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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Raven was putting some ice on her wrists. The nurse told her that if she rest her hands and put some ice on it. She'll be fine. She sighed as she walked to her room.
Joshua decided to go and bother Axel. He put his guitar back in his case and started walking towards his room.

Delphine was still reading. I am so bored! Who should I go and bother... Hm... she thought. And where is Raven? she asked herself.
Raven arrived at her room and slowly turned the door knob. She winced a little when she turned it. She went inside and closed thedoor with her foot and sat on her bed and continued to apply ice to her wrists.
"Oh, there you are," Delphine said as she closed her book. She then stared at the ice. "What is wrong with your wrists?" she asked as she tilted her head.

Joshua entered Axel's room and chuckled. This is going to be fun he thought. He then kicked Axel on the stomach to wake him up.

Axel woke up and growled as he saw Joshua. "Having fun?"

"Yup!" Joshua replied. He sat to the ground. "So... What's up?"

"Nothing, really" Axel replied.
((Oh god))

"C'mon, let's do something" Joshua said.

"What?" Axel asked.

"I don't know, walk around?" Joshua suggested.

Axel sighed and rolled his eyes. "Okay" he said and got up.

They both started walking around.
Raven looked delphine " I played the piano a little to fast... which put strain on her wrists...." she leaned against the wall. " the nurse said to put ice on them and I should be fine.."
"Oh, I see" Delphine replied. "You should be careful next time"

Joshua was laughing loudly for a reason that only him and Axel knew.

Axel sighed. "Now stop it!" he said.

"I can't, that SO priceless!!" Joshua replied.

Axel rolled his eyes. "Shut up Josh... Just shut up"
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Delphine smiled and started reading her book again, humming to the song she is listenning to.

Axel and Joshua were still walking around, Joshua laughing like a maniac and Axel facepalming himself.
Madeline heard laughing and an idea sprang so she left her room still in her nightgown and saw Axel and Josh "Hiya guys!" She yelled to them both.
"Hey!" Joshua replied, laughing more and more, still looking like a maniac.

Axel was facepalming himself, with the wall. He didn't said anything.
((I totally see what's comming next... I think))

"Need help with what?" Joshua asked.

Axel just stayed silent.
Raven softly sang a song while she stared at the ceiling. She moved her wrist and winced. She sighed and continued to sing to herself as she looked at the ceiling.
Madeline perked up "I'll show you! Come on!" She said with enthusiasm as she dragged both Josh and Axel into her room and showed them both her humongous closet.
Delphine was still reading.

What am I putting myself in... Axel said to himself.

"Okay? Now what?" Joshua asked. He was laughing mentally at Axel.
Dark looking to the ground kinda nervis as he never had a roomate and its his first time walks to Axel,s dorm door withowt even knowing if he is there he wuld knock 3 times still looking to the ground holding his stuff..how dose he act? How will he act? lots of question flew Darks minde he nervesli waits
Axel felt a presence near his dorm. "Huh, sorry, I have to go right now..." With that, he ran off towards his dorm.

Joshua started laughing like a maniac.
Dark dint see opening his door he sig happili that he wasent there as he dint know kow to act as he was about to walk away he think for a moment as he was alredy choosen to be in this dorm and cant change so he waited a litel longer still nervus of what might happen
Axel finally got there. "Sorry for being late, I was busy" he said. He stared at the celling. "I am Axel," he said after he thought for a moment.
Dark dint see him coming nervus he dint what to leave him wating he "Im...Im Darkin Night but...you can call..mi Dark" he says nervus and dint know how to response "So..were going to be.....roomis"

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