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The Sacrifice of Science [Closed]

"Well, I'm sure they wouldn't just starve us..." Kindle replied thoughtfully. When he pulled out the chocolate bar, she tried to hide her excitement. "Uhh, I mean if you don't mind sharing..."
Kindle broke a piece from the bar and handed the rest back. She then began to nibble on the piece of chocolate happily. "Thank you!"
Fate took the rest of the bar back and looked at it, sneaking it into one of her pockets when she wasn't looking. He then took out his own and nibbled on a piece, "Do you... Think we will ever get out?"


Maxwelle said:
Kindle broke a piece from the bar and handed the rest back. She then began to nibble on the piece of chocolate happily. "Thank you!"
( sorry for not posting, lost my phone and couldn't find it ;-;
"Of course," Kindle said brightly, sounding completely certain. To her, this was just a temporary thing. And if Fate didn't believe it, well, it was good to give him some hope too.

(It's fine xD . Smooth, might I add.)
Fate looked up from a piece of chocolate and sighed, "My friends still cant find ANYTHING! this place is like the labryinth ....... " he then nibbled on his chocolate some more.
Kindle stopped for a moment, pondering. Why were they even here? And why them? "Hey, you wouldn't happened to know anyone who had it out for ya? Or maybe done some illegal business deals....?" Kindle asked, sounding as if it was the norm.
Fate let out a laugh ,"Well if you count kissing a mobsters daughter without his permission then I guess he had it out for me. "
"Well does he seem like the guy to trap you here for that?" Kindle asked. And if so why am I here? She stopped walking and sighed, anxiously running her fingers through the tips of her hair.
"There's gotta be a way..." Kindle said laughing a little bit hysterically. She'd never thought something like this would happen. "Wait, maybe I met you before?"
Fate thought about it and sighed, "there is a good chance you did... I just don't remember, I lost all my memory of the age 14 and below."
"I see. It's not likely I saw you anyway. I'm not good with uh... Kids anyway," she admitted. Really she was afraid they'd fear her. "Lost your memories huh? How is that?"
"dunno, Woke up in some white room without my memories. I have to admit, It was kinda scary at first, I thought I was alone until someone that looked like a doctor came in and comforted me." Fate nibbled on his chocolate some more
"That must be tough..." Kindle said, casting down her eyes. She couldn't help but notice how similar it must seem to this. She gave him a smile and rephrased, "You must be tough."
Fate finished his piece of chocolate, "Not really, People have used me for money because of my fighting skills and how long I can last in a fight... I may be tough but sometimes I wish I could take a bullet and not survive >.>"
"I'm sorry to hear that..." Kindle replied, chewing her lip. She wasn't really sure what to say. She slid to the floor, sitting against the wall and glanced down the hall. It'd never really been thought of, dying that is. What would make him want to die? But she remained quiet, not wanting to pry.
"I'm not sure. Hopefully not too long..." Kindle replied, uncertain. Maybe if they just tear down the walls. She stood and entered the room and walked to three farthest wall. She raised her fist and began hitting the wall multiple times. Eventually a small crater appeared in the wall; the wall was strong and really thick. Kindle sighed and gave up, unclenching her fist.
Fate walked up to that same wall and put a hand on it, "Ill try," he says as the ground shakes a bit and tiny bits off the crater start to crumble. After a bit Fate pulls his hand away , breathing heavily."Wow, that is one thick wall."
"What the hell?" Kindle mutters. She looks around the room till she found what she was looking for: a small object she recognized as a camera. Putting her hands on her hips, she yelled at it. "Hey, whoever you are, can you let us our maybe? Or you're gonna have hell to pay!"
"Well, they're watching for whatever reason..." Kindle replied upset she didn't knew the answer herself. "Wait, you don't like games?" She asked, her attitude changing from frustrated to curious.
Fate looked over at her,"Yeah, I just dont like them, No big deal, right?" he had a hint of anger in his voice as he spoke, not enough to be noticed though.
"I suppose. Just hard to understand since I'm one to have fun. Do you not like having fun?" She asked, leaning in and mock inspecting him. Kindle chuckled light heartedly, unaware that she was possibly angering him.

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