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Fantasy AP: Convergence (OOC General Discussion)


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome all!

This is the General Discussion OOC thread!

Here you can ask me any questions that are on your mind about the RP from characters to lore to anything in between.

We can discuss post content.

We can shoot the breeze between posts.

And if there's ever a need to let everyone know that something going on in your personal life is getting in the way of posting, feel free to say so here as well. You don't have to go into details if you don't want to. But a courtesy announcement would be much appreciated. Something like: "Hey guys. I've got some personal stuff to attend to for the next few days, so please continue without me for now and I'll be back later."

Thank you all for your interest, and I look forward to discussing the RP with ya'll as we move towards actually getting it started!

Here are the main posting threads for the five nations!!

* Cre' Est
* Triveila
* Veilbrand
* Shaharan

Also, I'm going to add ALL of the extra pages here for convenience. So here they are!

* Culture
* Technology
* The Underworld
* Lingual Quirks
* Combat
* Socio-Political Landscape
* Characters!
* People, Locations, Events, and More!

** The Red-Eyed Demon


Also, the map!

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As a reminder for everyone, it is not required to create a full character sheet to show me for the RP.

All that I ask (after you've read all the extra pages) is that you present me with either a message here in this thread or via a private message the basic details about your character. Where they're born, what their basic personality is, and what they currently do in life so that I have at least some inlking of who I'm about to let into the RP.

If you would like to create a full character sheet, by all means feel free to do so and post it here in this thread so that everyone can see.

And with that, I leave you all to start planning your characters while I do the same!


By the way, do you have any suggestions for how we should work out our characters?
I'll just put down a vague idea for what I'd be interested in playing character-wise. Sorry if this is kind of cringe- i've never done this before.

[Work in Progress]
Lumi Ve'lyseye
POB : Nameless village in Veilbrand
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Height : 5'1"
Weight : 104 lbs
Hair : Naturally Brown, but is typically dyed various colors
Skin Color : Sickly Pale, almost Grey
Eye color : Light blue
Occupation : Physician's Apprentice

Personality :
Lumi is naturally fairly soft hearted and idealistic, always seeking perfectionist victories. She is also extremely naive to a fault, often sacrificing or disregarding factual reality in order to pursue her own idealistic visions. Deep down, Lumi is rather obsessed with the idea of a mythic hero who is morally pure and can always win. Lumi's desire to do good in the world is largely an extension of her self-centered desire to be a hero for her people. Lumi is quite trusting when it comes to people that she takes a liking to, often failing to take into account an appropriate level of skepticism and distrust. She is also quite paranoid of other people disliking her, which is why she often obsesses over presenting an image of herself that is amicable to everyone she meets, to the point at which Lumi is quite uncertain of who exactly she is beneath all those layers of masks. One of Lumi's strongest ideals is that of loyalty- both to the Revolution and to her Comrades. Lumi finds it incredibly difficult and uncomfortable to deceive, take advantage of, or betray the trust of the people that she knows, as she is always concerned with disappointing those around her.

Semi-Backstory :
Lumi was born to a family of physicians, who serviced a small and backwards village, keeping the locals from getting killed off from diseases. Lumi's parents impressed upon their daughter a sense of respect for human life and a rejection of violence, something that was quite rare to have a sense of in Veilbrand. At a very young age, Lumi would join the Revolution in Veilbrand, as her parents too were secret operatives within the Revolution. Lumi would usually help her parents heal wounded rebels, which she was quite happy and eager to do. Eventually, Lumi's frustration grew as the Revolution seemed increasingly hopeless, as it seemed as though it was only being tolerated out of the whimsy of the tyrant. When Lumi's younger brother died from a random knife stabbing on the streets, Lumi decided then that she would completely devote herself and her life to helping the Revolution succeed. Lumi continues to dream of greater and greater ambitions, hoping to climb higher the ranks of Revolution, then steering it with unbridled focus and determination towards a brighter and safer future. However, Lumi's idealism can often clash with the realities of her situation, which often force her to consider dirtier, more pragmatic methods to victory. She must then weigh her own personal morals as a pacifistic healer against her loyalty to the revolutionary cause.

Weaponry :
Due to being a pacifist, Lumi loathes brandishing weapons of any kind. That said, as a citizen of the most chaotic and violent country in the world, she was trained in basic self defense as a precautionary measure. Additionally, while she has always known that her medicinal and scientific knowledge must only be used to save lives, she has had moments of self-doubt and fear, in which she has pondered the thought of using her knowledge for something more in the line of poisons. While Lumi has never actually taken the first step into concocting a poison of her own, she has started reading up on various brews that might assist when the situation calls for it. Doing even this has led Lumi to deeply question her own moral purity.

Social Position :
Lumi's Parents are of the "Maker" class within the Revolution, as they provide the production of extremely high quality medicinal products, and they are the main people that deal with wounded soldiers. They are fairly beloved and well-respected within the Revolution. Lumi has a similarly amicable status, and she is even more eager to make her presence and ambitions known.
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Hey everyone!

I really enjoy making characters and sometimes even drawing my own OC's for them, so I decided to make a "Characters" Extra Page for those who would like to use it!

If not, it's perfectly fine. This page is 100% optional and there only if you care to use it. Posting basic information here is perfectly acceptable as well so please don't feel pressured to use the page.

Anyway, thanks again and I look forward to updating you all with something I should have done for the "calendar" section of the Culture page, and that's to include the seasons. I completely blanked on them. Lol.

So I'mma get to work on that, and I'll be back in a bit!!

EDIT: Done!!

The 4 seasons are up on the "Culure" page in the "Calendar" section near the top!

Short Round Short Round and myrkwise myrkwise , nice job!

Both characters look fine to me! And no worries if you haven't done this kind of thing before, myrkwise. Role-playing is supposed to be fun, so please don't feel pressured to live up to any kind of expectations. There are none. As long as you're having fun with the character you created, you're in the right place.

Short Round Short Round and myrkwise myrkwise , nice job!

Both characters look fine to me! And no worries if you haven't done this kind of thing before, myrkwise. Role-playing is supposed to be fun, so please don't feel pressured to live up to any kind of expectations. There are none. As long as you're having fun with the character you created, you're in the right place.

Thank you.
Are you still open? I read the entire interest check, trying not to scream the entire time. I don’t think I’ve been more interested in any other fantasy thing EVER. But question: are you not allowed to be an ex-assassin or would that just mean you would be dead because the Te’i Sai killed you off?
Walliver Walliver Good question!

Te'i Sai is the cream of the crop, and the most successful and dangerous Assassin Organization on the continent. Even so, they're just one of many such Assassin Organizations which exist. So if you want an ex-assassin character, that's perfectly fine. There are plenty of Guilds or Organizations they could have come from. They just can't be from Te'i Sai.

They can, however, have seen Te'i Sai before such as catching a glimpse of them pre or post operation before they disappear into the night. More than that though is ill-advised because they will kill anyone who directly attempts to interfere with their business.

ListlessEvie ListlessEvie Absolutely! All I ask is that you please read through all of the Extra Pages linked at the top of this thread before making a character. And if you have any questions, ask away!
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myrkwise myrkwise Since you mention the Revolution as part of Lumi's backstory, I figured it'd be a good idea to add details of the Revolution to the Culture Page in the Veilbrand section. I wasn't sure if anyone would directly mention it, so I got a bit lazy and didn't really talk much about it before. So that's on me.

Anyway, there's information on the Revolution including its structure/hierarchy to help flesh out Lumi's involvement with them. If you have any questions or any requests, such as how far into that hierarchy she or her parents could have gotten, ask away!
myrkwise myrkwise Since you mention the Revolution as part of Lumi's backstory, I figured it'd be a good idea to add details of the Revolution to the Culture Page in the Veilbrand section. I wasn't sure if anyone would directly mention it, so I got a bit lazy and didn't really talk much about it before. So that's on me.

Anyway, there's information on the Revolution including its structure/hierarchy to help flesh out Lumi's involvement with them. If you have any questions or any requests, such as how far into that hierarchy she or her parents could have gotten, ask away!
thank you! I'll look at it shortly.
GojiBean GojiBean
Would it be possible to have two name suffixes? If so, could one be positive and the other negative?
Walliver Walliver In all honesty I hadn't considered that before. But I don't see the harm in letting it be done. So go for it.
Man, there are so many possibilities. I've been brainstorming for awhile, but every idea seems like it'd be incredibly fun.
Walliver Walliver Looking good for the most part.

I take full responsibility for this, but after reading your profile I realized I made a mistake once I went back to check the Culture page. Rather than Peur'tia in the Tya/Tye suffix, it should have read "the primary God/Goddess of the nation in which you were born." In the case of Vesi, that's Auxereilla. So when his grandmother says "Enkeli for the messengers of Puur'ita, the goddess who's eyes you see out of. " It should be Auxereilla instead as she's the primary Goddess of the Triveilan faith.

Again, this is 100% on me for the mistake. Once you change the name from Peur'tia to Auxereilla, everything is A-Okay!

Walliver Walliver Looking good for the most part.

I take full responsibility for this, but after reading your profile I realized I made a mistake once I went back to check the Culture page. Rather than Peur'tia in the Tya/Tye suffix, it should have read "the primary God/Goddess of the nation in which you were born." In the case of Vesi, that's Auxereilla. So when his grandmother says "Enkeli for the messengers of Puur'ita, the goddess who's eyes you see out of. " It should be Auxereilla instead as she's the primary Goddess of the Triveilan faith.

Again, this is 100% on me for the mistake. Once you change the name from Peur'tia to Auxereilla, everything is A-Okay!

Thanks for the tip! I’ll go fix it
I made Jaali 6'5" because I thought he'd stick out as a giant, but it looks like all the dudes are pulling 6'2"s and 6'3"s lol
*secretly already writing stuff about this and figuring out how other characters are going to interact with mine*
We do indeed have a tall bunch a bois.

Just one little 5' 7" girl and a 5' 11" boi amongst a sea of 6'+ burly men! Lol.

Poor Ki'Teru is going to be like the child trying to hop on the shoulders of the adults to see what's happening. XD

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