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The Sacrifice of Science [Closed]

Kindle stared back for a few moments before blushing and trying to get away more out of being flustered. "Uh... A-Anyway. We should see if there's a way to turn on the lights again..."
Fate had forgotten all about where they were , "Oh... Yeah I guess you are right." Fate sighed a bit as he let go of her wrists and stood up. He held out his hand for Kindle to grab.

Kindle let out a small sigh of relief although she noticed a small part of her felt disappointed. Taking his hand gratefully she stood and stretched lazily. "I wonder if there even is a way..."
Kindle nodded in agreement to his words. Waking around, she began to feel around for a possible light switch she could have missed. When she hit the camera, she tried to set it on fire in frustration.
Fate sighs and walks up behind her, "I guess we will travel around in dark halls then, Doesn't look like there is any switch around here."


( Sorry I had to go eat )
(Understandable n.n)

Although the idea made her uneasy, Kindle agreed and found the door. Once she stepped out into the hall, she stopped and squinted her eyes into the darkness.
Fate easily followed her , "Oh uhh ...." she can feel him holding her hand now, "I don't want either of us to get separated .. Is this ok with you?"

"Oh, sure, sure..." she responded in a low murmur. Kindle was almost glad for it. She couldn't see as well as Fate could and it definitely would be bad getting separated.
Fate was happy to hear that she accepted his hand with hers. "Then , Let's start walking!" he said with a happy tone as he started walking down the hall with Kindle at his side.
Fate's positive tone was infectious. She chuckled as they began walking, trying her best to make out what was in the darkness.
Fate sighed, "You know, I am happy to be alone with a cute girl like you . I dont socialize to well... which is good because there is only the two of us ^~^" Fate smiled a bit when he said 'Cute'.
"C-cute?" Kindle stuttered, blushing. She was grateful he couldn't see her dark pink cheeks in the darkness... "Why is that? Also... You're pretty cute yourself," she mumbled the last part, giving a nervous lilt of a laugh.
( back ^~^

"Nah you're cuter :P Not many people pay attention to me... Most of the time I am wth others I can be around, I'm invisible to them." Fate sounded happy when he started but now his tone had a hint of sadness.

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(Welcome back... A little late but hey.)

"I don't see why... I think you're rather interesting! They must be missing out," Kindle replied, gently nudging him reassuringly. It was sad that it would be that way. When Kindle listened to him and spent time with him, she was amused and intrigued by him.
Fate smiles a bit, "Thanks...

Well What n-" Fate was cut off when he tripped over a small crack in the floor and fell onto his back, bringing her down on top of him ."._."
Kindle yelped softly, not expecting the sudden tumble. Once she realized she was on the ground, she reached out, trying to get a grasp on her surroundings. "Are you okay? What-- S-sorry!" Kindle exclaimed when she realized she'd touched the side of his face. She was... On top of him?
Fate sighed and put his hand on hers which was on his face ,he then gently picked it up and set it to the side . "sorry that I fell, I'm clumsy a lot :P "

"I see that," Kindle said, amused. She carefully got off him, trying not to hurt him, and kneeled beside him. She gently placed a hand on his considering offering one would prove ineffective in the darkness. "Do take care, though. Do you want help up?"
Fate stood up easily with the help from Kindle, "Thanks, But lying down didn't sound to bad either." He stuck his tongue out playfully at the last part, and she could see it.

"So you want to lay down?" Kindle asked, raising an eyebrow and giving him a playful smile. Reaching forward, she poked his side.

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