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Multiple Settings Through Blood and Tears!!

intenral comes up to the group of peopl e and his veins go all black bc thats his weakeness and he falls down and hies tearing up but his face is all stoic bec hes cold and uenmtiional "im fine" he syaes as he lais on the floor in fornr of eveyrone dramamtically
garfield comes up to the group of peopl e and his eyes goes all red bc thats his weakeness and he falls down and hies tearing up but his face is all stoic bec hes cold and uenmtiional "im fine" he syaes as he lais on the floor in fornr of eveyrone dramamtically
omg nya!!!! i can join u??? nobody haz shown me such kindness ever since the War of 1878. So many lives were lost, but my comrades were always by my side. Back then, they were the only happiness I knew. but u maek me happi 2 nya XD
garfield comes up to the group of peopl e and his eyes goes all red bc thats his weakeness and he falls down and hies tearing up but his face is all stoic bec hes cold and uenmtiional "im fine" he syaes as he lais on the floor in fornr of eveyrone dramamtically
omg tis is so cretaiv and original!!!! good job u r so good at writing im sry 4 ever doubting u im literally crying bec of how emotional ur writign makes me <3
looks to her.
"... hello..."

his eyes go red
courtney INSTANTLY BLUSHES omg he is sooooo hot

"hey" he growls because he is in anger mode now
"calm down you cant be angry!! nobody else have been with me for this long i care about you a lot and i ned u with my pls dont get angery mode"

omg nya o.o dont crie nya 3X everytiem u crie a puppy criez 2... itz ok courtni u can kiss me to fel bettr.. OMG r u mad at me garflelf... sozry 3X
k-k-k-k-k-k--k-kisssss???????? courtney is sos urprised nobody has ever asked to kiss her before i mean yeah she has had lots of bfs and some gfs over her life but they all only wanted her for her invaluable curse and were very manipulative so courtney dumped them

but sakura dyslexia moonsunset is special..... courtney smooches her very lightly she is so embarrassed and blushing red and her heart flutters but she also feels guilty because she also cares about the two boys who are her friends

aLL teh drivers look souprised when Brash jumps into the racetrak and gets ahead of the comteptition

"Sorry guuys I didnt mean to Crash the partee like that haha" he says wile winkin at teh camera (sorri guys I forgot his naem is brasH and not crAsh I confused it wit the fc xd)

courtney performs cpr on both internal and garfield she cant let them die!!!
alphones literally pastas all over u
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aLL teh drivers look souprised when Brash jumps into the racetrak and gets ahead of the comteptition

"Sorry guuys I didnt mean to Crash the partee like that haha" he says wile winkin at teh camera (sorri guys I forgot his naem is brasH and not crAsh I confused it wit the fc xd)

nyaaaaa X3 u r red lkke tomatoe o.o omgomg nya do u sukidesu me ny- *aurora dshs gets run over by brash mid sentence*
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aLL teh drivers look souprised when Brash jumps into the racetrak and gets ahead of the comteptition

"Sorry guuys I didnt mean to Crash the partee like that haha" he says wile winkin at teh camera (sorri guys I forgot his naem is brasH and not crAsh I confused it wit the fc xd)
"omg we still have a race to finish!!" courtney hits herself for being so dummy and forgetting about the race and the prize and the mony for her fam

"guys we need to go i believe in you we can finish this race and win the prize!!" courtney drags everyone into her car and speed off
"cough cough avenge.............

intel processing system coughs
garf and intern die in each others arms while everyone else continues the race and its so sweet nd emotional and it makes severyone around cry
aurawra stamds back up with a big smile on her face she iz instantly healed becuz she is magic and immortal and cannot die its more of a curse tbh anywahs she sez "nya!!! mee yow!!! cortni!!! we hav 2 finish dis race nya!!! i wil lend u my powerz.......... i can maek dis car go super duper fast nya!!! :3"


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Brash gasps and dodges all the flying paste with tremdous driving skils.

"sOrry but there cannoli be one winner and thas me!" brash smirks all cocky as he activaet nitro (haha the joke is i use cannoli instead of can only becuase alfonso is italean :DDD)
not to be a grammer nazi but you mispelt can only as cannoli in your post just piinting it out so you can correct it remember we're speaking english here :D <3
GUYS r u llitternally ignoring the saddest momentn in the rolpay??? wtf guys okmg pay attention theyr literally DYING......... HAVE SOME SIMPATHY......
u sayd nazi... thats an off ensive word.... u would get banned from tiktok for that.... pls dont say that....
orara can hel ur oc if you want.............................
um...... i dont like angst...... it makes me upset and sad........ noah fence......
GUYS r u llitternally ignoring the saddest momentn in the rolpay??? wtf guys okmg pay attention theyr literally DYING......... HAVE SOME SIMPATHY......
well brash only cares about wining!!! hes sein so much death before it doesnt affect him! especially since he had to kill his dad but das spoiler!!!!
um...... i dont like angst...... it makes me upset and sad........ noah fence......
OMG R U DUMD??? this rp is liternally all abt the anxst.... if u cant handl that then mb i shoild just tell the gm ur a weak little guy....
well brash only cares about wining!!! hes sein so much death before it doesnt affect him! especially since he had to kill his dad but das spoiler!!!!
shut up stupidhead

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