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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Rob looked down at her and immediately felt relief as he saw her. "Yeah... Um, what do you think about... the ungifted?" He looked at her for a moment and frowned. His mood was still bad, and he was afraid of her answer. He was clearly anxious. "Because if you... if you're against them we shouldn't be friends, because I guess Im an ungifted sympathizer." His anger was building up again.
One of Ryan's friends, Seth, made his way to Ryan, "Did you like your classes today lad?" Ryan kept walking as he looked at Seth, "You? You did this? Well, actually I did. Thanks to you, now I get to be part of the play". Seth laughed, "So you liked your back to school gift then?" Ryan responded, "It was definitely more than I expected Seth". Seth put his arm around Ryan, "Listen bro, did you hear about the dance?" Ryan looked at the people going to their lockers, "Oh it's that time of the year again?" Seth nodded and continued, "I'm going with Bella!" Ryan opened his locker for the first time that day, "Oh finally worked up the courage to ask her". He took out a backpack and began to unzip it, "Proud of you bro". Seth moved to Ryan's other side when he noticed one of Ryan's locker mates begin to approach their area, "Thank you I act- hold on! Don't side track me!" As Ryan put his arm into the backpack in his locker, he looked at Seth, "Seth what do you need? I know you well enough. What favor are you planning to ask of me?" Seth put his hands in his pockets, "DJ for me?" Ryan took his arm out of his backpack and held up a roll of fighting gauze, "Can't Seth sorry". Ryan closed his back pack and stuffed it into his locker. The teen shut his locker then began walking. "Ryan come on! You were able to go to Italy and get me fresh pizza in less than ten seconds, but you don't want to DJ?" Seth stood in Ryan's way, "Please! You know how important this is to me!" Ryan looked at Seth, "Okay I will". Ryan walked around Seth as he began to unravel the fighting gauze. "YES! Thanks bro! I'll change your classes once I get to my room! Oh, and I'll even give you some screen time on the big screen at Times Square". Ryan stopped, "...you don't need to do that". Seth smiled, "I know. Okay, how about instead of the Times Square thing, I let you play with my new invention?" Ryan replied, "Seth, I don't need anything back from you". The teen continued walking while his friend said, "I'm still going to do that stuff for you...anyway I have to go. See you later bro! Oh and don't worry about the playlist! I was able to hack into the radio systems and get the best songs most people ask for these days. Just focus on the reverbs and stuff. Bye!" Seth walked the other direction. Ryan smiled, "Alright bye".
Charlotte slowly opened the door and entered the gym, a flash of a camera made her go blind for a few seconds. When her vision was cleared, she saw a blonde, short guy holding the camera. Charlotte recognized him and ran towards him. Charlotte grabbed the boy not letting him leave as the guy started yelling for help.

" Save it idiot"

As Charlotte was about to ask another question, her brother suddenly disappeared, Charlotte could still hear his voice.

" You should by a new dress sis!"

Charlotte finished with the decorations and headed to her locker.
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Jordan blinked in surprise and she backed away from him slightly. "I..." She didn't know what she was, she just didn't want have a war break out. "I'm neither against, nor with." She crossed her arms slightly hurt from his words and looked away. "Where did this come from anyway?" She demanded.
"Ive made my view clear to a few of the others. Only a few side with me. A lot dont and because I'll protect the ungifted Im being targeted." He looked down at her and frowned. "I dont want you to get hurt... and I needed to know if you would hurt me." He scratched his head a little, "But if you're.. undecided then thats good, that means we're clear right?"

"But what if she goes against and hurts me afterwards? What if we get close and she backstabs me."

"She wont.. she.. she's different."

"Mom did it."
Jordan resisted a scowl, she still felt stormy from before and this line of questioning did not make her feel any better. "Yeah." She answered bluntly still looking away. "And, maybe we should drop the topic considering it's kind of forbidden here at school." She said it a little more harshly than she intended. Even though she was kind of hurt, she didn't want to ruin any kind of friendship she was starting to have with him.
Aaron walked down the hall way folding her arms carrying her books in one hand making her way to a locker placing her things inside and walked to class with her head low looking at the ground. "god i hate this school" she spoke quietly plopping down in a seat in the far back.
He put his hand on her shoulder, "Look, Im sorry, I didn't mean to put you in the hot seat. I was just.. I got into a fight at practice, I lost my cool and almost... hurt another player. If I had hurt him I dont know what I would have done." He felt sad, and looked down. "But." He pulled his hand, "Im sorry, I dont want to bring you down."
The rest of Jackie's classes were relatively uneventful. It wasn't that she was bad at controlling herself- in fact, the problem was that she was too in tune with her powers. She got scolded by her counselor, which she brushed off. She had been caught off guard that morning, and she would make sure it wouldn't happen again. She was making her way to the dorms to meet up with Alec when she saw Jordan and another guy, Rob, talking. She didn't really put much thought into it until she heard the word. "Ungifted". Jackie stopped in her tracks. But then she decided to leave the two alone; it didn't look like they were fighting. And she had to hurry. She ran the rest of the way to the dorms, but she couldn't catch sight of Alec through the swarms of people. Being short definitely is not fun sometimes.
When the final bell rang, the courtyard flooded with students catching up with each other and deciding on who to go to the dance with. Miu couldn't hear Yuki over the noise and decided to head towards the woods in the back of the school, where a small cemetery resided. On her way there, the boy from earlier called out, jogging behind her. "Miuna!" She stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Hey," he greeted, catching his breath.

Miuna rummaged through her satchel, finding an unopened water bottle and handing it to him. "You can call me Miu," she told him, giving him a moment to drink before they resumed walking. Trent took a few more swigs before tucking the bottle in his pocket. He was clearly flustered, but Miu found it endearing and didn't call him out on it. She tucked her hair behind her ear and pointed at the woods. "Do you wanna come with me?"

Trent looked back and forth between the woods and Miu before nodding. "Uh, s-sure, if you don't mind." To his surprise, she took his hand in her own and strode directly into the treeline, dragging him along. Before long, the two were staring at the secluded cemetery, which contained around forty graves.

"This is where I come to think," Miuna explained, seating herself on a large rock and patting the spot next to her for Trent. He accepted her offer and sat beside her, a bit uneasy around the graves but stomaching it for her sake. "My best friend is a spirit. Okikura Yukiko. Her grave is right over there." She motioned towards a small, vine-covered grave to their right. "I tried to clean it, but Yuki likes it better like this." Trent listened to her talk about her spirits for a solid half hour, enjoying the animation in Miu's voice when she spoke of her loved ones but also genuinely interested in the subject. Once the rock started to get uncomfortable, they sat on the ground and continued their conversation for another hour before they realized that they had to get ready for the dance.
Jordan sighed and looked back at Rob, "Stop worrying about me. I can handle the emotion. It's my power." It was a slight exaggeration, for sometimes the strength of others emotions did overwhelm her, but she learned to deal with it. She turned understanding, "And I'm sorry about what happened in your practice. You said you almost hurt another player, but you didn't. Focus on that. You didn't hurt him. You stopped yourself before you could." She smiled softly, "Our powers can be hard to control, but that's why we're here. To learn how to control them. Everyone is entitled to outbreaks. Especially people like us."
Alec leaned against the brick building, watching the crowd. When he saw Jackie, he pushed off the wall and made his way through the crowd. He moved a bit stiffly and still had a few scattered bruises on his arms. "Hey. How was the rest of your day?" He asked, coming up to Jackie.
As Ryan walked down the hall, he started to have a relaxed feeling. The theater teacher popped up from one of the rooms then made Ryan feel normal again, "Yes, yes, yes. I made you feel relaxed because I know that you would have hit me due to your reflexes" The teacher said. Ryan looked at the man, "What do you need Mr. G?" Mr. G looked at Ryan, "Ah, it's not about what I need. It's about your character!" Ryan stopped walking, "I forgot to ask. Which play am I acting in?" "ROMEO AND JULIET!" Mr. G shouted shamelessly. Ryan had a shrinking feeling, "Oh....okay". The teacher whispered to Ryan, "And you, are Romeo". Ryan's eyes widened and he began to fast walk away from the teacher, "When is that play? Well whenever it is, I'm sick that day! Bye Mist-" Mr. G twisted his wrist and Ryan put his arm around a girl, "Hellooo pretty lady". The teen winked and smiled at the girl. Mr. G snapped his fingers then Ryan snapped back into reality. Ryan gave a surprised look as he rapidly took his arm away from the girl, "Sorry...girl". He turned around to face the teacher, "MR. G!" The teacher laughed, "You were saying, Mr. Anderson?" Ryan blinked a couple of times, "...yay Romeo".
"Thats just it, I didn't stop, I was stopped, by Mr.Lancaster, he can control metals and I was in my armored form." He looked at her. "I was going to kill him." He looked away, "Well, I need to go get ready, I'll see you at the dance." He started to walk away. He went into his room, he was lucky enough to have a single room to himself.
Jordan was shocked from his words and she was left standing there dumbfounded. She wasn't the best comforter in the world, but usually when she tried, her comforts didn't backfire. She put a hand to her forehead feeling exhausted. The storm inside her was just getting worse and worse. She made her way to her room, and she started searching for something to wear, but in the bad mood she was in, everything looked horrible. Jordan sighed and went out of the room. Maybe one of her friends would help her get ready and their excited moods would cheer her up. She looked around hopeful to spot someone that'd help.
As Charlotte finished the decorations, the other girls were already asking her to leave before she ruined their idea of the perfect dance. Charlotte walked to her room to get ready for the dance, as she entered her room she saw two beds instead of one. She had always been in single rooms but not this year.

"I have enough things to worry about"

Charlotte opened one of the dressers and took out a completely black dress and black tennis as well.

" that was easy"
Ryan went to his room and put the fighting gauze in one of his drawers. He could have had a relaxing free run at the end of the day, but...whatever. DJ stuff had to get in the way. It was fine though since it was for a buddy. The teen took a shower then looked through his closet, "Do DJs still need to dre-". "Yep!" Seth yelled from across their room as he adjusted his suit. Ryan put on a suit then sat on his bed. "Hey Ryan can you give this to Bella?" Seth gestured to a little package on his bed, "You're already finished anyway". Seth was just fixing his hair. Ryan nodded and picked up the package. He made his way through the girls' rooms area then looked down the hall. The teen scanned for the room number. Wait, which room number was she in? Ryan caught Jordan looking around, "Hey Jordan, do you know which room Bella is in? I have to give a package from a friend".
Jordan forced a smile at Ryan not wanting to expose her mood, "Bella..." She thought for a moment, "Oh yeah! she's just down the hall from here, third door on your right." She pointed in the right direction.
"Oh alright well thank you" Ryan smiled then began to walk away. He paused then turned back to Jordan, "Are you okay?" The teen was able to notice which smiles were real, and which her...fake. He learned about the different types of smiles in his theater class earlier that day when Mr. G was getting frustrated with one of his students.
Jordan looked down and shrugged, "I'm okay... Just... In a bad mood. Today's been... interesting." Nearly hit a younger student after they used their power on her, someone discovering her reading minds power, late to class, attacked during lunch and nearly was forced to attack, late to another class, nearly had an argument with Rob, and not to mention everyone else having their moods affect her. Yup. Interesting. "I'm probably just drowning in self-pity though, so seriously, please don't worry about me." She half joked. "I'll lighten up at the dance."
"Alright if you say so...just a suggestion, why don't you try getting into something after school? Like an extra curricular that you would enjoy. That might let you relax a bit and generally lighten up your mood even if it's already at the highest of the high. Anyway, I have to give this to Bella now. Thanks for the help" Ryan smiled then walked away.

(hint...you already know what I'm hinting at ha)
"Oh there you are," Jackie said relieved. She noticed how stiff he was. "You okay? You look beat up. You didn't get in a fight, did you?"
Once Trent left, Miu made her way back to the girls' dorm, passing by Ryan a little further down as her room was at the end of the hall. She used to have a roommate, but the younger girl moved out that morning after Miu rambled about death right before school. "Can you pick out a dress for me, Yuki? What do boys like?" While she wasn't interested in Trent the way he wanted her to be, she didn't mind being his friend and making him happy for a night.
"No. Hara and I spar sometimes. It's my replacement for martial arts classes." He slid his hands into his pockets and walked towards the forest absently. "I haven't kept in practice at all."
Jordan smiled from Ryan's suggestion, and seriously started considering it. She would have to look into that, but her thoughts were cut short when she saw Miu walking down the hall and ran to catch up with her. "Miu, you're going to the dance right?" She asked.

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