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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Raven looked at delphine and then at her drawing " nothing...." she said shyly. She looked at her drawing again and turned the page and there was another picture of Joshua. ' How many did I draw??"
Dark wuld nod and follow Axel looking around the place very curius of what other Hybrids ar there to see
"If you say so..." Delphine said. "Oh! You drew Joshua!!" she said with a playfull grin.

Axel was pointing out some important information.

Joshua sighed.
Dark wuld pay lots of attention to what Axel says and points at as he Was very forgetfull somtimes but he wuld keep following and looking and hearing what Alex says
Raven blushed a little " no I didn't....." she said as she looked through her many drawings of him. She blinked and her face turned red. She had no idea she had so many pictures of him.
"Of course you didn't" Delphine said with another playfull grin.

Axel was still talking and pointing out some things.
Dark yet again dosent seem to be bord as he keeps lisening and looking what he points and followsas he wuld each time clear the hair that got in the way as he whanted to know
Raven laughed nervously " I dont know why.... but that grin is scaring me...." raven said to delphine as she put away her drawing book.
"yep thanks for showing mi around really needed that"Dark wuld say happi as having a roomi wasent half bad
Raven smiled and took out a boosk to read " I guess you are..." she hummed a little as she started reading her book.
Delphine stole the drawing book before she could even notice. She grinned as she openned it.

Axel smiled. "I'll be around" he said as he started to look for Joshua.
After a few minutes raven looked at delphine since she was so quiet snd saw her looking through a book. After a few seconds her eyes widened " delphine!!" She gotbup and went to take her drawing book.
Dark was exited to visit the library first as he walk his way there he wuld start to think about what horro book he wuld pick.

As he enterd the first thing he wuld do is look for horro storys as that what he licke most as he grabd 1 and tolld (Ho ever is the librarion) to borrow
Delphine started running out of the room with the book. "Hey! I didn't finished looking at your drawings!!" she said. She started running. Joshua Black! Where are you! she thought.
Delphine ran in Axel. "Axel! Where is Z-23?" she asked.

"Last time he was in Madeline's room... When I left..." Axel replied.

"Thanks!! And keep this for me!!" she said as she gave him the sketch book, making it in a way Raven wouldn't notice. She started running again.

Axel blinked. "Okay... What the heck..." he said as he hid the book.
as dark wuld get the book and go back to the room he wuld lay down on his bed and read he wuld not stop reading as he wuld enjoy the book
"She went that way," Axel said as he pointed in the direction Delphine went.

Delphine found Joshua. "Joshua!!!" she said.

Joshua laughed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Delphine said with a grin.
" thanks!" Raven said and started running in the direction where delphine went " delphine!!" When got there she pounced onbher and pinned her to the ground " my drawing book! Give it-" she then noticed joshua "... hi..."
Raven sighed and got of delphine " well.... she took something very important of mine... and I would like it back...." raven answered.
"I don't have it" Delphine said. She got up and pushed Raven in Joshua. She then ran off. "Later!!" she said.

Joshua just blinked. I am going to kill my sister... he thought.

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