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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Gotcha okay. Would it be cool if Robin came up with some kind of strategy to take them all out in one fell swoop? Like making a massive standstorm or something?
You can have Robin bring up the strategy (don't forget you all are surrounded and there is fire from every side!), nothing stopping you from doing so, but whether or not the other characters go along with it is up to the individual RPers and I'd rather people not claim that they wiped out all the bad guys. I want everyone to have a chance to be powerful and useful, and I may have more plans for the baddies.
You can have Robin bring up the strategy (don't forget you all are surrounded and there is fire from every side!), nothing stopping you from doing so, but whether or not the other characters go along with it is up to the individual RPers and I'd rather people not automatically claim that they wiped out all the bad guys. I want everyone to have a chance to be powerful and useful, and I may have more plans for the baddies.
Gotcha. I’ll think about the plan she might come up with and run it by you before I have her suggest it.
Gotcha. I’ll think about the plan she might come up with and run it by you before I have her suggest it.
You can have her suggest a plan, just don't expect the other PCs to go along with it, or make the claim IC that you killed all the bad guys.
Maybe not take them all out, maybe just kick up enough sand for the group to escape or something
I think you are missing my point.

You can have Robin suggest anything she wants to everyone else; you don't need my permission to do that. If you want Robin to kick up sand, then have her kick up all the sand you want. You just can't claim on behalf of everyone else that you wiped out all the baddies, or that everyone is automatically going to take advantage of whatever it is Robin does. Sora, Byleth, Pichu, and Layton have things going on for them too.
I think you are missing my point.

You can have Robin suggest anything she wants to everyone else; you don't need my permission to do that. If you want Robin to kick up sand, then have her kick up all the sand you want. You just can't claim on behalf of everyone else that you wiped out all the baddies, or that everyone is automatically going to take advantage of whatever it is Robin does. Sora, Byleth, Pichu, and Layton have things going on for them too.
I’m just asking for details of the area and giving my ideas for what Robins’ plan could be to see if they would be alright. I’m not locking anyone into anything.
I’m just asking for details of the area and giving my ideas for what Robins’ plan could be to see if they would be alright. I’m not locking anyone into anything.
The Battlefield Fortress is a stage in Super Smash Brothers. It is in a desert wasteland, based off the level and how it is depicted in Subspace Emissary of Brawl. There really isn't much to it.

The party has been surrounded by Gao, which are breathing cones of fire at everyone.

I'm saying you can have Robin do whatever you think Robin would do, you just can't make assumptions on behalf of other PCs, or NPCs that aren't yours such as the Gao. Feel free to have your PCs kick some sphinx butt, you just don't get to claim that you wiped them all out. We must be conscious and courteous of what other players are doing with their PCs, which is why I said no to you wiping out all the bad guys: it denies Ploegy and SheepKing the chance to be active in the scene.
The Battlefield Fortress is a stage in Super Smash Brothers. It is in a desert wasteland, based off the level and how it is depicted in Subspace Emissary of Brawl. There really isn't much to it.

The party has been surrounded by Gao, which are breathing cones of fire at everyone.

I'm saying you can have Robin do whatever you think Robin would do, you just can't make assumptions on behalf of other PCs, or NPCs that aren't yours such as the Gao. Feel free to have your PCs kick some sphinx butt, you just don't get to claim that you wiped them all out. We must be conscious and courteous of what other players are doing with their PCs, which is why I said no to you wiping out all the bad guys: it denies Ploegy and SheepKing the chance to be active in the scene.
Right. I’m just trying to figure out what possible plans she could come up with. Like, maybe if they can kick up enough sand then they can weaken their accuracy and make them easier targets, stuff like that.
If there was a lake I’d have tried to come up with a plan to get them all wet or something so Pichu could do some serious damage
I don’t think you have to care about willingness. Every character will act in accordance in their own ways. For example using the save Lucina plot, Byleth is more resistant to jumping in to such things because of the risks/dangers that arise as well as knowing they can’t just blindly run around. Sora on the other hand wants to help no questions asked and would drop what’s happening to help. I think that is more the point Grumpy is trying to make; that you can have your character do/say whatever you’d like but others will act in their own ways based on how they perceive the situation. By no means feel dissuaded from certain actions but keep in mind not every character may act according to the way you’d want. That is the beauty of group rps after all
I don’t think you have to care about willingness. Every character will act in accordance in their own ways. For example using the save Lucina plot, Byleth is more resistant to jumping in to such things because of the risks/dangers that arise as well as knowing they can’t just blindly run around. Sora on the other hand wants to help no questions asked and would drop what’s happening to help. I think that is more the point Grumpy is trying to make; that you can have your character do/say whatever you’d like but others will act in their own ways based on how they perceive the situation. By no means feel dissuaded from certain actions but keep in mind not every character may act according to the way you’d want. That is the beauty of group rps after all
I am. I’m just trying to come up with a plan for the current situation. More specifically trying to come up with Robins’ plan. So I’m just coming up with possible solutions as well as seeing if everyone would be okay with those solutions.
I’ve been informed that I should make it clear that I have Aspergers. So if I don’t say the right things or don’t respond properly that’s why. I do my best but it’s difficult for me to socialize.
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I am. I’m just trying to come up with a plan for the current situation. More specifically trying to come up with Robins’ plan. So I’m just coming up with possible solutions as well as seeing if everyone would be okay with those solutions.
I don't know what more I can do for you. And to be very blunt, with how short your posts are and how little they actually contribute to scenes as a whole, I do not understand why there is suddenly a struggle with plans or actions on behalf of your characters. Your recent posts don't even acknowledge the fact that the party is surrounded (For example, how can Chrom's army gather at the gates if they are surrounded?) The party, and Chrom's army, are surrounded by fire-breathing sphinxes; have your characters act accordingly. Sora, Byleth, Pichu, and Layton are already doing their own thing; Robin and Chrom can also react to that.

It wouldn’t take much for Robin to, for example, go to Byleth and say, “Hey, I have a plan! Please hear me out!” And maybe Robin and Byleth can come up with a plan together while Pichu helps Layton.
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So I think I've decided I'm gonna try and do one of these villain designs a day until I do all my canon Smash Bros characters. Naturally since I was between Pyra/Mythra and Byleth yesterday, I'd be doing Byleth today, but surprise, it's Sora time! My friend who is a huge KH nerd saw the two I did and asked me to do Sora if I did another one so here we are lol
Indeed. I wonder how powerful I should make Mewtwo. I also wonder how his relationship with Shadow is going to be like. Considering they have essentially the same backstory.
I don't know what more I can do for you. And to be very blunt, with how short your posts are and how little they actually contribute to scenes as a whole, I do not understand why there is suddenly a struggle with plans or actions on behalf of your characters. Your recent posts don't even acknowledge the fact that the party is surrounded (For example, how can Chrom's army gather at the gates if they are surrounded?) The party, and Chrom's army, are surrounded by fire-breathing sphinxes; have your characters act accordingly. Sora, Byleth, Pichu, and Layton are already doing their own thing; Robin and Chrom can also react to that.

It wouldn’t take much for Robin to, for example, go to Byleth and say, “Hey, I have a plan! Please hear me out!” And maybe Robin and Byleth can come up with a plan together while Pichu helps Layton.
I’m so sorry! I missed the part where the fighting got started. I deleted the last post I made and will work on a better one now. Just might need some time
Here's the boy!!!

Extra thoughts per usual:
-Sora, or more commonly referred to as LXXXII, is a mid ranking soldier that specializes in his ability to open anything with his keyblade
-LXXXII is in reference to his number (82) among the Smash Roster, specifically put into Roman Numerals to mimic Organization XIII
-Despite possessing powerful magics, LXXXII is extremely lazy, bored and tired 24/7. He is very low energy and often has to be dragged around and forced to do any actual work. He keeps to himself and hardly talks, thus coming off as antisocial and extremely introverted. Would probably stay in bed if allowed to
-Probably allergic to the sun. He hates it so much and probably hisses at it
-No longer wields the Kingdom Key and now wields Star Seeker sorry Mickey you lost privileges to your keyblade LOL
-May or may not be able to see through his mask. He has poor eyesight + eyes completely covered
Here's the boy!!!

Extra thoughts per usual:
-Sora, or more commonly referred to as LXXXII, is a mid ranking soldier that specializes in his ability to open anything with his keyblade
-LXXXII is in reference to his number (82) among the Smash Roster, specifically put into Roman Numerals to mimic Organization XIII
-Despite possessing powerful magics, LXXXII is extremely lazy, bored and tired 24/7. He is very low energy and often has to be dragged around and forced to do any actual work. He keeps to himself and hardly talks, thus coming off as antisocial and extremely introverted. Would probably stay in bed if allowed to
-Probably allergic to the sun. He hates it so much and probably hisses at it
-No longer wields the Kingdom Key and now wields Star Seeker sorry Mickey you lost privileges to your keyblade LOL
-May or may not be able to see through his mask. He has poor eyesight + eyes completely covered
Sora looking like he's wearing a letterman jacket lol. Still a good piece tho!

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