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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Charlotte looked at the script for the third time trying to convince herself that she didn't just read what she read. She couldn't believe the play would have gifted and non gifted! That would be terrible, however, Charlotte didn't know about the council watching the play yet so she thought only the school would go crazy and nothing else.

" what a disaster"
"...you'll allow that? Really?" Mr. G was still conversing with the principal. "I am aware it is our most modest approach to the um...bawdy scene? I apologize if I used the improper word. But you will allow that scene to take place in that manner. Okay then thank you for your time". Martin popped up into the principal's office smiling. It seemed that Mr. G and the principal had come to a conclusion about a scene. Mr. G and Martin teleported back into the room, "Alright actors! Get your scripts and wear your costumes! Let's get to work!"
He followed her and looked around, "well... This looks fun." He scratched his head, "so where are we supposed to be and why is everyone dressed funny?" He looked around and saw the costumes, "Oh duh..." He walked over. His costume looked silly, but he just laughed, "well maybe these awful costumes will distract people from my awful acting."
Ryan opened his eyes when he heard Mr. G's announcement. He used his speed and wore the Romeo outfit as he took a script. Then teen flipped through the first few pages. A word caught his eye which made him stop. Ryan's eyes widened as he flipped some more pages and saw the word again. He continued flipping the pages seeing the word about eleven times throughout the script, "Mr. G, you know how I said that I watched the 1968 movie this is based on?...Well, I only watched Romeo's first line then fell asleep". "What's your point Ryan?" Mr. G raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know that they kissed eleven times..or that they kissed at all. I just know that they fell in love and died.....because that's what I heard" Ryan said looking at Mr. G. "You're worried about that? Well this version is more modernized so it's in this script. This is not the original play remember?" Mr. G said chuckling treating the situation regularly. The teacher put discs out and labeled each character's name on different ones, "Here are scenes from the movie that your characters are involved in...go ahead and study it if you must".
Alec retreated to a corner of the room, knowing that his character didn't have a part until the second scene. But Mr. G called him up to read the prologue. Groaning, Alec dragged himself up to the front of the room and opened his packet. "Two households, both alike in dignity," he began, his lilting voice carrying the words over the room. When he was done, he retreated to the edge of the makeshift stage.
Jordan smiled softly, amused from Rob's comment, "I doubt your acting is that bad." She pulled up her own costume and examined it. "Hm. Fancy." She got into the costume and grabbed a script, quickly scanning through before starting. She didn't really notice anything weird about the script because she looked over it to quickly. Looking at Ryan, she heard what he said and her eyes widened slightly and she examined the script more closely, "Oh... Okay then..." She said, slightly uncomfortable. She accepted the disc, and sighed, unsure how she felt about this.
He felt Ryder's protectiveness; when he placed a hand on his chest the sensation grew warmer. Dexter looked up at Ryder with an expression that read 'whelp, I tried.' He was mildly flattered that he even cared about his current condition, but like he always did, he silently cursed him for it. Saying nothing, he managed a small grin.
Ryder smirked, relieved to know that he had won. "Need anything else to eat? Water, horned melons, anything at all?" He sat back in his seat, propping his feet up on Dexter's bed. "Sorry, I'm not too great company. I can tell some killer cow puns, though."
Jackie remained on the bed, watching everyone read their lines haltingly. She didn't come in until the end of the first act or whatever, so she was going to enjoy herself until then. It was rather amusing watching everyone screw up their lines, to be honest, and there were a few moments where she had to fight to hold back her laughter.
Rob looked at Ryan, and then Jordan and frowned and walked to a changing area and changed into his outfit. He walked out in the outfit, it was tight on him. "Is it supposed to be this tight?" It hid nothing, and Rob's discomfort in the outfit was clear as day as his cheeks turned pink, "I dont think this is right Mr.G."
Mr. G rushed over to Rob and measured him. He waved his hand around the costume causing it to loosen up to Rob's size, "All better Rob? I am glad you showed up". Mr. G looked around the room, "Since today is the first day, I'll let you guys practice the hard stuff first...the acting. To me, the words in the script come easily once it is triggered by a familiar emotion and/or physical movement and/or deep thought. So, if you have a fighting scene, I suggest you practice that with whoever you are fighting with. If you have romantic scenes, I suggest you practice that with the other person you share the scenes with...has anyone seen Miuana, Dexter, or Ryder?"
After most of the fight had played out, Alec nudged Jackie. "Your turn. Go break up the fight," he whispered, smirking. The script called for Jackie to use a bit of her fire at this point, but Alec wasn't sure if that was a good idea in the small classroom.
Ryan looked at Rob trying to avoid thinking about the kissing stuff, "Hey Rob you need help with that monologue still? We can watch your scene on that tv since no one is using it at the moment". He gestured to a television at the corner of the room. Mr. G scanned the area making sure that the three students were not present. The teacher looked at Martin then nodded.
Jordan looked at Mr. G, "They were all in the infirmary. Dex, um... Well I don't know if he'll make it." She was frowning both from what had happened in the infirmary, and also now that she knew the romantic scenes involved some kissing, she was nervous. She glanced at Rob and Ryan slightly, then back at Mr. G.
Jackie shook her head in the direction of Mr. G. "No," she replied to him as she made her way to the front. "Hey, Mr. G? Uh, can I not use my fire in here?" she asked.
"Uh yeah man... Sounds good thanks." He walked with Ryan and looked over the script, "man, I wish I was better at acting so I could be Romeo, I'm a little jealous..." Rob scratched his jaw a little, "but I guess you would probably be upset since you two are... ya know..." He shrugged a little, he wasn't sure why he was being so forward.
Mr. G looked at Jackie, "I suggest that you practice your fire outside if you must". He then turned back to Jordan, "I..I see. Well, then they are excused". Mr. G went over to the side of the room. Ryan gave a confused look at Rob, "We are...what?" The teen took Rob's disc and put it into the television.
"I thought you two were dating? I saw you two in the hall way... It was pretty obvious I guess ." He blushed a little and frowned, " sorry I shouldn't have even brought it up it ain't my place."
Jordan bit her lip and started reading over her lines since she had didn't have anyone to practice with at the moment. She glanced over at Ryan and Rob and was curious what they were talking about from their face expressions. She looked away and continued reading her script.
Ryan's eyes widened, "No! No no we're not dating!...". He looked at the screen as Mercutio's scene started to play through. "Rob, would you like me to help you with your monologue so that Romeo and Juliet can get their practice going?" Mr. G said looking up from his desk. The teacher stood up and started making his way over to the television area.
"Uh... I guess that would make sense Mr.G." He looked at Ryan, "don't tell.... Jordan I said any of that." He frowned a little, "I just... Assumed so yeah. And thanks for helping me... Or starting too at least."
Richard read his scrip and underlined the scenes he was in and his lines. He knew that making a play were Juliet is gifted and Romeo is not was a bad idea, after all, the councill was going to be present and almost the entire school would watch the play. Richard saw Charlotte´s blue hair and smiled. At least he was not going to be alone in this play and he would get to spend time with Charlotte during the afternoons. He approached her and took a deep breath before talking to her.

"Hey Shadow girl"
Ryan nodded at Rob, "You're welcome". Mr. G sat down next to Rob and began to watch the Mercutio scene, "The key is to first know what in the world he is talking about". Ryan walked to Jordan, "Are you ready Juliet?" He didn't feel ready now that he knew about the kisses in the play.
"Hi illusion man, are you in this play too?"

Charlotte smiled at Richard and felt relaxed for the first time since she was told she was going to participate in a play. Boredom was already distracting her from reading her lines plus being nervous about the whole gifted characters.
"In of that in itself is what I find funny." Dexter gave a small cackle in response. He sighed deeply afterwards, stretching his legs out across the bed near Ryder's and then leaning back farther into his pillow. "It's too bad, I'd be the best looking guy up on that stage." he stated. He realized that he'd be Ryan's father in the play... Awkward. He pushed the thought aside. "Yep, the girls AND the guys would be drooling over me."

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