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The Sacrifice of Science [Closed]

"I like to have fun just ..... not all the time, sometimes I'm not in the mood." Fates voice hinted anger again, except she could tell he was getting a bit angry this time
Kindle watched him for a moment before turning on her heel and walking down the long corridor. "I'm going exploring," she called flatly. She decided it was better to walk away. It was obvious he was getting mad at her and for once, she didn't want to start a fight.
Fate sighed and stood up, "Then I'm coming along, I dont feel like getting lost in this place." He started following her, not saying anything, But she could hear him talking to himself.
"You know, you're hard to understand kid," Kindle muttered, looking around as she walked. It wasn't all that bad if not intriguing. She didn't stop for him but walked slower so as not to lose him.
"I agree," Kindle said. And with that, the lights went out. Even if they were small and dim, now the area was pitch black.
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Maxwelle said:
"I agree," Kameron said. And with that, the lights went out. Even if they were small and dim, now the area was pitch black.
( Kameron xD Kindle*** ;3

Fate looks around the dark room and walks forward a bit the turns, "Well... That happened.." He sighs and tries to use some magic to make light, but it is no use."Wait...where did you go?"
(Sorry >//< I'm a bit sleepy, gahhh)

"Huh?" Kindle answered. "I'm right beside y--Ouch!" she muttered as she ran into a wall. She tried to summon a fist of fire but it only lit up about an inch width before fizzling out. What the hell?
Fate couldnt see ( Ofc ) , even with his good vision. he held his arms out and tried grabbing the air randomly,"Well this day is just great!"
Kindle felt Fate's touch brush against her and almost physically bristled, backing up. She however stepped back too suddenly and lost her balance. In an effort to stay upright, she ended up taking both of them down. "Sorry," she sighed.
Fate held out his hand to her face and lit a small ball of purple light that didnt go out,"It's alright, I'm the one who should be sorry ."
Kindle glanced with wondrous eyes at the purple light. "Pretty..." she remarked softly. Then, his words sunk in. "No, I'm a klutz is all." she said with a laugh. "Sorry again."
Kindle gave him a look filled with mock surprise. "Oh, really?" She snickered at him and grabbed his finger before he could withdraw it.
Kindle blinked, surprised by his poke. "Nu uh." She reached forward and sneakily poked his abdomen, hoping on the off chance he might be the least bit ticklish.
Fate quickly grabber her finger before She could poke him, he then acted like he was eating her finger. "Mom nom nom nom fingers. "
Kindle snickered at him, tugging at her finger softly. "Hey, that's my favorite!" She teased. Reaching her other hand down, she tried to poke him again.
"Oh? Maybe, I let you grab my hands," Kindle said with a catlike grin, staring at him with mischievous eyes.
Kindle looks up at him, more curious than anything. Then, when she feels the tickles, she closes her eyes and bursts into a fit of giggles. Trying to squirm away, she cries, "Stop.. stop!" Why did she have to be so ticklish, she thought annoyed at the fact.

While Kindle was very confused about what had occurred, she couldn't turn down a challenge. "Oh yeah?" Throwing her weight to the side, she rolled on top of him. Then, she attempted to remove her hands from his grasp.


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