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Shin, whom Charlie had met before, noticed her arrival and made quite the exclamation about her being on the team. Charlie gave a rather sultry smile back and cupped her head in her hand. However, in response to his question she merely nodded in recognition. Charlie and Shin had never worked on a team before, but they’d been in each other’s company many a time. So much so that Charlie knew how much of a flirt he was. That wasn’t to say she hadn’t indulged his whims and flirted back from time to time, but nothing had come of it and they both knew it was just some harmless fun.

For now, at least, Charlie was more concentrated on the briefing and listened closely to the man in the suit’s response to everyone’s questions. Things had been much better explained and Charlie could see the excitement growing on people’s faces. This mission was starting to get legs and while not impossible, it wasn’t a walk in the park. But to expect any less from VIPER was unwise. The joke about Starbucks caught Charlies attention and she gave a smirk in return “I’m totally with you on the coffee, especially if its got a shot of tequila in it" With that Charlie winked before looking back at the man in the suit "Once again, I assume you'll want me with the Driver?" She gave a quick flick of her hand to the rest of the team "Unless you all think you'll need me on sight with you?"

Trektek Trektek Ayama Ayama Meme Machine Meme Machine
@Ayama , Songbird500 Songbird500 , _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ , Spazzycat101 Spazzycat101 , Martydi Martydi , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , Kannos Kannos , Meme Machine Meme Machine

The Hacker, Shin Evans continued to show both his thinking mind as well as his ever talkative nature with the barrage of questions that began to emit from his mouth. It was good that he was deep in thought, but some of what he was asking could be resolved on site, while others were perfectly legitimate questions. He was brought in on this mission due to his technical skills and impressive mind. All that would be useful on this mission to make it a success.

The man in the suit waited until Talia broke not only the ice, but also the continued stream of consciousness from emitting from the hacker's mouth.

The Soviet Scorcher laughed wholeheartedly while clanking his right arm into his chest at the dig at getting starbucks on the ride. He had assimilated enough data since awakening in this new century to understand Starbucks, and appreciated the humor which many of his new teammates were joining in on.
"Da, I Shall Pay For All Of Your American Coffee. Is Least I Can Do While We Are Redistributing Funds to Our Benefactors."

The suited man decided that now was the best time to speak up and respond to the recent queries. "Yes, Spectre. As to your query about it being a closed system, it is indeed one. You will have to be on site in order to hack. Unfortunately, we do not have their current and up to date security specs for their internal security other than what has been provided. You can mess with the AI if you feel you are up to the task. The missile system should be uploaded with a program that causes it to fail during testing, at your discretion as long as it does not cause any deaths in the process. The computer system of the facility can be at your discretion as to what you do with it. You can do as much recon as you require as long as you accomplish the mission before the third day. That will be the day of the test and by then the variables for the mission would change to be untenable."

He turned and looked at Lockwood. "Carnie, as of our last updated measurements of those locations, the ducts are small and would only fit someone that can fit into very tight locations. The sewer system is large enough for travel, but contains a multitude of security sensors, lasers, purification systems and drones, the exact number of which is unknown. It is not a guarantee, but ceramic weapons small enough tp be hidden from pat downs, might be able to be smuggled into the building. The mercenaries are located a few blocks away in this structure." A map brings up a highlighted image of the Turbulent Enterprises building and the mercenaries structure. It will be up to your discretion for any delaying or sabotaging methods as well as any strategies to enter the building."

The man in the suit actually cracked a smile at the wink that Charlie gave as he responded. "That would be up to the team, Stitches. However, if you were in the vehicle, than you would be able to patch up any injuries via escape means and be on standby in case of on site mistakes that need rectifying."​
Jackson had gotten quite embarrassed, he had mis heard the suited man and had been corrected by the robotic? Girl, to be honest he couldn’t really tell, he also didn’t care, he decided to keep questions to a minimum only the most important questions from now on

He liked the kid, no doubt about it, he was charming also loud, but when the man in the suit said that they would have to bring the loudmouth American into this fortress Jackson raised an eyebrow. “are you seriously saying that we have to bring the noisy American with us?” Jackson asked annoyed “im sorry kid your great fun, but id prefer not to get gunned down but turrets” Jackson said to shin, he then turned to the suited man and asked again “is there a way we can infiltrate the security, since the payload is nothing more then data it would be easier to just walk in and out with it, plus since the mercenaries aren’t that far away it would be a great threat to storm in.” Jackson continued “also that way we could get the kid in way easier, im sure he could pull of a guard”
Trektek Trektek
Ayama Ayama
VIPER briefing room, New York

-If we could just walk in there and take the prize, VIPER wouldn't have hired us, now would they? If we had more time some of us could pretend to be mercenaries and possibly get in that way. But since we don't have time, our options are limited.-Trigger responded to Jackson's proposition, then continued with his own questions-Do we know how the reinforcing mercenaries will be getting to the site? If they are using a road that isn't open for civilian use, I can get some mines to put there. If they are using a public road, then I can use remotely detonated charges to stop them, although in this case someone will have to go there and trigger the thing manually. In either scenario, this will slow them down and deal some damage before we even start. If they are not going on the ground, we would have to get a missle launcher from somehwere.-after a pause, the demolitionist continued-I'm guessing that plan A is to to try and complete this mission without assaulting the base. In this case, you will propably want me and a few others staying back. I can give you a some spare breaching charges and vaultcrackers, you might need some way to get into secured areas.

After this, Trigger started considering his equipment loadout again. At most four team members, including himself, seemed valuable in a firefight scenario. With these odds, storming the site would be very hard, so the fighters were propably meant to act as a recovery team in case the infiltrators got the data, but failed to carry it out. Maybe taking some landmines was not a bad idea. They could be used to cover the escape route or the hiding spot. Propably better to take them separate from the main load though, they would have no use if he had to move anyways.
Jackson turned to look at trigger and said “Im sorry I was clearly not descriptive enough, what I meant was to change some files around so that we would appear as personal, pure infiltration would take months to years and that would be impossible in three days.” Jackson continued with a smile “these are secret plans so it is only natural to expect that the press wont get to involved, a theft happens every day, but people blowing up roads, that’s a whole other level we would be hunted down if we got that much attention though explosions aren’t out of the picture we are gonna need a distraction if we want to move the guards attention, maybe make them think they are being robbed and while they are panicking take the files”

jackson was getting more and more exctied just thinking about robbing them blind, it was good to be back

Martydi Martydi
VIPER HQ, New York
Lockwood listened to the flurry of questions the others added, mentally assigning their roles to memory. She was surprised that the robot possesed a sense of humour. But then again Lock hadn't worked with very many robots before, least of all a Cold War relic, equipped with what had to be the most stereotypical Russian accent she had ever heard in her life. Not for the first time she considered how crazy the movie version of her life would be.

She examined the mercenary structure, sabotage was looking more and more attractive as an option. She wasn't so sure as to how the team would work together and if things did get hairy, every second possible for a getaway was a vital one. The uncertainty around ceramic and carbon fibre weapons was going to prove a hindrance for everybody. Unless they could smuggle the weapons in before hand and pick them up inside the building. There would need to be some serious planning done, in her mind it seemed like at least two teams (possibly even three) would be required.

The demolitionist and the thief seemed be thinking along similar lines, even if their methods were different. "There's a few ways to do this. Thinking just off the bat, we could either have a team posing as a distraction to draw the guards away along with the attention of the mercs while the stealth team goes in and steals the data and reprogram the missile without the guards and mercs noticing. Or we can do this as a pure stealth option, sending the sneaky people in and hoping nothing goes tits up, then having the getaway sniper team outside. Either way we need to split ourselves into a few teams. One team outside, for getaway and sniper coverage and potentially to deal with the mercs too, a stealth team to actually infiltrate the building and bypass the security, and if required, a distraction team to be as loud and noisy as possible to draw attention away. Each team needs to make plans and contingency plans, then combining it all into one masterplan. It goes without saying that we all need to do recon on the buildings ourselves and put together all the kit we could possibly need for this job" She was kind of just firing out ideas, but it was easy to tell that the cogs were turning in her mind.

Six was glad nobody objected to her skipping out on the ride there. She listened half-heartedly to their various infiltration plans, rolling her eyes at the thought of setting explosives off up and down the street. Too much collateral damage. Stealth was inarguably better. Everything is so much easier when nobody’s onto you. There’s time to breath before you pull the trigger.

‘As long as I can see ‘em, I can take out the drones and guards whenever. Non-lethally, of course.’ She paused for a moment. ‘But then again, dropping them one at a time is a distraction in and of itself.’ Sometimes it was fun to watch trained soldiers and guards scramble about, wondering what ghost was picking them off. Didn’t see it as often nowadays though, what with one-target missions. But even though she wouldn’t admit it, it never failed to entertain. ’Wouldn’t need a whole team for a distraction, more resources for the primary operation.’

Six didn’t express her next thought aloud because it should be common knowledge, at least among criminals. The less complicated a plan was, the better. More forgiving if someone were to fail, which was always a risk when working in a group.
Charlie nodded in reply. It was decided then, she would be in the vehicle should anything go wrong. A dead medic was no better than no medic at all so it was always safest to keep her outside most of the action. She’d already started going through what supplies she would need and was debating whether double of everything would be necessary. Usually this would be the norm but looking at the state of everyone here, some were more metal than human, and others gave off the impression they were too good and their job to get injured. This made Charlie’s job easier, and an easy paycheck, but you could never be too careful, and Charlie was here to ensure everyone got home safe. Extra supplies It was, she would be dammed to let pride cometh before a fall and she’d had the lowest casualty rate in VIPER for a while.

Unlink most others gigs she'd done, Charlie actually tried to pay attention to the rest of the team as they further discussed the game plan ahead . Ordinarily she'd listen to her part of the briefing and then zone out of everything else. It didn't involve her, after all, and it could be awfully dull and dreary sometimes. She'd convinced herself it was some noble tactic and that if ever she was kidnapped she couldn't spill any classified information. But if she was just being honest it didn't cross her mind as being important, she stayed out of danger until someone needed her and then she did everything she could to save them. But this time she thought to actually make more of an effort. It seemed like everyone was having a similar thought process and that a distraction would be necessary. She was actually excited to see what people would decide on although she wasn't sure she would get to see the final product in play. The downside of being in the vehicle and another reason, Charlie was reminded, why she didn't usually listen to such discussions.

Shin Evans

Hacker - Ladies' Man - Outlaw

"Lock up your jewels and your gems and your treasures, because none of them will be safe from the Spectre."

Location: [Meeting room]
With: [The rest of the team]
Mood: [Planning]

When the pretty blonde asked about getting Starbucks, Shin laughed out loud. He turned to her and gave a roguish wink.

"I like the way you think," he declared.

The spy then added questions of her own, making a categorical refusal on the topic of Starbucks, which Shin understood. The sniper seemed to be taking her role as support quite literally, declining to be a true part of the plan with the others, which made him shrug. He liked it when people were all acting as a team but, as long as they did their job, there was no point in forcing people to be a part of something they didn't want to be. Charlie joined in on the Starbucks ban (which Shin made a mental note of, for when he inevitably asked her out) and asked a question of her own. To Shin's surprise, the robot offered to pay for coffee, which was positively hilarious to picture.

Shin nodded as the man in charge answered his questions, making notes in the file he had open. When his new friend in white voiced concern about him being a 'noisy American', Shin rolled his eyes.

"What part of 'it's a closed system that I need to be onsite to hack into' didn't you get, Casper? Like it or not, I'm coming along- otherwise, good luck completing the mission without me. And by the way, you shouldn't underestimate people just because they happen to like a good joke, you know?" He raised his eyebrow in turn, hoping he had made his point. As the spy summed up her thoughts on the matter, Shin nodded along. I like where her head's at, he thought with a smile- good thing we have her. He decided to speak up again after the sniper had made her assessment.

"So it sounds like we agree we'll be needing at least two teams for this. Determining exactly what each team should be doing will be dependant on our recon, so I say a group of us should head out now and check things out- that way we can bring back the necessary info to start nailing down our plans. Charlie," he said as he turned to her, "any chance of getting some of your special cocktails for this thing? I'm sure they would come in handy." He grinned wide, hoping she would appreciate the compliment. Charlie was an excellent medic but was also quite gifted with... other things, and if they were in possession of substances that could knock out the guards or make them hallucinate, it would be that much easier to get this done without causing casualties or attracting unwanted attention.

OOC: Sorry that took a while guys ^^"
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The spy seemed like a true professional, but going in without a distraction would be much more risky since if something went wrong he would be fucked, but if they did go in without a distraction that would mean the rest of the team would be safer, also they would have more time. Again, the risk was he willing to but his own life on the line for some people he just met. They might also need a lookout team to inform the stealth team of guard location and movement, if they were sneaking in there. “gateway might be unnecessary if we have a sniper, so id prefer it if we moved to a lookout team, that way we would have someone to monitor guards in the building, and we could safely move without worrying about guards.”

The sniper was an excellent idea, inducing panic into the guards would leave the data way more vulnerable plus if they could make it look like they actually died that might work even better, at the same time they are professionals, so who says they even will panic, and if they don’t well then the stealth team is fucked beyond belief since the data would be top priority. Jackson looked over to the sniper and said “are you sure you can make trained soldiers panic? because if you ask me that is more important then takning Them out”

”im sorry I didn’t mean to offend you American, it’s just that I have unfinished business in living world, and I would prefer not to get shot because of you good sense of humor”
Jackson sighed as he thought to himself “who the fuck is capser?” Jackson continued “so as long as you can keep the jokes to a minimum while we are working, then I don’t mind you coming along. Its snatcher be the way.”

Going in for recon was a must, no way in hell they could do the planning without doing recon first, Jackson said to the man in the suit “I agree with the American we need a small team to scout out the building, but before we do that we should probably give out roles, who should infiltrate, sniper, getaway and distraction”
Spazzycat101 Spazzycat101
_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Ayama Ayama
A smirk instantly lit up Charlie's face with the mention of her cocktails by Shin. Most people knew her only as the medic but Shin had been privy to some of her more, exotic ventures and she was flattered that he had remembered. Perhaps she would be more involved in the heist than first expected, granted she still wouldn't be on site to see her work in action but it was always exciting to whip up something new to help out the team. "It would be my absolute pleasure. What would you like, Hallucinogenic or Paralytic?" Charlie couldn't help but keep the smile on her face as she said the words. It wasn't that she enjoyed hurting others, quite the opposite actually, she spent most of hers days patching people up. But she couldn't deny the arrogance that drenched her bones when something different and new was asked of her. Getting to flex her skills and show she was more than just a pretty face was always a delight in her book, probably due to the fact her father had never seen her as more than a pawn and lab rat. That was one of the good things VIPER had given Charlie. A sense of freedom and self worth that she'd always been lacking in before. She believed in herself and her talents and if that came across as cocky then so be it, Charlie had earned the right to boast. And while she might not have endured some of the same horrors as others, she wouldn't expect them to belittle themselves or their position on the team to please somebody else. Though making friends was always nice as well and Charlie had learned, too often from the past, that sometimes she needed to tone it down to be tolerable let alone likeable.

Ayama Ayama
VIPER HQ, New York
Nobody seemed to have a problems with Lock's reading of the situation and the half formed plan idea that had come out of her mouth. The team seemed to be workable, even if it was fractured. The sniper naturally was choosing to distance herself both physically and literally from the team. Lock didn't have a problem with that, so long as she lived up to the image of herself she was painting. If she could indeed make trained soldiers panic, then so what if she distanced herself? She nodded in approval at the snipers remark. "If the soldiers do panic, then they'll get sloppy, which we can work with."

The techie would be going in and with the tech they would be up against, it just made sense. So long as he knew how to be stealthy. If he wasn't they would be screwed. Just going by the thiefs name-Snatcher, and his occupation- thief, he had to possess some kind of stealth skills. The only issue was that the two of them seemed to rub each other up the wrong way, not entirely accidently on the techie's part. But the whole thing was stealth dependent. She wasn't going to just throw herself into a building full of high tech boobie traps with people who were noisier than a herd of elephants in a delicate china shop. She wasn't that stupid or foolhardy.

Lock's interest was piqued at the mention of 'special cocktails' and the answer from the medic did not disappoint. Hallucogens and paralytic being the two options. She made a mental note to ask if these cocktails could be used on knives like regular poisons. The only problem was that there plans were turning more and more into a full on let's chuck everything dangerous that we got at them instead of the actual goal of stealthily stealing plans and corrupting the code with minimum damage and people being spotted. Not exactly good if they wanted that bonus money, which she certainly did.

"I'm going in too. The sooner we can actually get there and start getting a lay of the place the better. Clearly stealth has to be the priority on this. Unleashing everything we got weapons wise on this place would no doubt be fun, but the whole point of this us to get in and out with as little notice as possible."

She blinked once, slowly, at Sunglasses.

He was talking about ‘pick your teams’ and ‘pick your sniper’ as if VIPER hadn’t called specifically on people already fit for their specific jobs. As if anyone else in the room could do her job.

As if anyone else in the room made their career out of making trained soldiers tremble.

It was an affront to VIPER’s judgement, but worse, and affront to her skill. She didn’t rebuke though, save for a glare, mostly hidden beneath her hood.

Six tuned back into the rest of the team’s scheming.

The plan developed. She gave a dark nod to express her agreement with Trenchcoat’s statements. Because as much as she disliked having to leave any scouting to someone else, Six had to admit that she wouldn’t be able to call any shots about what was inside the building. Unless there were very strategically placed windows, but she had doubts about that. But windows aside, someone had to keep an eye on everything outside, and for that someone needed to stay there.
Ayama Ayama , Songbird500 Songbird500 , _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ , Spazzycat101 Spazzycat101 , Martydi Martydi , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , Kannos Kannos , Meme Machine Meme Machine

The man in the suit listened as they talked amongst themselves, working out details, forming a plan based on the information that VIPER was able to supply for the operation. With this series of operatives, who were chosen from their various fields, he was sure that they would choose the most optimal path that works best for them from the ones that have been laid out before them.

"Very well. It seems that you have everything in hand. I will leave you to hash out any remaining details in order to complete the mission. For a team of your caliber, I eagerly await the post mission reports from our operatives. Accomplish this mission and there are sure to be more in your future with even higher paychecks."

With that said, the man in the suit raised himself up and without any further word, walked out of the room, leaving the team to continue to discuss their plans before moving on to any sort of reconnaissance or just the mission itself.

The Soviet Scorcher leaned forward on the table, causing an audible groan from the metal. "So if we are not doing this hot, I guess I'll wait in the vehicle. However, if you need a distraction, I am your bot!"

The robot jumped back and did a fist bump in the air with a short flame and following up by pulling his arm into some sort of farm flex. It looked very silly instead of the cool effect that he was going for. All flair without any sort of substance.​

Shin Evans

Hacker - Ladies' Man - Outlaw

"Lock up your jewels and your gems and your treasures, because none of them will be safe from the Spectre."

Location: [Meeting room]
With: [The others]
Mood: [Excited]]

Shin shook his head at the comments from the thief.

"We don't want them to panic. Ideally, we want to get in and out without anyone realizing we were ever there. Kind of defeats the purpose if we cause a panic, and then so much for stealth and walking away from this with no casualties, so bye-bye bonus. I say the infiltration team goes in as planned, with support and lookout strategically placed to cover our asses if something goes wrong. Hopefully, the worst we'll have to do is drug them."

Shin frowned as the guy referred to him as 'American' and insinuated that he was going to get them killed. He wanted to roll his eyes. So much for us getting along...

" 'Snatcher', eh? Is that some kind of British double-entendre?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Better watch out for him, ladies- this guy's after your virtue." Becoming serious once again, he focused on responding. "You're not getting this, are you? It's not about whether or not you'll be letting me come along. First of all, because you're not in charge and it's not up to you- I was picked by the organization for this job. And second of all because, without me, this doesn't happen. So I'll have a little less of the insults, if you don't mind." He paused for a beat, then resumed.

"As for roles, we already know the basics. I don't think we can assign anything more precise until we've done this recon."

When Charlie responded to his request, he turned to her, the grin returning instantly to his face.

"Well, off the top of my head, I feel like we could use anything that makes them sleep, exacerbates bowel movements or makes them sick, or even keeps them from moving (or at least reacting). The hallucinogenic should probably be a last resort, no?" He leaned in towards her and winked. "I look forward to seeing what you'll be coming up with." The spy spoke again, and Shin nodded with her words. I like this one, he thought. She gets how this works.

The man in the suit stood up and left, expressing confidence in the mission's success. The robot then did one of his trademark ridiculous moves, and Shin burst out laughing.

"Well comrade, we definitely won't be bored with you along for the ride!" he declared, getting to his feet. "Though please try not to blow everything up this time, ok?" He looked around at the assembled team, grinning wide. "So, who's up for a little recon?" Now that they had a plan, Shin was itching to move. You could only keep him sitting still for so long.

OOC: I feel like Shin and Lockwood could be friends :3
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VIPER briefing room, New York

After the VIPER agent left the room, Trigger answered Jackson's question about roles.
-I'm a demolitionist here. If you need anything blown up, I'm your guy. From that, its pretty obvious I won't be involved in the infiltration. So I'll leave you to it now, unless someone wants to add something that would concern me. I'll have to prepare some of my equipment, in case it gets loud. Breaching a defended facility requires quite a number of specialized explosives.-Trigger made a short pause, and then continued-When we get to scouting the place, I'll need to know how much and what kind of bombs or mines I'll have to get to delay reinforcements.-another short pause-And while we're at it, are we not going to get any access passwords? Are we supposed to use those we got initially? It seems like quite a security risk.
VIPER HQ, New York
Lockwood caught the subtle nod of agreement from the sniper. Somebody with sense. Not very talkative, but she had sense none the less. Very much an action speak louder than words kind of person. Lock could work with that. The suited man then left the room, satisfied that they could be left alone without killing each other. If it did come to such an event Lock would fight tooth and claw to emerge victorious.

The techie once again had a go at the thief. This was going to be a problem. Maybe she could tape their mouths shut or something while on the mission? Nah, they'd probably just text it or use sign language or find some way around a taped up mouth. At the jab at Snatcher's name she just rolled her eyes. Well that wouldn't happen with her, wrong gender for a start.

The list of cocktails went on. Yes, Lock decided, she was definitly souping up her blades with some of these. If they were the same viscosity as a normal posion, then she could get them onto bldeas without much difficulty. But if they were different, then she might need to remodel her knives. Definitly something to ask the medic later.

When the robot did his power pose flop gesture Lockwood was caught between internally cringing or laughing along with the techie at the actions of the robot. She settled for an eye roll and a half smirk. Somebody had been watching too many movies. The Russian bot's gesture did not go how he envisioned it. Maybe for the sake of their sanity somebody should invent a program that prevented him from doing stupidly cringy stuff of this magnitude. Lock knew for a fact that she would not be able to cope with such antics in the field.

The demolitions spoke up stating who he was (for those among them who somehow hadn't figured it out yet). He also made some interesting remarks about the kind of kit he'd be putting together.

"If you two" she gestured at Shin and Jackson "can stop your flirting, then count me in." she smirked at her own joke. "and in case it wasn't obvious, I break into places, do stupidly dangerous parkour stunts and have a habit of putting bladed weapons into people who get in my way."
VIPER HQ, New York

What a pity. VIPER already knew how to properly make contact with Ratchet. Their only miscalculation was that they sent their couriers a bit too late.

Both sides were well aware of the script. First of all, VIPER sends Ratchet a letter. Who knows what kind of message might it hold? Well, certainly not Ratchet, for she never lowers herself to read some stupid piece of paper. It usually ends up gathering dust in a dark corner of a garage where Ratchet lives. Nevertheless, the first letter is important. You have to try to contact a person in a good way initially.

After the first letter comes the second, and then the third. They all share the fate of their predecessor. Later on, when VIPER runs out of patience, it sends a couple of sturdy operatives to fetch the hopeless mechanic. After that, it all comes down to Nekrasov’s mood. Unfortunately, it wasn’t particularly good today.

Loud noises woke Ratchet up from an exceptionally delightful dream. So marvelous it was that the girl couldn’t even remember a thing about it. Such a blow of fate definitely required a fix, but this unyielding banging at the door went on and on as if it was meant to distract Ratchet from her search. The girl, being unable to find a dose, went irritably to the door and unleashed her tantrum at the intruders.

The conversation was short and rather fierce. It would be fair to note that all the aggression came from Ratchet’s side. She closed the door shut, but the banging continued. At this point, the girl, being completely awake at last, realized that to stop this noise she had to either reach an agreement with the intruders or shoot the bastards down. The latter option was rather unwise, so Ratchet, being a smart girl, decided to reach a compromise with the agents.

She agreed to be accompanied to a VIPER HQ, but only in her trusty Truck O’ Death under the threat of unleashing a revolution right here and right now. Inside the HQ, she was escorted right to the meeting room. Throughout the walk, she maintained a particular appearance as if she, the great and fabulous mechanic, did a favor to this humble organization by bothering herself with being here.

Because of all the drama that the poor operatives were forced to go through, Ratchet arrived at the meeting way too late. The door was brutally punch opened. “So whadda y’all want from me?” shouted Ratchet right from the doorstep. “Craft, deliver, drive, demolish… Or would ya like to make a revolution? If so, then count me in!”

Ratchet had no idea about the purpose of this meeting whatsoever. She already forgot the explanations given to her by the escorting agents. That’s Ratchet for you!
Charlie matched the grin Shin had given her when he responded to her quip about her poisons and had kept his eyeline when he’d moved in close to give her a wink. So, more flirtation. To what ends Charlie wasn’t sure this time. Usually Shin and her flirted because it was fun and easy, and it generally lightened up the room. But with Shin clearly butting heads with the thief, she couldn’t help but feel like it was meant to agitate them further. No matter. Charlie wasn’t going to stop her fun because of some minor irritation occurring. She didn’t want to add fuel to the fire, that was for sure, but she’d never questioned Shin’s motives before. Charlie took notice of the comment made about her poisons and nodded in response. They didn’t want anything too noticeable or dramatic. Like Lockwood said, stealth was what they were going for.

The man in the suit, content with the direction their conversations were going, left the room and the soviet robot did a strange move in response. Charlie couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. The robot was kind of sweet in a strange endearing way. There were, of course, some issues with liking a robot such as this, but Charlie tried never to judge. She herself had a complicated background, so who was she to question the livelihood of others. True, becoming friends with your VIPER teammates was also tricky since although most missions were successes, you weren’t always placed on the same teams and injuries and deaths did occur. As such it was always better to keep those emotions in check. However, the comment by Lockwood really did get a reaction out of Charlie and she couldn’t help but think they could be fast friends. It hadn’t quite been a laugh, but the smile was big enough that Charlie had appreciated the jibe at Shin and Jackson. “I agree with the spy. I’m kind of jealous actually Shin. Who knew you’d have such sexual chemistry with the thief over here?”

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Trektek Trektek Ayama Ayama The_split_Nation The_split_Nation
VIPER HQ, New York
When it came to getting on with teammates Lockwood's choices of ally were weird and seemingly random. Beforehand she would suss out as many people as possible, trying to figure out what they'd be like in the field. Growing up in a circus had meant she had no social fears and would at least attempt to talk to anybody. She was also able to talk for long periods of time without giving away any form of useful information away. Lockwood tended to gravitate towards the teammates with a good sense of humour when it came to talking to people before the mission itself. But in the field, she'd change personality, becoming silent, calculating and sometimes cold. On an opp she would stick by the stealthy people who knew what they were doing.

She was glad to see her remark had acquired some reaction from the new squad, on this instance the medic. It wasn't quite a laugh from the other woman, but it showed she appreciated the comment none the less. "I'm willing to be those two will have this love hate relationship that will leave the rest of us wanting to smash their heads through a wall in the hopes thta it will stop the sexual tension."

Shortly after she spoke, the door crashed open. Training meant two sharp blades appeared in her hands as a reaction, rather than a conscious thought. The newcomer looked like they'd been dragged out of bed, through a scrap heap, a mechanics shop and several trash cans in order for VIPER to get them into the meeting room. Had this been a make chaos mission, this woman would have been the right choice. But since this was supposedly a stealth opp, she was not so much. But Lock couldn't judge by cover alone. With a flick the blades vanished back to their sheaths. Nobody else seemed willing to address this person. Lock was not a leader type of person, but somebody had to speak up. "The up highs wants this to be a stealth opp, classic B and E job. But if you're game for being a chaotic distraction then welcome aboard."
Ayama Ayama , Songbird500 Songbird500 , _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ , Spazzycat101 Spazzycat101 , Martydi Martydi , The_split_Nation The_split_Nation , Meme Machine Meme Machine , Flimsy Whimsy Flimsy Whimsy
Near the target Building

The group leaves the room and goes their separateways. Some have gone to go stake out the location, look for advantages that can be used during the heist to make things go off smoothly without a hitch, while others might be using the time to get themselves mentally or physically prepped for the task at hand.

Six arrives near the target sight and spots a large towering building a handful of blocks away. Arriving at the building in question, it seems to be an apartment complex of sorts. There is a door man wearing a fancy black outfit with gold buttons and a matching hat. He wears a bright smile on his face, opening the door for those that show the appropriate card. The building looks as though it rises up 60 floors, with a great vantage point to spot just about anything for a skilled sniper.

Shin travels to the building that is next door to the mission structure. It looks like a factory of some kind, with loud whiring machinery that could even be heard from the street. The factory next door seemed to be guarded by multiple security cameras and a plain clothes security guard that was sitting on a nearby bench waiting for a bus. He can detect a grid point at a café shop a block away.

Ratchett gets shown the vehicle that she'll have access to for this mission. AT first glance it seems like a garbage truck, but with the inside hollowed out so that it can fit an entire team. Also it seems to have a speed booster and is capable of operating as a submersible if entering the water.

Trigger checked out the main building. From the outside it didn't really seem like anything special. It didn't even have any flashy signs on the outside, just a normal one plastered on the side saying Turbulent Enterprises. The various security systems seemed to be in palce as the suit had alerted them about. The front entrance truly looked like a fortress. The only way in that way, other than blasting your way in loudly would be to sneak in.

The building that was a distance away where the reinforcements would arrive, looked even more nondescript than the mission structure. Clearly the security forces preferred discretion while working on the job. Looking closely, the building seemed to be secured at first glance with cameras and floating drones. The road itself seemed like a normal road, cars lined parked on the street and other cars drove throughout it, passing normally.​
Target building (or more precisely on a rooftop looking at the target building)
Lockwood wasn't quite sure how it had happened, but she'd ended up on a rooftop with the hacker. She was one of the few who hadn't been given specific orders for where to check out or what buildings to go as VIPER had access to it. So after a quick pit stop to her hidey hole to pick up her gear, some disguise stuff and set the place to blow if anybody did break into it. She stowed anything she didn't need beneath the floor of her storage unit where she kept her motorbikes. The drive wasn't too long by bike, but when she got there, the others were there already. Presumably VIPER had teleported them there or something equally ridiculous like that. And from there she'd happened across the hacker, and they'd ascended to a nearby rooftop to get the scope of the building they were soon to break into.

It certainly didn't advertise it as such a valuable asset to the casual observer. But Lockwood was in no way a casual observer. Looking closer revealed the myriad of security systems. This place really was a fortress, which meant they had more to hid Ethan they had been briefed about. Sure, making missiles was something that needed to be kept secret, but this was OTT. There had to be something else there too. Biological maybe, or ICBMs? Not that she had any interest in either, but old habits died hard. She'd spent thousands of hours casing joints trying to guess what was inside.

Lock was still wearing her trademark coat, but this time with a hoodie underneath it. The hood was slightly too large, but that way it covered more of her face. She was still wanted by the government after all, an dlats thing she needed was to get snagged by a security camera and jeopardise the whole opp. Under her hood she'd tied back the dreadlocks. Elbows resting on the plint of the roof, she idly wondered just how many buildings VIPER owned, how many politicians were on their payroll, how many agents of other governments they controlled. How many of her former superiors were actually little more than VIPER pawns in some manipulative game of chess? Lock had a feeling she didn't want to know the answer to that question.

As she observed the building her greys eyes changed shades as she shifted through the different electromagnetic wavelengths she could see. Infra-red, ultra-violet and some thermal. "Well this place totally isn't an evil fortress of doom." She remarked sarcastically.

Shin Evans

Hacker - Ladies' Man - Outlaw

"Lock up your jewels and your gems and your treasures, because none of them will be safe from the Spectre."

Location: [Across from the target]
With: [Lockwood]
Mood: [Excited]

Shin was happy that the others were quick to react to his proposal- it felt like they were on the same wavelength, which gave him confidence that they would work well as a team. The spy asked him to stop flirting with the thief, which made him laugh. When Charlie said she was jealous of it, he was torn between laughing some more or making a different response instead. After a moment's hesitation, he settled for walking over to her, slipping an arm casually around her shoulders, and declaring

"There's absolutely no need to be jealous- you know you have all my attention." He winked at her, just as the spy added another layer to the joke, saying she was convinced he and Casper would drive the rest of them crazy before the op was over.

Shin rolled his eyes and released Charlie, straightening up, crossing his arms, and turning to face Lockwood.

"As long as the spook here behaves himself," he said with a nod in the thief's direction, "we shouldn't have a problem." He gazed around at the rest of the room and declared

"Now let's get this show on the road!"


A while later, he found himself alone, across from the building that was their target for this job- apparently, he had been mistaken about them heading out for a first bit of teamwork, as each member of the team had elected to do their recon solo, which was all well and good, except that Shin couldn't really get to many places on his own; that wasn't what he was good at- not with this kind of setup and security. He stood there, looking at the layout of the place, and sighed, thinking he would end up with virtually nothing of value to bring back from this run, when he noticed the spy standing near him and making observations of her own. She had a hoodie on now, clearly not wanting to be recognized.

He followed her when she suggested the rooftop, wondering what it was she was observing. After a moment spent side by side in silent contemplation, she declared sarcastically "Well this place totally isn't an evil fortress of doom." Shin burst out laughing and turned to her.

"Heck of a setup they've got here," he agreed. He pulled out his computer and began typing rapidly. The scanning feature allowed him to draw up a quick schematic of the building, and he gently sent out a probe in the direction of the one drone he could currently see floating lazily above the opposite rooftop. He mumbled as he worked.

"Okay, the specs so far check out with what we were told- no external access; everything runs on a closed circuit." He was snapping pictures of people and identifications as he went. "I know the plan is to get in and out through the front door with no fuss but, just in case things go sideways, what are you thinking in terms of alternative exit strategies?" He glanced at Lockwood knowing that, if anyone had suggestions and ideas on the matter, it would be her.

OOC: Recon time! ^^
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Near the target building
Lockwood was glad to have drawn a laugh from the hacker. He seemed like the kind of person who was chill with everything before the mission and would make a joke out of anything. He'd taken her jab about flirting with the thief very well. Lockwood grown up in a chaotic jumble of people, so she'd developed a very social side from the get go. Along with that was her wry sense of humour and ability to talk a lot without actually saying anything of importance. It was harder than it sounded, espescially when she had been working with people who had the job of extracting information from people who didn't want to give it up.

He confirmed what she was thinking, the information from VIPER checked out. No surprise there, they were rarely wrong with that sort of thing. She let Shin do his thing categorising people by the look of it. She watched the blurry heat signals move around inside. At best guess there seemed to be some kind of conference going on on one of the higher floors. The rest were either workers running around working, or the methodical plodding of security guards.

She considered his question, tapping her twelve fingers against the weathered stone. "For the lower floors or ground level, probably stealing a vehicle and create as much carnage as possible behind me while I escape. From a higher floor, it'd climb up it, preferably without dying, then from there run across rooftops nearby to get away, trying not to break a leg in the process, get to where I stashed the bike, then get the hell out of here, probabaly cross country. In other words I'd just throw stealth out the window. I guess the same ideas are applicable with a team." She had no intention of being captured and getting slammed in supermax, or more likely some kind of underground bunker in the middle of nowhere.
Near the target facility

Trigger approached the building designated as the attack target. With a buttoned-up trench coat, a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses instead of his usual equipment, he appeared less suspicious than normal, but only slightly. As he suspected, the externally visible defences were not significant enough to warrant any change from already planned loadout. After determining that, the demolitionist moved on to the nearby reinforcement building. Looking at the road between it and the target, he already noticed difficulties. It was a busy street, so landmines were out of the question. There were no convenient spots to place any explosives. Security compound itself did not present any opportunities for setting a trap either.

As he decided to walk back to his safehouse, however, a certain detail caught Trigger's attention. A number of drainage grates lined the sides of the street. This was nothing out of the ordinary, without them, the street would be flooded by every medium-sized rain. Noticing that detail, however, reminded the demolitionist of a small smuggling operation he was hired for a few months ago. After a firefight in a sewer system of another city, some of Trigger's explosives caused a collapse of the tunnel, and the above street with it. This memory led to an idea. If the sewer below the street was large enough to walk in, and buried close enough to the surface, the demolitionist could set up his explosives underground instead of on the street itself. If this could be accomplished, not only would detection risk be minimized, but collapsing the street would force the security team to take another route, delaying them even more than Trigger hoped.

With this new plan, VIPER's explosives expert went off to begin preparations. First, he'd have to obtain the plans of local sewer system, gain access to the relevant area's underground, and still keep enough spare time to set the explosives.

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