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Fandom Superheros and Villains

*The travel was quiet...a bit to quiet*

She made it into her home which happened to be a nice apartment with a view, she put her purse down on the table and took out the vial, bringing out a gauntlet and putting the vial in a micro pocket before it returned to its bracelet form and she got ready for a relaxing evening
She made it into her home which happened to be a nice apartment with a view, she put her purse down on the table and took out the vial, bringing out a gauntlet and putting the vial in a micro pocket before it returned to its bracelet form and she got ready for a relaxing evening
(welp what now?)
"What are you looking for?" Tyson asked
"Nothing specific just snooping." He said as he opened to box finding some photos and a pair of rings. "This your husband Penelope " he said taking out the pictures.

Penelope went over to him and took the pictures. "I'm not married now enough snooping."

At this moment security came and pointed guns at them.
"Nothing specific just snooping." He said as he opened to box finding some photos and a pair of rings. "This your husband Penelope " he said taking out the pictures.

Penelope went over to him and took the pictures. "I'm not married now enough snooping."

At this moment security came and pointed guns at them.
Tyson takes a look at the pictures despite security arriving.
"First of all you need to watch "The Patient" it has Steve Carell in it." He put it on 'Cobra Kai' "And you need to watch this!" he said as he started the first season. "It follows the story of the karate kid movies roughly 20 years later." He turned around and poofed some smoke in her face it has no scent or taste nor does it have any density. "It hasn't ruined my clothes or weapons its like blowing air on things just being able to visibly see it." he looked back at the tv. "by the way what are you drinking?"
(Sorry I did not see this also not been feeling the best)
"Alright....okay...ill make sure to watch those two....you really do like the karate type movies.." she commented looking over to the TV as she took a sip of her mug. She lifted her hand and simply waved away the smoke that Ryan had bowed over to her. "Well that's good.....oh just drinking some tea is all..." Aqua replied.
krytonminu krytonminu
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"I know you talked about it alot." He said.

"Kaleb seems on top of that." The Doctor said
"Did I?...sorry....but it's your fault making me more curious about the world outside the one I knew back when we were kids..." she answered.


"Oh right....Kaleb is always ready to stop danger.." Eliana agreed.

"So what now Doctor...do we just hide the robotic alien?...head back to your ship?.." Amber asked.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
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Tyson takes a look at the pictures despite security arriving.
He sees a picture of Janus standing next to Penelope in front of the mansion. It was back when he was younger, half his face bandaged up. He wore a nice suit and he was smiling. On one photo dated later Janus was holding two babies, it was similar to one upstairs with Penelope holding the two. Neil hadn't had a chance to get a real look at the pictures before Penelope took them.

One of the security guards spoke. "I suggest you all come quietly."

"Yeah that's not going to happen. " Hunter said
He sees a picture of Janus standing next to Penelope in front of the mansion. It was back when he was younger, half his face bandaged up. He wore a nice suit and he was smiling. On one photo dated later Janus was holding two babies, it was similar to one upstairs with Penelope holding the two. Neil hadn't had a chance to get a real look at the pictures before Penelope took them.

One of the security guards spoke. "I suggest you all come quietly."

"Yeah that's not going to happen. " Hunter said
"Wait....." Tyson said at he saw the picture. "That's Janus....you two had kids together. That's how you know so much about his family."
"Wait....." Tyson said at he saw the picture. "That's Janus....you two had kids together. That's how you know so much about his family."
"Theres no way. Janus and her? She broke his mind. Why would he like her" Artemis said unconvinced. "He would never keep something like that from us. Family is everything to us."

Penelope smiled. "I may have done that Artemis but him falling in love with me just happened. When I found out about the boys. He thought it best to leave. He didn't want them apart of the family business. But he made sure to visit whenever he had the chance. "

"So why all this then? The messages on the dark web? Keeping my mom and dad here" hunter said with a glare.

"I had trouble believing you all changed your ways. I've got my answers. " she answered and looked at her staff. "Can you guys escort them out. I'm done with them. I would prefer them to be gone before the boys come home."

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