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Fandom Phoenix Wright: Turnabout Stories

UltraYuseke said:
"It seems it's when I want to talk, I waste time, and when I let others talk, they waste time..." She steps back forward, coughing once. "As you all know, the other day, I presented a certain wallet. That wallet, I found by a support pillar in the parking area. This is evidence of the victim having been there at some point. Now, on the location of the stairs. The wound that killed the man, would've caused blood on the stairs if it were caused by them, which it did not. Jenna told us she witnessed the body roll down the stairs. This was to simulate an accident, by the defendant himself. The person was already dead, bleeding had almost completely stopped, and the witnesses never left the body, making cleaning up if there were blood on the stairs, impossible. Now, if the wound was made in the parking, there would be possibility of cleaning up."
"Does the defense has any objections to this theory?", the judge asked.

@TurtleGod @ValkyrieRose
Marisa gives a hmph. "Illusisons to illusions, Dreams to Dreams. Illussions of a man rolling, dreams of my client being the killer." She says, , and shrugs. "The defense holds this is basic conjecture."
"Does the defense have any evidence to prove otherwise?" She was doing this just to make the two sides look as though opposing, as she planned to work with the defense once everything's been set and done.
"I don't need proof to dispel dreams." She says. "...It is the proscution claiming that blood was cleaned up form the parking lot. Without this, that dream will stay a dream. So let me ask you, Proscution, have you the evidence to prove someone cleaned it up?"
The baliff entered the room once again and approached the judge. "Uhm... I see... Prosecutor Kurai, the wallet evidence has been disproved. Apparently, the wallet didn't belonged to the victim nor it did belonged to the defense. This whole theory holds zero water".
"Even if my theory doesn't stand strong, it's the only theory, and it has enough possibility, as the camera in the parking are was broken, there was no blood on the stairs, and yet, the body was found on the stairs. I still claim my theory to be, as of current, fact."
"...right then. Allow me to shove my own fact in your face then." She says. "Your honor, the Defense would like to give their own telling of the events. If i may proceeded, i can show how the real killer preformed the murder and frame my client."
Kurai gives her a look, as though to say "Don't you dare say it too early," in the event she were about to say the theory the two of them came up with for when the defendant was up, to trap the true culprit.
UltraYuseke said:
"Even if my theory doesn't stand strong, it's the only theory, and it has enough possibility, as the camera in the parking are was broken, there was no blood on the stairs, and yet, the body was found on the stairs. I still claim my theory to be, as of current, fact."
"Nothing points to the murder being committed in the parking lot. Your opinion doesn't count as a theory. I'm afraid I'll have to free the defendant for lack of evidence that points to him as the murderer, since no new facts were introduced" said the judge, raising his gavel.
"Oh, well how about we bring that defendant up for testimony then? He's already confessed, meaning he probably wouldn't mind describing his crime to us all."

(Meant testimony e.e)
"Objection!" Marisa shouted. "The Defandant is jsut going to say abslelies to cover for the real killer. YOu yourself said it, your honor. no new facts have been presented."

She looks to Kurai, then away.... "Sorry...' She says.
"You forget, that even without that, should the defendant testify about my theory being true, then that alone would be enough to close this case." (I plan to have her do what no prosecutor's ever done before; defend the defendant. Of course, Marisa already knows of his support on the defendant, I believe :3)
UltraYuseke said:
"Oh, well how about we bring that defendant up for testimony then? He's already confessed, meaning he probably wouldn't mind describing his crime to us all."
(Meant testimony e.e)
"Even with his confession, it is impossible, at least by the way he described it. For some reason, he admitted for this crime he didn't committed. Unless a theory that holds water shows up, I'll have to bring down my gavel, Mr. Kurai", the judge said, a bit frustrated.
"The defense holds that this is an attempt to stall for time while they try a new theory" She says. "Your honor, the defense holds that the prosecution would provide no infor. Please continue with the verdict."
"The prosecution still insists on hearing testimony from the defendant. To lower your gavel now, would be to let whoever committed this free, regardless of if it's the defendant or not."
"The defense holds this is a useless attempt to stall for time. Nothing new has come to like. Please, Your Honor. Let this poor man go free already."

"...no, i can't do this... Objection!" She shouts out last second. "Your Honor... I agree with the procution. Let the defandat testify."
UltraYuseke said:
"The prosecution still insists on hearing testimony from the defendant. To lower your gavel now, would be to let whoever committed this free, regardless of if it's the defendant or not."
"Regardless if it is the defendant or not? Are you by any chance admitting that the defendant didn't do it, Mr. Kurai? I see no further reason to continue this trial. Once the police force that works for you arrest the real guilty party, we'll have another trial and we'll call Mr. Louis as a witness. For now, this trial is over, if there's no further objections!", the judge said, stressing out.
Roje sighed and stood up "Your honor, can we please talk this through rationally? There is some investigation I did back at the scene and from what I heard from my partner, that made me question even more."

"...Your Honor, I believe that while, in the case of murdering the victim, he is innocent... however, with the evidence gathered, I would instead indite him as an acessory to murder. I have proof showing he did at least commit one crime, and move to hear the defants testimony.
ValkyrieRose said:
"...Your Honor, I believe that while, in the case of murdering the victim, he is innocent... however, with the evidence gathered, I would instead indite him as an acessory to murder. I have proof showing he did at least commit one crime, and move to hear the defants testimony.
"Denied. This trial is for defining if Mr Louis is guilty of murder, which you, successfully defined to be wrong. There is simply no motive for further prolonging this trial !". The judge turned towards Roje.

"Prosecutor Roje, do you have any definitive facts against the defendant? "

"Objection," Kurai shouted out of nowhere. He'd somehow gotten onto the defendant's side, playing with Marisa's hair lightly until taken notice of so he could speak.
"Kurai... go away." She says, "Your Honor... I do. I have evidence that shows that my client, Luis Sanders, is guilty."
She whispers in her ear, "Present it, then we'll move on to get Jesse." She walked back to the prosecution's side, having been quiet enough only Marisa could hear him, even if somebody had extremely well hearing.

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