The New Family Member

"Same job as always love." Anna told him and heard the door bell. "Wanna get that or shall I?" She asked him as she frantically looked around for the sugar fondu she had made earlier that day.

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Jack said," I'll get it, you worry about the cakes." he then went to the counter and when he saw Henry there he went back to the door way and asked," What do you want Henry?"

Henry chuckled and vaulted over the counter and said," I'm finally here to take her back and away from you now move." jack didn't budge an inch
Anna continued to work with the cakes. She couldn't hear anything that was going on because she had music on from the radio. She was stressing a bit and when she walked over towards the counter to look at her orders, she dropped the glass she was holding in her hands and froze.

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Jack pushed Anna behind him as Henry stepped forward, he then said," She isn't your girl anymore, or ever. She is my fiancé and I am not letting you take her."

Henry chuckled and said," She is going to be mine one way or another." he then grabbed jacks neck and pushed him to where his back was on the table. Jack struggled against him and tried to reach for something to help him fight. Jacks hand then found something and wrapped his hand around it and slashed it at Henry. He then felt Henry's hands let go of his neck and something drip on him. When he looked up Henry was holding his neck and blood was coming from between his fingers onto jacks face. Henry then stumbled backwards onto the floor and fell dead, his blood staining the floor. Jack looked at his hand and saw he was holding a bloodied cake knife. He dropped it and sank to the floor trying to process what he just did
Anna's eyes grew wide and she too fell on the floor with Jack and hugged him right. "J-Jack...." She whispered and clenched harder on his side. "Jack.... I can't lose you... What will the police think.... I can't.... I can't...." She said as she cried.

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Jack hugged her back and said," Just calm down." he then grabbed his phone and call 911 and when the police arrived they asked him what happened and when he explain they nodded and said," Ok, we still need you to see a judge please come with us." jack nodded and before he was hand cuffed he told Anna to call and tell them to push the wedding a day or two back and cancel the hotel reservation. He then kissed her gently before he stood up, was hand cuffed and then taken to the police station
Anna cried and hugged her knees when Jack was taken. She couldn't bare knowing there was a possibility Jack could be put in jail. She called her parents and they came to pick her up and Anna stayed in her old room and cried all day and the following. She couldn't care the pain.

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Jack had to spend a day or two in jail and had to plead by himself, his case and was found not guilty of murder and was free to go. He was then given a ride to his parents house and as he knocked on the door he opened it and said," Hello. Anybody home."
Nobody was home besides Anna and Anna was currently asleep. She hadn't been able to sleep at all but she just needed rest. Her eyes had puffy bags underneath and her mascara stained her cheeks.

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Jack closed the door quietly and went to see if Anna was in her room. When he saw her he smiled and shut the door quietly took off his shoes and then gently laid down beside her so that when she woke up he would be the first thing she saw
Anna woke up later that day and she blinked. She looked at Jack and her eyes grew wide and she hugged him tight and cried into his shoulder. "You're back..... I was so worried..." She told him and continued to cry.

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Jack held her even tighter and said," I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry." he then nuzzled his head into her neck and kissed her cheek and said," I'm am not going to ever lose you again, I promise."
Anna smiled softly and Monica walked in with a bag of food from McDonalds and when she saw Jack she dropped it and ran over to Jack and hugged him tight. "We were so worried!" She exclaimed and Anna laughed softly as she wiped her tears away.

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Jack turned over and hugged his sister and kissed her cheek and said," I wasn't. I've been In worst situations." he then turned to Anna and kissed her softly
Anna kissed Jack back and when she pulled away she whispered, "what could have been worse then this?" She asked him and smiled then kissed him softly once again. Monica made a gagging noise and shook her head then walked out of the room.

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Jack shrugged and said," I'm really not sure and so when are we going to get married? I'm tired of waiting." he chuckled and held her close and kissed her again deeply
Anna kissed Jack back just as deep and when she pulled away for air she smiled and whispered, "you and I both. In two days is when mom planned it." She told him and smiled then kissed him deeply again and eventually pushed him down against the bed. "Made the first move again." She whispered and grinned.

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Jack chuckled and then flipped them over and said," You never give me a chance. Now lets just enjoy that I'm not going to jail." he then leaned down and kissed her lips and then kissed his way down to her shoulder and gently began to rub her sides
Anna laughed softly and then wrapped her arms around his neck. "You are not fast enough." She whispered and

Then continued to kiss him. She was preventing him from kissing her neck

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Jack sighed before he kissed her and as he did he held onto her waist. When they drew back for air he chuckled and said," Just you wait after the wedding I will make the first move." he then began to kiss her passionately
Anna smiled into the kiss and when she pulled away for air she smiled. "I will be waiting." She whispered and then yawned. "I'm so happy. I couldn't get any sleep. I was restless and worried about you." She told him

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Jack smiled and rolled to the side of her and held her close as he said," You need to rest then. I'll be here when you wake back up." he chuckled and kissed her cheek when he finished saying this
"I don't want to sleep though. I'm just so glad you're back." She whispered and smiled. Anna stayed under the blankets but put another one over her because she was freezing. She snuggled in close to Jack and closed her eyes but she was only resting them.

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ask smiled and saw that it was getting night time so he just laid there by Anna holding her closer and then kissed her cheek as he asked," So how many kids do you want to have Anna?"

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