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Futuristic Collapse Point // Acheron Lobby (OOC)

That's the spirit! Yee-yee!
That One Time I Was Reincarnated As A Commuter Aboard A Mysterious Train To Tame The Seven Floors Of The Scarlet-Singularity And Americanized It: The Animation.
(cues anime OP)

oh god XD
that one time a gun expert got sent to hell and invented hellfirearms
oh god XD
that one time a gun expert got sent to hell and invented hellfirearms
I'm sure there are plenty of firearms in Hell. Be interesting and hilarious to be able to "recruit" the entire United States Marine Corps from its formation to present in the RP.

Context: "Marines don't die, They just go to Hell & regroup." (one of USMC's well-known quotes)
honestly i wanna see an isaki where a gunsmith gets sent to a fantasy world full of magic and just invents regular ass firearms and wizards die quick to it cuz their protection spells are only for magic and bullets become super magic
yup a great and powerful artifact of "gunmancy" next thing you know your summoning AK's
Lol. Absolute chaos.

Anyways. If you want to have your American Bilfin to have a childhood memory with Sharon, you may do so. Although I'm not sure if the GM has any other plans for pre-established relationships.
Might have to ping them first.

Presaging Everbloom Presaging Everbloom Is it alright if our characters have preestablished connections prior to their awakening on the train? Or is that detrimental to the spontaneous nature of the "randomly selected individuals" aspect in general perspective of the narrative? Please advise.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Misuteeku Misuteeku

Both Sharon and Gunwoo will do just fine. They have an intriguing persona—just the type this roleplay needs.

Presaging Everbloom Presaging Everbloom Is it alright if our characters have preestablished connections prior to their awakening on the train? Or is that detrimental to the spontaneous nature of the "randomly selected individuals" aspect in general perspective of the narrative? Please advise.
I will not meddle with character backgrounds as long as there are no supernatural elements at play. Feel free.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Misuteeku Misuteeku

Both Sharon and Gunwoo will do just fine. They have an intriguing persona—just the type this roleplay needs.

I will not meddle with character backgrounds as long as there are no supernatural elements at play. Feel free.
Awesome. Glad ya like Sharon! And thank you! <3

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Looks like Sharon made it. You heard the GM, you have the green light! (:
Misuteeku Misuteeku "Former delinquent." I can sense the provocative engagements between Lee and McMillan being a frequent occurrence in the future. Looking forward to seeing how they grow in each other's light and darkness!

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