out of the armour and speak to Veda that way but, she had to make due. "The thing is i don't know if i can stop...with every job it filled this sort of addiction." she said, just realizing how dark what she said was. "After a while the people they tell you to kill feel more like animals-prey and i a hunter. I always say i want to go back North but every chance i get i keep making some excuse not to." she said with a shaky voice, glad to hear the other change the subject. "We 'met' in Binbig right when the bombing happened, Joseph wanted to kill him for a title and i shot at him hoping he wouldn't pummel Joseph into 100 pieces," she explained to the other she smiled a little and shook her head. "That was when Joseph was shot and i met Al." she finished the story as they neared the book store, she walked to the door, glad to be back and out of the streets to the place Veda had let her stay.


The Crimson Witch

Lady Blume stood and tapped her foot, waiting for the elf to finish her rant. She had changed entirely from a more cool and collected person to a demanding...and loud one as her patience had nearly reached it's end this girl...no this elf dared to demand something from her. She summoned guards to her side and stepped close the Clair. "Now Miss Clair i think i have been very fair with my terms.  Not a single one of you have been harmed aboard my ship. I could have had you all tortured and killed but i didn't." she spat angrily before stepping off with a sigh. "As i said, once you finish you will al be able to leave, no harm shall come to any of you so long as you comply with my simple request." she added with a forced smile. 

@Dearwolfy @Mr Swiftshots

Clair didn't so much as bat an eye lash when the witch approached her , she was to mad to do so. In fact Clair wasn't even sure if she was ever this angry at anyone before in her life. And that was saying something. However Clair had made her demands and was fully confident that said demands would be met , you see Clair wasn't one to lie or go back on her word. 

When Aurora started to but in and blabber on about how Bugsy wouldn't want either herself or Clair to die at this point in time , well , clair finally snapped. Within a blink of the eye ,both, the guards burst into flames and filled the room with mortifying screams. However the screams were short lived as the guards were soon reduced to nothing but ash and molten metal. (I assume they were wearing armour) Not to mention a horrible , lingering smell of burnt flesh. 

without moving so much as an inch , staying as close to the witch as she was before , Clair spoke sternly as one one to an unmannered child. "The majority of your fleet is cast with steel , steel has an approximate melting point of around 1510 degrees C. My flames burn at around 3000 degrees C. I'm sure your capable of understanding the sheer difference in heat and heat resistance." 

Zoey RedShard

Zoey nodded at the other's confirmation of her suspicions. She felt a pang of sorrow when Veda had left the room "Okay" Zoey called out, sitting down in front of the bed. As far as she was concerned Veda was letting her down softly, trying not to hurt her feelings but at the same time, tell her that she's not interested. After we kill the witch ill apologize to Veda then, somehow, get a flight back to Pitfum. Pickup where i left off she thought to herself, hugging her knees. "What the Hell is wrong with you." she asked herself. All she had to look forward to was fitting along side the dragnslayer to bring down the Witch. 

@Fawnking @Mr Swiftshots @Dearwolfy

Crimson Witch 

Lady Blume stood and waited for her men to stop burning, slightly annoyed at there screams that interrupted her negotiations. Once they had been reduced to ash and melted armour she walked to Clair again. "Might i add you are making this much more difficult than it has to be. Now as i'm sure you're aware you can melt steel but if you do, Know you'll be taking your friends down with us. Now as i said i suppose this can go two ways, One you build me my defenses and all three of you leave with no harm to anyone or you can light us ablaze and kill us all and send us plummeting into the water. I do sincerely hope you don't get any ideas about your dragon freind."she finished, revealing Clair's whistle she had removed from her upon capture. " So what is your decision miss Clair?"  She tapped her foot, hoping this situation would resolve soon, it was becoming rather tedious and boring.
Veda entered her own room after getting a glass of water, at sat on the edge feeling uneasy. Hoping the confession hadn’t ruined their relationship she fiddled with a glass paperweight she had sitting idly around. Her thoughts wondered as she paced the room, putting things back and picking things up until she eventually stopped at the rusted tin of the box. She picked it up once again, message sitting at the bottom as she lightly touched the yellowing paper she thought of her old lover and knew he would want her to be happy with whatever she chose. Veda crossed back over to her bed, laying down on the soft sheets and looking at the white ceiling. Her thoughts drifted from John to Zoey, thinking about how things would play out, hoping they both would be fine after the upcoming battle, especially with Zoey being on the front lines. Her decision to join Riley seemed plagued with what ifs, wanting to protect the younger elf. “Zoey is an adult, she will be fine I’m sure. I can’t baby her.” She muttered, gaze staying on the slow ticking clock.

"I sure hope at least one of us beats you. We don't need your head getting any bigger then it alreasy is." She joked as they walked down the street. She could see a large grey building in the distance that she could only assume contained the sparring area and got a tad excited. She was about to ask if that building was it when Elana suddenlu pointed a finger at Kyns, "If I win, you owe me 200 gold, and if I lose you choose what you want from me or Echo." She declared and Echo's eyes widened as she swatted at Elana, "Now he'll have more to brag about if he wins!" Echo groaned. Elana nodded at Kyns 1 versus 1 then 2 versus one idea as Echo continued go glare.

(The tag won't work)
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"I think my head is the perfect size, thank you very much." He said jokingly. Kyns points at a grey building. "There it is." Kyns says excitedly. Suddenly, Elana pointed at him and listened to her proposal. "I like that. We have a deal then." He said grinning. "But I don't know what i'd want from Echo..." He says as the three walk into the building. The main room was small and concrete, with one desk in the center, and a door behind it. A few chairs were placed along the edges of the room. A brown robed human woman  "Hello Kyns!" She said cheerfully and wrote something in the book, before getting up and giving him a hug. The woman had ginger hair, and many freckles about her face. "Hey Leena! I'm here for a medium sized room." Kyns said, hugging her back. While still hugging Kyns, Leena looked at Elana and Echo and gave them a glare, then hugged Kyns a little tighter before letting him go. She smiled sweetly at the group. "Right this way then,you all need to go to the changing rooms first." She said as she bent down behind the desk and stood back up with three folded outfits. She walked back over to the three and gave them all a pair of baige colored cloth pants, and then gave Echo and Elana two baige shirts to match. "Come on, the changing rooms are down here." She said, leading the group into the door behind the desk. The door lead to an incredibly long hallway, and at the end, two doors could be seen. "You can leave your things in small lockers in the changing rooms. Your sparring room is number 6, have fun!" Leena says, smiling at Kyns before returning to her desk. As the door shuts behind them, Kyns looks at Echo and Elana and smiles. "Alright, i'l meet you two in room six." He says, holding his clothes in one hand as he walks down the hallway.

Kyns enters the men's changing room and begins looking about for a locker. As he moves through the room, a man reaches out to fist bump him. "Hey Kyns! Just getting pumped up with my buds to take down that Witch!" The man says. Kyns fist bumps the man and starts changing. It's a little relieving for him to be out of the dress clothes. Kyns quickly stashes them his locker and then finishes changing. Kyns leaves the changing room and walks up the hallway to room six. Once inside, he looked about himself. Taking in the familiar surroundings. The entire floor was covered in semi-soft matting, and the only thing keeping it illuminated was the sunlight coming through several open windows. A small table on the left side of the room could be seen, and a small a pitcher of water and several glasses was set out atop it, along with a box labeled 'boxing tape'. Kyns walked over to the box and took out two rolls, using them both to wrap himself from his forearms to his his hands. As he tightened the tape, he looked down at the several scars on his bare torso. Damn...I look like a railway map... he joked to himself as he waited for his two friends.

Echo rolled her eyes at Kyns then mentally patted her back at the fact she had guessed the building. She proceeded to grumble on about Elana making a deal without her consent, then when on to stare daggers at Kyns as he agreed. Elana quickly ran ahead making an 'O' shape with her mouth then looked at the ginger haired woman and frowned. As Echo entered she watched Kyns hug the woman and rolled her eyes as the carrot top glared. Seeing as she didn't particularly like this woman she decided the best coarse of action was to make an illusion of elongated canines the bared her teeth at the woman. As the woman handed them the clothes Echo and Elana both gave a deceivingly nice smile before heading down to the womens change room, "I'm surprised you didn't just knock the bitch out." Elana said as they walked into the change room.

"I would have loved to but getting kicked out of this place isn't on the agenda I'm afraid." She said as she fiddled with her lockers lock, got it open then change, "Are you kidding me? This is practically a bra!" Echo whined as she examined herself in the mirror. The pants were a stretchy material that clung to her figure and the top was a slightly thicker material tank top that hovered above her belly button, "Oh quit your complaining, Imagine all the guys checking us out as we leave!" Elana  said excitedly. God, she's almost as bad as Kyns, she thought as she hiked up her pants so they covered the scar across her waist. Dam Elana and her perfect skin. She thought as they exited the change room and made there way into the sparring room. It was a good size with matted flooring and a table pushed off to the side. Average compared to what she was used to be she didn't really care. She wrapped her hands then proceeded to do a quick few stretches, well Elana snickered at Kyns, "Get a shirt on you big oaf and also who's going first?"


Kyns grinned at Elana. "You think I go these badass tattoos just so I could hide them under a shirt?" Kyns said jokingly, turning and showing off the Runes on his back. He thought about who should go first as he did a few stretches of his own. 'I think i'd like to go against Echo first if you don't mind. I've always kinda wanted to spar with her." He said, rubbing his shoulders. Kyns walked into the center of the room and stood there, waiting for Echo to get into position. 

"Yes." Echo and Elana both said in Unison. Echo took her time to look at each one of the inked in runes, wondering what they did and what they meant, "Of course you'd want to go against me first, I am the best of us." she said sarcastically and trotted up in front of him then got into a strong defensive position. She tended to be rather strategic when she fought, doing certain kicks after certain moves or dodging everything to tire her opponent out, but she decided to just fight with Kyns, no plans. It always ended up being far more interesting that way anyways. She quickly glanced over to Elana then met Kyns gaze, "No magic." she said simply then in half a second had swung down and slammed her leg under his feet to knock him off balance and swung her fist at the side of his face. Like hell she was going easy on the dragon slayer.

"Yes." Echo and Elana both said in Unison. Echo took her time to look at each one of the inked in runes, wondering what they did and what they meant, "Of course you'd want to go against me first, I am the best of us." she said sarcastically and trotted up in front of him then got into a strong defensive position. She tended to be rather strategic when she fought, doing certain kicks after certain moves or dodging everything to tire her opponent out, but she decided to just fight with Kyns, no plans. It always ended up being far more interesting that way anyways. She quickly glanced over to Elana then met Kyns gaze, "No magic." she said simply then in half a second had swung down and slammed her leg under his feet to knock him off balance and swung her fist at the side of his face. Like hell she was going easy on the dragon slayer.



Kyns watched Echo, trying to get a read on what she was thinking. But, before he could even start to think; Echo simply said "no magic" and quickly knocked him off balance with a low kick. In an instant, a fist sped towards his face. Kyns figured it was best to stick to being unbalanced than bludgeoned and bruised, he let himself drop to the floor, quickly doing a backwards roll, leading into a one armed handstand. " Geez Echo, Not even a starting bell?" Kyns said smirking as he got out of his handstand. He got into a a low countering position and circled Echo. "Ding ding." He said, then charged at Echo. He threw a punch to her left, but quickly stopped, juking her out before attempting to unleash a hard uppercut to the gut. 


Zoey RedShard

Zoey nodded at the other's confirmation of her suspicions. She felt a pang of sorrow when Veda had left the room "Okay" Zoey called out, sitting down in front of the bed. As far as she was concerned Veda was letting her down softly, trying not to hurt her feelings but at the same time, tell her that she's not interested. After we kill the witch ill apologize to Veda then, somehow, get a flight back to Pitfum. Pickup where i left off she thought to herself, hugging her knees. "What the Hell is wrong with you." she asked herself. All she had to look forward to was fitting along side the dragnslayer to bring down the Witch. 

@Fawnking @Mr Swiftshots @Dearwolfy

Crimson Witch 

Lady Blume stood and waited for her men to stop burning, slightly annoyed at there screams that interrupted her negotiations. Once they had been reduced to ash and melted armour she walked to Clair again. "Might i add you are making this much more difficult than it has to be. Now as i'm sure you're aware you can melt steel but if you do, Know you'll be taking your friends down with us. Now as i said i suppose this can go two ways, One you build me my defenses and all three of you leave with no harm to anyone or you can light us ablaze and kill us all and send us plummeting into the water. I do sincerely hope you don't get any ideas about your dragon freind."she finished, revealing Clair's whistle she had removed from her upon capture. " So what is your decision miss Clair?"  She tapped her foot, hoping this situation would resolve soon, it was becoming rather tedious and boring.

Clair's body was hot to touch and radiated an intense heat to those nearby , Blume being the closest. The witch was the first to ever turn down Clair's demands and as a result Clair wanted nothing more than to kill her on the spot , however there were better ways of getting revenge. With a grin plastered upon her face Clair turned her back to the witch "You took my whistle , maybe I wont need to burn the fleet then." With her grin dropping Clair then made her way over to the door , sliding it open and speaking again to the witch "My demands were clear and to the point. If you want Aurora to build you a 'weapon of mass destruction' then do so. I however will have no part in the construction and or planning of such a device. Kill me if you must. I fear not of 'Death' , he visits all mortals.".

With that Clair exited the room and began to make her way back towards the room she had been sleeping in.

Clair's body was hot to touch and radiated an intense heat to those nearby , Blume being the closest. The witch was the first to ever turn down Clair's demands and as a result Clair wanted nothing more than to kill her on the spot , however there were better ways of getting revenge. With a grin plastered upon her face Clair turned her back to the witch "You took my whistle , maybe I wont need to burn the fleet then." With her grin dropping Clair then made her way over to the door , sliding it open and speaking again to the witch "My demands were clear and to the point. If you want Aurora to build you a 'weapon of mass destruction' then do so. I however will have no part in the construction and or planning of such a device. Kill me if you must. I fear not of 'Death' , he visits all mortals.".

With that Clair exited the room and began to make her way back towards the room she had been sleeping in.


Aurora sat there baffled. Clair seemed to have lost he mind in a split second. It was terrifying alright but never has she witnessed her dear friend angry. She always seemed so calm and collected sometimes weird but never this. Aurora was unsure if she should follow or not. She was worried for her. "Hey Clair wait for me!" The girl follows and frowns. "Clair...are you alright? I've never seen you burst out of control like that I...." Aurora halts her talking, she felt she was going to make the elven woman snap at her if she continued. So she stood silent.
Echo rolled her eyes as he pushed himself into a hand stand, "Of course I didn't, what's the point if your so confident you'll win?" She asked and easily stepped out of the way of the first punch but winced as her dodge failed and the fist meant for her gut hit her waist. She hadn't expected him to be that fast. She shrugged at him then charged, deciding she could show off too. She transitioned into a high Aerial and placed her hands on his shoulders, then pulled him backwards as she landed, "Come on, at least give me a challenge!" She said with a playful smile, then proceeded to send her foot flying at his back.

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Echo rolled her eyes as he pushed himself into a hand stand, "Of course I didn't, what's the point if your so confident you'll win?" She asked and easily stepped out of the way of the first punch but winced as her dodge failed and the fist meant for her gut hit her waist. She hadn't expected him to be that fast. She shrugged at him then charged, deciding she could show off too. She transitioned into a high Aerial and placed her hands on his shoulders, then pulled him backwards as she landed, "Come on, at least give me a challenge!" She said with a playful smile, then proceeded to send her foot flying at his back.



Before Kyns could even react to Echo's acrobatic move, he was propelled forwards by a kick to the back. Kyns stumbled forward briefly before he caught himself and wheeled around on one foot, facing Echo once again. He smirked at her, shifting into an offensive position. "You want me to give you a challenge? Alright then..." He said. Kyns moved one foot forward, attempting to misdirect where he was attacking, then lurched to the left side of Echo, attempting to grapple her with his right arm, and if that failed, he had had his left leg ready to swoop low, and bring them both to the floor. 

(sorry, was rewriting Vinn's  character page :P

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Echo made a face at Kyns, and went to the right to block whatever he was planning but quickly realized he was about grab at her left and tried to twist out of reach only to have her feet swooped out from under her. As she fell backwards she tried to throw out an arm to stop herself which turned out to be useless. As they hit the ground her head slammed into his chest and she just laid there for a few moments of silence. She was very glad that he couldn't see her face at the moment because she was fairly certain she was red as a cherry tomato. She laughed a bit then muttered a -rather charming in her opinion-, "You smell bad." into his torso. With a laugh she pushed herself into a sitting position and rubbed her face well Elana laughed, "Oh shush up." she said with a giggle, "Kyns your chest hurt my face." Then with an exasperated expression she poked his forehead, "You can't even kick right. How have you lived this long?"

(I have actually done this before xD  )


As Kyns felt that his leg swoop was successful, he started to prepare himself to get up immediately after the drop, but was surprised to see Echo suddenly come falling toward his chest. With a thud and an oof, Kyns landed onto the ground with Echo on top of him. Her head in his chest. Echo commented that he smelled bad into his torso. "Thanks, I think so too." He said as she pushed herself off of him into a sitting position. Her face was still beet red. Elana began laughing and he sat up and smiled, looking over to her then to Echo, who was rubbing her face. "Sorry about that..." Kyns said, inching a little closer and putting his hand on her chin, quickly inspecting for a broken nose. He saw all was fine, and he took his hand away. "Your nose looks fine." Kyns said, smiling at Echo. Then he addressed her question. "You think my kicking is off? Well...I was never really taught to kick all that much with the Hilingrove Monks. The style they taught me was in depth on punching and grappling. Whenever I use my legs, it's usually just for a swoop...so yeah...Kyns doesn't do any kicking. I know, surprising...I don't even know how I lived this long..." He said smirking. For a moment, Kyns looked at Echo's eyes, then caught himself staring and looked away. "You know, I never really noticed this before Echo, but you have really pretty eyes!" He said, a little entranced. He looked back at her. "I think it's all the blushing, it kind of brings your eyes out." He said smirking. Then picked himself up and held out his hand for Echo. "Ready to go again? Or are we switching who fights now?" Kyns asked.

"You look like a strawberry Echo!" Elana commented rather loudly causing Echo to glare in her direction only to suddenly have a hand on her chin then the obnoxious male in front of her inspecting her, "What the hell are you doing...!" she squealed then realized he was looking for a broken nose, "Are you kidding me? You seriously think your chest is so muscled that it'd break my nose?" she asked, then rolled her eyes as he complimented her. The fact that she found her pretty at all was preposterous, as he commented on her bright red cheeks she swatted her hand at him, "You're so annoying!" she squealed as she took his hand and pulled herself of the matt, then burst out into laughter as Elana suddenly sped forward knocked Kyns onto his stomach then sat on him, "Do I win!?!"


Kyns pointed at his chest. "I mean...it DID stop a sword from striking my heart...." He said, pointing at the long scar going across his chest. He laughed at Echo's comment on how annoying he is. "Awwww, thanks-" Is all Kyns could say before he was knocked clean off his feet and onto his stomach by Elana, who quickly took the chance to sit on him. "What is it with you girls and starting a sparring match without even a heads up?" Kyns says laughing. "I guess it must be a Pitfum-" He stopped himself mid sentence to try and catch Elana off guard, as he did a quick and jolting push up, trying to playfully launch Elana off his back. 

"I'm pretty sure it was ribcage not you're muscles Kyns." Echo said as as Elana started poking around Kyns's hair, "I bet I could braid your hair. They'd be little itsy bitsy braids though." She said then decided to do so, only to have him jerk and she went flying up, only to land back down onto his back with a thud, "NO, YOU'RE NOT WINNING." She declared then looped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist mucheck like how  Koala would to it's mother, "Elana hate to break it to you but I think clinging is against the rules, meaning you'd be disqualified if you don't let go." She explained. Elana merely shrugged and clingEd tighter, "Elana, let go." "NO." "Yes." "NO." "Please?" "NO." Echo scowled at her then walked ovar and tried to pry her off before smirking, "Looks like your stuck with her Kyns, her record for clinging is 8 hours."


"My ribs? Nah, it was clearly all my muscles! Since when do ribs help with anything?" Kyns said jokingly, laughing as he started to get back onto his feet, but decided to stay down.  "Wait...8 hours?!" Kyns exclaimed as he felt Elana's grip tighten. "Well...i'm not forfeiting...But how about this Elana, i'll let you braid my hair if you let go of me. You can do it whenever you want." Kyns said, turning his head as far as he could to try and look at her. "Or, we can stay like this forever. The floor is rather comfy...I think I could stay down here until we both starve to death" Kyns said, adjusting himself comfortably on the floor. 

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"Since they saved your heart from being protruded by a sword." Elana said, then tightened her grip on him. Her ears perked when she heard he'd let her braid his hair then immediately got off and started with the tiny braids. Echo was already screeching at her to fight, "If you lose this I pay too!" She yelled but Elana just shrugged. Personally she didn't care in the slightest though, Echo seemed a tad flustered over it.

(Damn tags are being dumb)

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