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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“Well, this is going nowhere,” he takes out a phone and presses a button “later tater!” And he gets teleported back to base. “We’re gonna need a lot more guys for them, turns out you were right about bringing the robots instead of the actual agents, how much do I owe ya Fury?” The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“If you don’t love him then it doesn’t matter.”
"If you must know I do." She said
“Right ‘course, I’ll just leave you to your things then sir, colonel Fury sir.” He responds awkwardly, he heads off to a communicator, and puts in wolverines contact. And waits for him to pick up.

“No, you shouldn’t, that’s bad.”
"Why is it bad?" She asked
“Right ‘course, I’ll just leave you to your things then sir, colonel Fury sir.” He responds awkwardly, he heads off to a communicator, and puts in wolverines contact. And waits for him to pick up.

“No, you shouldn’t, that’s bad.”
He answered. "this better be good bub. I don't like getting shield calls on the road."
"Why is it bad?" She asked
“Because when you care about someone, they make you weak. They keep you from unlocking your true potential. You can’t improve these abilities with love, love keeps them from improving.
He answered. "this better be good bub. I don't like getting shield calls on the road."
“Heheh sorry mister uh Wolverine, my name is Silas Riverside, Nick Fury thinks you would be perfect for a sort of arrest we’re trying to pull off, apparently you owe him a favor.”
“Because when you care about someone, they make you weak. They keep you from unlocking your true potential. You can’t improve these abilities with love, love keeps them from improving.

“Heheh sorry mister uh Wolverine, my name is Silas Riverside, Nick Fury thinks you would be perfect for a sort of arrest we’re trying to pull off, apparently you owe him a favor.”
"Maybe for some but not all" she said.
“Because when you care about someone, they make you weak. They keep you from unlocking your true potential. You can’t improve these abilities with love, love keeps them from improving.

“Heheh sorry mister uh Wolverine, my name is Silas Riverside, Nick Fury thinks you would be perfect for a sort of arrest we’re trying to pull off, apparently you owe him a favor.”
"Maybe for some but not all" she said.
"That... doesn't make sense." Rage said "Elaborate on that."
“Because when you care about someone, they make you weak. They keep you from unlocking your true potential. You can’t improve these abilities with love, love keeps them from improving.

“Heheh sorry mister uh Wolverine, my name is Silas Riverside, Nick Fury thinks you would be perfect for a sort of arrest we’re trying to pull off, apparently you owe him a favor.”
"*grumble* Fine where do we meet?"
"That... doesn't make sense." Rage said "Elaborate on that."
“You think I became what I am because I loved my father? No, I became what I am because I killed my father. I removed that weakness from my life, without him weighing on me I had room for my power to grow, and look what I became. Pure shadow, beautiful.”
"*grumble* Fine where do we meet?"
”Awesome, I’ll send you the coordinates.”
“You think I became what I am because I loved my father? No, I became what I am because I killed my father. I removed that weakness from my life, without him weighing on me I had room for my power to grow, and look what I became. Pure shadow, beautiful.”

”Awesome, I’ll send you the coordinates.”
"And yet, you cannot even fight in the sun. Pathetic." Rage said
"And yet, you cannot even fight in the sun. Pathetic." Rage said
"Ahahahahaha! I could always fight in the sun, I just couldn't stand in it, but even that weakness I overcame, sure I had a little help, but even what little help I got I earned! By MY OWN F$&@ing HAND! because I! HAVE! power." His smile had returned wider than ever. "If you don't believe me Rage, then why don't we prove it right now!?"

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