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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Raven blinked ' why???.... I just want to be friends....' she she looked at joshua and she blushed. She got of him without saying anything.
Madeline blinked "Uh hi there!" She then got the picture "Um Josh you know what you can go now sorry for taking up your time." And she went back to picking out an outfit.
Raven followed joshua , so she csn make sure he doesn't look at her drawing book. When they cathc delphine.
Delphine went to Axel's room and knocked.

Axel was walking around, wondering why Delphine asked him to keep the drawing book.

Joshua sighed. "I am soo going to kill her..." he muttered.
Delphine started running around again. She didn't knew where to hide.

"By the way... I think Delphine took my note book... Do you know where it is?" he asked.
Madeline finally picked out an outfit and went outside her room with her fabulous outfit and she grinned.
Delphine laughed. "I don't have it... You ran after me for nothing" she said.

Axel was thinking about going back in his room.
Raven eyes widen , she shook her ' that's worse!!...wait not as worse as joshua seeing it...' "who?!?!...."
"You are right... It isn't funny... It's super funny!!!" she said.

"She probably gave it to him..."

Axel was still walking around.

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