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Fandom Demon Slayer: Blood War (OOC)

I thought cyber and tech would originate from thunder breathing as electricity powers technology and abit digital data as well.
Ohh! Yee, that could work. Although you're not talking about an element in the situation of tech and cyber. You're going more into objects when it comes to tech and unseen stuff when it comes to cyber data.
Crystal makes a bit more sense as it would be coming off that of like stone breathing and ya could have like crystals coming from the blade with your strikes.
Don't really see how tech and cyber would work into that.

But I mean its just an opinion! If you can make it work, go for it! I'm always interested to see what people come up with!
Could crystal breathing involve defensive technique such as creating a crystal barrier with your blade.
Cyber and tech could use nanobots coming from the blade and create barriers or holographic clones that can deal damage.
My OC will be a mechanic and a part time inventor.
Could crystal breathing involve defensive technique such as creating a crystal barrier with your blade.
Cyber and tech could use nanobots coming from the blade and create barriers or holographic clones that can deal damage.
My OC will be a mechanic and a part time inventor.
Yeep, crystal breathing could indeed do that as a defensive form if you can figure out how to make it work into a move that allows crystals to make summon that.
Ohhh, thats true thats true with the nanobots thing. The thing with the nanobots creating the shield and such with it coming from the blade I wouldn't mind. However, the idea of making a clone might be a bit pushing it..in the sense of having that as a form when fighting. He/She could invent this as a weapon of sorts to control a separate thing of nanobots, but I would not suggest having it so that you can do that through your sword forms.
Could crystal breathing involve defensive technique such as creating a crystal barrier with your blade.
Cyber and tech could use nanobots coming from the blade and create barriers or holographic clones that can deal damage.
My OC will be a mechanic and a part time inventor.
So, your character is all set. Just a reminder that although your history of your character says he was hired into the Demon Slayer Corps. they're not as openly out there with hiring as they once were during modern times. They're still around, just much less well known.

God...why is finding face claims such a pain..lmao
Character is far from done, but I have it up at least lmao.
Still work in progress but I'm getting to it. Hopefully should be done with it within the next day or so.
I will make my character soon. Thinking of going for thunder-breathing since no one has chosen it yet.
I will make my character soon. Thinking of going for thunder-breathing since no one has chosen it yet.
Ohhh! I look forward to seeing the character! I have a character planning to use Storm Breathing that is a deviation from Thunder breathing
Ohhh! I look forward to seeing the character! I have a character planning to use Storm Breathing that is a deviation from Thunder breathing
That's a really cool idea! I initially wanted to come up with my own breathing-style, but I'm admittedly too lazy to come up with all the new forms that come with it :-_-lines:
god i feel that with making a new breathing style. it takes so much thought to make one that it hurts

also, small question, even though it's not currently relevant for myself, but are we limited to one character or are we allowed to have multiple? mainly asking because i know down the line i may be interested in a second
That's a really cool idea! I initially wanted to come up with my own breathing-style, but I'm admittedly too lazy to come up with all the new forms that come with it :-_-lines:
Lol! I totally get that! I was planning on just going with thunder breathing myself but make up some new forms with it. But since I'm making up some new forms anyway, might as well go with my own breathing too
I was going to do a new breathing style, but decided against it since I didn't want to make something overly complex since my brain wouldn't handle that much thought.
god i feel that with making a new breathing style. it takes so much thought to make one that it hurts

also, small question, even though it's not currently relevant for myself, but are we limited to one character or are we allowed to have multiple? mainly asking because i know down the line i may be interested in a second
Totally understandable question!
However, for the time being there is no hard limit on how many characters you can have. Currently as long as you can handle the amount of characters you make..you can have as many as you like. However there is a soft limit of one character as I've had people leave roleplays because they make too many they can't handle and suddenly leave without warning..due to the amount of posts they must make because of it.
Totally understandable question!
However, for the time being there is no hard limit on how many characters you can have. Currently as long as you can handle the amount of characters you make..you can have as many as you like. However there is a soft limit of one character as I've had people leave roleplays because they make too many they can't handle and suddenly leave without warning..due to the amount of posts they must make because of it.
Sounds good! I thought I’d ask ahead of time just to clear it up beforehand just in case once we get started and I get some muse for a second that it’d be cool!
Sounds good! I thought I’d ask ahead of time just to clear it up beforehand just in case once we get started and I get some muse for a second that it’d be cool!
No worries!
Thank you for asking the question! Like I said, if you absolutely sure you can handle more than one character and things go well throughout the midst of the roleplay, feel free to make another.
If anyones interested in plotting or planning (friendships, enemies, interactions) anything between our characters before the rp begins let me know and I’m sure I can think of something 😊
If anyones interested in plotting or planning (friendships, enemies, interactions) anything between our characters before the rp begins let me know and I’m sure I can think of something 😊
i'd be more than happy to discuss some form of relationship between fang and yume!
Nothingness Nothingness
You think your character would be friends or acquaintances with a character like mine? Or not really?
i'd be more than happy to discuss some form of relationship between fang and yume!
I think it would be funny if they just hung out occasionally casually without any idea that the other was a demon slayer. While it’s not something Fang would actively hide from someone it would be something he would rarely feel the need to explain without explicit reason. As for how they became friends… what are some spots Yume would frequent outside of gaming? Fang isn’t really the gaming / streaming sort of person, but he would get out a lot.

Edit: Think she’d ever go to a karaoke place?
I think it would be funny if they just hung out occasionally casually without any idea that the other was a demon slayer. While it’s not something Fang would actively hide from someone it would be something he would rarely feel the need to explain without explicit reason. As for how they became friends… what are some spots Yume would frequent outside of gaming? Fang isn’t really the gaming / streaming sort of person, but he would get out a lot.

Edit: Think she’d ever go to a karaoke place?
i think it'd be amusing if they were friends as well, especially since they come from very different walks of life. it makes it even more amusing if they don't know either is a demon slayer. if yume did ever find out though she'd likely spill that she's one too, but beyond that, she'd likely never speak of it.

i can definitely see her being the karaoke type since she does have a good singing voice. other places would be cafes (especially cat cafes because she loves cute animals), arcades, possibly a skate park since i could see her attempting skateboarding at some point
i think it'd be amusing if they were friends as well, especially since they come from very different walks of life. it makes it even more amusing if they don't know either is a demon slayer. if yume did ever find out though she'd likely spill that she's one too, but beyond that, she'd likely never speak of it.

i can definitely see her being the karaoke type since she does have a good singing voice. other places would be cafes (especially cat cafes because she loves cute animals), arcades, possibly a skate park since i could see her attempting skateboarding at some point
True, he’d definitely try to guilt her to getting him free food on occasion depending on how susceptible she’d be to the barely subtle begging.

For how they first became friends I’m thinking Fang could’ve caught her singing at one, complimented her voice and they started getting along from there. Going to places with a larger friend group of other characters(npcs) every weekend to meet up.
True, he’d definitely try to guilt her to getting him free food on occasion depending on how susceptible she’d be to the barely subtle begging.

For how they first became friends I’m thinking Fang could’ve caught her singing at one, complimented her voice and they started getting along from there. Going to places with a larger friend group of other characters(npcs) every weekend to meet up.
she would definitely give in to buying him food easily. she'd feel a need to take care of her friends

that sounds like a plan to me and is honestly fitting!
God damn..finally done with my character!
Apologies for taking so long!

Nothingness Nothingness
You think your character would be friends or acquaintances with a character like mine? Or not really?
Well, since yours started training at 11. Mine got real official training at his late teens, maybe they could've trained together temporarily at some point when they were still humans and were in the Corp?
Well, since yours started training at 11. Mine got real official training at his late teens, maybe they could've trained together temporarily at some point when they were still humans and were in the Corp?

That would make a decent amount of sense, even despite the age gap they would probably done faux swordfighting or something similar. So that's a good idea!

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