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Realistic or Modern Romance in the Dorms

Bobby looked at Lucy when she asked the question, and then at Spencer when he answered, "Am I that easy to read?" He frowned, "Sorry I just.." He was blushing and scratched his head and stuck his other hand into his pocket, then sighed, "Sorry Spence... Fresh start?" Bobby asked smiling a little, "I know we got off on the wrong foot because I was drunken fool.. but if you could just act like that never happened thatd be great!"
For the first time, Melody pointed her finger at Doyle. Not like it was something bad or something he never experienced before, but for some reason, everything that he did with Melody was new. Not because of the actions, but because of how they were. And he loved it. Things he never done before, never thought about them, now wanting to try them out, to try them with Melody. A thousand scenarios flushed his mind. Swimming together, taking a walk together, dancing together, singing together, cooking together, all these activities now have a new option, which now wants to use, and that is activities done with Melody.

"How is that a spoiler? Well, I think I'll keep that one a secret. For now." he answered her question, with a wide smirk. "Oh, and about tonight." he began. "I'm very sorry, but something came up." he said with a very disappointed and sad face. "But tonight I have to do something very important. Would it be okay if I would take my girlfriend to a date on the beach, to eat, sing and have fun? She's an amazing person and despite I know her for such a short period of time, I can't describe my feelings for other than saying that I love her. Her name is ocean Mel and has gorgeous blue eyes which remind me of the ocean and I'm holding her in my arms, right now.". Letting her down, he leaned down, cracking a smile and closing his eyes. "And I'm going to kiss her again." he said, as he crashed his lips into hers.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows slightly and looks off into the distance for a moment before chewing the inside of his cheek and looking at Bobby. "Act like what happened?" He smirks slightly and puts his hand on his hip. He knew that Bobby liked Lucy, and he was happy that they were at least getting somewhere with each other at last.

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Lucy smiles a bit in amusement, watching them off to the side as she crosses her arms and shakes her head as she fixes her bag slightly on her shoulder. "So what have you been doing?" she asked while chewing on her lip slightly while her eyes twinkled slightly.
"Me? Oh. I've been alone mainly but uh, ran into Tanner here who-" he turns to gesture to Tanner and realises that he had disappeared, then looks back at Lucy. "Who seems to have disappeared, it would seem. And now I'm talking to you two. What have you been doing?" He asks her and he scratches the back of his neck.

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Lucy bit her lip slightly. "Oh you know... Hanging out... Went to grab some food, drawing... Art stuff." she said while keeping the fact hidden that she had been drawing Bobby naked earlier and that's why they came back was so she could finish.
Bobby smiled at Spencer, "Thanks." As Spencer and Lucy talked, Bobby stood there, still not entirely sure what to say. "Yup yup, We've had a pretty boring morning." He knew Lucy wanted to keep the drawing a secret, and so he was sure not to say anything. "Have you guys heard about some competition at the beach tonight?"
Lucy blinks and looks at him. "No I hadn't... What kind of competition?" she asked while brushing her bangs out of her eyes while crossing her arms afterwards to lean against a nearby tree.
"Uhhhhh, nope." Spencer smiles, shaking his head. He never really knew much about what was going on in the area, he kind of just inched along in life oblivious to what was actually going on around him. He shifts his weight to one foot and puts his hand back to his side. "What is it?"

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"I think its tonight. Im gonna feel stupid if its not tonight." Bobby looked around for a poster, but couldn't find one, "Yeah its some singing competition, I think Mel and Doyle were on the stage for it last night when I staggered over to them." He looked at the two before him, "It might be fun to go to, if yall want to go."
"Large crowds of sweaty and obnoxious drunk people, with loud noises, and the high chance that everyone there will he drunk and, or, high? Not my scene." He says, shrugging his shoulders. Last time he had been packed into a room of people and loud noises, he'd had a panic attack, and he didn't want to relive that so much.

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Lucy bit her lip. "Oh shoot... She told me about that a few days ago! Ugh... Crap... That means I have to go since I promised I'd support her..." She said and gave a bit of a smile.
"Ha! You're already stuck going." Bobby smiled, then looked at Spencer, "Look, I wont drink, so if anyone does anything to you, I'll just beat them up! Consider it a benefit of having a lug head as a friend." He smiled, "free protection from other lug heads!"
"I uh... It's not the fear of being beaten up, actually." He laughs a little and looks down at his feet. He wanted to go but he didn't want to have a panic attack, obviously. "But I appreciate that all the same. Wait-" he looks at Lucy. "Is Melody competing?" He asks her. "In that case... Looks like I'm gonna have to go." He says, because he didn't want to be rude and not support his new friend. He'd have to figure something out.

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Lucy laughs softly. "Yeah she ms competing alright... She's always been a good singer so I wasn't too surprised when she told me. I was quite proud of her since the winner gets $500." She said and shrugs.
"Holy cow! 500 bucks? Thats insane. I wish I could sing.. or play an instrument now." Bobby laughed a little, "But I'll settle for cheering for Melody. I wonder if that guy we saw in the hall is gonna be in it?" Bobby looked at Lucy, "I dont know his name, but the one who bumped into me with the guitar case?"
*Walks through the halls not aware of anything because of the orange beats on his ears* "Man I love this song" He thinks out loud.


Mel returned his kiss with a taste passion and emotion before pulling away. She wished the kiss could go on forever but since he teased her once more she most definitely would him back. She stuck out her tongue before saying,

"Oh my, I hope my boyfriend won't mind me going out on a date with you."

She said covering her mouth,

"But truthfully I think you'd like him. He's tall, sweet, has sandy brown hair, and is someone who understands me. Oh and I was also thinking about inviting him to a competition I'll be competing in tomorrow."

She smiled and sighed happily,

"One day he's super dude the next he's a prince, now he's even my boyfriend. And he's quite the comedian."

She says to Doyle with a smile on her face,

"If your gonna tease someone you gotta make the prank last longer princey."

She says as she wraps her arms around his neck once more and stands on her tippy-toes before planting a kiss on his lips. When she pulled away she walked where the speakers were and hooked up her phone before turning back to Doyle,

"And Prince Charming, I shall be back momentarily because I need to get some real clothes on."

She states realizing she'd had her bikini still on. She walked into her bedroom and closed the door before throwing on a outfit she left there. She emerged from the room and asked,

"Would you like to begin cooking? Or would you like to spend more quality time together and further postpone the cooking?"

The girl questions.


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Tanner entered the art room with his bag of pencils and pastels. He was gonna create the sky. Pulling out a large canvas, he giggled when he saw a stool in the middle of the room. Lucy had asked him to pose nude for her once. But, due to the fact that they'd known eachother since the dawn of school related function, there was no way Tanner was gonna let her see his winkie. With that happy thought on his mind, he began rubbing out outlines of the stars and moons.

(@buildingaspaceship so impatient)
"He sounds like an awesome guy." Doyle said, while walking towards Melody. "And I think he would love going out on a date with you.". Leaning down, he kissed her forehead, then grabbed her hand, holding it tightly. "I believe we should spend some quality time together and forget about cooking. We can cook whenever we want." he suggested. "We got all the time in the world for ourselves."

With his hand in hers, Doyle slowly dragged Melody towards the couch and sat on it, then ensured that when Melody sits down, he would cuddle with her immediately, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. "So, what competition are we talking about here? You never mentioned any competition and before you explain, my answer is yes." he leaned down for a soft and short kiss on her lips then waited. Waited to hear about this competition.
"So uh... Since we've got Spencer with us, maybe we should go grab what you left in the arm room, since we dont want anyone to take it...then go find something else to do? Maybe go on a hunt for Tanner." Bobby looked at Lucy and Spencer, "Or we can call Melody or Doyle and try to find the two fo them. What do you guys think?" Bobby smiled a little hoping they could at least get moving again
"That sounds good with me," Spencer smiles and nods his head slightly. "And $500? I wish I won $500 dollars when I competed for things. All I have are trophies, not nearly as exciting." Spencer pouts, moving his hair out of his eyes again with his hands.
Tanner stepped back from his piece, smirking at the rich hues of orange and blue. Feeling the need to take a break, he began pacing around the room and looking at the other woks of his classmates. And then he came across the "prince". "Whoa." he said in shock, recognizing the accuser's face from the days previous. Stark naked, the picture depicted every nook and cranny in a style he only knew one person to use. "I wonder is she exaggerated on the...winkie.." he thought aloud, taking a moment to appreciate the piece--while forming ways to taunt the two involved.

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