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Fandom Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Stories

[QUOTE="The Gil]"Denied. This trial is for defining if Mr Louis is guilty of murder, which you, successfully defined to be wrong. There is simply no motive for further prolonging this trial !". The judge turned towards Roje.
"Prosecutor Roje, do you have any definitive facts against the defendant? "


Roje took a deep breath and spoke "Seeing as everything is a mess, I might have an idea on who might have done this. But most fingers point-" she was cut off by the other woman "Excuse me! I am speaking!" she glared not liking to be interuppted. She found it rude that this woman butted in so rudely
UltraYuseke said:
"Objection," Kurai shouted out of nowhere. He'd somehow gotten onto the defendant's side, playing with Marisa's hair lightly until taken notice of so he could speak.
"...I don't take jokes too kindly Mr. Kurai. This does no good to you. This is no circus and I'm tired of it. If you wanted to be a lawyer, should've kept your badge. Now get out of there unless you want to be held in contempt of court. I will now pronounce my verdict. I find the defendant... "

" HOLD IT, YOUR HONOR!", a shout came from the defendant. "There are still many evidence to show my guilt, like for instance, this evidence the prosecution will show now!"
"Excuse me? I'm trying to help, but if you want it like that, fine!" She says, hiffing, she turns to the judge. "You're right, Your Honor. Pass the verdict. it's clear the procution was willing to make a bunch of fairy tales. Anything the defandat says is just covering for the real killer. CAll your verdict, Let's go home already."
"I still have my badge, your honor. I'm certified not only as a prosecutor, but an attorney, as well. Now then, I suppose I should present and hold my objection back out there."
UltraYuseke said:
"I still have my badge, your honor. I'm certified not only as a prosecutor, but an attorney, as well. Now then, I suppose I should present and hold my objection back out there."
"This is just madness... Besides, you are not registered as lawyer on this case. And I don't take objections from the defendant! I will now pronounce my verdict, if that's okay!", the judge shouted.
Roje didnt take her eyes off the woman "If you were smart, you'd know he could possiply be lying." she looked at the Judge "Your Honor, think of it this way, what if it was Miss Jenna who commited the murder and he's taking cover for it? This man liked her did he not?"
"Evidence, is what was just said, correct? Shouldn't the word evidence be enough, to call objection, even by a defendant attempting to get himself in jail?" (I honestly have no clue where the defendant was going with this, but I'll wing it and find something xD )

(Dammit Roje, you don't piss your own teammate off by cutting him short when he was asked to present evidence, and is going to.)
"And if you were smart, you wouldn't piss off someone who was going to help you. But you know what, let this be a lesson." she fumes

"Your Honor. My client is not guilty. The prosctuions claim changes nothing."
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Roje didnt take her eyes off the woman "If you were smart, you'd know he could possiply be lying." she looked at the Judge "Your Honor, think of it this way, what if it was Miss Jenna who commited the murder and he's taking cover for it? This man liked her did he not?"

"If that is the truth, Ms. Roje, than we should end this trial of Mr. Louis right here, since he is not guilty! Now please, do allow me to finish this trial?! COULD I?! COULD I PLEASE?! The prosecution is not even presenting any new facts, this is going to waste!", the judge said, raising his gavel another time,
Roje looked at the Judge "I would like to speak, your honor, but it seems I cant talk and give off what I have heard and found." she stated "I would like to have some word in this."
"YOur Honor, you may. This has gone on long enough. it's clear this woman has nothing to prove my client guilty. Let this poor man go free."

I therefore sentence the defendant


*crowd cheers*


Paris, France

"Hey, how are you?...", Louis asked to Jenna, who was finally at the hospital.

"I'm okay, I guess. I'm sorry I ran away without notice, they were going to find me. I'm so glad they let you free", she said, with a smile.

"That's okay. I got your back. Guy's not here anymore"... Both kissed


"I can't believe you're hanging around with that loser!", Guy yelled.

"It's none of your business anymore! We are done... I... I... I don't wanna be with you anymore!"

"What?! You lost your freaking mind?! I own you!"

"NO! You don't! Get out of my house!".

*shot fired* *person falls*

"You... I... Oh... Ahhhhrrg..."

"Oh... Jenna, I'm sorry baby! I didn't want to!"

Jenna kicks Guy as he gets closed. He falls down the stairs. His broken head leaks blood on the carpet. Jenna got up and improvised a bandage to her shoulder, stopping the bleeding for a while. She started to clean every place of the house, quickly as she could. She rolled the body on the carpet that it had landed and placed it inside the trunk of her. She needed to stay calm. She needed to take him somewhere. Make it look like an accident, yes! Jenna drove to the precint who's a few yards away from her house and then dropped the body at the end of the staircase. In her total care for the crime scene, she set everything neatly, even doing something that went beyond the idea that he had been pushed: She placed the glasses on the face of the victim, organizing him as she remembered him everyday. She was leaving, when she thought about the stupid thing she had just done, so she returned to the scene. It would be better to get those glasses and burn them. But then, at the top of the stairs, she saw Louis, and at the minute she saw him, he understood everything.

"Louis... I can... I can explain... This", she said, with eyes full of tears.

"Show me what he done...".

She showed him the wound. Louis approached her.

"You'll leave the body here, okay? I'll stay and watch, for now, you just go to your house, grab an envelope, write a letter with these words...

*Exact content of the letter*

"And then you'll leave it in my pocket. After that, you come back here, we'll call the police and I'll tell you the rest of the plan".

"But Louis, they might..."

He kissed her.

"Go... I... I don't think they can take me for this. I'll make an act for them, tell I'm not their guy. Go!"

"But what if..."

"I'll get good lawyers, go!".

*end of entry*

Case 1 closed



Crime: Murder

Victim: Robert Rowind

Defendant: Blake Evermore

Autopsy Report: Cause of death was a bullet to the head. Victim had no other injuries on his body, though had drugs that were a day old in his system.

Introductions to the details:

Robert Rowind was found dead, laying on the couch of his own home. The one to find the body was Sigur Bluewood, who was in the home behind Robert's. The police were called at 3:15, and arrived at 3:30. Blake Evermore highly insists that he was simply in the back yard the entire time, and that there was somebody else in the house. The police don't believe him though, as no other person was found entering, leaving, or inside the house at any point in time.

About the defendant:

Office Worker, 24. His cubical is right next to the victims, and was known by the other workers to always be talking with him, though rarely got a response.

About the victim:

Office Worker, 26. His co-workers would always talk about how good of a person he was, always getting his work done early, then helping everybody else out if they needed him to.


It was a normal day. The prosecutors and defense attorneys were all invited to lunch to get to know each other better. It was already 3:45, and Kurai, the one who invited everybody, was almost an hour late. On the tv inside the small cafe, the news was talking about a murder that just occurred earlier that day. The screen switches over to just outside the house where the murder occurred. The police were placing a man in handcuffs and leading them to a police car. Off to the side, talking to police were three people. Two were just everyday men who were unlucky to have become witnesses, while the third, was Kurai. The camera switches to the police officer questioning Kurai.

"So tell us, what did you see happen here?"

"I saw the suspect enter the front door of the home at around 1:30 pm. The suspect didn't leave the house until around 3:00, and he was strangely leaving through the back door, rather than the front. Luckily, police arrived before he could figure out a way to climb the stone wall."

The cameras switch back to the woman at the news station, who went on to talk about everything else going on around the city.​
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Roje was sitting at a table with her cup of tea. She really wasnt a coffee person like most. She looked over at the Tv and watched it, not saying much as she listened. Another case to be figured out. And hopefully, this one wont get away. "Another case it seems." she said to herself, closing her eyes as she took a sip of her tea
Across the table, sipping his coffee, was a now healthy young man named Maxwell, who'd gotten food poisoning in the last case he had with Ms. Jenkins. The young man set his heated concoction of beans and cream onto the glass tabletop and leaned forward, resting the pointed ends of his arms on his legs and his lower jaw on his palms, "So it seems, so it seems..." The man watched intently, interest piqued by the scene, though this was even more so as the camera passed a familiar face and gave a fellow prosecutor just a moment of fame. "Wait, was that-?" But as soon a he'd spoken it seemed that time jumped to show the every day newscast. "Please tell me you saw it too..." He picked up the coffee, "I really don't want to deal with food poisoning agaaain." He sighed and let his head droop a bit at the idea of another go with ill food and the indigestion deity.
Roje looked over at her partner "I did. Im surprised that you think you have food poisoning." she stated "just by seeing that on the screen." what a weird partner she had. Leaning back in her chair, she crossed her arms over her chest
The same police officer that provided the evidence for the previous case walks into the cafe. They present you all with four pieces of evidence, telling you all that you'll be on this most recent case. After handing the evidence,they walks off.


Crime Scene Photo

The body lays straight on the couch, as though sleeping.

At first glance, they don't seem dead, but a closer look shows

a bullet hole in their forehead. No other wounds were found on the victim.


A small bullet. The gun is assumed to be a handgun.

Bloody Pillow

A pillow was found behind the couch. It was drenched in the victim's blood.

Autopsy Report

Time of death between 2:30 and 3:00 pm, from a bullet to the head.

Drugs were found inside of the victim's system, though they were an entire day old.
Marisa smiles, looking at her new prosecutors badge. Se had passed that exam but a short while ago. While she had completed her defense badge first, she had beeen working on her proscutorial one as well, in addition for her liscense to work as a detective. She had done nothing but study when she was back in France. "Perfect." She says with a smile, apllying it to her lapel.. "Already, my first case on the offense. should be a decent case... i hope i can actually investigate this time, rather then 30 minutes 'here you go' She sas with a laugj
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Roje looked at the evidence in front of her "I'd like to investigate as well. but I might have to question some of the witnesses." It'd make sense. Especially from what they heard, something was up with this case.
A few minutes after the police officer handed the prosecutors the evidence, the defense attorneys receive a call from the accused, asking for their assistance in his case. At the same time, the prosecutors get a call from Kurai, telling them to meet with the witnesses, including himself.
Marisa gets the ring. "I see, so I get to badger Kurai." She says with a slight sadistic grin. "I'll be off then." She says with a nod. She turns to Roje, about to say something, but stops, shakes her head, and exits the cafe, leaiving someone else to take the tab. She heads over to the courthouse (or whever shes meeeting them.) To speak with them

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