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Fandom Teen Titans Of Tomorrow [OOC]

i am thinking how to start not sure if it should be daily stuff or raven would do for her sister what she did for herself in forming a team

JDizzle383 JDizzle383 would that be okay or got someone in mind turning on the communicators?
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Well I would assume Raven would be in the post directly telling your character OR having passed on her TT comunicator.

Either way, she could even be at Raven's side when she got the message and Raven could send her there or something?

I have a reason they are getting the beacon, yes, so don't use Raven there to be the one setting it off if that's what you mean
yeah was thinking it would be a neat call back to have raven start iiup the communicators as she started the iconic titan team
Uhhh... sorry I'm not following. Starfire was the one to start the team in the episode entitled "GO!"

I am basing this on the original cartoon, so I am not using the live-action(if that's what you are referring to) as I have never even seen it
Yeaaaahhhh... I know almost absolutely zero of the comics

This whole thing is based on the ORIGINAL Cartoon Network show from 2003 or whatever, so none of the Titans were close to adults, Starfire wasn't trying to marry anyone, she was still 16, and Beast boy joked around and had zero muscles. I know for a fact there are certain events and characters in the show that didn't even happen in comics and vice versa. Also, the Terra arc played out in a completely different way in the show, so if all you know is comics, I don't know how this is going to play out very well...
I watched the original series didn't see first episode but felt the reference would be fun
well, the original series episode was in season five for the team's origin. so if you weren't a die-hard fan you likely never got there.

I would like control over what they find is the reason I wanted to have it not be Raven summoning the entire team.
Karcen Karcen

Feel free to post Vilere's reaction to lizard alien on lizard Atlantean violence hour at your liesure

EDIT: two seconds later. a new record
Selee-01 Selee-01

looks to be your turn again! bring on the Beast!
*is clawed at*
Easy with the Beast!
(if you got that reference, give yourself a cookie)
Selee-01 Selee-01

looks to be your turn again! bring on the Beast!
*is clawed at*
Easy with the Beast!
(if you got that reference, give yourself a cookie)
All right! I’ll get a post out in a few hours or sooner. Lol, afraid I don’t get the reference. Put me in irons, and sentence me to hang:closed eyes open smile:
JDizzle383 JDizzle383 not sure my character would be in a database she didn't come to earth that long ago and not sure raven would force her to explain everything to somone for a data base
Okay. Only reason I asked is because the Rhys post makes it seem like they're all outside. That or everyone in the group is being VERY loud.

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