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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Miuna turned around at the sound of Jordan's voice and nodded. "A senior asked me. Aaron told me to go with him. I've never gone to a dance before." She tugged on Jordan's sleeve, eyes wide. "You're going too, right? I won't be alone? Yuki said she doesn't wanna come, so it'll just be me and Trent."
Jordan smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm going! And don't worry, I haven't been to a dance before either. But, Rob asked me to go with him.. As friends." She smiled. "I just have one teeny tiny problem... I need help getting ready, but don't know who to ask. Will you help me? I'll help you in return if you like?"
"Ooh. Sparring. Bruises. Fun," Jackie commented. "Wait," here she looked at Alec, "didn't you have detention? Or did you get out of it for tonight?" She saw Jordan and Miuna talking out of the corner of her eye, and waved to them.
Alec's eyes widened. "I forgot about that. I gotta go. I'll see you in an hour or so, okay?" He turned and started jogging back towards the main building, shifting into a silver wolf midstride. He raced into the building, skidding into the classroom as a human. He apologized to the teacher and sat down.
Ryan noticed Miu pass by and said, "Hey Miu!" He waved then knocked on Bella's door. Bella's door opened by itself and Ryan stepped into her room. Bella quickly wrapped her arms around Ryan, "I missed you Seth!" Ryan looked at Bella and Bella looked at Ryan. "YOU?!" They yelled in unison, Ryan dropping the package on the floor. "You're the one who put your arm around me earlier!" Bella said. "Correction! Mr. G influenced my emotions for that!" Ryan replied. He thought that Seth was going to the dance with the other Bella he's had a crush on since who knows when. "Oh in that case...Hi I'm Bella" She smiled a little then held out her hand. Ryan shook her hand, "I'm Ryan". Bella picked up the package and put it on her desk, "So Seth sent you over huh?" Ryan nodded. The girl continued, "Well....thank you. And sorry about the entrance". Ryan responded, "Oh don't worry it's fine. Alright Bella now that the secret package has been delivered, it's time for me to get to the dance...DJ preparations and what not". Bella nodded, "I'll see you later!" Ryan walked out, "Yeah bye". The teen stepped back into the hall the made his way out of the girls' rooms area.
Miuna took Jordan's hand in both of her own. "Of course. I have a lot of dresses, so you can borrow one of mine." Without waiting for permission from Jordan, she pulled her into her room and left the door open behind them, opening up her closet, she asked Yuki a couple questions before settling with a light coral strapless dress that went down to mid-thigh. "Is this good? Do you want a different color?"
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Jackie stared after him, mouth open. She shook her head and made her way to Miuna and Jordan. "You guys going to the dance?"
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Besides the teacher, the only other person in the room was the guy Alec had fought with. A small smirk on his face, Alec let out a low growl, too quietly for the teacher to hear. The kid flinched in fear and glared at Alec, who could barely contain his laughter.
Miuna nodded. "Are you going, too?" she asked Jackie through her open door. "Did you ask that guy you were talking with all day? He's cute. Like a hamster." Miuna gave a cheeky smile, not too concerned about whether a person was attractive or not.
Jordan smiled at Miu, "Miu, I'd be so grateful, thank you!" Then Jackie approached and Jordan smiled at her, "Yeah I'm going with Rob! But, as friends. And yes, what about you!?" Her mood was starting to lighten up slowly already.
"Yeah I'm going. Rob? Aw that's adorable!" She made a move to smack Miuna playfully. "A hamster? Really? Yes, we're going together to make fun of the flailing preteens." She laughed, and joined the two in the room.
Jordan laughed nervously, "Yes, it as friends." She laughed from Jackie's reaction about the hamster and thought for a moment. "And, that sounds like a lot of fun." She joked. "Are you going to get ready too?" She asked Jackie, and wondered curiously if Miuna would be willing to help both of them.
"Do you guys know Trent? I hadn't met him until today, though I've heard rumors about him before. Some girls told me he was a cheat, but he seemed really nice," Miuna murmured as she searched for a dress that would suit Jackie. She finally came across the dress she planned to wear, a strapless seafoam dress with a belt. "I'm gonna wear this one."

(I'm horrible at describing dresses so I'll just put a pic)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/sea.jpg.21250a38716901fb876a1aac64773b4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/sea.jpg.21250a38716901fb876a1aac64773b4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/seafoam-dress-CT-3328X01B-a.jpg.4cde19166635a128d45b1fd6c8ad8b02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/seafoam-dress-CT-3328X01B-a.jpg.4cde19166635a128d45b1fd6c8ad8b02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jordan thought for a moment about Miu's words, "I've heard his name before, but I've never talked to him. Also I never heard anything about him being a cheat, but I don't know." When Miu had pulled out a dress for her, Jordan admired it, "And Miu, thank you for letting me borrow your dress, it really is beautiful."
When the detention was finally over, Alec headed back to his dorm. He had the room to himself, since he lived here year round. He settled down to get some work done before getting ready for the dance. He had left his door slightly open and he could hear the murmurs as others passed by. "Isn't that the wolf kid?"

"Yeah, the one who broke up the arguments today..."

"Heard Wolfie got into a fight of his own today.."

"'Wolfie' can hear you," Alec called out finally. He laughed to himself as he heard footsteps running away from his door.
Rob got ready fairly quickly, them decided he would go find Alec. He had on black suit pants, and a dark red shirt with a black vest. He was embarrassed and wasn't a huge fan of dressing up. He roamed the halls thinking it shouldn't be very hard to find Alec, but soon realized he had no clue where to start.
Ryan walked back to his room to see Seth still fixing his hair. He looked at Seth, "Really? It's fine!" Seth turned around to look at Ryan, "It could be better!" Ryan approached Seth, "Time to go bro". Seth's eye's widened, "No not ye-" Ryan quickly grabbed the back of Seth's neck and used his speed to get the dance location. Seth blinked a few times, "Aw...I FORGOT TO-" Ryan used his speed again to retrieve Seth's shoes. He presented them to Seth. Seth sighed, "Fine okay I'll stop with the hair!" Seth hovered around the empty area, "Cables, speakers, turntables, lights, headphones, wire safety mats, microphones, laptop, turntable software with the latest update, back up software, back up headphones, and extension cables". Ryan nodded his head then used his strength and speed to rapidly bring all the equipment inside within five seconds. Seth looked at the equipment, "Alright I'll set up the stuff from here". Seth put his hand out and arranged the location into a nicely organized DJ area, "We make a great team you know". Ryan looked at Seth, "You could say that". He smiled, "Alright teach me how to work this thing Master Electro".
Jackie nodded. "If Trent asked you first, he probably really likes you," she said. "And that dress is gorgeous. Both of them." She sighed. "I should get ready.... I don't know what to wear, though." She looked at the two girls pleadingly. "Uh... Could you help me? Please? I'm terrible with clothes, I think you can tell," she gestured to her ripped jeans.
Miuna smiled in return and changed into her dress. Her hair was already curled from that morning, so she merely had to fix a few wayward locks before she was finished. "Just pick anything," she called to Jackie. "Any one of them would look good on you. Maybe that black one that's formfitting?" Her closet was full of dresses due to Yuki constantly nagging her to buy them. After a couple minutes, her makeup was finished and pristine. "I don't like Trent like that, though. He's nice. I want him as a friend."
Jackie watched in open-mouthed awe as Miuna got ready. "How do you do that...?" She wondered, and looked at Jordan. She shrugged, and went to find the dress Miuna mentioned. "Ooh, can I really borrow this one?"
Jordan smiled at Jackie, "I think that black one would look good on you too." She looked over at Miu who was finishing up, "Miu, that dress is beautiful on you." Jordan herself changed into the dress Miuna let her borrow and looked in the mirror. "Should I leave my hair down?" Jordan asked to both of them.
Miuna drifted over to where Jackie was standing next to her closet and nodded. "Wear that one. You'll look stunning." She glanced over at Jordan, catching her breath. "You're a goddess," she murmured softly, walking up to her and moving her hair around a bit to gauge which style she should put it in. "I'll braid it. Sit."
"Yes! Definitely." Jackie said. "Your hair is so pretty," she told Jordan as she changed into the black dress. She turned to Miuna. "You probably need to tell Trent that, you know, or he's going to think you like him that way."
Jordan felt flattered, and smiled at Miuna and Jackie, "Aw thanks..!" She sat down, and smiled, "And thank you for helping! I'm eternally grateful!" Jordan laughed. Then she thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Jackie, "And Jackie's probably right. You might want to tell him."
"I don't know how to do that," Miu admitted solemnly, looking down. "What if I hurt him? I don't want him to feel bad." She braided Jordan's hair in a matter of seconds, creating a flawless French braid up top that turned into fishtail and rested over her shoulder. "He's so nice."

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