Ask me a question, I dare you


word weaver
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Rules of the Game:
  1. Ask me a question and I will answer it honestly.
  2. If I cannot answer it, you become the next questionee.
  3. If the questionee who is not me does not answer within a week, it reverts back to me, the thread owner.

Have fun ;)
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Do you like pizza? If so what’s your favorite toppings?
Yes, I like sausage and mushroom. Basil and olives are good as well! Ooh, blue cheese, anchovies... did I mention mushrooms?
Oof, you've stumped me!

Now you're in the hot seat and must answer the question :lenny:
Ah sorry for late response!

My most favorite character/OC ever? That's a hard one. That would probably be one of these OC currently but my favorite character changes a lot. OCs: Arias, Dezra, Alazter.

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