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Fantasy Game of Thrones: House Harper a tale of fate

Well yeah, also I think that Daenerys should ignore Westeros and conquer Essos instead. That's where her power base lies and she already conquered one city at least.
I've actually done RPs that covered this topic, where Stannis became King, and Danerys stayed in Essos for a few generations.
*Sees dragon headed towards them.* "MyLord, if I weren't so attached to your family, I should very much like to tender my resignation."
That would be cool except for Stannis being so heavily associated with the Red Priests I can certainly see a Faith Militia uprising.
Yeah, a lot like that but a lot worse because he is a foreign religion supporter.
Does that mean we have to see Stannis paraded naked through the streets? Cause I can live my life without having that image...
Yeah, after all, he not only supported a foreign faith, he slept with one of the priestess and had monster babies...
Lol yup, the books are way better. Now I'm off to play CK2 Game of Thrones mod, gonna be Aegon Conquering Essos.
You should watch some Youtbers play it to get the general idea. Type in Crusader Kings 2 let's play.

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