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Multiple Settings looking for partners! [fandom + fandomless, plots inside!] [updated 4/11/2023]


autism won today (cheering)
Hello there! I'm looking for potential roleplay partners. ^^ All my information is below, and if you're interested in roleplaying at all, then please PM me! Apologies that this post looks rather plain, but I hope that you may still be interested anyway. Also, while not required, a solid writing sample upon PM'ing me would be highly appreciated. Please remember that I have a right to decline anyone for any reason, and please do not take it personally if I do so.

ʚ Hermia
ʚ She/He/They/It
ʚ 20-21 age range

ʚ I'm autistic so I may have some difficulty telling tone, so please try communicating with me clearly on that end. If I ask if you're being serious or not, then please answer honestly
ʚ My memory / attention span can be pretty iffy, so in that case please just kindly remind me if you think I've forgotten. I often have trouble keeping track of things especially when things IRL are happening, so please don't be afraid to remind me so long as you don't pester me about it
ʚ I also use tone tags, but I try not to overuse or misuse them

ʚ Semi-Lit to Lit, though I generally try to match my partner and may do more depending on how invested I am in the roleplay. I try to write at least 1-3 paragraphs each response

ʚ 5+ years of roleplay experience

ʚ I am primarily an OC roleplayer who can interact with both OC and canon characters. However, as for me playing canon characters myself, I may be more hesitant to do so and will be selective on which canon characters I can roleplay, based on how confident I feel about them. Fandoms are still listed below, but mostly just in case you'd like to play OCs set in the world of them

ʚ I roleplay in third person only and I try to write with proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and all that stuff. I'm not always perfect because sometimes I can be a big dumdum (lighthearted) but I generally write properly when writing a response. In OOC, I also tend to sort of slip in to a more casual style of texting

ʚ I like talking a lot OOC. Keep in mind though that I do struggle with small talk, and I may come across as slightly standoffish or awkward if I'm first meeting you. But when I get myself comfortable (which is likely to be rather quickly) then that's when I'll probably start keysmashing or caps when I'm excited, but I always try not to overuse it and I try to be conscious of how I come off. My autism does impact how I act in convos, but please know that I never try to be purposefully rude or ignorant. If you're unsure about my tone, then always feel free to ask

ʚ Will play characters of any gender, though I tend to play more female characters than male ones

ʚ I can also play more than one or two characters at a time, and I like having a little 'supporting cast' to go along with the main characters. Also because I have Terminal OC Brainrot(tm) and I've gotta utilize them if they're on my mind in some way or another. I can also double as needed

ʚ Also going by the above, I will also play any romantic pair (FxF, MxM, FxNBY, etc.) but in MxF pairs, I generally prefer to play the girl

ʚ Ghosting friendly. We can and will set communication boundaries and the like, but ghosting is not something I tend to take super personally. I'll probably just bump if I believe if you've forgotten, but I'll probably just take the hint when you want or need to drop a thread

ʚ I also will not hound you for any 'good reason' to drop or pause a roleplay. Just saying "I do not want to do this anymore" is valid reason enough for me, and you do not owe me your 100% strict constant commitment

ʚ That being said, if I myself need to drop a thread for some reason or another, then I'll let you know that and whether or not I'll be open to picking it back up in the future

ʚ I prefer roleplaying on the same site where I meet my partners, so I would prefer that we roleplay on-site. Unless you're someone I've roleplayed with before or am otherwise close with, I'm unlikely to hand out any of my accounts on other platforms with a roleplaying community

ʚ Fandom roleplays (see below for list of fandoms)

ʚ Fandomless roleplays

ʚ OC x OC, or just romance in general. I am a big sucker for romance

ʚ Doubling up, or just both of us playing multiple characters as needed for the roleplay. I do like when the world does feel a bit bigger outside of just two characters

ʚ Close family relationships. If there's no romance, then close relationships of a familial kind (usually siblings for me) is the next best thing for me

ʚ Edgy / dark topics and themes, so long as we both consent to it and clear boundaries are established first. I just like angst in general

ʚ Talking OOC. If you want me to get invested into a roleplay, then being able to comfortably talk to each other OOC is one way to do it. If I click with you and I feel comfortable talking to you, then I'll contribute more to the roleplay and be more invested in it

ʚ Me playing a canon character. I don't tend to be super confident in accurately portraying canon characters, but I might give it a shot depending on what it is

ʚ Slice of life. I tend to like adding some more fantastical elements into my roleplays, so slice of life doesn't tend to hold my attention for very long, but it can be fun depending on the partner

ʚ You're outside my own age range. I prefer playing with people around my age range, and while I may be open to roleplaying with people outside of it, I may be stricter on the boundaries. If you're a lot younger than me specifically, then I'm more likely to decline roleplaying with you for my comfort, especially as I like heavier and darker topics in my roleplays

ʚ You're a beginner roleplayer. I'm very much open to helping beginner roleplayers cultivate their roleplay experience and I'll likely say yes if you approach me, but I do still have standards. The most I'm asking for in-roleplay is proper grammar and spelling (doesn't have to be perfect, just needs to be readable) and an interesting character to interact with

ʚ Furry. Nothing against furries at all, especially since I have my own fursona and I started roleplaying in furry groups. However, I haven't played furries in a long time and it may have to depend on the plot and setting

ʚ OC x Canon (where I'm playing the canon character, but also it just depends on the canon character) / Canon x Canon. Obviously, I love romance, but also remember that I am primarily an OC roleplayer and will be selective about which canon characters I feel confident portraying

ʚ Roleplays with no romance. Once again, I love romance and I almost never have any roleplays without having it in some form or another, but I have had some very good, interesting roleplays in the past that involved little to no romance. Something that I do like is having close or otherwise interesting bonds between characters, and I really like familial relationships as well. I'm especially interested in sibling relationships, as an eldest sibling myself. Even if the 'main' relationship is not romantic in nature, if there's something there that has me interested then I'll likely be all up for it

ʚ Just being weird. By all means, please use your common sense and things like that, and just don't be pushy, rude, etc. with me.

ʚ Constantly bumping or messaging me to respond. While I understand the excitement to get a response, please do not bump excessively, especially when I only don't respond in like 30 minutes. Have some patience, and please only bump if I'm gone for about several days without a heads-up that I may be inactive. Yes, this includes if you see me online but not responding. Sometimes I have the energy to be online and talk but not the energy to roleplay. I will do this same thing for you as well

ʚ One-liners. I may be a little less strict on this depending on the situation, but if this is just your roleplaying style, then I'll likely decline to roleplay with you. Nothing against you personally, it's just something that I'm not really up for since it tends to just give me little to work with

ʚ Script-form roleplays. Once again, nothing against you if you do this, especially since this is how I used to do roleplays by default in the past as well. But nowadays, it's just not for me

ʚ Me having to contribute, like, 98% of the roleplay's plot. One of the things that I love doing is collaborating with my partner about the world, characters, and the story. If I throw my ideas out there without any meaningful input from my partner, then I'll probably just end up dropping the roleplay

ʚ And also tied into the above, if there's a lack of OOC talk. OOC chat like gushing about characters, making memes, just asking each other about our days, etc. does help me stay motivated for roleplays and if there's a lack of good OOC talk, then I'll most likely just fizzle out on the roleplay. I don't require us to become friends, and I especially do not expect (nor want) either of us to overshare immediately when we start, but what I do want is cordial interaction between us and for us to feel comfortable talking to each other OOC

Genres and Settings:
ʚ Fantasy / Supernatural
ʚ Science-Fantasy
ʚ Sci-Fi
ʚ Mythology
ʚ Superhero
ʚ Dystopia
ʚ Magic Boarding School
ʚ Historical (feudal Japan, ancient Greece, etc.)

! = Higher Muse
- = Lower Muse

ʚ Wings of Fire
(Can play: Glory, Moon, Kinkajou, Clearsight)
ʚ Pokemon (+ Mystery Dungeon)
(Can play: May, Dawn, Iris, Elesa, Hilda, Diantha)
ʚ Warrior Cats
(Can play: Dovewing, Feathertail, Fallen Leaves, Shadowsight)
ʚ Revue Starlight -
(Can play: Mahiru, Kaoruko, Aruru, Michiru)
ʚ Transformers (primarily Aligned, Animated, and 2005 IDW continuities)
(Can play: Nautica IDW)
ʚ Inuyasha (no Yashahime)
(Can play: Kagome)
ʚ The Hunger Games
ʚ Avatar: The Last Airbender (+ The Legend of Korra)
ʚ Percy Jackson -

(Can play: Ruby, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Ren, Qrow, Penny)
ʚ SCP Foundation
(Can play: SCP 105)
ʚ Dead by Daylight
(Can play: Yui, Claudette, Laurie, Dwight)
ʚ Tolkienverse
ʚ Marvel
ʚ DC
ʚ Cookie Run -
ʚ My Hero Academia -

(Can play: Ochaco, Izuku, Momo)
ʚ She-Ra 2018 -
(Can play: Adora, Glimmer)
ʚ Devil May Cry (no 2013 reboot)
(Can play: Kyrie, Lucia, Patty)
ʚ Lego Ninjago -
(Can play: Nya)
ʚ Star Wars -
ʚ Inheritance Cycle


ʚ Knight x Royal
ʚ Childhood Best Friends to Lovers
ʚ Enemies to Lovers
ʚ Enemies and Lovers
ʚ Evil Boss x Henchman
ʚ Monster x Human
ʚ Deity x Follower
ʚ Complex relationships in general. Not even just of the romantic kind. I just love complicated relationships. I love writing about how they got here and what their relationship was like before or if it's always been this way. I love characters with shared trauma and baggage that they approach differently. I love characters who used to mean the world to each other but now can no longer stand to look at each other. I love watching how a relationship either grows or becomes even worse. I love relationships that aren't entirely healthy but are based around so many feelings that may or may not largely involve some kind of love. Love love love

On the fourth day of the fourth month since she arrived, a young unicorn girl decided to run away from this small, quiet town at the ungodly hour of four o'clock in the morning.

With all the grace of an elephant and the haste of a labrador, Chrys shoved the few belongings she had into a raggedy old bag and headed outside of the inn, her footsteps barely an echo as she rushed out. She had planned this for a long time now, oh yes, with no announcement of her departure besides a note wrapped around a few sad, apologetic silver coins. The winds howled as they wrapped themselves around her shoulders, the moon's eye stared judgmentally upon her, and the paved stone ground whispered and retracted promises of where they'd take her next.

Run, she told herself. Just run like you've always had.

Like you always will.

This wasn't the first time that Chrys would leave town like this, nor did she suspect it would be the last. Maybe a few people would frown a bit at her departure, but ultimately she would be forgotten in time.

"Alright," Chrys muttered to herself as she kicked a pebble in front of her. "You know the plan. Head up north, reach Virida, stay there for a month or two...and earn some money. That isn't stealing from other people. Unless they deserve it." A mirthless chuckle escapes her. "Like if they...they..."

Hm. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to talk to herself right now, but it was better than being alone with her thoughts pounding against her inner skull constantly, yelling at her to set them free. A consequence of being the child who would never shut up, unfortunately. Because she wanted to talk to so many people, like Sym, or Meilin, or Auntie Wilma—oh, auntie, I'm so sorryand...

Chrys was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard footsteps that certainly weren't hers behind her. A frown crossed her face as she turned her head over her shoulder, her body tensing. "Look," she said, "if you want to stop me, convince me to stay, maybe smash a large rock on my head and then ask me to dance, then by all means please try it. Specifically the 'smashing a large rock on my head' part. I'm sure I'll need it."

Be sure to heed the content warnings for each one!

These are fandomless and also contain romance unless stated otherwise. And while I may have and will state my preferred muses for myself, they're not necessary and I will also be fine playing the other character. We also don't strictly have to follow the plot as given, if you're interested in the basics of it but want to make some adjustments to the plot! Not interested in any of these but still interested in roleplaying with me in general? That's a-okay! I'd be down to hearing out your plots as well as just building one up with you!

* = I get a lot of requests for this one!

Rather Let the World End
Preferred Character: B
Content Warnings:
- Child Abuse
- General Violence / Death
- (Potential) Fantasy Xenophobia
Setting: Science-Fantasy (leans more into the fantasy side of things)
- Slow Burn
- Childhood Enemies to Lovers
- (Potential) Star-Crossed Lovers
- Not-Entirely-Human / Was-Once-Human x Normal Human
Character A, after being killed by their father in a ritual when they were 10 years old, has been resurrected, but came back ‘wrong.’ Now being changed at their core, infused with the power of a god that they were never meant to have, they flee the scene of their murder and are found by Character B’s family, who takes them in to train them for their own secret purposes.

Character B is the youngest child of that family. After the mysterious disappearance of their sister and accidentally being scarred by Character A after A’s powers went out of control, not long after first meeting them, it seems as if B has a strong grudge against A. These two seemed to have hated each other since childhood, especially since B’s parents seem to have a strong fixation on A.

But after A’s past finally begins to catch up with them, they may just end up being forced to survive, and to rip open old wounds and expose them to each other, just to understand the other. That is, if they’re not willing to rather let the world end first.


My Brother Had it Coming
Preferred Character: B
Content Warnings:
- Child Abuse
- General Violence / Death
- Abel and Cain
- Sibling Drama
- Dysfunctional Family
- This is a familial/platonic version of the plot above. While A is largely the same, the focus of the roleplay and the relationship is different
A was always the golden child. B, the younger sibling by several years, was a Plan B at best, and a mistake at worst. In the small village cult that they grew up in, A was almost revered as they were raised by their father to be his successor...or, unbeknownst to them, a lamb to the slaughter. A sacrifice for a ritual to bring a god back into the world by the time their 10th birthday rolled around. Because of that, A was needed. B was not, and if they could be outright discarded, they would.

However, despite their dysfunctional family circumstances and the complications in their own relationship, A and B were still fairly close. They had to be, after all, with the situation they were in. Despite their father's attempts to drive them apart, A and B seemed inseparable...until, inevitably, they were separated. B was a failure, and had to go elsewhere to be 'fixed.' So, B was sent away and was brought underground to be experimented on, A was killed and resurrected with new power in a ritual-gone-wrong, and they've never seen or heard from each other since then. Perhaps they thought that the other was dead.

Until they come across each other again, years later, both irrevocably changed.

Eternity to Love
Preferred Character: A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
- (Potential) Fantasy Xenophobia
Setting: Supernatural / Fantasy, Historical + Modern
- Reincarnation
- Immortal x Mortal
- Star-Crossed Lovers
Character A may not know it yet, but many years ago, in a different body and under a different name, they fell in love with the [angel/god/demon/etc., insert desired long-lived magical creature here] Character B. Despite the different natures of their worlds, A and B managed to fall in love despite the odds, keeping their relationship a secret from all those who wished to keep them apart. After all, how could a relationship between [x species] and a human ever work out?

Perhaps the doubters were right, when A met an early tragic fate before they and B could ever have a true happy ending. B has scarcely moved on from them since, and would live on many more years without their lover.

Fast-forward to many years later, and B meets a familiar face. A has been reincarnated into the modern world, and it seems as if it's around the same time old dangers are beginning to appear. But now, with another chance, perhaps it's time for B to reach out once more and for them and A to finally have their happy ending...or perhaps it's time to just let it all go.

World Domination With You
Preferred Character: A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
- War
- (Potential) Unhappy / Tragic Ending
- Neither main characters are likely going to be great people
Setting: High Fantasy
- Unholy Matrimony
- Evil Overlord x Second-in-Command
Character A is a minor celestial, a servant under one of the great eleven gods, the Monarchs, and is noted for being their prized pupil as well, their reputation bound to soar within the realm...if only their Monarch would take them seriously enough to let them utilize their full potential. Despite having lived their entire life devoted to one of the Monarchs, A seems to have grown dissatisfied with their life, especially when tension between them and their master begins to rise.

Character B was formerly one of the Great Monarchs, before their fall and banishment from the main celestial realm. Forced to rebuild their domain in exile, B swears to destroy the pantheon that had wronged them. B would eventually come across A in an attempt to have a powerful ally, B manages to seduce A over to their side, and eventually they find a surprising romance with each other as A quickly becomes B's second-in-command for a war they are about to wage.

Masks and Double Lives
Preferred Character: N/A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence
Setting: Superhero
- Enemies to Lovers
- Enemies and Lovers
- High School Romance
- Superhero x Anti-Hero/Supervillain
- Secret Identity Shenanigans
By day, Characters A and B are high school students. They know each other, they share some of the same classes, but they don't know each other super well...maybe they even dislike each other, perhaps due to an incident in their freshman year, due to the cliques they're involved with, or they just clash against one another. But, here's the thing: by night, they are also a superpowered enemy duo, with A being the shining hero and B being the less-than-shining antagonist to them.

These two have been fighting since the start of their careers, and they would never, ever trust each other. But when A and B, in their civilian identities, begin to grow closer to one another, it complicates their alternate lives further...especially when they don't know each other's secret identities.

Old Ghosts
Preferred Character: N/A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
Setting: Supernatural / Fantasy, can be set modern or high medieval
- Resurrection
Characters A and B used to be a team, fighting off outlaws and corrupted spirits alike together. By the time their reputation became known among the people of the land, they were already an established couple, having a long history with each other. However, B died during a mission, and due to the circumstances of their death, their body could not be recovered.

Cut to years later, A has continued their work, but during one particular mission, they come across a face that had haunted their nightmares for years. It's B, real and alive once more, and some old wounds for A had been opened again. Despite the complications in B's return, it seems as if B did indeed die...but the circumstances of their ressurection, the hows and whys of it, is something that they both must investigate, while they decide whether or not to rekindle their relationship, or B must let A move on, the way A had been trying to do after B's death.

The One Thing I Want
Preferred Character: B
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
Setting: High Fantasy
- (Initially) Unrequited Love
- Second Love
- Lots and Lots of Yearning
- Knight x Royal or Peasant
Character A is a well-renowned knight, traveling from place to place looking for work wherever they may find it. They had once been part of a team, but had since then gone on to become a loner in their work. Which is just fine by them, you know--after all, their work was dangerous, and it's better to not have to be worried for the lives of the people around them all the time. Though, of course, perhaps much of this has a lot to do with the death of their first love, the one they had failed to protect, and how A's heart is still hurting over that loss.

Character B is (a royal, who was given many things in life and yet yearned to have something of substance) / (a peasant, who had nothing at all, still waiting for something to fill that little void in their heart) who becomes involved with A after they stumble upon a building conspiracy. Needing protection from A as B dives headfirst into a plot that could get them killed, B does seem to develop some quick, shallow infatuation for A...which, as time goes on, develops into deeper yearning for them. But B just has to keep their head down, especially when it seems that A is currently not interested in a relationship after the death of their first lover.

As they work together to uncover this mysterious plot, B's feelings for A could grow deeper or they could move on from their little crush on A, and meanwhile on A's end, A could either learn to love (either romantically or platonically) again, or leave it all behind once the mission was done.

Our Childhood Dream
Preferred Character: B
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
- (Potential) Child Abuse
Setting: Supernatural / Fantasy, modern or medieval
- Childhood Best Friends to Lovers (with perhaps a bit more steps in between)
Character A is a hybrid between a human and [insert magical, powerful race here], raised among human beings by their mother after their father disappeared from their life. With very little guidance for their powers and raised with completely human peers, A’s early childhood was very lonely, often driving away most of the other children who were around them.

Except for Character B, who ended up being their first and only friend during these difficult times. Quickly becoming close to each other and only growing closer in the following years, A and B seem inseparable…until A comes across the chance to explore the more magical, powerful side of their heritage. To explore that world, to speak to the people who have lived in it, and to grow their powers, especially with the incoming dangers headed their way.

Despite B’s initial support, it becomes clear that with A learning more about this side of their heritage and tackling the dangers that come with it (the dangers that B, a normal human, has less chance of defending themself from), this may just be the one thing that will finally drive them apart.

Not Doing This Alone
Preferred Character: B
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
Setting: Superhero and/or Urban Fantasy/Supernatural
- (Potential) Established Relationship or Friends to Lovers
- Hero x (Former?) Civilian Romance
Character A's line of work is very dangerous, to say the least. Fighting monsters and supervillains in the night with barely any time to spend for themself in the day, it seems to be a miracle that their long-time friend/partner Character B is so patient with them. Of course, A's initial plan was to keep their true work secret from B, unwilling to rope B in with that kind of business. But B notices the bruises, the cuts, the burns and the long hours that A would just disappear. And one night, the secret unravels and B knows now that A is not just a normal person.

But instead of being deterred, B insists on helping A in any way they can, refusing to let A carry the burden of their job alone. It's a risky idea, especially as B does not have any powers themself and could easily get killed by over half of the regular enemies that A faces. But B is insistent, and it seems that now that the secret is out, A and B would either have to adjust to this new development in their relationship, or die trying.

Dating My God's Child (Whoops!)
Preferred Character: A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
- Abuse
- Fantasy Xenophobia
Setting: Low or High Fantasy, can be set either in medieval or modern times
- (Demi)god x Follower
- Immortal x Mortal
- Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Character A is a devoted follower of a certain deity, and it's been that way since their birth. Their monotonous days have been shaped around the worship of the deity that they were meant to give their life to (perhaps even literally, if it ever came to that), and also trying to survive being near the...less-than-tolerable members of their closed community. One day, however, they come across Character B, a mysterious stranger who had been seeking A's hometown for reasons they refuse to disclose. For one reason or another, A decides to let B stay at their home while B did whatever business they may.

However, B is hiding a secret: they are a demigod, more specifically the child of the deity that A and their town worships. But perhaps that bit is not any more concerning than the fact that the people that A had known all their life may be carrying out sinister plans, and would certainly use B in some way or another once B's true identity and heritage are discovered. It's up to A and B then, to not only understand each other and their pasts, but to also discover what plans are being carried out below this seemingly quiet town, and to either stop or escape it.

To Break a Curse
Preferred Character: A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
Setting: Low or High Fantasy, medieval
- Inhuman x Human
- Beauty and the Beast elements
For a good chunk of Character A's life, the land they lived in was cursed, and its inhabitants were trapped and had no choice but to make do with their predicament. There are various stories thrown around here and there, about what the cause of the curse could possibly be. And one particularly popular theory was a monster or a cruel god that lived somewhere down in the forests, or perhaps high up in the mountains, where it would remain oblivious to the suffering of the humans in the land, Or maybe it'd just watch them suffer and laugh about it. Still, there wasn't much use in thinking about such silly stories...at least, until A met Character B face to face.

B does indeed seem to be the monster that the story had spoken of. Perhaps B had set the curse upon the land themself, or maybe they were its protector, and a curse set upon them reflected in the land as well. The many different versions of the story make it difficult to tell, and B's reluctance to share what truly happened doesn't make it any easier. Regardless, A ends up locked in B's home, and all seems hopeless...until it comes out that if someone could capture B's heart, A's homeland might be freed of its curse. Whether or not A will be the person to do it...well, that has yet to be seen.
Notes: This is, admittedly, a bit more vaguely detailed, but it's largely just to leave room for B's interpretation based on the preference of my partner. Whether B is god or just a magic monster can be based on their preference, and other aspects (home, the details of the curse, the backstory of the curse, etc.) will be discussed and agreed upon between us as well

Preferred Character: N/A
Content Warnings:
- General Violence / Death
Setting: High Fantasy + Modern Fantasy
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Reincarnation
- (Version A) Person from an older historical period in the modern era
- (Version A) Knight x Royal
- (Version B) Enemies to Lovers (potential for Friends to Enemies to Lovers?)
Version A:
In a fairy tale, there’s a knight protecting their royal lover. The knight vanquishes the mighty beast threatening their love, and then they go off to live happily ever after. But what if the knight dies, leaving their royal lover heartbroken? What if the royal in question has decided that, no, this will not be the end, and casts a spell to ensure that one day, in another life, they will have their happy ending?

Character A wakes up in a world that is so different from the one they grew up in. They meet Character B, who A is convinced must be the royal that they must protect so that they could have their happy ending together. And with old monsters and enemies following them into this new world, along with a few friendlier familiar faces from their old story, A must figure out their place in this new world, and figure out why B is acting so strangely around them.

It’s time to tie up some loose ends from their old world.

Version B:
In a fairy tale, there is a golden, shining hero, and the villain that they must defeat. Perhaps the villain is a witch, or an evil monarch, or a dragon, or even just a simple petty thief. Regardless, Character A the hero and Character B the villain had been locked into their conflict for hundreds of years, the cycle of their story beginning anew once more each time one gets an upper hand over the other.

How long had they been fighting? Long enough to drag their conflict into a more modern age, their existence there blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Always searching for an ending to their tale, but never quite finding it, always hoping that this time would be different. Perhaps it’s time to confront their past together, and hope for a different, kinder ending to their story this time…or they will drag each other into the flames, the way they always had.
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Heya! I was wondering if you'd like to do a My Hero Academia roleplay? I have an OC I'd love to use and I would love to play any character you would like me to play! :D
Interested in a lot of these.
Back here after recovering from my illness. Trying to get back into the groove of regular roleplay, so I'll be bumping this!
SerenaStark SerenaStark Not many at the moment since Star Wars isn't high on my roleplay priority list atm and I don't have a lot of Star Wars-related plots ready to go (though that might change at some point). But in general, I do just want something focused on an interesting relationship between two characters, perhaps even focused around a group with a found family dynamic.

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