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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Emperor

Pleased that Arthur agreed to his plan, the Emperor speaks to his new allies about the requirements for creating his new army.

"In order to create our Thunder warrior army, I will need a gene lab for me to create the genetic serum."
WWE City

"If you're so up for the idea, you kiss the bloody ring!" Constantine snapped


"Do you want me to hold your hand as well?" She asked Seth "Use your brains. The ship will have an energy signature, one different to Ultron's Sentinels. Find the energy signature, find the ship."

Reborn World: Camelot

"Perhaps setting the gene lab up in the ruins of the older colonies." Ser Gawain suggested "That way the civilians are unaffected by the experiments."

"You shall have your gene lab." Arthur told the Emperor "And after the army has been built, we will wage war against the darkness across multiple dimensions!" He shouted triumphantly
WWE City
"If you're so up for the idea, you kiss the bloody ring!" Constantine snapped

"You know what, FINE! I WILL!" said Yang as she gave a monokuma a stiff left hook and gave Suigintou's ring... causing it to glow Suigintou Smiled...

"Well now, the contract is made... " she said as she flew at the monokumas.

Yang collapsed from exhaustion.
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Morbus looked up at Ultron, considering that Ultron was going to do something that would possibly make Morbus yeild or look like another ant under the magnifying glass. At this point Morbus was so pissed he could kill anything, and that is exactly what he was going to do. He raised his fist that was once on fire and his eyes glew red, shadows from all over the world came and began to rip apart, smash, or dismember the sentinels and for the ones that got inside to attack Morbus, Morbus simply smashed them, ripped them apart, beat them down, engulfed them in fire, or beat their outsides with their insides. Soon the Billions dropped to Millions, Millions dropped to thousands, thousands dropped to hundreds, hundreds dropped to tens, tens dropped to one. The last surviving sentinel was thrown to Morbus, Morbus grabbed the Sentinel by the head and body, " I AM THE NAME THAT DEFINES FEAR!", he yelled with a tremendous volume in his voice as he ripped it's head from it's body. He looked up at Ultrons last heading, " I DIDN'T KNOW THAT COULD PROGAM HOW TO BE A SCARRED LITTLE BITCH!", he yelled in anger once more to the sky. He teleported back to the group with the head of Ultron's last robot. "Here is the last sentinel's head in this entire universe. Next is Ultron the big bot Bitch.", he said in an agitated tone. @TehFanzyMetroid

Armando had also caught up with the group on horse back only to see a strange doll girl and something falling from the heavens. To top it all off crazy demonic looking teddy bears, he did not know what they would do but he kept his sword drawn anyway.

@theManCalledSting @Crenando
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Morbuskid said:
Armando had also caught up with the group on horse back only to see a strange doll girl and something falling from the heavens. To top it all off crazy demonic looking teddy bears, he did not know what they would do but he kept his sword drawn anyway.

@theManCalledSting @Crenando
Suigintou used her wings to blast a small group of Monokumas with razor sharp feathers.

"Pity, it has to be this way." She said as the Monokumas seem to be unaffected by her attack,

Suigintou drew out her sword. "Well then, It appears I must handle this the old fashion way..."
Hurricane: "Use the sword!" Hurricane said, as he punched a few Monokumas.

Age of Ultron

A light glowed from behind Morbus. "Morbus. You can't destroy all the computers in the world. He's c-c-connected to the internet. He could download himself into anything with a connection and you couldn't find it." It was the Illuminator, trying to look his best in his motorcycle helmet and crappy jacket. "This isn't how you solve this p-problem. He'll always make more." He sounded like a "Leave It to Beaver"-ass 50's child, and had a bit of a stutter.

The Woman, the Librarian and The Merchant all appeared behind Morbus and Illuminator. They paid little attention to Illuminator and the others for they were there for Morbus.

"We need to talk." The Merchant spoke, touching Morbus' shoulder and teleporting the four of them out of the sewer and out of the universe, leaving the group in the sewer to contend with their new arrival.


Unknown Location

Morbus found himself standing in large dark room with only two lights, one illuminating himself and one illuminating those who had brought him here.

"Morbus, Morbus, Morbus..." The Woman spoke, pacing the room "I made a mistake by letting you on that team. I was going to use Ultron, use his army once you had defeated him. I could rebuild his body, take control of it and use it to control his armies...Instead, you went for his armies and he got away from you. I suppose I can only blame myself."

"It is not over, Morbus." The Merchant butted in "Ultron did not just conquer the Earth. He spread outwards, to the stars of that universe and once the tears opened, to other universes. There are still billions of other Sentinels on Earth, those who survived their fight with you."

"He's trying to say that you've been played, Morbus." The Librarian shrugged "On the surface, yes you killed all of his Sentinels. You didn't try underground, though. Ultron has Sentinels buried and hidden all across the globe as backup...And now all of those Sentinels are essentially being activated, waking up."

The Woman stepped forwards, towards Morbus and placed two hands on his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you again." She muttered
Age of Ultron

Yami frowned as he though about the Woman's actions.

"She can see me... She has power in this realm. Maybe not enough to match me in the Soulscape, but

enough to interfere."

Titan Tower

Snake picked Nagisa up.

"Hey kid. You like balloons?"
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WWE City

Constantine's demon continued to battle with the Monokumas as he started to toss fireballs at them.


The Woman reappeared in the sewer to talk to Yami, while still communicating with Morbus in the other universe.

"Yes, Yami." She replied "I can see you perfectly clear. Love the suit." She smiled, winking at him playfully
TommyGun15 said:
Age of Ultron

Yami gave the Woman a speculative look.

"So... you can see me."

Titan Tower

Snake picked Nagisa up.

"Tell me. Do you like balloons?"

"Now listen here, you demon..."


The Woman reappeared in the sewer to talk to Yami, while still communicating with Morbus in the other universe.

"Yes, Yami." She replied "I can see you perfectly clear. Love the suit." She smiled, winking at him playfully

Age of Ultron

Yami grinned darkly.

"But can you perceive my true form?"

theManCalledSting said:

"Now listen here, you demon..."
Titan Tower

"It's Boss." Snake said, walking towards a window, a dark look on his face. "I'm Big Boss. You know about the Boss, right? Beating The Boss was part of your plan. Well, I already killed her, and now I'm the Big Boss. So the question is, how do you plan to beat me?"
TommyGun15 said:
Age of Ultron

Yami grinned darkly.

"But can you perceive my true form?"

Titan Tower

"It's Boss." Snake said, walking towards a window, a dark look on his face. "I'm Big Boss. You know about the Boss, right? Beating The Boss was part of your plan. Well, I already killed her, and now I'm the Big Boss. So the question is, how do you plan to beat me?"

"Don't you get it? You are the Boss... You're the one that Monaca wants gone... You're the only person competent enough in this universe to stop us from making WWE City into an adult-free paradise..."
theManCalledSting said:

"Don't you get it? You are the Boss... You're the one that Monaca wants gone... You're the only person competent enough in this universe to stop us from making WWE City into an adult-free paradise..."
"And when you become adults?" Snake said, strapping a package to Nagisa's back.

"If all the adults have to go, what happens when the children grow up?"
TommyGun15 said:
"And when you become adults?" Snake said, strapping a package to Nagisa's back.
"If all the adults have to go, what happens when the children grow up?"

"They'd rather die than grow up" said Nagisa as he spat at the face of Big Boss..
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Well, looks like the Sage class of the Warriors of hope needs a little help from his Leader! Masaru Daimon, the excellent leader uniting the Warriors of Hope enters with a zubababang— My best subject is PE, so I've been named "Li'l Ultimate P.E.!”

Masaru said proudly as he jumps on Snake's back and began pounding on his shoulders telling him to let Nagisa go.
(YOU TOLD ME NOT TO KILL HIM AND YOU HAD THIS PLANNED?! I should not have even listened, just slaughter his ass but nope i gotta be the obedient one. Explain why i couldn't kill him?)

Morbus's light in his eyes faded away. He bit down onto his arm in a rage so violent that not even words could express it. He could have killed Ultron but instead he wanted to help the others out by killing the Sentinels. Instead his stupidity probably lead to the conquering of another Universe. But as he thinks a little more he thinks about the positives. At least Miss 'i can do anything i want' can't have the Army now. Now all he wanted was to be teleported in front of Ultron and rip Ultron's head off and beat him with it. "I do realize my mistakes, but if you can take me to him i can fix it in the blink of an eye. Ultron will no longer be a problem.", he said with a deep and raspy voice. He almost sounded like a demon with thunder making the rumbling in his throat. He was obviously beyond anger which means i was a bomb with a sensitive fuse, even the slightest incline in anger and "BOOOOOOOM!" the bomb goes off and there will be casualties. @theManCalledSting
Morbuskid said:
Armando quickly got off his horse and readied his shield. "If it is a fight you wish it is a fight you will receive, do not expect me to falter easily to you wicked tricks.", he said as he got into a fighting stance. One that was used by the English Huscarls and Venetian Elites.


"Constantine... while the monokumas are preoccupied what are the contents of the book the knights found??" Said Kirigiri as she backed away from the scene...

((@Some_Bloke ))
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theManCalledSting said:

"Well, looks like the Sage class of the Warriors of hope needs a little help from his Leader! Masaru Daimon, the excellent leader uniting the Warriors of Hope enters with a zubababang— My best subject is PE, so I've been named "Li'l Ultimate P.E.!”

Masaru said proudly as he jumps on Snake's back and began pounding on his shoulders telling him to let Nagisa go.
Titan Tower

Snake growled as Masaru crashed into him. He stumbled for a moment, before grabbing Masaru by his wrist with his free hand and flipping him onto the ground. By the time Masaru got back on his feet, D. Dog stood between him and Snake, stun baton ready. Snake himself was by the open window, holding Nagisa by his shirt collar, dangling him out over the empty air. (Fulton Device on his back of course, but Masaru probably doesn't know that.)

"I'd think carefully about my next move if I were you."
TommyGun15 said:
Titan Tower

Snake growled as Masaru crashed into him. He stumbled for a moment, before grabbing Masaru by his wrist with his free hand and flipping him onto the ground. By the time Masaru got back on his feet, D. Dog stood between him and Snake, stun baton ready. Snake himself was by the open window, holding Nagisa by his shirt collar, dangling him out over the empty air. (Fulton Device on his back of course, but Masaru probably doesn't know that.)

"I'd think carefully about my next move if I were you."

Nagisa struggles to free himself, "I'd rather die than betray Monaca for a demon like you! You're no better than the demons that tortured all of us!"

((Trying to turn the Warriors of Hope into MGS villains now))
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Illuminator tapped on Morbus's shoulder. "Uh...M-Morbus? You physically c-can't beat Ultron this way..." It was clear that Illuminator was scared of the angry, spooky man from Purgatory.
(Masaru is the group's Vulcan Raven, Nagisa is their Revolver Ocelot, Junko is their Psycho Mantis, Kotoko is their Sniper Wolf, and Monaca is their Decoy Octopus.)
(The character archetypes fit at least.)


theManCalledSting said:
((Can Seth curpstomp Nagisa then?))
(I'm not sure if Seth is there. Besides... Naigsa is kind of hanging out a window...)
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