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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Aldaf and his mother exchanged a knowing glance.
"Because, honestly, you looked like absolute shit standing off by yourself. And, y'know, I agree with Kari. I want to see all of us live, if possible."
Aldaf's mother pulled out some sandwiches. "I knew Aldaf would show up today, so I packed some extra food. You're welcome to take some to the others, if you'd like." She passed one to each of them.
"Now, Aldaf, tell me where the hell you've been for the last year? You've had me worried sick!" She sounded tired. "A full year!"
Aldaf shrugged. "I know as much as you do. It felt like I signed up for the Proving yesterday."
Aldaf's mother sighed. Both of them turned to Zeke.
So. Ezekiel, what's wrong?" Both Aldaf and his mother spoke in sync. "Jinx!" Aldaf pointed at his mother, who scowled. "Not now, Aldaf."
"But seriously, dude. I know you don't mean ill by what you say, but we kind of have to be a team up there."
And we can tell you're prideful. Just like Aldaf's father..."
Aldaf looked upset. "Mom. Seriously?" It looked like his father was a bit of a touchy subject. He took a bite of sandwich, chewing it and swallowing.
EITHER WAY, we know you mean well." She looked concerned.
"So what's bothering you, Gryphon-head?" Aldaf leaned forward.
SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Marylka smiled appreciatively at Gerel and Serik. "You're right. I wasn't thinking things through." She turned back to the acolyte. "My father heads to Ocris once a month to sell our wares. He always stops by the temple to pray before returning home. If you can let the other acolytes know and just keep a lookout for him? Baatar Altahan. That's his name."

As they headed back to the market, Marylka caught sight of Ezekiel and Aldaf seated at one of the market stalls. The hostility the two boys had for each other at the start seemed to have disappeared, or at least diminished, while they shared a meal. Beside them stood a middle aged woman who was fussing over Aldaf.

Marylka smiled at the sight. What a strange turn of events. Maybe Ezekiel wasn't the arrogant prick she thought he was initially. Afterall, if something as adorable as his pocket gryphon could stand being around him, he couldn't be all bad.

kase9187 kase9187 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird
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Matthias’ mother had made the trek to The Proving for many years to sell her pelts, furs, and a select few pieces from the forge that her husband would deign to let out of Northarian lands. She had been here many times, Matthias thought poignantly as he looked around the settlement, stepping where his mother once surely had. But she was not here now.

Matthias had foregone the couriers, and instead broke off from the others to seek out Hrylda. He found her seated on a barrel, surrounded by racks of furs and pelts that were nearly as tall as he was. As he approached, Hrylda - a Northarian through and through - gave him an appraising look, as if he himself were one of her wares to be bartered and sold. Then he spoke.

"Tante Hrylda," he said, and watched as recognition flashed in the older woman’s eyes.

"... Matthias?"

They embraced, her strong arms wrapped tightly around him, her face buried in the fur of his traveling coat, the one her sister had made for a boy with Matthias’ face a lifetime ago.

"Where have you been, boy?" Her voice wavered, but she still managed to make him feel like a child again. He explained his situation as best as he could. "Vrynna... Must he told." Matthias nodded.

Matthias’ mother had years ago relinquished the duty of attending The Proving to her younger sister. Matthias bid Hrylda.

He left his aunt’s stand behind him, secure in the knowledge that his family would receive word of his miraculous return from someone they trusted, and returned to where some of the others were gathered before an imposing man, even by Matthias’ standards.

Matthias nodded grimly to the man. He ensured that all of his effects were within his possession, his long blade and spear slung across his broad back. The feel of their steel was a cold comfort. The time would soon come to test their mettle, and his own.
Tags: SilverFlight SilverFlight @whoever is near the proving witness​
Ezekiel 'Zeke' Marcellius

Location: In Front of a Woodcarver's Stall III✦III
Clan: (To'Bai) Westeros III✦III
Interactions: kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird Saturn_moon Saturn_moon III✦III


"As long as I'm standing up for what I think is right, it doesn't really matter how many people believe with me. And besides, I was only speaking the truth. I barely know them and my memories were robbed away from me." Without Zeke knowing it, he continued on with his rambling. "If she's just going to give me false hope," moreso, a piece of false information, "then she doesn't deserve the last bits of the humility I still have." Zeke sighed and looked away. She has the same energy as his naive father, and he hated being reminded of his father's failures.

"I'm sorry, I took it too far."

I'm human too and I feel regret, that's what he wanted to say, but he never got it out. Zeke gave out a sigh and said, "Thank you for the sandwiches, ma'am." When Ezekiel turned around, he was met with the sight of the curious eyes of Marylka along with Serik and Gerel just behind her. "We should be going now, come on, Scar-face. You can carry this and I'll carry half of it." Zeke took a couple of sandwiches into his hands so that the weight of the basket that Aldaf was supposed to carry was evenly distributed. Stitt, the humble fella that she is, picked up a single neatly packed sandwich with all her might and helped Zeke and Aldaf to bring breakfast to everyone.

"Don't tell anyone that I suggested this whole breakfast thing." He gave Aldaf a glare, that held a friendly challenge in them. "Or else I'll have to tell everyone how you're such a mama's boy." Zeke couldn't help but release a friendly giggle from remembering their mother and son banter. Which reminded him of his own relationship with his mother.
Aldaf chuckled. "Yes, because a mama's boy gets regularly threatened with physical violence." He picked up his half of the sandwiches.
"So. Do you want to run around a bit, look at the sights after we drop off the food? Or maybe get ready and wait?"
SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what’s happened myself. ONe moment, I’m in bad, the next I’m at the proving? I am beyond confused.

... I want to tell you what has happened, but I don’t have the time. Just know, I’m okay. I’ll tell you everything when I get back from the proving. I don’t know what the gods will send my way, but I’m coming back to you. I’m determined. And you know what I get like when I want something.

Your daughter, with all her love.


She handed the letter to the acolyte Aurena pointed out and gave him directions.

“You’re going towards a small town called Usther, it’s about ten miles northwest of Doren, across the lake. You’ll be looking for a man named uh, Tseison Ahkamet, in a little cottage separate from everything else. We don’t live in the Snowstalker family cabin. If he’s not home then just slip the letter under the door, or give it to his Pegasus, Horacio. That big lug is normally standing around in the backyard.”

After watching the acolyte depart into the sky, Katja stood there, awkwardly. She didn’t know what else to do, honestly. She had already gathered her things, so really all she had to do was... wait? For how long?

Eventually, her eyes drifted over to the shrine dedicated to the gods, and after a moment of consideration, she decided to go get some last minute prayers in.

So, slowly, she approached the shrine, took notice of the people around her doing the very thing she intended to do, before slowly she brought herself down her knees and bowed her head.

Oh, gods... Bless the proving. Keep everyone safe. Bring us ease in passage up the mountain. Maybe, don’t throw a hundred deadly beasts at us? That would be great, thanks.

... I’m sure you have some kind of plan for us all. You always do, right? There must be a reason you’ve taken our memories. I feel like I know them all... but how... I’m sure you know, and mean well, I’m just... confused. I’m not questioning your judgement, no, but I’m just curious...
Ezekiel 'Zeke' Marcellius

Location: Somewhere in the stalls III✦III
Clan: (To'Bai) Westeros III✦III
Interactions: kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird Saturn_moon Saturn_moon III✦III


"Uh, yeah, sure," Zeke uttered. "I wouldn't mind walking around. But if we get in trouble, I'm blaming you for it." Zeke smirked as he continued to walk down the street, that is until he once again met Marylka's figure. "Follow me," Zeke told him as he neared the three people. "Let's just give 'em these, and remember what I told you earlier. Nobody shall know." Zeke could feel somehow irritated at the thought of someone taking him as a 'considerable' fella.

Nobody refuses free food, right?

Stitt suddenly zoomed past his shoulders and happily waved the sandwich in front of Gerel and his falcon... It was the boy that was giving him a not-so-friendly glare the moment he woke up. Zeke felt his shoulders droop, but he quickly shook it off and approached the group with Aldaf. "Oi! Braids!" He called out to Marylka. "Here, I promise you, it's not poison." He said as he gave Marylka one of the sandwiches he was carrying with a straight face. Zeke watched as Stitt offered the heavy sandwich she was carrying and eyed his falcon with pure wonder and interest. Zeke wondered what his little friend was up to.
Serik and his new friends ventured into the market. After sending off his letter, he began to feel better again, only now that he prayed his family is still fine even without him. Serik knew that clouding his mind with concern will only made thing worse for him, better find something to distract it.

The ceremony would begin soon but there’s still some time to take a break. Serik began to feel a bit hungry, so he decided to take a look at the stalls that lined up around him.

His eyes spotted a stall full with roasted hazelnut, one of his favorite snack. Hazelnut is absent from the plain he and his family live, so the only time he could get some is when they visited Ocris. Here lay another opportunity and he seized it.

Serik returned to his friends with a bag full of hazelnuts. He looked at them. Both Marylka and Gerel were not really the type of people that speak much, even more so than himself.

“Do something, Serik... Don’t just stand there, impress them! Especially, her...” Serik thought and he got an idea.

“Friends! Have some hazelnuts. These are the best I have ever seen, you can’t find them this big even in Ocris.” He said to Marylka and Gerel.

But before he hand the bag to them, Serik picked one up. “But first, allow me to show you something my friend Timur taught me back at the plain.” Serik said smilingly.

Serik then threw the nut into the air, then swiped it with the same hand. He grasped tightly onto the hazelnut, rotated his palm and then opened his grasp. There was nothing in his palm. “It’s gone, see?” He added.

He then turned toward Marylka. “May I?” He asked and sent his hand forward. He then plucked something from atop of her fur hat. It was that hazelnut.

“Tada...!” Serik said and grinned.

Featuring: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
Aldaf handed over a few sandwiches to the others. "My mother made 'em." He grinned. "We were allowed to bring some to you guys, in case you were hungry!"
Aldaf winked at Zeke hiddenly. He wasn't going to tell them. Not here.
"Cool falcon... Gerel, was it?" He bowed. "Glad to be running the Proving with you today."
After the food was distributed, he turned to Zeke. "Pray to the gods before we go?" He nodded to the tent. "That is, if you haven't already."
Ezekiel 'Zeke' Marcellius

Location: Somewhere in the stalls III✦III
Clan: (To'Bai) Westeros III✦III
Interactions: kase9187 kase9187 III✦III


Zeke felt his whole demeanor relax once Zeke was sure that Aldaf wouldn't tell, before turning to Stitt, who was getting acquainted with Gerel's falcon. Zeke figured Gerel's irritation towards him was just the same as everyone in the group. But this boy's gaze was different. It was filled with utter hate that Zeke couldn't properly figure out. Zeke could use that observation against the boy, but Zeke also pondered if he wouldn't. Once the two were done handing sandwiches and Stitt somehow ended up on top of the falcon's head, Zeke slowly walked away, giving Stitt a 'let's get outta here' look. Stitt mischievously flew over Zeke's head and hovered on top of Aldaf's head. "Pray to the gods before we go? That is if you haven't already."

"Oh please, I think I was already praying to the gods when you started threatening me with those unpleasant visuals you made me see." Zeke cringed at the thought of his insides turning into outsides. "Let's go, lead the way, Scar-face. We might see others on the way there."

"By the way, I never took you like the religious type. Any favorite gods?"
Zeke casually asked as he unwrapped a sandwich and continued to eat it as they tread through the stalls. Mhmm, it's really good.
Aldaf took a bite. He spoke, his voice muffled by the food in his mouth. "Ventar."
He swallowed his bite. "A goddess that's a trickster? Sign me up!"
He gestured to Zeke. "And what about you, Sand-brain?"
Along the way Serik ran off only to return with a large bag of roasted hazelnuts. He excitedly tossed one into the air and made it seemingly disappear before pulling it out of her hat. "Tada!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, a huge grin plastered on his face. Marylka burst out laughing. She knew of the trick of course, her own grandfather used to do it all the time to entertain her and her siblings, but Serik's enthusiasm was just so... wholesome.

"Oi! Braids!" Zeke suddenly called as he approached their small group with Aldaf. "Here, I promise you, it's not poison." He held out a sandwich from the basket they were holding between them and offered it to her.

Marylka folded her arms stubbornly and stared Zeke in the eye. "Thanks, but my name isn't braids, it's Marylka... but you already know that, Ezekiel."

"My mother made 'em." Aldaf chimed in as if to ease the tension. "We were allowed to bring some to you guys, in case you were hungry!"

She looked over at Zeke's pocket gryphon who was very adorably trying to offer it's own sandwich to Talon. With a sigh, she conceded and took the sandwich. "You are so lucky you have Stitt." She turned to Aldaf. "Thank your mother for us, would you?"

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy kase9187 kase9187
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Ezekiel 'Zeke' Marcellius

Location: Temple III✦III
Clan: (To'Bai) Westeros III✦III
Interactions: kase9187 kase9187 III✦III


Sand-brain, well, isn't he just a master of names? Zeke thought sarcastically as he gave Stitt some pieces of meat to munch on.

"Hmm, I'd have to say all five of them. They're all equally great at their respected elements." Zeke watched as Stitt kept on chewing until her cheeks puffed out in an adorable way. "Anyways, we're here." Zeke stood in front of a tall stone temple with gigantic pillars. Treasures from four all four clans can be seen right outside the temple and Zeke's 'thief' persona almost resurfaced. But stealing to a god has always made him shiver with an unknown feeling. After he witnessed Casseus's wrath himself, he truly believed that there are gods watching over him, so the thought of stealing from this sacred place would always bring an unpleasant feeling. However, his amber eyes couldn't help but eye the treasures that simply awaits there. Zeke kneeled in front of the said treasures and placed both his palms together, keeping his head down.

Celesta, the goddess of stars, help me choose a wiser path when I am lost.
Oh, dear Helian, please give me courage and strength for my upcoming trials.
My goddess Lunenan, I truly wish for no casualties for my comrades. As much as I see them as random strangers, please let no blood spill.
Casseus, the god of lightning, please help me achieve pure concentration and precision when it comes to my knives. I wish for you to guide my knives onto the heart of their target.

Dear Ventar, Zeke suddenly stopped to peek a glance at Aldaf. He soon returned to his prayers with a smirk. I wish for your guidance when the going gets rough and for us to have a safe journey.
My gods, I pray for your blessings and guide me along as you see fit. Zeke took a deep breath. My ancestors from above, please guide me as well. And... Father?

He disrupted his own thoughts and shook the prayer aware and stood up. Zeke patiently waited for Aldaf to finish praying so that they could meet up with the others. After he said his prayers, he couldn't help but feel relaxed and new. "Stitt, stay right beside me once we enter the mountain, alright? I wouldn't want to lose another family member." He thought as he stared at the makeshift tents in the distance.
Aldaf prayed to the gods. Gods preserve us as we make our way up the mountain. May we succeed in our endeavors.
"And both of you stay near me. We can't get separated up there, okay?" He spoke to both Stitt and Zeke.
Ezekiel 'Zeke' Marcellius

Location: Outside The Temple III✦III
Clan: (To'Bai) Westeros III✦III
Interactions: kase9187 kase9187 III✦III


After Aldaf uttered those words, Zeke still couldn't believe this was the same idiot who was screaming at him at the top of his lungs a few moments ago. Zeke took a deep breath and kept a straight face, even though he was happy that he had earned a friend after a sarcasm match earlier. Friends, they come in different ways, don't they? Zeke thought and managed to laugh at his own joke. Stitt however, somehow understand that and was moved away by his sincerity. Stitt flew over Aldaf and purred as she gave Aldaf a cute nuzzle on the tip of his nose. Her tail glowed brightly in enthusiasm.

"Yeah, right. Who made you the boss, Scar-face? And besides, you'd be a fool if you really think I have a poor sense of direction." Zeke proudly proclaimed. "I didn't spend those times in exile for nothing." Zeke's smile wavers, of course, he just mentioned a piece of him that was close to his heart that almost no one knew about except his clanmates. Zeke however, managed to get his smile back up and looked at Aldaf with his yellow eyes, Zeke hoped that he didn't have to explain his whole entire backstory, so, he only did what he thought was right and walked forwards, "Well then? Come on!"
Satisfied that he was able to help his fellow tribesmen, Gerel smiled. After both Serik and Marylka gave their letters to the acolyte, he stepped up, rummaged through his bag, and handed the acolyte a stone carving of a horse. He didn't need to send a letter, and he was bad with the written word so he wouldn't even bother. He handed the carving to the acolyte and said, "As with my friend, please deliver this to the acolytes at Ocris. My father's name is Tarkhan of the Sarnai, and he should be in the city this month to peddle his wares and check in with the herdmasters. Thank you, and may the five deities guide your path. May Ventra keep you safe in her winds."

The acolyte took the carving in his hands, then raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure about this? This will be the only time you get to let your parents know how you're doing. You won't be able to contact them again for a long while."

He pointed at a wooden table close to the colorful pole. On it were sheaves of parchment and a quill in an inkpot. "I'm not about to tell you what to do, but I strongly suggest you write a letter to them. Just in case."

Gerel ignored the implications in those last words, and instead nodded before making his way to the table. He flattened parchment on the wood, picked up the quill, and ran through the words he wanted to say. There were too many, not enough for all the parchment in the world. He wanted to tell it all to their face, right next to them, while they sip hot chocolate beneath the burning twilight.

He wanted to tell them that while it felt like yesterday when he last saw them, he already missed them with every fibre of his being. He wanted to tell them that his love for them spans the eternal skies above, shines brighter than the sun, and sparkles more than the countless stars. He wanted to--

A lone tear fell to the parchment. Shocked, Gerel furiously wiped his eyes and forced the rest of his sorrow down. A loud screech echoed from above, and suddenly a familiar weight settled on his shoulders. Warm, feathery fuzz nuzzled against his cheek, and he raised his hand to scratch Talon's head. The eagle cooed, trying to comfort her partner in his distress. Gerel couldn't help but smile, feeling his sorrow and homesickness lifting away.

"Thanks, Talon," he whispered. The eagle cooed more in response, settling her head against Gerel's own.

'Write the letter,' she seemed to say. 'You can do it. They need to know what happened to you all this time.'

Nodding, Gerel finally picked up the quill and began writing...

To my loving family,

I greet you, and wish you well. May the winds carry these words safely to your hearth.

It has been a year since I left for my Proving. So many things had happened during that time. I wish I could tell you all about them, but I can't. Because I don't recall any of it. When I came to, I was already at the Proving Grounds, with several others in the same circumstances as I am.

Worry not, for we have guidance. The Elder of the Grounds appears to have some inkling on our situation, and has told us that the only way forward is to complete the Proving. Worry not, for as soon as I have tamed my skybeast, I will make my way to you on swiftest wings.

Let the herds know that I am doing well. Send my well-wishes to the other yurts. I hope to see you before the month ends. My love I send to you. My heart continues to fly with you.


"There. That should do it," Gerel said, wiping away the last tear from his eyes and folding the letter twice. He handed the letter to the acolyte, who nodded in approval, and went on his way towards Marylka and Serik at the market stalls.

To his amusement, Serik played a magic trick with hazelnuts and Marylka's fur hat. Nothing he hadn't seen before, but the admiration in Serik's eyes was heartwarming. "Maybe you can work that magic on me as well. I'm curious to see how you'll do," Gerel said.

All of a sudden, Talon took off once more from his shoulder. Gerel looked and saw his eagle carousing with Ezekiel's pet creature. Now that he got a closer look, he determined that it was a pocket gryphon. He'd never seen one before, only read about it in the books his father kept. The gryphon, called Stitt by the others, flew close to him with Talon in tow, a sandwich in its tiny beak. Gerel grabbed hold of the soft bread, and without warning his stomach grumbled loudly. Did they not eat during the past year as well? He took a huge bite and relished in the savoriness that spread in his mouth.

He looked back at Ezekiel, his sharp eyes scrutinizing every detail. He still couldn't get the image of Qadan out of his mind, along with the intense hatred he felt for the boy. But if Stitt could stick with him for a long while, perhaps he wasn't so bad as he thought. Only time would tell.

With sandwich his hand, he nodded towards Serik and Marylka, called for Talon with a click of the tongue and made his way towards the camp shrine. Before they embarked on this perilous journey, he needed to appeal to the deities for their guidance and protection. To his surprise, he wasn't the only one who had the same idea. The one who called herself Katja was already there, deep in her prayers. Even more surprising was that Ezekiel and Adlaf also made their way here. Carefully, so as not to disturb the girl, he knelt close to her and settled into his own prayers.

"Praise be to the five deities, who delivered us from destruction and elevated us to the heavens. All thanks be to they who showed mercy towards the undeserving. All glory be to their unmatched power and strength.

"To Helian, bright Sunfather, I ask for strength to handle any enemy that comes our way.

"To Celesta, blessed Starmother, I ask for wisdom in discerning these sudden changes in all our lives.

"To Lunenan, maiden of the moon, may your light of protection shine down on us and our families.

"To Ventar, lady of the winds, may you guide us in the perilous journey ahead.

"And to Casseus, lord of lightning, deliver us your thunder to surpass the Proving Ceremony.

"In the name of the five deities, I ask these things. May the sky bring us deliverance."

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon AncientBird AncientBird SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy kase9187 kase9187 explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
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Aldaf felt himself re-evaluate what Zeke had said. Exile? He was an exile? Things started to make a little bit more sense as to why he was a bit... apprehensive about making bonds. He seemed a bit hesitant to talk about it more, so Aldaf would let it drop for now.
He chuckled. "I'm not calling myself the boss, I'm just stating the obvious. We both need to stick together up there, even if everyone else leaves us."
"But yeah. Let's get going. We have a Proving to complete!" He laughed. "Do you know what you'll get?"

  • 355d6cb74c6b99325ff05b40618442b8.jpg
    Caliban Lupei
    Cal eyed the cute furball and smiled all the brighter, giving him a scratch behind the ears.
    "Well, he's rather adorable at the very least. So, want to have a look around, see what's going on? Might be able to pick up a few extra supplies just in case we might need them. You never know, it's only the single greatest moment of our lives up to this point. Can never be too prepare."
    His tone made it very clear that he was teasing, being his usual playful and cheerful self. Despite this, he couldn't help but feel slightly apprehensive about the whole thing. To just up and lose such a significant amount of time so suddenly, with no memory at all of what happened was jarring and unprecedented as far as he knew. He set off, waving for Lea to follow him as he wandered around taking in the sights. He started to hum a tune that eventually turned into a whistle, something he often found himself doing when he was getting excited about something. He could barely contain himself now, he had been waiting for this his whole life. Adventure was one of the few things that could get him so worked up and this certainly counted. They had an end goal, sure, but the entire thing was shrouded in mystery and no one had any idea how they even got there together. They were going to tackle the hardest challenge any of them had faced thus far in their lives and as scared as he was, he was equally excited and eager to begin. As he walked along, the whistling eventually gave way to full on song, though quiet enough to only be heard by those within a few steps of himself. At least to begin with.
    Caliban decided that it was time to start gathering up any extra items he might need from the stall vendors, including breakfast seeing as he had wandered off more or less on his own, though generally Lea was never far away. Whether or not any of the others were close, he couldn't tell as he was paying little attention to his surroundings at the moment, transfixed as he was on the many beautiful carvings and works the various clansfolk peddled. Then suddenly, as if it had only just occurred to him, he put his fingers to his lips and whistled a very specific call that varied in pitch and tone as it went. He can't believe he hadn't thought of it sooner. After a time, a small serpent-like winged lizard creature emerged from under one of the food vendor stalls, obviously having been waiting for scraps to fall or else to swipe something when the owner wasn't looking. It crawled up his leg and back to rest around his neck like a scaled scarf, its head resting on Caliban's right shoulder.
    "You really shouldn't wander off so much, you know better. Though at this point I'm convinced that you do it on purpose."

    SilverFlight SilverFlight Lioness075 Lioness075 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Elenion Aura Elenion Aura explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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Mother. I know that, from the stars, you watch over us, but please, turn your eyes me. I never knew you, mother, but I know you loved me. Please, protect me. Send your warmth.

Not that I want you to forget about dad, no no, never. If I don’t... if I never see him again, remind him of my love. I care so deeply for him, mother. He raised me, after all. Despite all the hatred being projected at him, he always cares for me. He misses you so much. Visit him, perhaps. You would do that, wouldn’t you?

Katja finally let her hands fall to her sides and she let her eyes open as she gazed upon the statues of the gods before her.

Helian, give me courage so I may return to your light.

Celesta, give me cunning, so I may avoid unnecessary conflict with beasts.

Lunenan, though I suppose I already possess the gift, give me mercy so I may help those running the proving beside me.

Ventar, give me the swiftness of the wind at my back so I can get up that mountain quick, so I may fly home to my beloved father, whom misses me so.

And Casseus, give me speed like the lightning you throw, so that this will all be over quickly.

She blinked, then turned and looked at the young man sitting beside her, deep in his prayers.

Best to... leave him alone. It’s rude to interrupt someone during prayer.

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro

"Yeah, I do care." Kari crossed her arms stubbornly. She held Ezekiel's gaze with a defiant fire and then shrugged. "You know what? You're right, I don't know you. And yeah, I do have to earn your trust, that's how this works, but I'm not gonna just be an asshole by default. I live by people getting a chance first, and that goes for people like you too. So, I don't want you to die, not until you prove to me you deserve it. Humans have gotten this far by taking risks on one another, so I'm willing to risk it."

He walked away and she let him go, shaking her head. "What the hell did he go through to make him like that?" She wondered aloud.
Kari followed Marylka, Gerel and Serik to the acolytes, scribbling a hasty letter and telling the rider where he could find her family.
She waited for the others too. Gerel's tears were pretty easy to spot, and Kari touched his shoulder gently, to let him know she was there, and there for him, if he needed.
It wasn't long before Aldaf and Zeke returned, and they were bearing food.
Kari's eyebrows nearly vanished into her hairline when she saw Zeke giving them sandwiches.
"Hey, you hit your head or something?" She teased him, but she took the food anyway with a thank you. She looked between Aldaf and Zeke with a smile on her face, but she said nothing more about it.
When they moved on she followed to the temple, hanging back as the more devout went to pray. She hadn't really prayed in earnest since her brother died. They hadn't listened to her when it really mattered, she didn't feel like she owed the gods anything. Still, she was quiet while the others prayed, and for once the smile vanished from her face.

It was getting late, Kari checked through the slightly open temple door. The proving candidates were gathering again.
"Hey, guys, we should probably get back."
If anyone marked her angry expression she simply answered: "I don't like temples much is all."


The proving witness that had addressed them earlier was standing by a stall, a clothing vendour Kari had walked past a while ago, he had the most detailed embroidery she had ever seen.
It looked like the two were sharing a moment. The cloth merchant, elegant in his intricate tunic looked worried, and touched his husband's face. They spoke softly and Kari looked away, feeling like she was intruding.

"All right fledglings!" A loud voice boomed. Their witness had said his goodbyes and was now leaping onto a nearby boulder. He touched the pendant around his neck and spoke the word "Koray".
In a flash of light a beautiful green dragon appeared. She landed on the grass beside him and stretched her fantastic wings.
"I'm Ferro, this is Emerald! I'm going to tell you how to stay alive up there, and how to get your beast without getting mauled or tossed off a cliff. Listen up!"
He held up the pendants he carried and one by one, tossed them to each youth listening.
"These are your amulets. They will help you tame your beast, and they will contain it when you need to go into spaces where they could do damage. Believe it or not skybeasts don't fare very well in large cities, or temples. Now, the principle of the exercise is to first press the amulet to your heart, it will connect with you when you focus. Then, you get the amulet right up to the beast's chest, to it's heart....it won't like that, so it will try to kill you. Your job is to avoid death long enough to make the connection. Most beasts will take flight when you approach, but your skybeast, it will not run from you."

As Kari listened she felt her hands grow cold with sweat. She had been waiting for this for her entire life. She would do it for her brother, who never got the chance.
She caught the pendant and examined it. It was a simple hemp cord, but the stone pressed into the metal molding glittered with a purple tint, iridescent ghosts worked through the stone and almost seemed to move when she turned it. She could feel the magic woven into it. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. Kari decided to try what Ferro had mentioned. She pressed the stone to her chest and reached for it with her intent. Something happened. It felt like some form of energy grasping for her. It hit her heart and she jumped and nearly dropped the stone. But now she felt it. The stone was almost part of her...and it was searching for one more piece...

"Now the trail is fraught with danger." Ferro continued. "You won't get up that mountain without fighting. You might have to kill. Stonewargs, goliath spiders, aardmaws all hunt on the slopes. It is my job to keep you safe, but I will not succeed. Not unless you band together and help each other. The only challenge you face alone is the battle with your beast. It's two days to reach the proving grounds at the top of the mountain, so, let's get going."

The dragon kept watch, flying just ahead of them as they began the climb. The first hours were easy, the trail, though steep wound back and forth and was relatively smooth. That changed quickly when they hit rock. The trees grew shorter and the air was thinner. Breathing was starting to become more difficult. They now had to use their grappling hooks and rope, dig into bedrock and climb cliff faces. The sun dipped in the sky and suddenly Kari was very glad for the warm clothing in her pack, even with the exertion from the climb the wind beat at them mercilessly.
"We need to stay close," Kari shouted above the gusts, they had been granted the mercy of another flat part of the trail. "Warmer that way!"
If someone stumbled Kari wold help them up, she was constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure everyone was there. Ferro stayed at the back however, and never let anyone fall behind.

They finally made camp after the sun had been down for a good two hours. The trail was sunk in darkness, but Ferro had pushed them to this point for a reason. Around a bend in the trail was a high-walled cave, and a fire pit, stocked with a little wood. They would have to go and get more, but the cave had a narrow entrance, so they could sleep safely at least. Ferro struggled with flint and tinder, and by this point Kari was cold and impatient. She held up a hand, wondering if she could...The fire snapped to life in the logs much easier than it should have.
"OH! A fire mage...that's very handy." Ferro laughed. Kari just stared at her own hand in bewilderment.

"So," she said after a while, when the fire had eaten through into the logs and radiated a calming warmth all around them. "Most of us lost our memory..mysteriously. What do people remember?"

Seeing as it was her idea she went first:
"I remember my parents, our animals, I remember driving the herds across South Estendor, past the Lake of Sky. I remember my brother and how he.." She had to stop, fighting to keep her voice even. "How he died...when I was younger...I remember everything up until Ocris, when I put my name in the proving book...one year ago..apparently..."

Lioness075 Lioness075 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Naberius Naberius Elenion Aura Elenion Aura explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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Aldaf smirked. "No, no. You got it all wrong, Kari. He's just helping me carry them out of a debt, seeing as how we fed him. It was my idea to bring food back!"

He listened intently to the instructor, getting his own amulet. He pressed his gem to his heart and felt the same, an energy calling for him. He would find this other half.

The trek up the mountain was rough, but Aldaf tried to keep spirits up by taking of their mishaps and stories, what they hoped they'd find. He even cracked a few well-placed jokes here and there.

Aldaf situated himself around the fire, surprised by Kari's fire magic. He went second. "I remember the scent of the forests of home, the damp air from underneath the thick canopy. I remember my trips to the other islands, situated on the back of my mother's skybeast. I remember putting my name in for the Proving and heading to bed... then I woke up in the tent with all of you." He finished off. "Nothing's come back to me so far."

Caliban Lupei

When they had all gathered and listened to their caretaker and guide, Caliban could barely contain his own excitement. It was a strange mixture of emotions: fear, elation, anxiety, bliss. This was the culmination of the training he had put himself through, that he and Lea had undergone together for a large swath of their later teen years. Refining combat techniques, learning every poison and paralytic concoction he could trade or barter for the knowledge of, perfecting his trapmaking skills. It had all lead to this. They were about to undertake the greatest test of strength, cunning and cooperation that any of them had faced up to that point in their young lives. It was thrilling and horrifying at the same time. And he lived for that feeling.

Cal caught the amulet with fingers partly numb from the intense flood of emotions swirling in his mind and body. He nearly fumbled it but kept hold of it. He admired the craftsmanship, the sheer amount of skill and time that must have gone in to making each of them. He could nearly taste the pure power locked in such a small space. He did as he was instructed, pressing it to his own chest and felt that power thrum through his very core. Exhilaration flared to new heights within him and he pocketed the medallion. Things were going quickly, and there was no going back. By the time this was over, he would have his own beast every bit as grand and magnificent as their instructors' own gorgeous mount.

Caliban took the climb in stride. He had always been a fit child, getting in a far bit more exercise than your average child his own age. Exploring, climbing, running, jumping and swinging from trees like one of the beasts that lived within the very jungles surrounding his home. He had never climbed a mountain before, but he was used to long travel on uneven terrain. When they stopped to rest for the first time, he pulled a small bit of dried meat from his pocket and fed it to the small dragon still wrapped around his neck, more like a scarf than a pet. When the fire was being tended to, he heard the words 'fire mage' and his eyes twinkled like those of a small child who just received a wonderful gift on their birthday.
"An actual mage? I've never met one in person before. That's awesome!"
Caliban was silent for a moment, contemplative. He didn't quite remember anything at all from the last year.

"I don't really remember much at all to be honest. It's like I just sort of woke up having skipped forward in time a full year. But, nothing we can really do about it except make the most of it. We're here now, we've got no choice but to go forward. Besides, this is the biggest moment of our lives thus far. Have to try and enjoy every bit of it we can! Just think how amazing it will be to soar through the skies, real freedom in our own hands. "

His unending enthusiasm and excitement showed no signs of slowing down, and his smile never faltered for a moment on their trek. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you asked, he had no off switch.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Lioness075 Lioness075 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Elenion Aura Elenion Aura explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
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"I'm not a mage." Kari said, a little too quickly. "I hate magic."
She sat down and stared into the flames, she almost seemed angry at them.
She listened to Caliban and Aldaf, Caliban, it seemed, didn't focus on the past at all.
"You're taking this incredibly well." She remarked, not sure whether to be worried or impressed.
"You're both from Sudenta right?" She asked Aldaf, "You're lucky you got to see other continents. I never got away from the plains..." Then she asked both of them: "What's Sudenta like?"

kase9187 kase9187 Naberius Naberius

Caliban Lupei

Caliban laughed easily, his trademark smile as bright as ever.
"Adventurer's Vow Number 14: Even a small star shines in the darkness. I see no reason to be sad, upset, angry or scared. Why should I? There are only two outcomes here. Either we succeed, or we fail attempting something truly worth achieving. Besides, a smile and a laugh go a long way. You never know when it might just make someones whole day."

He leaned back against the cave wall, pulling the serpent-like dragon into his lap, the pet issuing a string of irritated noises the whole time until it curled itself up and fell back to sleep.

"Lea and I are from Eastern Sudenta, yeah. It's beautiful there. The wildlife and the plants are like jewels. A sea of emerald greens and lush vegetation of all descriptions. The wildlife is vibrant, colorful. We've lived there our whole lives. Rarely go into the Capitol, actually. We tend to stay in our small village for the most part except for when we need to trade for or buy things we can't make ourselves or get from the village."

kase9187 kase9187 SilverFlight SilverFlight
“I still remember everything. Well, except the skipped year, obviously.”

Katja sat on a log near the fire, her hands in her armpits as she sat. Though she was used to the cold, it was best to keep your appendages from turning blue.

“I remember the smell in our cabin, the spruce wood burning in the firepit, the tea my dad makes every morning... the sunset through the trees and how the colors bounce off the snow... I hope he’s been doing okay without me...”

Katja seemed to get lost in her thoughts for a moment before she shook her head and readjusted her mask.

“It’s a wonderful place, Sudenta. I trained there for a couple years. I love the vibrancy of the flora. I’d never seen such colors before in my life.”

kase9187 kase9187 Naberius Naberius SilverFlight SilverFlight

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