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Fandom Beyond the Black Curtain: OOC Chat

Some people have Warrants of Trade which say "He can do what he wants, he's a Rogue Trader - The High Lords of Terra" or maybe even "He can do what he wants, he's a Rogue Trader - Rogal Dorn"
But my Warrant of Trade is special because it's signed by the Emperor himself.
Yes. I have completed it
So it's pretty much perfect except it's more likely that your Regiment was destroyed before they allowed me to take you. And also asking for help outside of the guard is not good. Especially for a mere sergeant.
So it's pretty much perfect except it's more likely that your Regiment was destroyed before they allowed me to take you. And also asking for help outside of the guard is not good. Especially for a mere sergeant.
Aight. Lemme change regi name then, cuz I like the 14th
What I'm confused about is how it's a Forge World. Do you mean to say that it's an Industrial World? Because all Forge Worlds are owned by Mars.
SHIT!!!!! My lore is not on point. Industrial world dammit
Well, now that I am thinking about it, it can kind of make sense so long as the regiment he is from comes from Aussie or Ire. But then there is the fact that Industrial Worlds are just way more common than proper Forge Worlds.
Well, now that I am thinking about it, it can kind of make sense so long as the regiment he is from comes from Aussie or Ire. But then there is the fact that Industrial Worlds are just way more common than proper Forge Worlds.
Industrial, and most Airborne and Jungle Regiments in the system are from Aussie

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