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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Yea~!" Folter said happily.

Eclipse smiled and lead her to the 4th floor of the apartment building where it was furnished like a training dojo before pulling out her sword from the space she kept it in and turned it into death's scythe, which dwarfed hers by at least and extra half
Eclipse smiled and lead her to the 4th floor of the apartment building where it was furnished like a training dojo before pulling out her sword from the space she kept it in and turned it into death's scythe, which dwarfed hers by at least and extra half
Folter raised up her scythe "Is abilities are usable?" She said.
(Then you beat me. Wow.)

"Okay. See you soon." Ivy hung up then started heading over to the address provided. When she got there, she knocked on the door and crossed her arms, waiting.
He opened the door. Standing there was a tall Japanese man with a cup of coffee and sleep deprivation "You the client?" He said as he sipped his coffee.
"Sure why not." Nyx said. "I'm sure peater will want to join us if he's not doing anything."
"Then go fetch him if you will." Ronald smiled

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