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Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

lol. You're good. It's actually both to explain the gap and to explain if there IS a gap in posting. There won't be though. I got plenty of downtime.

Sure thing. But since you do, I had a question about lore stuff. Mainly how the afterlife works, or where souls go to when they die. It seems that to be sent to a heaven/hell, an Angel needs to access the soul. Do souls that are left to wander eventually pass into the Null Realm, or are they sent there another way?

And for souls that have a home, are they bound to that place and can never interact with others in different heaven/hells? Like, if someone serves a God, but a loved one serves a different one, will they ever see each other again in death due to being sent to different places? Or are there neutral meeting grounds in between realms? The Goddess said Kraiven souls who were agnostic would be sent to their loved ones, which makes me wonder about the logistics.

I only ask because this is info Nancy should already know, otherwise I'd have it brought up IC to be explained via exposition. Being together with Nellie in eternity is a big deal to him, and will be a key deciding factor in who/what he puts his faith in. It's not imperative that I know now (or at all tbh, maybe Nancy has a skewed/inaccurate idea of how it works), but in the nearish future.
Sure thing. But since you do, I had a question about lore stuff. Mainly how the afterlife works, or where souls go to when they die. It seems that to be sent to a heaven/hell, an Angel needs to access the soul. Do souls that are left to wander eventually pass into the Null Realm, or are they sent there another way?
I'm turning this into a lore entry soon, but I'll give you a basic writeup

So when someone dies, they have about a 5 minute revive window, unless the soul is captured. Those faithful to a God, the souls are funneled into what's essentially a "river" that sends them to either the Holy Court or Daedric Court. Basically the "Pearly Gates" where they are judged and then sent to their God's domain, whether for access to their paradise or to their place of torment. Those marked for punishment are considered "faithful" to the God who will punish them

This includes the spirits of animals, so the Null Realm is an ever-growing backlog of unjudged spirits. It's limbo that most won't leave because they are incredibly low priority and chosen based on a lottery. The Null Realm is sealed off because the spirits need to be kept SOMEWHERE, and that somewhere can't be a domain where people live. Spirits interacting with magic is how you get wraiths and other ghost creatures.

Rule: If it's sentient, it has a soul. Now with that in mind, when each individual ant in a colony has an equal chance at being chosen for judgement than you do, it's easier to say that you'll never get judgement. It's WHY Mozreliun was such a threat. In fact, the breach of the Null Realm is a world-altering event as it unleashed countless numbers of spirits into the world even in the short amount of time the breach happened. Adonis unleashed an event that may be addressed by an Elder God if I feel like digging a bit deeper into the whole thing

The Goddess said Kraiven souls who were agnostic would be sent to their loved ones, which makes me wonder about the logistics.

Kraiven is a special case because the Goddess herself made the moves. Remember, Laylah captured all of the souls from those killed to keep them from being consumed by Mozreliun. She literally physically has their souls all contained, and is essentially hand-delivering them to where they'll need to go. This is not the usual

And for souls that have a home, are they bound to that place and can never interact with others in different heaven/hells? Like, if someone serves a God, but a loved one serves a different one, will they ever see each other again in death due to being sent to different places? Or are there neutral meeting grounds in between realms?
There are many public zones to intermingle across faith, but there exist VERY few zones that allow for intermingling between Holy and Daedric.

Neutral Zones to intermingle Holy and Daedric are strictly controlled and require justification to exist. 2 Gods that may come into play in Guild are Altalune, Goddess of the Full Moon and Darcel, Daedric Lord of the New Moon. They are lovers and have kids (the moon phases, which are all Deities). They have a neutral zone freely accessible to any follower of ALL of these Gods. The catch? All Holy and Daedric is sealed while in that zone. That, and outsiders are strictly forbidden entry

Since Mariana has followers of both sides, she has the justification to make a Neutral Zone. That is Orivae
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

At this point, it's gonna be 3 RPs running in tandem. This is where I max out in terms of the RPs I am part of. It's easier since they're all mine following and developing the same lore, BUT don't be surprised or feel pressured if there are gaps in posts. Pirate still has the highest priority since it's the main story
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian

At this point, it's gonna be 3 RPs running in tandem. This is where I max out in terms of the RPs I am part of. It's easier since they're all mine following and developing the same lore, BUT don't be surprised or feel pressured if there are gaps in posts. Pirate still has the highest priority since it's the main story

Very excited for everything, but I concur. This is about my limit too. In terms of priority, for me it'll be Pirate > Orivae > Guild. Orivae in middle because it's directly adjacent to Pirate, and Guild at the tail end because it's more of a lighthearted side story before all the shit went down.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Tacking onto that last note, I think I'll wait until we reach the 3 day timeskip in Pirate before replying to Orivae. I have an outline of the post in mind, but I wanna focus on getting this arc wrapped up finally.
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
I am working on the dustoff and time skip post. It could be a beefy one since I'll do Mariana's entire tribunal in that post, but don't be surprised if that one comes out quickly
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

I really should've wrote a small blurb that showcased this, but Nellie legit sent herself into a magic coma with that spell, lol. I got a bit impatient with my post because it was taking a while to write, but I can fix that.

But it's irrelevant tbh, because don't think I have anything more to add to the end tail of this arc anyway. I can reveal Nellie and Vlad's thoughts on Jo/her slave status in my Orivae post. So if you want, you can add the timeskip and everything to your last post. I already wrote the goodbyes, and everyone of mine who's supposed to be on board will be there.
Oh yeah, and it looks like Demi's confrontation + Nancy giving Ves's gift will happen after the timeskip anyway, so I'm all good to move on.
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Btw, what came of Nancy's Coin of the Trench? Does he still have it?

(Also dunno why I said "might" take a while, it will take forever, lmao. I have a few loose ends to tie and mini scenes to write out)
WayfaringWaaksian WayfaringWaaksian
The Goddess was supposed to take it, but she let him keep it. She let him keep a pretty egregious piece of contraband basically. As for its effect, it's only useful to Nancy as a potent Daedric Repellant

If one of Mariana's followers sees him with it though, they will attempt to take it to give back to the Goddess, so it kind of needs to stay in the satchet until its needed
Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Gotcha! Thanks

Another thing. I know we're technically not allowed to play as Divinity, but would it be alright if I wrote a little scene involving the Clandestine? I'll just be a small blurb between her and Zeltzin. Also to give a vague guideline to Her personality.
Alright, I'm working on a writeup on the magic lore and I had to make a chart to actually begin explaining it. This shit legit took like 4 hours to get finalized. Both this chart and the writeup on magic is LONG overdue, but I've finally found a consistency that seems to work enough to begin working on it in earnest.

Magic Elemental Chart.png
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

A little late to react to the tribunal, but... yeah, I'd say it backfired. Just a lil bit.

That def felt personal on Diederick's end. 🤔 Like, more than what I'd think this specific instance would incur. I have a feeling he didn't fuck her Godhood just over insubordination and a sad fish boi. I can infer she's had a brush with Pride based on his taunts and what you've said about her, so I'm suspecting they have some history
Anyway, god politics!
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

A little late to react to the tribunal, but... yeah, I'd say it backfired. Just a lil bit.

That def felt personal on Diederick's end. 🤔 Like, more than what I'd think this specific instance would incur. I have a feeling he didn't fuck her Godhood just over insubordination and a sad fish boi. I can infer she's had a brush with Pride based on his taunts and what you've said about her, so I'm suspecting they have some history
Anyway, god politics!
It is definitely personal. Have you wondered why I've mostly put her name as Mariana, Goddess of the Deepest Deep, when that and the Abyss is a Daedric place? Or why the Holy Trench is UNDER the Abyss when lore logic dictates that it gets more Daedric as it goes deeper?

It all goes into why Diederick doesn't like her. He sees her as a 3rd rate Daedric Lord, so by getting rid of Cordelia, it gets rid of her final bastion of Holiness so she loses her Holy status
It is definitely personal. Have you wondered why I've mostly put her name as Mariana, Goddess of the Deepest Deep, when that and the Abyss is a Daedric place? Or why the Holy Trench is UNDER the Abyss when lore logic dictates that it gets more Daedric as it goes deeper?

It all goes into why Diederick doesn't like her. He sees her as a 3rd rate Daedric Lord, so by getting rid of Cordelia, it gets rid of her final bastion of Holiness so she loses her Holy status

I did notice, but admittedly I just chalked it up to a deviation from the naming conventions. So making her Holy status kick the bucket, is that to make her closer to a Daedric Lord he deems worthy of the title?
Kylesar1 Kylesar1

Jesus, that only took me... 2 days. Yeah, I wrote jack shit most of the week. I needed a break too, apparently 🙃
But I'm excited to get this show on the road. I know you will, but lemme know if there any lore breach with Coprini's end, I'll fix it up.

Now to focus on those damn character refs 💀
I'm gonna post Nancy's in a bit, but the other two (Vlad/Nellie) still need work. I might finish Coprini's ref or Guild's post before then.
this roleplaying is great! maybe its USO time? lol!

unidentified submerged objects
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