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The Sacrifice of Science [Closed]


The Mermaid Slayer
The government is doing as they do best; eliminating the threats. The most recent threats? Superhuman races. The only thing is, they don't know too much about them. So, what better way to learn than experimentation? How do they react? Behave? Interact? Attack? Defend? Using another human to find these things out is a horrible right? But a superhuman is disposable. So here they are, trapping two of them together, watching... documenting... waiting...

Kindle woke up, rubbing her head. What the...? She was in a room she'd never seen before, like a basement, in the corner. The door was open and appeared to lead into a dim corridor. Looking up she caught the distinct shape of a camera. "The hell is this?" she asked, speaking to the camera as if it'd respond.

Brushing the hair from her face and standing up, she headed to the entrance of the room, still not sure why in the world she was in there in the first place. Did I displease my superior again? Punishment maybe? Kindle snickered at the thought.

Galyn woke up with a groan in a room, and stood up and looked around with a curious look 'Where am I?' he thought to himself . "Hello?" he rubbed his eyes and looked around , fixing his vision so he could see clearly now.

Walking through the corridor, she heard a distinct sound that appeared to be a voice. Changing her course, she entered a nearby room, and her eyes fell on a male. "Hey, who are you? Did you do this?" Kindle asked, immediately distrusting the person. The tips of her fingers curled in flames and she took a defensive position.

Galyn looked her up and down and sighed, "No, but I wish I did know who did it." his voice had a hint of anger. "Now please, stop acting like you could fight me, I know I couldn't fight you because I don't hit girls." he sticks his tongue out playfully at the last part.

Kindle ceased her flames and stood up straight, still somewhat eyeing him suspiciously. "Oh. Well, whoever did I'd certainly like to have a word with..." she muttered, realizing she couldn't do much more. Not really caring if he minded or not, she walked over to him and took a seat beside him with a sigh.
Galyn got curious and wanted to ask a few things, so he did, "So, what's your name? ... and what kind of magic do you use?Oh and, my name is Galyn , don't call me that though ... Call me Fate, I use dark magic and necromancy if you were wondering."

"Call me Kindle. I use flame magic if it wasn't already obvious," Kindle said, sparking a small flame in her palm that fizzled out just as quickly. "Fate huh? Why not Galyn?" She asked, her question a little blunt but she was curious.

( Brb, when I get back I will be on phone so I will drop the colored text xD )


djFluffernugget said:
( Brb, when I get back I will be on phone so I will drop the colored text xD )
( back )

Fate winces as she says his name , "It uhm... It triggers memories of before I lost half my memories, I saw a quick glimpse of one and didn't want to experience it again... So I changed my name to Fate." Fate was looking sadly at the ground as he spoke.

(Okey dokey. )

"I see..." Kindle said, her voice noticeably softer. Seeing him look sad, she stood and said, "Hey, cheer up... Well, I mean this situation isn't exactly cheery but... Ah, well, got to keep your spirits up if we're gonna find a way out." Kindle was exactly could at comforting but try she did.
Fate sighs and smiles a bit as she says a few things to cheer him up."Thanks... I guess you are right. So.... What now ? '~' " he still had a hint of sadness in his voice as he spoke.

"Now... we find a way to get the hell out." Kindle said with a chuckle. She walked to the door, planning on scoping the place out, and looked over her shoulder to see if he was following.
Fate had already gotten up and had his hands curled into fists "I agree !" He was talking with a sort of evil tone as his eye went from ( whatever color it was xD ) to gold , completely gold. "Seems my little friend is trying to take my feelings over again." He says with a chuckle as his fists turn back and his eyes back to black.

Kindle grew slightly unsettled by his flicker of a transformation. She chuckled anxiously and said, "That was... Different. Who?"
Fate smiled ,"Her name is Natsuko and she is a spirit I resurrected, she hates when I talk to girls ... She was my old girlfriend -.- and uhh, the memory I got back was about her..." He shivers a bit as he says the last part.
"Tell her to back off ya then." Kindle replied with a shrug, figuring by his reaction, it'd do him good anyway. Then she walked out the door, and peered down the hall which happened to be connected to other hallways and rooms... "Whoever they are they didn't have to make the fricking labyrinth." She said with a groan.
Fate walked out and touched a hand to the floor , the ground rumbled a tiny bit , barely noticeable. He stood back up with a grin ,"I sent a few 'friends' to search a few halls and report to me if they found an exit."
"Friends huh?" Figuring there wasn't much to do then, she said, "I wonder where "this" is..." When she thought about she hadn't a clue. Frankly, Kindle was always getting into trouble.
Fate sighed "Nothing, can't find any exits . This place is starting to creep me out a bit... What if we were kidnapped and are going to be tortured or something? ;-;"

"No exits... No doors... No nothing?" Kindle whispered in disbelief. "Oh, and don't worry, I wouldn't let that happen," She added with a serious expression.
Fate looked around once more, "I guess we should start walking , right? Better than standing around and waiting for something to happen." he started walking ahead of her then stopped and turned, "You coming?"
"Yeah... yeah, right." She said, moving to catch up with him. As they walked, Kindle couldn't help but notice how dreary this place was. No color and it just went on forever....
Fate looked down the halls gloomily "This place is SO fun... I should come here for all my vacations," he says playfully while joking around.
"Oh, sure," Kindle said sarcastically. She snickered joining in on the mock fun. "Post cards would be real enticing."
Fate stomach rumbled, "I wonder if they have a fast food resturant down here >~>" he then pulled something out of thin air and held it out to her , "Want some? :D " She could now see it was a chocolate bar, "I always keep something to eat nearby ;3"

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