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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic [CS] š  šš š® š  šž 7 - Force Roster


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

...GAUGE Soldier Assessment Record...

Appearance: (Try to stick to detailed anime/Digital Art please.)
Bio: (Free to add small lore as long as you stick within the realms of possibility in the given reality)
Bio-Enchancment: BE-47 Form
(Choose from this list, if you wish to create your own then please PM me for approval on it.)
Rank: GAUGE Leadership Evaluation
(Answer as your character would, not as yourself. There can only be one G-5 and if multiple get it then I will decide on which character it would suit best.)
Theme Song:

(Feel free to add onto but not subtract from!)


candygore candygore Chimeric Chimeric Dreamtique Dreamtique Kovacs Kovacs Elenion Aura Elenion Aura kasigi kasigi K.O.D K.O.D OrganicUFO OrganicUFO Fanaa Fanaa Uniko Uniko

I will be accepting 7! This is not first come first serve, it will be determined on how well the characters are built.​
Name: Julian ā€œThe Jade Jokerā€ Benitez
Age: 26yrs
Sex: Male
Nationality: Honduran American
Personality: Julian is known for being a lighthearted practical joker who is surprisingly in touch with him self and his emotional state. He is an excellent listener who gives good advice about as often as he makes light of peopleā€™s problems. The way he sees it life is just a series of hurdles to overcome and sometimes people just need a laugh to take a load off, while others need a shoulder to cry on. Either way he will gladly be the one there to offer either or both. Interestingly he asks for nothing in return, not even expecting others to return the favors. Unfortunately this puts him in a bad situation most of the time as he is very unlikely to ask for help when he himself faces problems, and his lack of seriousness can often seem to be a problem as he will fire off his jokes and witty retorts even if he is full of holes and choking on blood. A joker til the end, a friend when you need one, and a helluva shot, Julian has Earned his nickname as the Jade Joker.
Height/Weight: 5ft 11in x 173lbs
Bio: Julian was born into a pretty rough situation that is far from unique to him. His parents were poor, scared, and came with nothing from Honduras to the United States. While their home cities were being ravaged by these strange beings his parents had remembered a time when America was considered a land of promise and freedom, so they needed very little to help them make their decision, and the death of a neighbor at the hands of one of these anomalies was more than enough to spur them into action. They Made the dangerous trek across the desert eight months pregnant with a child that would grow to be called Julian. Sadly Julian never met his parents as an anomaly dragged his father beneath the waters of the rio grande, his mother was badly injured by the same creature and bled out on the shoreline, but not before the strain caused her to crown early. The Border patrol agent who found the young infant and his deceased mother was an older man nearing retirement and who happened to have a lot of sway with his words. It was tough but he managed to gain custody of the child after he investigated his parents and learned from a diary on his motherā€™s body what the boys name was.

The mans name was Llyod Richardson, and he would go on to tell Julian about his parents as he grew. This spurred a hatred of all kinds of anomalies and a desire to see the problem dealt with. That paired with a strong sense of justice that was conditioned into him by Llyod and a quick temper made Julian a bit of a problem child. He got into plenty of fights with other children over things as simple as one of them referring to an anomalous creature as ā€œCoolā€. While Llyod understood he was still quick to teach Julian about keeping his cool, which eventually evolved into Julians seemly class clown like mentality. He discovered in the 4th grade that no matter how mad someone got at you, they wound up looking like a fool of he just kept laughing the situation off. While that logic may have been flawed it did at the very least allow him to make it through school with little other problems.

Sadly Good things donā€™t seem to last in this world, Julian would once again find himself alone at the age of seventeen when Lloyd died, he was nearly sixty five when he found Julian and the seventeen years he raised the boy had been all he had left. While he was clearly hurt by his surrogate fathers loss he didnā€™t show it for years. Instead making jokes and feigning apathy towards the situation. It wasnā€™t until his high school sweetheart split with him to go off to college that it finally hit him. He was Actually alone then, and with no one to bounce his humor off of, no one to make him feel like he wasnā€™t stuck in the muck alone, he finally broke down. He fell into a deep depression for nearly a year until eventually he found something that snapped him out of it.

Julian was lucky, he was close enough to eighteen when Lloyd died that they simply allowed him to become emancipated, granted it did take some legalese and a teacher who happened to really like Julian vouching for him but it panned out well and Julian was able to keep his surrogate fathers home which was paid off in full, and the inheritance he got from Lloyd would cover property taxes for as long as he was alive. So it was very easy for Julian to fall into his depression, stay home, and no one would be the wiser. He did exactly that and eventually this wound up being his salvation as he found several letters to himself from Lloyd hidden beneath the floorboards in a spot where the two used to stow away snacks for one another, along with His favorite treat butterfinger candy bars. He spent two days savoring his last candy bar, and weeping over lloyds letters as he read just how much he meant to the man. But it was something in the letter that drove him forward, a mention that the kids hatred of anomalies would eventually drive him to do great things and that as much as he wanted to run from it, as much as he tried to deny it...Julian himself was great in lloyds eyes. He would spend the next few months working out, Practicing shots with lloyds old rifles and pistols, and reading up on whatever material he could about the A.N.S. Eventually, a mere two days after his eighteenth birthday, Julian would enlist with the A.N.S, where his exercise and knowledge of the programs involved would earn him a spot on the Gauge 7 Taskforce, where he would continue to put his best foot forward, with a few witty retorts, in the fight against the madness that has infected the world.
Bio-Enchancment: DPRI-66
Rank: G-3 Corporal
Goals:To live up to Lloyds analysis of his level of greatness, and maybe kill all of the anomalies, living through both wouldnā€™t be so bad either.
Pros: Nigh Unshakable Morale, Expert Marksman, Thinks outside of the Box often, Can piss people off very well.
Cons: Will not Quit while he is ahead, Lacks a serious bone in his body, constantly being reprimanded for insubordination and talking too much, Puts little faith in others.
Fears: People getting to close to him emotionally, Being Unable to save his friends, Being Eaten alive.
Theme Song:

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basic info
Seid Raie
  • GAUGE Roster #013
    Ikarinohi Raie
    A.N.S Field Researcher
    April 17th
    ā€œWe are all insects. Groping towards something terrible or divine.ā€ ā€• Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle
    6ā€™1ā€ | 185.42cm
    145lbs | 65.7709kg
    Seid is usually dawning himself in a tight black leather jacket. He zips it up to the collar, it fits his sleek body very well. He wears round glasses, the lenses are bright red, leading many to believe he doesn't actually need them as the color would inhibit your vision as opposed to enhancing it.
    ā€œOur behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.ā€ ā€• Stephen R. Covey.
    Seid is an analytical man, if and when he isn't focusing on work he can be known to be somewhat whimsical in his manner of speaking; Showing authority and superiority whilst being cognisent of the egos around him, he isn't exactly egotistical, just factual.

    Blunt and precise are the words to best describe him in an operational environment, relaying information to his team through proper protocol and regulation, his many years at A.N.S have bred him for this environment; A living A.N.S manual.

    Others may perceive him as cold or "too analytical" about things, but he does care about his comrades. He takes all precautions necessary to preserve human life if possible; Everything in his eyes is a matter of probability and he bases his decisions on which choice will statistically be the best at that exact moment in time, within the limitations of strict A.N.S Regulation of course.
code by Nano
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Basic Information
NAME ā”€ Maude Fenhill
AGE ā”€ 24
GENDER ā”€ Female
PRONOUNS ā”€ She ā€¢ Her
DATE OF BIRTH ā”€ June 18th
AGE ā”€ 24
NATIONALITY ā”€ Finnish ā€¢ Italian
RANK ā”€ G-3 Corporal

Body Modifications
This Warfare Support System is installed into the Optical Nerve of the Subject. The WSS-12 allows the Subject to assess the geography of the landscape/area on a moment's notice, showing probabilities for vantage points, escape routes, enemy presence, etc.
Mech arms, Model i-977 were merged with Maude's body after an encounter with Anomaly ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ which left her severely injured and requiring her entire right arm to be amputated, along with her lower left. The Model i-977 arms are still under development and have their fair share of glitches, although Maude has over the years learned to adapt to them.
While Maude was in critical care her parents decided to test out a new body modification her father had been working on. A small chip was inserted into Maude's brain, with the goal being for the user's brain to function at twice the speed. Instead the resulting effects were that the user's hair would lose pigmentation. The original project has since been terminated making the chances of reversing the effects slim.

HEIGHT ā”€ 5ā€™5 | 167.64
WEIGHT ā”€ 120lbs | 54.4311kg
BUILD ā”€ Slim
EYE COLOUR ā”€ Light blue (Modded red)
HAIR COLOUR ā”€ Light brown (Modded White)

Robotic Arms
Due to the attack with the Anomaly Maude was caught in, she was forced to amputate her entire right arm, as well as her left arm from just above the elbow. While she was in surgery, her parents made the executive decision to give her a set of prototype robotic arms. Maude was more than unhappy about this, as she felt less like their child and more like a lab experiment. It didn't help that the arms themselves were riddled with glitches for the first couple years. The arms themselves are made of a lightweight metal, and through her own experimentation Maude managed to install glowing red lights into the device which she can control with her mind.


Maude often comes across as a relatively cold and aloof individual due to her inherently serious personality and preference for sticking to the sidelines. However, this exterior isn't too hard to crack, and for those that do, they earn a fiercely loyal friend and teammate. Despite her introverted nature, Maude does enjoy the company of friends. While she may not be the best at cracking jokes, Maude is a fantastic drinking buddy and confidant, as she takes the vow of "taking secrets to the grave" very seriously, due to her stubbornness, which has been known to get her in hot water.
Maude's intelligence and attention to detail are another strength she possesses. Graduating in the top of all her classes throughout her formative years, she has a love for geography, interior design, and coding. Her attention to detail allows her to pick up on things most people often miss, however, it has also been known to cause her to become tunnel-visioned. Often, this tunnel-vision can end up manifesting itself in Maude becoming too fixated on her work, and forgetting the world around her. Pulling Maude out of her work is one of the fastest ways to piss her off. While Maude is able to generally keep her temperament under control, she often becomes incredibly irritable when her routine is changed. Maude is incredibly big on structure and same-ness when it comes to her day-to-day routine. Surprises throw her off on good days, and on bad ones cause her to become increasingly irritable.

PROS ā”€ Detail oriented, intelligent, loyal
FEARS ā”€ Death, entrapment, unexpected surgery, the dark, the Anomalies
CONS ā”€ Stubborn, cold, bad with change
Aid in the elimination of the Anomalies and discovering a purpose outside of that

Born in Helsinki, Finland, Maude is half Finnish on her motherā€™s side and half Italian on her fatherā€™s. She doesnā€™t remember a time before Anomalies and the Genesis. Her family, which consisted of only Maude and her parents, spent winters in Italy and summers in Finland until Maude was ten, when her parents decided to move to Brooklyn due to her fatherā€™s work requiring him to be part of the research team for the biotech sector of A.N.S. This change of scene was incredibly hard on Maude. She spent the better part of the first year in Brooklyn locked in her room, and her family resorted to homeschooling her until she finished adjusting.
The constant threat of Anomalies loomed over Maude and her family. This threat grew even greater with their move to Brooklyn. When Maude was seventeen, there was an attack from the Anomaly ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ and she was one of the civilians caught in the middle of it. Maude has little memory of the actual event, however the result left her without arms and partially blind. However, instead of seeing this as a tragic event, her parents realized they had a huge opportunity on their hands and made the decision while Maude was in critical care to volunteer her as a labrat to test new advancements. By the time Maude woke up, her arms were replaced with metal, and her eyes given enhancements so she could see. Her father even allowed for tests on early-stage experimental mods to be used, resulting in Maudeā€™s hair to become permanently white. The sudden change in her appearance was once more extremely hard on Maude. She coped by throwing herself into her schooling and developing a passion for riding her fatherā€™s old motorcycle, however the relationship with her parents were forever damaged due to the violation she felt took place with the non-consensual body-modifications. The high grades Maude continued to get, and having already been modded was part of what got her noticed by A.N.S (her fatherā€™s influence also helping), and when offered the opportunity to join in on the fight against Anomalies, despite Maudeā€™s own fear of them, she accepted, as she believed that not only would this help close the pages on her trauma, but to stick it to her parents as well.

Theme Song

Dante Fenhill ā”€ FATHER
Maude used to look up to her father a great deal. She always admired the work he did, and found his level-headed nature to be easy to get along with. Even when he was the reason that she had to move away from her friends back in Milan and Helsinki, she couldn't hate him. The respect Maude had for her father was something no one would anticipate could be shaken. However, after her near-death experience which led to her parents using it as an excuse to turn Maude into a labrat, she has grown deeply resentful of her father, and detests his very existence.

Helmi Fenhill ā”€ MOTHER
Maude always had a good relationship with her mother. The two would often go on long walks together and discuss their days. When Maude was dragged half way across the world, her mother was the rock that kept her sane. When times were tough, her mother was always there. However, despite this love, Maude's mother has one weakness, which is a never ending drive for success. Be it by staying until all hours of the night working to unfortunately agreeing to allow Maude to be experimented on, which has caused a permafrost to settle on the relationship.

Ikarinohi Raie ā”€ SUPERIOR

Julian ā€œThe Jade Jokerā€ Benitez ā”€ TEAMMATE

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Name: Maude Fenhill

Age: 24

Birthdate: June 18th

Sex: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Nationality: Finnish/Italian

Rank: G-3-Corporal

Bio-Enchancment: WSS-12 [Optical Battlefield Geo-Map Assessor]
This Warfare Support System is installed into the Optical Nerve of the Subject. The WSS-12 allows the Subject to assess the geography of the landscape/area on a moment's notice, showing probabilities for vantage points, escape routes, enemy presence, etc.

Goals: Aid in the elimination of the Anomalies and discovering a purpose outside of that
Pros: Detail oriented, intelligent, loyal
Cons: Stubborn, cold, bad with change
Fears: Death, entrapment, unexpected surgery, the Anomalies

Introverted, serious, loyal, detail-oriented, intelligent, stubborn, bad with change
Maude often comes across as a relatively cold and aloof individual due to her inherently serious personality and preference for sticking to the sidelines. However, this exterior isn't too hard to crack, and for those that do, they earn a fiercely loyal friend and teammate. Despite her introverted nature, Maude does enjoy the company of friends. While she may not be the best at cracking jokes, Maude is a fantastic drinking buddy and confidant, as she takes the vow of "taking secrets to the grave" very seriously, due to her stubbornness, which has been known to get her in hot water.
Maude's intelligence and attention to detail are another strength she possesses. Graduating in the top of all her classes throughout her formative years, she has a love for geography, interior design, and coding. Her attention to detail allows her to pick up on things most people often miss, however, it has also been known to cause her to become tunnel-visioned. Often, this tunnel-vision can end up manifesting itself in Maude becoming too fixated on her work, and forgetting the world around her. Pulling Maude out of her work is one of the fastest ways to piss her off. While Maude is able to generally keep her temperament under control, she often becomes incredibly irritable when her routine is changed. Maude is incredibly big on structure and same-ness when it comes to her day-to-day routine. Surprises throw her off on good days, and on bad ones cause her to become increasingly irritable.

Height: 5ā€™5 | 167.64
Weight: 120lbs | 54.4311kg
Eye colour: Light blue (Modded red)
Hair colour: Light brown (Modded White)

Bio: Born in Helsinki, Finland, Maude is half Finnish on her motherā€™s side and half Italian on her fatherā€™s. She doesnā€™t remember a time before Anomalies and the Genesis. Her family, which consisted of only Maude and her parents, spent winters in Italy and summers in Finland until Maude was ten, when her parents decided to move to Brooklyn due to her fatherā€™s work requiring him to be part of the research team for the biotech sector of A.N.S. This change of scene was incredibly hard on Maude. She spent the better part of the first year in Brooklyn locked in her room, and her family resorted to homeschooling her until she finished adjusting.
The constant threat of Anomalies loomed over Maude and her family. This threat grew even greater with their move to Brooklyn. When Maude was seventeen, there was an attack from the Anomaly ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ and she was one of the civilians caught in the middle of it. Maude has little memory of the actual event, however the result left her without arms and partially blind. However, instead of seeing this as a tragic event, her parents realized they had a huge opportunity on their hands and made the decision while Maude was in critical care to volunteer her as a labrat to test new advancements. By the time Maude woke up, her arms were replaced with metal, and her eyes given enhancements so she could see. Her father even allowed for tests on purely cosmetic mods to be used, resulting in Maudeā€™s hair to become permanently white. The sudden change in her appearance was once more extremely hard on Maude. She coped by throwing herself into her schooling and developing a passion for riding her fatherā€™s old motorcycle, however the relationship with her parents were forever damaged due to the violation she felt took place with the non-consensual body-modifications. The high grades Maude continued to get, and having already been modded was part of what got her noticed by A.N.S (her fatherā€™s influence also helping), and when offered the opportunity to join in on the fight against Anomalies, despite Maudeā€™s own fear of them, she accepted, as she believed that not only would this help close the pages on her trauma, but to stick it to her parents as well.

Theme Song:

Accepted! Love the backstory!
710032a55aa32e7a2e86356da93bd0c2.jpgName: AurƩlia Vaillan
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Nationality: French/American
Personality: AurƩlia would be best described as grounded and level-headed. She thinks very logically and rarely takes risks unless absolutely necessary, preferring hard evidence and data over speculation and emotion. Though the exception to that is when her friends are involved. She cares for others deeply, and is intensely loyal to her friends and allies, though she's not great at expressing it and often comes off as ham-fisted and disingenuous in her social interactions with others, she would risk life and limb for anyone she holds dear.

In her work, she focuses on a top-down perspective first and foremost; looking at the goal at hand and finding the most efficient path to achieving that goal. While her motivation in achieving these goals is commendable, that comes at the cost of over-burdening herself. If something needs to be done, sheā€™ll typically just do it herself and if offered assistance she wonā€™t deny it, but she would never ask for it. With a unwavering loyalty and mind for tactics, she's an invaluable member of any team.

Appearance: Credit to TrNyteal on twitter for the illustration.
Bio: AurĆ©lia was born and raised in Ɖpernay, France, to Ɖtienne and Leona Vaillan, owners of the once illustrious Vaillan Vineyard. Most of her early childhood was spent like any other normal kid, albeit with a much bigger front yard than most; though she didn't have many friends around, and typically did things by herself or with her parents, leading to her lack of social skills and etiquette. Being out in the countryside had its perks however, especially with the looming threat of the anomalies as they mainly stuck to attacking populated cities and provinces, though it also had its downsides. Being so far out from the major cities means that when you need help, it may not come fast enough. In the middle of autumn, during the peak of the harvest season ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ, a powerful anomaly, assaulted the vineyard, completely obliterating any semblance of civilization from existence in the immediate area, barring one cellar underneath where the Vaillan household once was. Inside the wine cellar, was young AurĆ©lia, terrified and emotionally scarred after witnessing the destruction that the anomalies could bring first hand. A.N.S. eventually found her and took her in for recovery, though the trauma never left her.

After some time passed, A.N.S eventually found a foster home for her in Chicago where she has lived for the majority of her life with her foster father, Vincent Summers, a bio-tech researcher for A.N.S.. With his influence as well as AurƩlia's own willpower allowed her to join the ranks of A.N.S and begin fighting back against the Anomalies.
Bio-Enhancment: WSS-13 [Nano Augment Sys.Ver. v1.01] This Warfare Support System allows for the Subject to make use of Nano-Drones to heal wounds to comrades or themselves. (Cauterizing, Stitching, Clotting, etc.)
Rank: G-4 Sergeant
Goals: To protect the ones she holds dear and to eliminate the Anomalies.
Pros: Level-headed, Loyal, Motivated, Perspicacious.
Cons: Self-reliant, Over-protective, Stubborn, Tactless.
Fears: Loss, Wine, Tight spaces.
Theme Song: "Silver Samurai" by Daniel Deluxe
View attachment 892700Name: AurƩlia Vaillan
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Nationality: French/American
Personality: AurƩlia would be best described as grounded and level-headed. She thinks very logically and rarely takes risks unless absolutely necessary, preferring hard evidence and data over speculation and emotion. Though the exception to that is when her friends are involved. She cares for others deeply, and is intensely loyal to her friends and allies, though she's not great at expressing it and often comes off as ham-fisted and disingenuous in her social interactions with others, she would risk life and limb for anyone she holds dear.

In her work, she focuses on a top-down perspective first and foremost; looking at the goal at hand and finding the most efficient path to achieving that goal. While her motivation in achieving these goals is commendable, that comes at the cost of over-burdening herself. If something needs to be done, sheā€™ll typically just do it herself and if offered assistance she wonā€™t deny it, but she would never ask for it. With a unwavering loyalty and mind for tactics, she's an invaluable member of any team.

Appearance: Credit to TrNyteal on twitter for the illustration.
Bio: AurĆ©lia was born and raised in Ɖpernay, France, to Ɖtienne and Leona Vaillan, owners of the once illustrious Vaillan Vineyard. Most of her early childhood was spent like any other normal kid, albeit with a much bigger front yard than most; though she didn't have many friends around, and typically did things by herself or with her parents, leading to her lack of social skills and etiquette. Being out in the countryside had its perks however, especially with the looming threat of the anomalies as they mainly stuck to attacking populated cities and provinces, though it also had its downsides. Being so far out from the major cities means that when you need help, it may not come fast enough. In the middle of autumn, during the peak of the harvest season ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ ā–ˆ, a powerful anomaly, assaulted the vineyard, completely obliterating any semblance of civilization from existence in the immediate area, barring one cellar underneath where the Vaillan household once was. Inside the wine cellar, was young AurĆ©lia, terrified and emotionally scarred after witnessing the destruction that the anomalies could bring first hand. A.N.S. eventually found her and took her in for recovery, though the trauma never left her.

After some time passed, A.N.S eventually found a foster home for her in Chicago where she has lived for the majority of her life with her foster father, Vincent Summers, a bio-tech researcher for A.N.S.. With his influence as well as AurƩlia's own willpower allowed her to join the ranks of A.N.S and begin fighting back against the Anomalies.
Bio-Enhancment: WSS-13 [Nano Augment Sys.Ver. v1.01] This Warfare Support System allows for the Subject to make use of Nano-Drones to heal wounds to comrades or themselves. (Cauterizing, Stitching, Clotting, etc.)
Rank: G-4 Sergeant
Goals: To protect the ones she holds dear and to eliminate the Anomalies.
Pros: Level-headed, Loyal, Motivated, Perspicacious.
Cons: Self-reliant, Over-protective, Stubborn, Tactless.
Fears: Loss, Wine, Tight spaces.
Theme Song: "Silver Samurai" by Daniel Deluxe

Accepted, Sergeant.
Name: Torren Aldgale

Age: 35 years old

Sex: Male

Nationality: Irish

Quiet and reserved. Torren was never one for engaging directly with others. If he had the option, he would keep to himself. Although he heavily prefers to keep to himself, sometimes his desire to help others goes beyond his personality. In life it has driven him to take a leap in defense of others. It has inspired him to protect others. To heal. It only makes sense that later in life he would attempt to work in healthcare to try and help others with injuries received from the ghosts as they went rampant through the world. However, with time his desire to aid would go above and beyond his limitations. It wasn't enough. Losing people struck him very hard. Those whose last sight was his face. It drove him to be even quieter and further reserved.

Torren 2.jpeg
Some of Torren's first memories are of splintered wood and the sound of screaming. Long ago, as a young man, Torren was found sitting on his own in an almost completely destroyed home. He sat in one of the last intact chairs within, just staring out at the scenery beyond the tattered remains of his home. One of the rampant ghosts had torn through his hometown in the western county of Cork. Not many survived the attack, but surprisingly he had survived. It was somewhat of a mystery why he didn't get attacked. When questioned about what it was he had done to avoid being noticed, he simply says that he did absolutely nothing. As the ghost went tearing through his home and slaughtered his family, he remained motionless. Not a single movement, not a peep.

It is a wonder just how he survived. Some began spreading rumors that he was just of no interest to ghosts. However, Torren knew that if he had been running around in a panic like the rest of his family, he would have surely been slaughtered as well. It is a mystery even to him, but it sparked something within him. A desire to help others who fall victim to such attacks.

During the attack, splinters and debris from his home had wounded him rather severely. It left him scarred, but not beyond recovery. He would carry the marks as a reminder of his inaction. If he had done something, then he might have saved someone. Though there and then, he had failed his only family. This spark that he carried with him from then on inspired him to aid others that have suffered from ghost attacks. He learned properly how to perform first aid and then that carried him to learn more and more. He traveled beyond his hometown and into larger cities that suffered worse than those out in less populated counties.

One day, there was an attack in south Dublin. Torren was part of a team that traveled in that direction to provide support. Many were dead or dying. Plenty of people died before his very eyes. The thought of his face burned into their memory as they passed. It disturbed Torren more than most could know. He didn't want to be anyone's final few moments, especially as he worked tirelessly to try and save them. Though at times, his best efforts simply were not enough. He needed something more to help more people.

He had started wearing a mask to hide his face and he wore a smiling pin to convey that he is here to help. He became less known with time. Even his name began to fade and people referred to him as different names. Nicknames. He was known as Torren only to few now, but he still was able to do as he always loved. Then A.N.S. crossed his path. Somewhere he could do more good than before. Somewhere he could help people. It was the path he desired. He signed on into training. His body was fused with technology that sustained him and had the potential to mend others or protect them. This was his path

Bio-Enchancment: WSS-13 [Nano Augment Sys.Ver. v1.01]

Rank: G-3 - Corporal

Goals: Mend allies and protect civilians. Perform duty as a medical professional and save lives.

Pros: Duty-bound, devoted to tasks, driven individual

Cons: Reserved, quiet, secretive

Fears: Being the last person someone sees, death, failure to protect others

Theme Song: for KING & COUNTRY - It's Not Over Yet

Name: Torren Aldgale

Age: 35 years old

Sex: Male

Nationality: Irish

Quiet and reserved. Torren was never one for engaging directly with others. If he had the option, he would keep to himself. Although he heavily prefers to keep to himself, sometimes his desire to help others goes beyond his personality. In life it has driven him to take a leap in defense of others. It has inspired him to protect others. To heal. It only makes sense that later in life he would attempt to work in healthcare to try and help others with injuries received from the ghosts as they went rampant through the world. However, with time his desire to aid would go above and beyond his limitations. It wasn't enough. Losing people struck him very hard. Those whose last sight was his face. It drove him to be even quieter and further reserved.

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Some of Torren's first memories are of splintered wood and the sound of screaming. Long ago, as a young man, Torren was found sitting on his own in an almost completely destroyed home. He sat in one of the last intact chairs within, just staring out at the scenery beyond the tattered remains of his home. One of the rampant ghosts had torn through his hometown in the western county of Cork. Not many survived the attack, but surprisingly he had survived. It was somewhat of a mystery why he didn't get attacked. When questioned about what it was he had done to avoid being noticed, he simply says that he did absolutely nothing. As the ghost went tearing through his home and slaughtered his family, he remained motionless. Not a single movement, not a peep.

It is a wonder just how he survived. Some began spreading rumors that he was just of no interest to ghosts. However, Torren knew that if he had been running around in a panic like the rest of his family, he would have surely been slaughtered as well. It is a mystery even to him, but it sparked something within him. A desire to help others who fall victim to such attacks.

During the attack, splinters and debris from his home had wounded him rather severely. It left him scarred, but not beyond recovery. He would carry the marks as a reminder of his inaction. If he had done something, then he might have saved someone. Though there and then, he had failed his only family. This spark that he carried with him from then on inspired him to aid others that have suffered from ghost attacks. He learned properly how to perform first aid and then that carried him to learn more and more. He traveled beyond his hometown and into larger cities that suffered worse than those out in less populated counties.

One day, there was an attack in south Dublin. Torren was part of a team that traveled in that direction to provide support. Many were dead or dying. Plenty of people died before his very eyes. The thought of his face burned into their memory as they passed. It disturbed Torren more than most could know. He didn't want to be anyone's final few moments, especially as he worked tirelessly to try and save them. Though at times, his best efforts simply were not enough. He needed something more to help more people.

He had started wearing a mask to hide his face and he wore a smiling pin to convey that he is here to help. He became less known with time. Even his name began to fade and people referred to him as different names. Nicknames. He was known as Torren only to few now, but he still was able to do as he always loved. Then A.N.S. crossed his path. Somewhere he could do more good than before. Somewhere he could help people. It was the path he desired. He signed on into training. His body was fused with technology that sustained him and had the potential to mend others or protect them. This was his path

Bio-Enchancment: WSS-13 [Nano Augment Sys.Ver. v1.01]

Rank: G-3 - Corporal

Goals: Mend allies and protect civilians. Perform duty as a medical professional and save lives.

Pros: Duty-bound, devoted to tasks, driven individual

Cons: Reserved, quiet, secretive

Fears: Being the last person someone sees, death, failure to protect others

Theme Song: for KING & COUNTRY - It's Not Over Yet

Accepted; they are more referred to as anomalies as opposed to ghosts but that's okay! kinda cool if "ghosts" are a regional nickname for them in certain parts of the world.
Tin ā€œTin-Manā€ Cho

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Nationality: Korean American

Tin can be a bit of a ditz when it comes to scheduling as heā€™s always almost late for everything he attends. Whether it be training sessions, battle strategy meetings, or even deployments, Tin can always be expected to be the last one there. Reasons for being late range from the alarm clock being set incorrectly to someone asking him for help on a task. However, he can arrive on time if someone forces him directly.
Despite his tardiness, Tinā€™s is amiable to everyone he meets. Not only the type who initiates conversations, Tinā€™s also the type that will allow anyone to start a chat with him. However, Tin is afraid of deeper relationships, making it difficult to forge strong bonds with other individuals. Additionally, despite being mentally hardy, his people-centric focus makes him easily influenceable and susceptible to situations where he must choose who can live.
More on his less positive traits, Tin can be a bit haughty at times. Though his proud behavior has toned down, there will be times where heā€™ll laud himself for good performance. A quick reminder is usually enough to shut him up, however. Also, to expand on what's been already said, he'll bail out on a relationship should he sense that it's evolving into something more than a "friendship."

As the middle child, Tin was raised in a household involved with a cult that worshiped an anomaly. As a small child, he didnā€™t really mind the cult, so long as he could play with his friends. However, when the day of Hide-and-Seek arrived, he was offered up to ā€œplayā€ with the anomaly, leading to a bloody round of the aforementioned game. After the incident, he and his siblings were separated and assigned to foster families.
Aided by the loving support of his foster family and a little bit of fortune, Tin was able to bury the trauma and lead a relatively normal childhood to high school. However, during his senior year, his school was attacked by an anomaly not long after the second semester had started. Fortunately for him, he was home sick that day, but not for some of his classmates who were killed, some of whom he was extremely close with. Losing his friends, though it did not seem like it, made him hesitant in making deep relationships.
By the time graduation arrived, it turned out that he was rejected by all his colleges, which probably had something to do with the incident (or with being late in his applications). He then had many choices at that point, one of them being going to community college, and another being flipping burgers. He chose the third option, joining the A.N.S.. From that point, the rest is history.

Bio-Enchancment: MA-06 [Velocity Progressor]

Rank: G-1

Goals: Make sure that others don't lose their loved ones as much as possible.

- Heā€™s a very good shot and has adjusted well to his cybernetic legs.
- Very good at following directions

- Heā€™s frequently almost late training and deployments
- He doesnā€™t always execute those directions

- Making close friends and then losing them
- Dolls

- Because of his leg replacements, heā€™s usually nicknamed ā€œTin-Man." There's also "Tim" since people sometimes get mixed up.
- He chose the leg replacements so that he would be less late to things. It didnā€™t help.
- Carries candies to help civilians calm down

Theme Song:
Tin ā€œTin-Manā€ Cho

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Nationality: Korean American

Tin can be a bit of a ditz when it comes to scheduling as heā€™s always almost late for everything he attends. Whether it be training sessions, battle strategy meetings, or even deployments, Tin can always be expected to be the last one there. Reasons for being late range from the alarm clock being set incorrectly to someone asking him for help on a task. However, he can arrive on time if someone forces him directly.
Despite his tardiness, Tinā€™s is amiable to everyone he meets. Not only the type who initiates conversations, Tinā€™s also the type that will allow anyone to start a chat with him. However, Tin is afraid of deeper relationships, making it difficult to forge strong bonds with other individuals. Additionally, despite being mentally hardy, his people-centric focus makes him easily influenceable and susceptible to situations where he must choose who can live.
More on his less positive traits, Tin can be a bit haughty at times. Though his proud behavior has toned down, there will be times where heā€™ll laud himself for good performance. A quick reminder is usually enough to shut him up, however. Also, to expand on what's been already said, he'll bail out on a relationship should he sense that it's evolving into something more than a "friendship."

As the middle child, Tin was raised in a household involved with a cult that worshiped an anomaly. As a small child, he didnā€™t really mind the cult, so long as he could play with his friends. However, when the day of Hide-and-Seek arrived, he was offered up to ā€œplayā€ with the anomaly, leading to a bloody round of the aforementioned game. After the incident, he and his siblings were separated and assigned to foster families.
Aided by the loving support of his foster family and a little bit of fortune, Tin was able to bury the trauma and lead a relatively normal childhood to high school. However, during his senior year, his school was attacked by an anomaly not long after the second semester had started. Fortunately for him, he was home sick that day, but not for some of his classmates who were killed, some of whom he was extremely close with. Losing his friends, though it did not seem like it, made him hesitant in making deep relationships.
By the time graduation arrived, it turned out that he was rejected by all his colleges, which probably had something to do with the incident (or with being late in his applications). He then had many choices at that point, one of them being going to community college, and another being flipping burgers. He chose the third option, joining the A.N.S.. From that point, the rest is history.

Bio-Enchancment: MA-06 [Velocity Progressor]

Rank: G-1

Goals: Make sure that others don't lose their loved ones as much as possible.

- Heā€™s a very good shot and has adjusted well to his cybernetic legs.
- Very good at following directions

- Heā€™s frequently almost late training and deployments
- He doesnā€™t always execute those directions

- Making close friends and then losing them
- Dolls

- Because of his leg replacements, heā€™s usually nicknamed ā€œTin-Man." There's also "Tim" since people sometimes get mixed up.
- He chose the leg replacements so that he would be less late to things. It didnā€™t help.
- Carries candies to help civilians calm down

Theme Song:

accepted! love the backstory, very interesting!
also very coincidental interesting that he's afraid of dolls :hornskiss:

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