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Fantasy The Guild Stone ((Old Questing Thread))

Azalea Gibraltar
Location: Guild Hall
"Here, take this. I'll have enough to get through for now."

Azalea paused at the amount they set down on the table. Being a hunter they didn't seem too attached to the concept of money, at least not in the sense of hoarding it, but Azalea had a hard stance on accepting donations. She'd seen how quickly it could get out of hand in the larger houses, with aristocrats playing power games and benefactors making demands. She nudged the pouch back their way. "I appreciate the gesture, Sapph, but the guild already takes a large enough portion of your quest reward. You're better off saving this for an emergency."

"I'm pretty tired, so I'll stay around a bit. Unless someone needs me, of course. Otherwise I'm gonna relax."

Azalea nodded, certainly able to do with some downtime herself. Before she could say as much, however, the doors swung open behind her and the familiar, snapping fingers had her inhaling through her nose. The strange shape always made a faint whistling sound.

"Hey, hey, good to see everyone here survived yet another day like myself." They paused, and for a moment she thought he'd thought better of continuing. "The group of people seems small, within this here guild hall..."

No such luck. Azalea sighed, turning as Leonadis plonked himself down at one of the tables, back from one of his 'walks'. Unlike Sapphire's, his didn't seem very productive.

"So how much damage has this poor building sustained today?"

"More than enough, without you adding dirt to the tables." Why he felt the need to bring half the kingdom's topsoil into the guild was beyond her, but leaning back he'd no doubt have a perfect view of the gaping hole in the ceiling. "I hope you didn't go trekking through the markets before you came here." There would be no telling what sort of muck he picked up if he had.
TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 Key of Stars Key of Stars
Leonidas Hood
Location: Guild Hall

Leonidas Hood.jpg
"More than enough, without you adding dirt to the tables." The answer made him look up from the little loose thread on his glove he was examining. His mood flipping between pleasantly surprised he had received an answer and slightly annoyed at the answer he had received. "I hope you didn't go trekking through the markets before you came here."

"Fine, fine, I get it, I get it." Leonidas sighed as he removed his boots from the table which almost lead to him falling over backwards. Having awkwardly grabbed the edge of the table to steady himself Leonidas carried on as if nothing of the sort had happened. "I'll have you know that my boots are perfectly clean." For a brief moment, he stared at the small pile of dirt that had formed where his boots previously sat before quickly swiping his entire arm across the table. Pointing at the now clean spot on the table Leonidas flashed Azalea his biggest smile. "See? Not a speck of dirt." If we ignore the dirt on the floor, he added inwardly.

Seemingly unsure of what to do with himself for just a moment he eventually cleared his throat and carried on yet again. "Anyway, I doubt some dirt is your biggest concern right now." He pointed at the hole in the ceiling, the same smile still on his face. "In fact, I would almost call the addition of this temporary skylight poetic." He continued, softly snapping his fingers as he thought for a little while. "A slight breeze now blows through this guild hall, I hope we'll be without rainfall." He recited in a dramatic tone almost making the line sound better than it was.

Sylph Sylph
Sapphire Lanse

As Saph overheard the conversation, she sighed and put her coins back into the purse. "Azalea, this is my home as much as yours. It can be an investment," Saph added, knowing that wouldn't entice her to change the policy. She turned her attention to the newbie, shaking her head. "Pro tip... being a smartass gets new adventurers killed," she said while walking over. "Kicking dirt up onto tables is disrespect." She gave Leonidas a death stare before sitting back down in her seat again, shaking her head. "newbies," she muttered.

Sylph Sylph Key of Stars Key of Stars
Azalea Gibraltar
Location: Guild Hall
"Fine, fine, I get it, I get it." So he said, but--

Azalea lurched forwards when Leonadis began to topple, the fool having forgotten to hold onto the table as he lifted his feet. He narrowly avoided the disaster by grabbing a nearby counter top, but Azalea didn't much relax as she slowed to a stop at his table.

"I'll have you know that my boots are perfectly clean." He didn't seem to acknowledge the blunder, waving a hand before his eyes fell to the small pile of dirt he had in fact left. Quick as a cat he swept an arm over incriminating evidence and returned to her with a wide beam. "See? Not a speck of dirt."

Azalea's expression remained flat, glancing to where most of it had settled on her boots. If the mud were from the sodden markets, it had long since dried on his trek back to the guild, remaining as a fine dust. "...of course," she said dryly. "Not a fleck."

"Anyway, I doubt some dirt is your biggest concern right now."
Leonadis adopted a poignant stance as he turned his gaze to the roof, and Azalea's neutral posture stiffened. She knew that look. "In fact, I would almost call the addition of this temporary skylight poetic."

"Please don't."

He took a deep breath, snapping his fingers once more before reciting in a sonorous voice. "A slight breeze now blows through this guild hall, I hope we'll be without rainfall."

Azalea passed a hand over her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. Sure, content aside, he had charm and charisma enough to make the blunders work. He was no doubt liked around town for his personality and appearance, but poetry didn't fix roof holes. May the heavens cry on you and not me.

"Pro tip... being a smartass gets new adventurers killed." A cold voice addressed Leonadis from the far table. Azalea turned, raising a brow at the words. Sapphire, judging by her tone, wasn't a great fan of poetry either. "Kicking dirt up onto tables is disrespectful."

That too. She supposed it was only marginally better than swiping it onto people. Azalea smiled at the obvious ire of the huntress, brushing some of the dust off her own clothes. With such a diversity of members there were bound to be conflicts. Customs were tricky things to navigate.

"There are worse things to bring into the guild," she said. Like enraged demons, or levy collectors. "There was no harm done."

Saph didn't seem much placated, shaking her head as she returned to her seat and muttered something under her breath. Azalea shared a look with Leonadis, shrugging at the hostility. It meant more to some people than it did others.

"Anyway, both of you should get some rest," Azalea said. It might be why everyone was short a fuse. "I'll have some new quests on the board tomorrow if either of you are interested in taking on work. And as always, feel free to use the guild quarters." General ones were on the ground floor through the doors at the back. Only staff resided on the second floor, where there weren't quite as many. Waving to the both of them and praying they wouldn't start a fight as soon as she left, Azalea turned to head back to the upper level, where she could at last set down her papers. Though stopping at one particular registration, her brow dipped into a frown.

I never did give her the starting items, did I? Zufaix Zufaix
TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 Key of Stars Key of Stars
Leonidas Hood
Location: Guild Hall

Leonidas Hood.jpg
"Pro tip... being a smartass gets new adventurers killed." Leonidas looked over at the woman walking towards him and sighed lightly. "Rel-" As he was about to retort the woman continued her scolding. "Kicking dirt up onto tables is disrespectful."

Leonidas lightly tapped the edge of the table a few times, as if waiting for the woman to add another sentence, before answering. "Relax, you're starting to sound like my mother used to sound. Being serious all the time isn't good for your mental health." In between sentences he casually swiped his finger at the dirt on the floor, using a bit of air magic to push it closer to the main door. It did little to clean up the mess but in Leonidas's eyes the further away he was from the evidence the better.

"There are worse things to bring into the guild, there was no harm done." Leonidas happily nodded along with Azalea's statement. "Exactly. Now, coming back to what I said earlier, according to experts in the field of mental health," He started, pointing his thumb at himself. "And by experts I mean myself, you should laugh at least three times a day and I can tell you haven't hit that quota yet." He remarked with a slight chuckle.

"So what do you say? Want me to use a bit of emotion poetry to help you out with that? I won't even charge you for it." The intense death stare he received for an answer almost made him shrink back as he shared a look with Azalea and threw his hands up in resignation. "Alright, alright, no poetry, I get it, you're not a fan." "Your loss." He muttered, vaguely aware of the woman muttering something of her own.

"Anyway, both of you should get some rest," Not a bad idea, maybe I should skip the drinking I had planned for tonight. "I'll have some new quests on the board tomorrow if either of you are interested in taking on work. And as always, feel free to use the guild quarters." "I'll take you up on both of those offers," Leonidas answered. "taking on some real work would be a nice change of pace from helping the townsfolk get over being rejected." He ignored the fact that the people he treated had told him this in confidence.

As Azalea went back up to the second story Leonidas took one last glance at the other woman before also standing up. "Seeing as you don't seem to have any intention of changing your mind on my emotion poetry offer, I will excuse myself now." With his body halfway through the doorway leading to the guild quarters he turned around one more time. "Oh, before I forget. I'm not exactly new to this whole adventuring thing. I was just never, you know, officially licensed." He chuckled as he slightly waved at her. "See ya around sometime."
TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 Sylph Sylph
에나 on Twitter.jpeg
Location: Guild Entrance

Minma was meters away from the entrance of the guild. The rays of the sun washed over his body. His breath calm. His knee was dug into the ground as he used it to sustain himself from falling as he tied his shoe. He gave one last tug at the string to ensure it was tight enough. His body began to almost lift back up when something of familiarity jabbed him in the back. Was that what I think it is? He asked himself irritated.
HIs body slowly turned to meet what was behind him and to no ones amazement it was the creature that had been following Minma ever since yesterday. A sigh of annoyance escaped Minma's lips as he looked the blue creature in in eyes. It's tail was wagging every which way and it seemed to have a smile on it's face. Although none of that seemed to falter any of the emotions Minma was feeling. "Look, you, you, thing. I have no interest in housing such a creature of your liking. I suggest you scurry along back to the same hole where you came from." At least that's where Minma assumed him came from. Some hole, somewhere in the vast forest. Minma's aggravation didn't come unexpectedly, you see, earlier that day Minma took the creature back into the woods in hopes of reuniting him with his mother after he had stumbled upon it. But there he was, now at Minma's feet, wiggling around like a puppy getting ready to eat.
Minma wasn't sure why he was having a conversation with an animal but he keep going. "I'm about to make way into a guild. A place where strong allies reside, yet stronger foes despise. I couldn't ensure your safety, better yet, I could hardly care for you in such ruin." And with that Minma bent down and gave the animals a light flick on the head. With a turn of his heel he walked towards the door.
Not a knock was given, the only sign of entrance herd was the small creak sound that a door makes when opening. He stepped in. His eyes jolted around, observently taking in the place. To his surprise a little blue dragon was at his side also doing the same thing. For the time, Minma chose to ignore the dragon and he kept walking foward, the dragon right beside him. I suppose I should make myself known to someone of importance here. He pulled out a small map of the place and found an office which he would make his next destination. He was making his way there when someone in the halls caught his attention. It was Azalea. But he didn't know that.
He approached her, his posture stern, his arm lightly swaying at his sides
"Names Lynx. Are you someone in the higher up of things here? I'm new and need to let my presence be known." He glanced down at the dragon who was also there. He chooses to ignore it's presence for now, glancing back up at the women, looking into her eyes, his breathing slow and steady.

Mentions: Sylph Sylph [Azalea]
Tyron Avattica
Location: Guild Entrance --> ???
Does she ever stop talking? The so-called prince in red stood in seething silence as the witch continued her tirade, flying above the original team-leader's head as she gestured and talked and gestured some more. She didn't give him a moment to speak, let alone anyone else. Instead it left his displeasure to build from annoyance, to anger, to pure hate.

"Anyone who returns to the guildhall now will have failed the mission. And Tyron... That just wouldn't look the best on your record all things considered now would it!"

His jaw locked. Even he knew that withdrawing a mission, though a pathetic sign of incompetence, was something the peace-loving, pushover Azalea insisted was acceptable. He could hear her coddling, nasally voice: 'and remember, if you ever need help, it's only one waystone call away~' . It was enough of a sign the witch was pushing buttons instead of saying anything worthwhile. A demotion? Don't make him laugh. Would she use that same, ridiculous manner when she scribbled a bad report?

Let's find out.

Reaching inside his bag he summoned the waystone to his hand and turned to Kira, who was still brushing half the bush off herself. "Oi, Voland, you don't have waystone yet, right?" Unlike the other two she was quiet, and spoke normally. Her inexperience was somewhat an issue, but he could cover her easily enough, and no one of the Voland name would be completely useless. "I'll take you. Better than listening to her talk all day," Tyron said, and, grabbing hold of the swordswoman's arm, they disappeared in the brief flash of the waystone's magic.
Vol Vol Zufaix Zufaix Uasal Uasal
Kira Voland
Location: Waystone Guild, Lantana City
Sylph Sylph (Tyron) | Uasal Uasal (Eiru)
Mentions: N/A
Kira's eyes had been closed almost the whole time whilst flying through the air, only realizing after the fact that Tyron had taken the fall with her. Surprisingly the fall didn't actually hurt. There was an impact sure, but she was surprised she didn't feel any thorns sticking into her.

"Get off."

Yup.... That would explain it.

Opening her eyes, all she was able to see was red, though as she scrambled to get up it was very clearly Tyron laying below her, disdain written across his face.

"Ah! S-Sorry Tyron, I swear I did not mean for that to happen!"

She didn't even seem to realize she had called Tyron by his first name subconsciously.

"Kira? What are you doing laying in a bush! Come on now, this dead scout could seriously be in danger of dying and here you are lying around with your face in the dirt. Honestly..."

Distress was all over her face. That was clearly a test for the initiation and she failed it. Well she seemed to have passed the earlier trials so as long as she passes the rest of them she should be fine. She started to reach out a hand to help Tyron up, but he had already dusted himself off and began walking back toward the group before she could.

"S-sorry Eiru, I'll be more prepared next time." she gave an apologetic bow as she said that, minding her own to feet lest she trip over them again. She followed Tyron back to the group, though whatever was being said she seemed to either ignore or not hear, as she was lost in her own thoughts. She would definitely need to step up to make sure she's able to join. Whatever train of thought she was on, however was broken by Tyron speaking to her directly.

"Oi, Voland, you don't have waystone yet, right?"

Her eyes snapped back to attention, though she was partly confused at the question.

"Waystone? I don't believe I have anything of that nature."

Alfyn certainly hadn't mentioned it during the few questions she was able to ask him before her departure.

I'm definitely finding Azalea after this and having a nice long chat with her about how this stuff works.

"I'll take you. Better than listening to her talk all day,"

Take me where? To lunch? He did mention something-

However before she could finish that thought Tyron already had her by the arm as light began to fill her vision.
Azalea Gibraltar
Location: Guild Hall
It was early when she rose, same as any other day, and extracted herself from the tangle of branches that had grown overnight. It had been getting worse as of late, trying to cocoon her inside, but just like every morning she pulled herself free and got ready to open the guild. Whatever mess had been made last night would be cleaned up by the bar staff, she didn't want a thing to do with it. Azalea's focus was the guild board. Pinning up the requests she'd processed the day before. It was while she was doing as such, battling the lingering exhaustion with stifled yawns, that the guild doors creaked open with their first visitor of the day.

This early? Seriously? Azalea paused what she was doing, turning to see whoever had entered. They seemed unfamiliar with the place, but nonetheless sure of themselves. His posture straightened as he caught sight of her, and she had a feeling by the look in his eye he wasn't here for trivial matters.

"Name's Lynx," he said, introducing himself as long strides brought him to a stop in front of her. "Are you someone in the higher up of things here? I'm new and need to let my presence be known."

"...Azalea," she said slowly. Presence could say a lot about a person, and his was interesting. He had the careful step of someone used to concealing their movements. "I'm the administrator here. Was there something you were... after?"

A strange sound caught her attention, dragging her gaze down to his feet where a small creature let out an indignant puff of air. "Uh-" She blinked, glancing back up at Lynx, who remained silently observing. Pointing a finger at the small bundle of scales, she carefully asked. "Is that a dragon?"

If it was, the day had just gotten off to another strange start, and she was definitely not awake enough for it.
Minma Minma
Leonidas Hood
Location: Guild quarters -> Guild Hall

Leonidas Hood.jpg
Leonidas woke up with a headache that left him wanting to crawl up into a ball and waste away yet another day. I don't even fully remember what happened but didn't I say I was going to skip out on drinks? Well so much for that apparently.

Forcing himself to sit upright he immediately pressed a hand against his forehead as he started to silently recite a line of poetry. "A melody sung through the grip of migraine, bless me at this moment and take away all my pain." The familiar warm feeling of being affected by his own magic spread through his body as he felt the headache melt away. He knew it would only last for about thirty minutes at most so without wasting time he pushed himself off the bed to get dressed.

Roughly 25 minutes later Leonidas was scrutinizing himself in the mirror, not completely happy with the way his hair was styled. In the end after trying to get it to stay down with water, he shrugged as he gave up and did one final full appearance check in the mirror. He certainly looked more professional than he had yesterday evening when he came back from his day on the town, sure his clothes were the exact same but now he had his old silver rapier hanging at one side of his waist and his waystone and map at the other. Being content with his overall appearance and already feeling his headache returning he nodded to himself once before heading out towards the guild hall.

As he walked into the guild hall accompanied by the usual snap of his fingers to attract attention he physically winced at the volume of the sound his fingers made. Alright, let's not do finger snaps for a bit, at least until this headache is over. To make matters worse, he discovered that he had walked into a completely empty guild hall which meant that he had put himself through torture at the hand of his own hand for nothing. Just as he was about to sit down to have breakfast and figure out which request he should take he heard some loud noises coming from the entrance hall.

Having nothing better to do anyway Leonidas pushed the chair he had pulled out back under the table and made his way over to the entrance hall. Stepping into the hall after almost physically forcing himself to not snap his fingers he flashed a bright smile. "Everyone here sure seems lively in the morning." He said with a small wave.

Sylph Sylph Minma Minma Uasal Uasal
에나 on Twitter.jpeg

"Azelea." That name struck Minma in an odd way. It was quite peculiar to him since he had never heard it from where he was from. "I'm the administrator here. Is there something you were after?" He paused for a second to think. His hawk eyes never disconnecting from hers. "As long as you are aware of my arrival there is no reason to carry on this conversation. Thanks for your acknowledgement."

Thier eyes broke when Azalea broke it to look down at the dragon that was following Minma. He closed his eyes and took a long breath through the nose. Without even giving them the thought to, his eyes rolled into he back of his head. A deep breath escaped his lips. "Uh." "Is that a dragon?" Minma looked down at it than back at Azalea. A slight look of embarrassment crept upon his face but was quickly washed off by him coning his hair back with his fingers. "Through deep analysis I've concluded that's what it is. Short story even shorter, it discovered me and now won't leave my side. Quite a tragic story indeed."

With a slight arch of the neck, Minma tilted his head slightly in front of Azalea as a means of a goodbye. When he turned around he was greeted by snaps in the distance. He marched fourth and then a person came around the corner with a smile of a prisoner getting set free. "Everyone here sure seems lively this morning." Why did he just say 'everyone' like there is a lot of people here? He gave the fellow a dipped brow coming from confusion. He wasn't sure why the guy was happy, maybe he's always like this. He moved his head side to side, cracking some bones. A small grin was on his face since he didn't want to appear as a negative person. "Not as lively as you I can assure you." That. That's what he said to Leonidas as he walked by. The small little bottle of joy, dragon, right belong side him.

Mentions: Sylph Sylph [Azalea] Key of Stars Key of Stars [Leonidas]
Sapphire Lanse

Saph retired to one of the rooms, carrying her brigandine with her, sighing as she put the armor down next to the bed. She undressed and slid into the bed, dozing off almost immediately. Unfortunately her sleep was cut short by the sound of a.... snap? she rolled out of bed and took a small peek outside her door. "that idiot, no respect at all," she muttered to herself. Azalea couldn't have been the one to snap; no. The newcomer? Likely not. She closed the door again and got dressed up, now fully awake and grumpy.

She walked out of the room, helmet tucked under her arm, having a blank face like usual. She let out a yawn as she plopped down on the table. She looked at the new person that just walked in. "Is that uh...a dragon?" she said a little too loudly, not hearing the previous conversation as she was getting ready. She kept her straight face on but thought to herself, well that's cute.

Sylph Sylph Key of Stars Key of Stars Minma Minma
에나 on Twitter.jpeg

Then came another presence. This one seemed more grumpy and tired. Probably because they were awoken. He watched as the blue hair women plopped herself on the table making the purpose of the chair right beside her usless. "Is that a uh...dragon?" A short lived spiritless sigh left his body. I'm a complete stranger to her and yet the first thing she asked about is this dragon walking beside me.

Without a warning the blue and black dragon made his way up Minma's body, using his claws as a means of rope. Sounds of pain grunted out of Minma. It didn't hurt that bad but he could feel every time a nail engraved it's way into his skin. The dragon now rested on Minma's shoulder, his tail swung around his neck dangling off his shoulder. "Damn bastard." Minma grunted. "I've never seen an actual dragon before, yet I'm quite positive it changed once I meet this. You see I'm not one hundred percent sure that's what it is, but a blind lady who could see could tell you it's a dragon." He walked over to the girl and put his arm across his chest as he slighty bowed down to her. Once he was upright again he spoke.

"Lynx of Alabasta. A pleasure meeting you. Speak your name or forever hold your peace." Odd way of asking someone there name. But it worked where Minma was from. He could of asked for it in seventy six other different languages if he wanted too. His follower, or dragon, had seemed to pounce off in response to the slight bow given which to Minma was a good thing.

TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 [Sapphire]

Location: Waystone Guild, Outskirts of Lantana City -> Guard Outpost
Interactions: Eiru Eagna Uasal Uasal
Honourable mentions: Tyron Avattica Sylph Sylph / Kira Voland Zufaix Zufaix
Quest: Rescue Mission
Reward: 2000 coins​
In a much more simplified explanation, the ranks in Waystone presented one's combat prowess and skill on the field, and the quests assigned to each rank would reflect one's competence. But despite such capabilities, it did not have to match one's maturity. This was certainly the case with Eiru Eagna, whom was circling around Zion's head with the aid of her broom, as she went on with this and that.

At first he resisted, raising an armoured arm to try and gently pull her down from there. But she was too agile and expert with her manouvering of the flying stick, and eventually the arm fell limply back to his side as he resigned himself to his fate. Allowing the little bird to hover above his head for as long as she wanted -- it wasn't like she was hurting him or the other two.

Yeh sure. Anyway! You've accepted this quest officially as has Zion, myself and Kira. Anyone who returns to the guildhall now will have failed the mission. And Tyron... That just wouldn't look the best on your record all things considered now would it!"

Zion lowered his head, the hood of his cloak further encompassing his mask into further darkness. Oh she was fighting with words. Although not directed at him, he could imagine how sharp the metaphorical daggers that were being thrown at the prince in red. Since the battlemage was travelling with the said pompous noble, he could not help wince visibly everytime the enchantress twisted the blade deeper and deeper into Tyron.

He had forgotten what it was like to travel in packs. A bittersweet sensation writhed in his soul and caused it shiver.

The door he couldn't exactly open earlier within his mentalspace cracked a little, so tiniest silver of information crawled out meekly. It somewhat intrigued him that his past self -- the man he used to be before he became...this -- was not originally a lone wolf. Though even with that small revelation, it did not ease Zion's discomfort from the happenings instigated by the Runic scriber. Rather, it heightened it much, much more when the consequences of Eiru's scathing statements finally yielded its bloody, bloody fruits.

Hold on a second. Metaphorical eyes narrowed in apprehension at the second the Avattica aristocrat had procured a Waystone crystal.
"I'll take you. Better than listening to her talk all day,"
He had reached out an open palm towards them but the gesture only met a flash of white light. And there were gone.

A few seconds passed and Zion finally lowered his arm; his movements slow and stiff, as if he had glue between his joints.
"Ahhh! Zion of course! You're the one whos been trying to prod at my mind! Honestly, I thought you might have been having a stroke with all that sparatic gesturing but no now it totally makes sense!"
Fortunately Zion's general gaze was already directed to the floor, so when Eiru stepped into his vision after ejecting herself from her broom, it looked as if she had his undivided attention. Far from it, actually, the battlemage was actually retracing the steps that brought him into this mess, and gauging if the promise with Azalea was truly worth it at this time.

The smile the smaller mage had offered him did nothing to raise his contemplative spirits. He managed to straighten his posture, as if to show he was somewhat consoled. His body language was the only visible representation of his emotions which he could manipulate to mask his inner turmoil. However what had come next took him by surprise, and temporarily broke the stoic attitude he was attempting to manifest. He took a small step back, though noticeable enough as it shifted the tattered ends of his cloak.
'Hello! Zion! Can you hear me! Of course you can! Anyway look I know you're a bit of a loner and you prefer being alone and all that gloomy stuff but hey. Look at it this way, with me there the odds of the prince dying both rise and fall dramatically! Want to bump him off? No? Okay well we can ensure he stays alive better together anyway! Azalea knows you don't often party up and with that in mind having me who's always in a party is sure to be beneficial for you. Besides I won't actually be doing anything, I'm here just to observe. This mission is still all yours and so is the coin might I add!"

"Your thoughtspeak is...the same as how you speak with your tongue, it seems like." Was the remark Zion added, albeit dumbly, after processing the information she had transferred in a bullet train fashion, into his unsuspecting mind.
Now he understood why Tyron was standoffish when he had communicated with him, the first time, telepathically. Though through whatever recompense, atleast the undead battlemage thoughtspoke little.
"Er, okay. Speaking of the said devil..."

Zion then gestured past her -- he really was quite animated lately, and he isn't entirely sure if he found that as a positive thing -- at the empty space where the two nobles had once stood. What was left behind was a crumpled azalea bush and littered leaves, being blown about the place by the wind.

"You have made things more complicated for me than it already had been." He sighed into Eiru's mind, an odd weariness washing over the enchantress which seemed to seep into her bones. "I don't know where he -- they both went. And I have a promise to keep." That was the least of his problems, but one that seemed more plausible to mention.

The guild, no, Azalea did not need another nuisance to deal with. And it was not going to be him that caused it.

Zion lowered his arm and retrieved the quest poster. Not that he needed to read it he just pretended to. He decided to do what he did best: just bloody get on with it, panicking or worrying too much would just get in the way. It seemed he was quite familiar with that little motto.

"It did not mention the location of the camp, so I'm not sure if that is where the lordling headed off to. Perhaps to the guard post that this quest was originally issued from." The ending sentence was stated as a matter-of-a-fact than a question, as if hehad already decided where he was going, not "we". Suddenly he placed the quest into her hand and closed her fingers over it. The movements much smoother than earlier.

The undead battlemage slipped out his own Waystone Crystal from a pocket conveniently placed underneath his bracers.
"I cannot stay long to chat, I'm heading there now. I'm not as familiar with that region, but I have passed through it once or twice."

A steel mask looked back at Eiru before the signature flash of white overtook his form.
"See you there, or not."
Azalea Gibraltar
Location: Guild Hall
Azalea shifted under the piercing gaze that continued to bear down on her. "As long as you are aware of my arrival there is no reason to carry on this conversation. Thanks for your acknowledgement."

She raised a brow. He was certainly a bizarre character. Then what did you come to the guild for?

"Through deep analysis I've concluded that's what it is. Short story even shorter, it discovered me and now won't leave my side. Quite a tragic story indeed."

Tragic? It didn't strike her so. Tragic was waiting to happen when the tiny terror grew up. She wouldn't be fooled by it's adorable size or puppy-like enthusiasm, such creatures were nothing but a calamity in the works.

"Everyone here sure seems lively in the morning."

And there was Leonadis. Azalea cocked her head, feeling something was lacking the upbeat entrance. Saph followed not far behind, snapping at his heels as if no time had passed at all. Perhaps she had a vendetta against poets. Or just Leonadis in particular.

"Not as lively as you I can assure you."

Despite his unfamiliarity--Azalea was quite sure she'd never met the man before--Lynx slid easily into the conversation of the two established members. The dragon certainly played a part in it, drawing attention to the otherwise inconspicuous fellow. Azalea would have to figure out what to do with it soon. Free-roaming terrors was not a precedent she wanted to deal with on a regular basis.

"Leonadis, Sapphire, good morning," she said. "Sir... Lynx, might I ask again why you're here at the guild?"

Location: Guild Hall
The rest of the night had been enjoyable, and blessedly uneventful. Ymir had returned to the guild and ignored all else in favour of collapsing into bed. It seemed no time at until the first bars of dawn began to encroach upon the horizon.

As adventurers began to trickle into the guild hall in varying states of alertness, Ymir threw open the doors to the second floor, foregoing the stairs in favour of dropping straight to the ground floor. A buffer of wind cushioned her landing, stirring the pinned down papers across the guild much to Azalea's visible annoyance.

"Leo!" Ymir grinned upon catching sight of the fellow free spirit. "How've you been? Come up with any new works?" Unlike his carefully styled appearance, Ymir's hair was pulled back into a haphazard mess of ivory strands, dressed for what looked to be a long journey. Stepping over to the impromptu group she clapped the poet on the shoulder before facing the others. "Oh, and if it isn't Sapphy too! Long time no see!"

She paused upon seeing Lynx, retaining a cheerful look of interest. "I don't think we've met. Are you a new member of the guild?"
Key of Stars Key of Stars TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 Minma Minma
Leonidas HoodLeonidas Hood.jpg
Location: Guild Hall

"Not as lively as you I can assure you." Leonidas let out a dry chuckle as he responded. "I can assure you the only reason I'm this lively right now is that my, magic painkillers," He said using air quotes. "Have yet to completely wear off." Leonidas smile widened as he stuck out his hand. "Anyway, it's good to meet ya. I'm Leonidas Hood but you can call me Leo, in fact, you can call me anything you want but I would request you refrain from calling me 'Idiot' or 'Annoying' as too many people already do and it would do little more than leaving me confused as to who is calling for me."

"Is that uh...a dragon?" Leonidas turned his head toward the familiar voice as a grin formed on his face. "Fancy meeting you again so early." He started. "If I didn't know any better I would say you're following me. Now then, what has you in this particular mood this early in the morning?" His gaze drifted from Sapphire to the tiny dragon and back as his mouth formed an understanding O. "I see, I would wager a guess that you want to hug the little fella over there, correct?" Leonidas held up his hand to momentarily stop her from answering. "Before you ask me how I know your mood, stuff as simple as that is child's play to an emotion poet like myself." He said with a smile.

"Leonadis, Sapphire, good morning," Leonidas turned back to the guild administrator he had tried to greet earlier. "Morning Azalea, you said you would have new work for us today right? I'll go take a look, I'm longing to get some unfamiliar ground under my feet." He said as he turned around. "Unless of course," He continued turning his back yet again so he was looking at Sapphire and Lynx. "One of the lovely people present here wishes to hire or accompany me."

As he said this he caught sight of a familiar figure dropping straight from the second floor. "Leo!" She said with a grin which Leonidas promptly returned. "How've you been? Come up with any new works?" "Now this is a pleasant surprise on a morning such as this, good to see you again Ymir! Plenty of new works but I swear if I didn't know everyone loves my poetry I would almost say the others here don't like it much." He responded in a melodramatic tone.

After she clapped him on his shoulder which did little good for Leonidas's already throbbing headache he turned to her with a grimace. "I was just asking everyone here if they would care to accompany me or if they would want me to accompany them, you wouldn't happen to want to take me up on either offer?" He asked, rubbing his forehead.
Sylph Sylph TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 Minma Minma
Tyron Avattica
Location: Guild Hall
The sky seemed different when Tyron reappeared, the sunlight dimmed as if a thin haze had spread across it. They stood in what seemed to be the pale remains of a forest. Leafless branches and dark earth surrounded them, and grey stone protruded from the ground. Tyron briefly surveyed the surroundings, his hand hovering over his sheathed sword. After seeming to decide there was no immediate threats he stowed the waystone and set his sights on scouring the horizon.

This is better. Even the ominous atmosphere, with its sounds of hissing smoke and distant howls, was better than listening to the witch talk. Upon making up his mind of what they needed to do he turned to Voland, pulling out the map.

"Great. Now that we aren't stuck with the commentary, we can actually get some work done." He somewhat regretted not being able to use the cloaked adventurer as a vanguard, but he didn't trust mind users anyway. Better to stick with abilities he understood. Pulling open the enchanted parchment Tyron frowned when the lines appeared hazy and indistinct, but nonetheless he knew roughly where they needed to be. "There should be a guard outpost nearby. We'll head there to gather information." Heedless of Voland's state, he nodded towards a looming shadow in the distance.
Zufaix Zufaix
Sapphire Lanse

She nods grumpily to Azalea, having being woken up from her slumber unpleasantly. She looks up at Ymir and would've given some form of acknowledgement had Leo not interrupted her thoughts. Her brain was still booting up.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're following me. Now then, what has you in this particular mood this early in the morning?"

"I would've had a nice, long, sleep, had you not BEEN SO DISRUPTIVE WITH YOUR SNA-" She was interrupted by him talking more and her rolling her eyes. "Find someone else for your Goddamned job. And don't bother asking me again."

She briskly walked out of the building to find a place to grab some coffee and breakfast, slamming the door shut on exit, refusing to acknowledge any other questions or comments directed at her. After all, she was cut short an hour or two early. With a slight frown she eventually found a spot to sit and eat, tapping her fingers on the outdoor table gently. With an annoyed sigh she looked at the sign displaying the specialties for the morning.

Sylph Sylph Key of Stars Key of Stars Minma Minma

Eiru Eagna
Gold Rank Support

Location: Guildhall-Outpost boarder
Interactions: Vol Vol
Mentions: Sylph Sylph Zufaix Zufaix

After everything was said and done Eiru was left standing on her lonesome just barely over the guilds borderline. Twirling her broom in one hand while humming away to herself Eiru began to grin, ear to ear. "Well, it would seem the young prince is easy to rise. A dangerous trait to have in this line of work indeed. That Voland though, she seems a bit rough around the edges but... I guess we'll see." Spinning on her heel Eiru moved to produce her waystone, eyes looking back briefly to those within the guild. Her grin turned to a soft smile and she gripped her weathered waystone tight "A lot has changed over the years. New faces, old faces... Azelia's disgruntled faces... I wonder if Ymir has returned? She's a softie for this kind of thing! Well that and maps, probably end up marrying a map at this stage.". Chuckling to herself Eiru Raised her arm into the sky and in a bright flash, she vanished.

Reappearing next to Zion, Eiru quickly remounted her broom and moved to follow behind the mage. As promised she was here to observe and not to assist or hinder in the progression of the quest. She did however hum to herself as she slowly hovered along behind.
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에나 on Twitter.jpeg

"Sir....Lynx. May I ask you why your at the guild." For a brief moment Minma's thoughts began to run uncontrollably. He had no motive to want to do good in this world. Yet, he wasn't an evil peron. For the most part he lived for himself, taking life as a whole, as a competition. Only those with strength or intelligence get recognized as royal. And that's what Minma strived for, recognition. Breaking out of his thoughts he slowly turned his attention to Azalea. "Why I'm I here? Well, to but it in simple terms. I love the adrenaline rush. Gambling with death day in and day out is all I've known. But of course that isn't my only reason. I have a goal" The room around him seemed to grow silent. "A goal to become the strongest being to ever or will ever walk this Earth." A not so comedic chuckle came from Minma as he continued. "A pretty big goal some may say. But those some are just scared of challenging the impossible. And we'll I also suppose helping others along the way of fulfilling my quest couldn't hurt my reputation." Using his hands he adjusted his shirt and put his hands into his pants pockets.

Another unfamiliar voice rang behind him, and in reaction to it Minma turned his body to meet him. They guy had seemed to be having a conversation with the same person Minma was just a minute ago. He then was asked a question. "I don't think we've meet. Are you the new member of the guild?" A nod came from Minma. "Indeed. Names Lynx. Pleasure meeting you."

Leonidas began to speak again. "Leonidas, but you can call me Leo." He went on and on about what he didn't want to be called but Minma didn't entertain it. He now locked eyes with Leonidas. A look of an ally on his face. "Very well then, Leo it is." After having a short dispute with Leo, Sapphire stormed out the room. "I hope she doesn't act like that on quest. Or maybe you just get under her skin." He whispered that part but not a low whisper to hide it from everyone just a slight one to ensure Sapphire didn't hear it.

Sylph Sylph [Ymir and Azalea] Key of Stars Key of Stars [Leonidas] TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 [Sapphire]
Azalea Gibraltar
Location: Guild Hall
Minma Minma
Azalea crooked a brow at the explanation Lynx gave. It obviously meant a great deal to him, being the best, but adventurers seeking strength weren't unusual and it didn't answer her question. The theatrics only grew with the arrival of Ymir, who quickly caught sight of the group and bounced over.

"Are you a new member of the guild?" she asked the stranger, among a variety of other things.

They replied in the affirmative and Azalea sighed, setting down the pile of quests and grabbing something else from the desk. A form and specially engraved brush, which she handed over to Lynx as she addressed him. "If you're intending to join I'll need you to register with the guild. There are a few items you'll need." Leaving them to scan the parchment, including the explanations of the three starting items, she disappeared out back, returning a few moments later with a plain looking bag. "You'll start out at copper rank. The quest board will detail what missions you can and can't take. Be aware that the waystone won't work in blank areas on the map. Either there's some sort of interference with the magic, or it hasn't been mapped out."

Ymir glanced over at the final part, waving gleefully.

After everything was finished Azalea handed the items over to Lynx, taking the form and placing it on the desk. "I'll also ask that you have someone accompany you on your first few missions. It's a precaution we take with all new adventurers."

Location: Guild Hall
Key of Stars Key of Stars TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11 EldridSmith EldridSmith
"Now this is a pleasant surprise on a morning such as this, good to see you again Ymir! Plenty of new works but I swear if I didn't know everyone loves my poetry I would almost say the others here don't like it much."

"As if!" Leo's grin changed to a grimace when Ymir clapped his shoulder and she blinked, peering up at him. Despite the upbeat style he still seemed out of sorts. A smile spread across her face as she realised why. "Wait, were you drinking last night? By dawn--you totally were!" She rocked back with a delighted cackle. "That's just like you! I must have reaaally missed out--you wouldn't believe it but I was at a church." Of all things. What an experience that had been. She was glad to be back in the guild, where people only knew as much as she wanted them to.

"Find someone else for your Goddamned job. And don't bother asking me again." Sapphire's cutting words addressed Leo right before the gold ranked stormed out, a trail of navy hair following after her. Ymir whistled, nudging Leo to grab his attention again.

"Hey hey, what'd you do?" The hunter was a lone wolf by nature, it wasn't hard to rub them the wrong way. However Ymir liked knowing why. "Did steal their shoes? Put a frog in their helmet?" Neither action endeared people to you, she had discovered.

"I was just asking everyone here if they would care to accompany me or if they would want me to accompany them, you wouldn't happen to want to take me up on either offer?"

Ymir thought for a moment, before snapping her fingers. The fact that Leo winced at almost everything made it all the funnier. "I know! Let's get Sapphy to take us on a gold quest! I want to map out some place super dangerous." Since Titus had decided to stay at the church anyway to take care of business, she needed another, overly serious adventurer to plague with melodramatics.

"Hey Azzy! Save us some gold quests will you?"

The clerk didn't look up from where she was dealing with Lynx. "Absolutely not."

"Thanks!" Ignoring the rejection, Ymir grabbed Leo to drag him with her out the door. "C'mon you, let's go!" She would trail Sapphire to whatever shop they'd stopped that, truthfully ignoring whether he came along or not. Upon catching sight of the gold rank adventurer seated at a table, Ymir raised her voice, waving a hand over her head as she jogged over to them. "Hey Sapphy!! Azzy says you should take us on a quest!"

Despite the light of the morning a shadow flitted through the trees along the mossy stepping stones and cobbled path leading to the guild. It was a modest building, worn but not derelict and well maintained despite the woods that hugged its wooden walls.
The hound left inky prints which faded quickly in the light, wisps of smokey shadow curling from its form on it's sprint; a neat letter bound in black ribbon and sealed with red wax held firmly between its jaws. Though he ran at great speed the grass and foliage it passed barely shifted, acting more as if it were touched by a gentle breeze.

The hound slowed to a trot as it entered the Guild home, beady white eyes inspecting the room as it passed quietly by the strangers- many of whom piqued its interest, but its mission first and foremost was to deliver the message to the Guild's 'plant'.
He tipped his head, briefly confused until the scent of leaves caught his nose and he turned to see another stranger- this one with a mossy visage, root-like horns crowning her head along with an assortment of other sprouts that wouldn't be amiss on a dryad- Ah, that must be the plant.
Approaching silently and sitting by her side, he prodded her hand with his nose, the message held still for her to take.

Sylph Sylph
Leonidas HoodLeonidas Hood.jpg
Location: Guild Hall
"Wait, were you drinking last night? By dawn--you totally were!" Leonidas groaned, Ymir was the person in the guild he would call his best friend but even so, her finding out about his hangover was less than ideal. "You'll have to believe me when I say I don't have any recollection of going drinking. But unless someone kicked me in the head while I was asleep," His eyes darted over to the table Sapphire was seated at as he weighed the odds of that being the case before he continued. "Which seems unlikely, then yes I think I was drinking last night."

"That's just like you! I must have reaaally missed out--you wouldn't believe it but I was at a church." Leonidas responded with a dry chuckle. "If you had been there I wouldn't have had to switch drinking buddies all the time and I might have actually remembered something about last night." He remarked with a faint smile. "A church, I see... Wait, a church?!" Leonidas exclaimed, a look of confusion which quickly made way for a smirk plastered on his face. "Did you finally decide to own up to all those sins and ask for forgiveness? Can't imagine that's it or you would have been stuck in that church for at least another year." He quipped.

"Find someone else for your Goddamned job. And don't bother asking me again." Leonidas sighed as he watched the blue haired ranger make a dash for the door. "Alright I get it, you're busy right now, I'll see you later then!" He shouted after her with a smile, the only response he received came in the form of the main door slamming shut.

"Hey hey, what'd you do?" Leonidas glanced over at Ymir as she nudged him. "Why do you immediately assume it is because of something I've done?" "Did steal their shoes? Put a frog in their helmet?" Leonidas feigned being offended. "No such thing, no such thing. Let's see, yesterday I put my feet up on the table and got some dirt on it. She really didn't seem to like that. Oh, I also offered her a free session of emotion poetry but I can't imagine anyone being offended over that," He listed, nodding along in thought. "Then today I told her it's painfully obvious she wants to hug the little fella over there," He continued, pointing at the dragon next to Lynx. "And I think that's about it." He concluded with a nod.

"I know! Let's get Sapphy to take us on a gold quest! I want to map out some place super dangerous." Ymir said after snapping her fingers earning her a pointed look from Leonidas. "Did you listen to what I just said about her not-" He started but Ymir had already turned to Azalea instead. "Hey Azzy! Save us some gold quests will you?"

"Absolutely not." For just a moment Leonidas thought that that might have been the end of it, before remembering that Ymir was very much like him and wouldn't let a rejection stop her. "Thanks!" Ymir quipped before grabbing him by the arm. "C'mon you, let's go!" "Wait! Can I at least eat breakfast? I need to do something about this hangover!" Leonidas's plea was ignored as he eventually gave up and let himself be dragged out of the guild hall.

"Hey Sapphy!! Azzy says you should take us on a quest!" Leonidas didn't bother to correct Ymir knowing it would do little good anyway. Instead, he just stood behind her waving at Sapphire, a big smile on his face. He couldn't help but chime in toward the end. "You ready for an adventure?"

Sylph Sylph TeaMMatE11 TeaMMatE11

Location: Guard Outpost
Interactions: Gate Guard Sylph Sylph
Honourable mentions: Tyron Avattica / Eiru Eagna Uasal Uasal
Quest: Rescue Mission
Reward: 2000 coins​
Waystone crystals were certainly handy on getting to where you needed to be quickly, only if it was in the map that it used as its source. The teleporation was a weightless experience, but it disappeared as quickly as the flash it conjured, and Zion's heavy steel-capped boots sunk comfortably onto new dirt.

The Guard's Post, a small but practical site.

At the exterior, he could see sentry posts built high upon sturdy stilts. It surrounded the sides of an entrance gate fortified with steel latticework that was welded onto Sal wood. It's seemingly tightknit construction was formidable in it's own right, but the sight that really captured the battlemage's attention were the abundance of thick wooden spikes surrounding it; like stalagmites within a cave.

Zion took a step forward before he instinctively looked back when he heard a soft humming tune.
"Oh." The word simply tumbled into Eiru's mind; an affirmation.

He faced the looming structure of the Guard's post and continued onwards, his long strides solid and confident. It did not take too long for the two to be noticed, as a patrolman from one of the sentry towers whistled a heads-up to the guards down below. The gate guard waved a hand dismissively at their fellow comrade, as if to signal 'yeah, it's fine, I literally see them coming.'

Zion at first thought the guard was waving him down and the undead adventurer stopped in his tracks before attempting to search for the quest poster -- only to realise that he had given it to the enchantress behind him. Drat, he should really just keep the paper.

"Hello. I am, I mean we, are here for a debriefing about the --" Zion began easing the words into the guard's head.
"What, who?" She said, startled, as a hand gripped the hilt of her blade and eyes darting around her surroundings...before settling on the stoic cloaked figure and the hovering witch behind him.
"Hi. Yes, it's me, communicating to you right now, don't fret." He forced wave in greeting before it fell limp back to his side.
"The rescue mission about one of your scouts? Here to find him hopefully alive than dead." Zion added the last part upon remembering Eiru's snide remarks about the person in distress being expired already.

He would add the fact he was looking prince in red later, he was sure Tyron was fine. As he had to admit, the lordling wouldn't be stupid enough to disappear to a dangerous place just to get away from the Runic Scriber. Or perhaps he was placing too much faith on the noble...

What harm would a few minutes of info-gathering do?

Eiru Eagna
Gold Rank Support
Location: Outpost Gates

Eiru continued to float a few feet behind the battlemage, ensuring to keep her mental guard down for his convenience. As she rode along and hummed quietly to herself Eiru took in the sights around her. She had been to these forests several times over many decades but as with the guildhall, things changed quickly and over short periods of time. If there was one thing the human race were unbeatable at it was their ability to warp nature to meet their needs. Well, warp or outright remove as was apparent with the outpost that soon came into sight. Looking up at the tower Eiru audibly sighed Before returning to her feet, broom in hand once again.

Humans were resourceful creatures, their short lifespans made them the perfect race for adaptation and change. Unfortunately, much like the dwarves, Humans could be quite stubborn and boar headed. Soldiers especially. Eiru stood behind the battlemage as he communicated with the gates guard, her own focus on the lookout residing atop the construct. For a group so concerned about undead forces they sure seemed cosy inside their fortification. How many days had it been since they had issued the request? How many hours had already passed... Surely they didn't think their scouts still walked among the living. It didn't take a genius to know undead weren't the type to take prisoners or to keep those they sparingly did alive for too long. A lich or higher might but considering the silver ranking such a creature was likely, not involved. If anything this mission was one of two things, an attempt to shift blame or the amalgamated idiotic hopes of the few gathered behind those gates.

Either way, this whole quest was nothing more than a sham in Eiru's opinion. If any of the scouts were still alive such a thing would be miraculous in nature. Moving past the battle mage Eiru produced the quest sheet alongside her Guild ID and gold ranking sigil. Handing the papers to the Guard Eiru offered a gentle smile "I'm Eiru Eagna, Gold Rank Adventurer. Could you please escort me and my companion to the acting commander there's much that needs to be discussed and papers that need to be signed in relation to the proper order of this quest. I'm afraid an official request from the guards is a little too formal for an open-air discussion". Motioning for Zion to follow her lead Eiru awaited the guard's response and the verification of her papers.

'Zion, from here on only communicate with me. I'll speak on your behalf. The guards in this region aren't too appreciative of telepathy, you've seen how the young prince reacted. I Promised not to interfere with the quest and to simply observe but for the sake of not complicating things further allow me to do this much'. In contrast to Eiru's behaviour pre-arrival at the outpost, the small witch was now very much serious in nature. Her mental words reflecting such.
Vol Vol

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