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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

"As much as I love being dragged away by you, whats wrong?" He saw the expression on her face, "Whats happened." He frowned a little and looked at her. He turned back to his normal form once everything had calmed down and they were in the hallway. He looked into her eyes and scratched his head.
Jackie looked up at the thud. "Oh no you don't!" she said, seeing Ryan on the extremely comfortable-looking bed. "Move," she said, shoving him so she could also lie down. "I need a nap too."
Dexter wrapped his arms tightly around Ryder's waist, letting the remnants of his eye fluids stain the front of his sweater. Finally, his crying subsided. His face felt like it was being melted, his voice nearly blew itself out with all of the screaming. Most of the fear was gone, but he was secretly ashamed of himself to let the others see him like that. He let go of Ryder for a moment, rubbing his temples. "What the **** happened?" he repeated a beat after Rob uttered the same phrase, his voice now raspy and in pain. "Anyone have any food?" he asked weakly, preferring to forget what just happened to him.
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Jordan's lip quivered and she looked away. "I gave the nurse a potion for my Telepathy teacher. Apparently the potion triggers excruciating pain when consumed. People use it for a torture device, but it's quite rare, and hard to get a hold of... They're going to use it on the man...! To find out how they found out about the school! I gave the nurse... The potion..." A tear slipped. She felt responsible. She had given the nurse the key to the man's pain. She wished she hadn't even gone to the infirmary. Things would've been a lot better if she just finished her boring Telepathy class. She could've went to practice after, and the day actually could've ended well.
Ryan moved over to the opposite side of the bed and turned the other way. Before two minutes could pass, Romeo was asleep in Juliet's bed. Back at the principal's office, Mr. G was finding out his limits on a certain scene, "So we aren't going to copy the exact scene in the movie because it's too...showy; however, we are going to pull through with the scene but through different...". The conversation with the principal carried on for a bit until they could reach an understandable result.
Alec nodded and dropped the costume on a desk. He went to a corner of the classroom with his copy of the script, flipping through to find his parts. He frowned at some of the stage directions and details; they didn't match up with the normal play. In fact, some of the characters didn't seem to be ungifted humans...
"Hey, Hey." Rob put his hands on her shoulders, "You didn't know what they were going to do to the man.... Maybe... we can get him outta here? I mean... Maybe." He sighed, "We cant move him, maybe we can talk to the principal, or nurse, you know? Im sure they'd reconsider, torturing somebody? Thats a bit extreme." He rubbed her shoulders and frowned at her tears. "You didn't do a damn thing wrong, Jordan. Look... we're running late for practice anyways, maybe that'll take your mind off of that whole mess."
Soon enough, the Prince was also dozing on Juliet's bed. She was unknowingly splayed out, invading Ryan's space. In her hazy state of mind, she vaguely wondered where everyone else was. It was already thirty minutes past the time they were supposed to meet.... maybe they were in the infirmary? Jackie was pretty sure she saw a bunch of them there..... As she was thinking, she slowly dropped off into a heavy sleep.
Jordan nodded, and continued walking to the the practice room. She still felt horrible though. "I mean... The nurse didn't want to do it. She was frustrated. I think she tried to talk whoever it was that told them to do it, out of it. But they wouldn't listen to her, and she's not happy." She wiped her eyes trying not to show any more tears, especially since they were nearing the room.
"Well... did you ever find out if you could talk to people? Mentally?" He stopped her right outside the door, one so they could talk, two to give her a second to compose her self, and 3 to mentally prepare himself to see her and Ryan again together. He frowned a little and jealousy came up, but he tried again to suppress it. "Maybe you can talk to her, not say its you.. try to act like her subconscious, talk her out of it?"
Jordan frowned and looked at Rob. The idea was actually a pretty good one... If she knew how to do it. She sighed and looked away, "I don't know how to yet." She had forgotten to bring that up to the counselor. "By the time I figure it out, if I even can, it'll probably be too late." She bit her lip, oblivious to his jealousy at the moment.
Miuna tossed Ryder a pack of Thin Mints, who promptly opened it and handed a cookie to Dexter. "I don't know for sure. Miu said there was some kind of spirit inside you or something." He kept still while Dexter held onto him, not minding that his sweater was damp from his tears. "You should rest for a while, though. I'll tell Mr. G what happened and get you out of practice."
"How dare you push me off!" Ryan said as he was on the verge of rolling off the bed. He wrapped his arms around Jackie and brought her down with him, "I give you some space and you abuse everything...evil woman". The teen quickly climbed onto the bed and spread his arms and legs out. Ryan slept once he shut his eyes again.
"Well.. Try with me." He stepped back, "Why dont you lower your blocking thing, and try to think into my.. thoughts.. I guess I dunno how it works, but hey maybe it will?" he smiled to her.

"Hello Jordan. Welcome to my brain. Please dont go to far down otherwise I'll be a little embarrassed."
"Thanks." Dexter tossed the cookie into his mouth, using his tongue to feel the uneven texture on the top part before he started chewing. "I heard Miuna say that already." he stated sarcastically, starting to get his groove back. Dexter stopped chewing briefly at the mention of Mr. G. He looked up at the ceiling light, remembering that he had a rehearsal to go to. He hated how disorderly this day has been. "Oh that piece of work. Oh I'll be fine, I might as well go since I doubt he'll allow me any luxuries while on his time."
Jackie's eyes flew open as she felt herself falling. She shrieked and flailed around. "You will pay for that!" she threatened Ryan, and proceeded to shove him off the bed properly this time. She sat in the middle of the bed and crossed her arms. "Mine," she told him, making a face.
Alec snickered as Ryan hit the ground. Standing up, he walked over to Jackie and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey, have you seen the scripts? I don't know if the school will allow this version of the play... There's supposed to be gifted and ungifted characters in it."
Ryder smirked for a second before putting a firm hand on Dexter's chest, halting him from going anywhere. "Oh, no you don't. You're staying here and resting until we can get ahold of a healer to get you in top shape again. Plus, how are you gonna say any of your lines while sounding like a cheap Batman impersonation?" he insisted, referring to his raspy voice.
Jackie looked at Alec and moved aside a bit for him. "Seriously? Let me see..." She flipped through her script, and incredulous expression growing on her face. "Are we... We can't be doing this in front of the whole freaking school." She looked back at him, slightly horrified. "And the council. What are they thinking?"
Ryan furrowed his brows at Jackie then went to a desk. He fell asleep in it. Anything other than sharing a sleeping area with Jackie again. That girl was sprawled out like a crab. He agrees to give her a spot then what? Oh thanks for sharing I'll try to be considerate of the space I take up, LOL JUST KIDDING!
"And it seems our parts were modified a bit to fit our abilities. Like there's stage directions for me to take different forms. Not so much for Romeo and his friends, since they're ungifted." Alec pointed out a few pages in his packet. "How will this ever get through?"
Jackie whipped her head around, red hair flying everywhere and looked at Ryan. "Oh, he's totally dissing me in his head, I can feel it," she said amusedly. She turned back to Alec. "I dunno. Maybe that's what Mr. G. went to talk about?" She shrugged. "Either way, people are going to hate us if they see the play like this."
"Well, they'll just have to get over themselves. Besides, you and I can take care of ourselves." Alec shrugged and dropped the packet, rubbing his eyes. "The council is what I'm worried about. They're going to freak."
Jordan frowned softly and she lowered the block when he said so. She heard him say hi, and don't read too far or he'll be embarrassed, and she couldn't help but smile. Concentrating she tried to say "Hi." Back into his mind, but after about a minute she shook her head, "I can't. I don't know how... Thanks for letting me try though." She sighed, "Let's just go in..." She started to go into the room.
Jackie nodded. "I think we can all count on that." She shrugged. "Well, people not liking me is nothing new, so whatever. Maybe we can just enjoy ourselves for now, and worry about politics later." She fell back on the bed. "And hopefully, tonight will be quiet."

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