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Neko x Human Rp

"Got it," he said, as his gaze intently drifted down. He placed his robotic arm on the wheel and tried to push forward, but ended up just spinning himself right. He grunted in frustration and tried again, only to face the same dilema.
She watched with sad eyes before sighing softly and gently grabbing the back of the wheelchair. Without a word, I push you out of the room and down the hallway.
I bit my lip in frustration, but kept my horrid comments to myself. I knew the plane ride home would be dreadful. Nothing but sympathetic looks for hours. "I'm sorry," I said angrily, knowing that now more than her fionce I was just a burden to her. Like a puppy, something she had to take care of.
"Don't be sweetheart," I said softly as I continue pushing you. "Don't worry...we'll figure it out," I added softly and leaned down to kiss his cheek gently.
"Alright, I trust you," he said, knowing the only way for him to get better was to remain optimistic. "Thank you, for being here and all."
"Don't thank me. I'm here because I love you no matter what," I said softly as I looked at him. "Maybe we can start worrying about wedding plans..." I suggested nervously.
"I actually would really like that! I had a thought for the colors. What if we used both our favorite colors as the scheme, assuming they go together and all. Mine is red. What's yours?" he asked hopefully.
"Blue actually so it works out perfect," she said softly and smiled as she helped him. "I actually looked up some places to have it...I don't really want an inside ceremony but the reception can be inside...if you don't mind..."
"That's great! I don't really have much of an idea as to how much anything else works for the wedding besides invitations and catering. Do you?"
"I'll plan it and consult you with the choices," she said with a smile as a nurse came out to help her. She led her to her car and unlocked it.
"You're so awesome," he said, knowing she would make the best choices for their wedding. At the car, he stared at the door, deciding about how he was going to go about getting in. He didn't think either of them would be able to carry him. He stuck out his hand, gewsturing for support as he braced his leg against the floor.
Alex sighed softly as she shook her head. "Mark stop," she said softly before opening the door and carefully wrapping her arms and tails around him then gently set him in the car. "It's like having nine other hands...I'm gonna make a call real quick," she said quietly and closed the door before pulling her phone out and making the call. Filled with relief, she got in the car before looking at him.
He looked at her, sensing an ease in the tension. "What? Do you have something to tell me?" he asked, in desperate need of some good news.
"It's a surprise but we've got to get up early in the morning," she said before leaning over and kissing him lovingly. "You know I love you right? No matter what..."
He wrapped his arm gently around the back of her head and pulled her forehead forward till it was touching his own. "I know. You wouldn't be here if you didn't. I am forever greatful for that," he said as he softly kissed her lips.
She kissed him back and sighed softly as she drove to the house that she had bought for herself since he left.
Alex smiled slightly and nodded as she pulled into the garage. "Yea I'm getting more gigs and I'm still waitressing so I saved up and found this place," she said as she got out and grabbed the wheelchair out of the backseat. She opened the passenger door and used her arms and tails to carefully pick him up and sit him in it before kissing his cheek and wrapping her arms around his neck and sighing softly. "You're lucky."
The words almost stung as Alex said them. Sure he was lucky to have her and someone that could take care of him, but he was not lucky to have to sit by and watch someone else provide for him when he should be the man of the household. He grit his teeth, but decided to just let it roll off his chest. Saying something would only make matters worse. "I sware, as soon as I get new limbs, you can quit your job waitressing."
Alex looked up at his expression and instantly regretted the words. She looked down and silently pushed him into the house. She sighed softly and swallowed back the tears as she shook her head. "No. I'm not quitting it."
She knew she shouldn't say what she was thinking but she also knew he needed to hear it, no matter how much it hurt because it was true. "You can't. You need to stop trying to be the hero. I'm sorry and I know it hurts but you're not the same. You can't provide for me but that's not stopping me from being with you. I know you probably hate me for saying this but you need to hear it. You can't do everything you could. You could learn how to do some of the stuff but you're never going to be the same again," she said, starting to cry at her own words.
He knew what she was saying was the truth, but there was no way he would accept it that easy! That was not who he was! "Look, there's no need to cry. I know that's how you feel, but I can't just give in that easy," he said, trying to sound as soothing as possible.

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