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Into the Stars

"Yes I need help.. you too Shougen." Buba said before leaving the sitting room and roaming to the back. "Mika make supper for everyone." She told her as she left. Shougen jumped and followed.

Mika looked at the group, Leo needed food the most. She went to go sit him down in the chair before going to the kitchen to find food to cook.

Taji looked to Lucifer, "Are you staying long?" He asked.
"I feel I should till she returns," Lucifer said "if only for the appearance of a gaurdian over you all," in case there was an attack he thought to himself.

Kasu nodded in agreeance.

Justice had went off with Shougen and Buba his burns could wait.
There was a long silence from the group before Mika peaked from the kitchen, "Group bath?" She asked almost timidly. They had pushed it aside so many times, she didn't think it was going to happen.

Leo smiled at her, "Yeah, I think that might be a good idea. I'm sure there are some swiming wear somewhere."
Taji flushed lightly, but he wouldn't say no to Mika.

Mika looked absolutely ecstatic. She went back to cooking.
"We will have to get her a bathing suit too... or she'll go in without and not have any problems," Kasu said.

"I'll go find them," Victoria said knowing where Mika's clothes were as well as the dress up clothes.
Leo chuckled, "That is true." He looked to Luicfer, "You are welcome to join us..." Though he wondered if it was weird that he asked that.
"For a bath?" Lucifer asked eyebrow raised

"A swim but Mika doesn't know the difference." KAsu said

"Perhaps," Lucifer said softly "we'll see,"
"She really doesn't..." Leo said with a chuckle. It was actually really cute.

Taji couldn't help but chuckle himself.

Soon dinner was served to those who ate. Buba came back an hour later. She only found out about Justice's injury after they were out and sent him to the spring as soon as they got home.
Justice had assured her he was fine dispite being sent to the springs.

The group had all found bathing attire for Mika's group swim bath thing,.
The group went to one side of the spring. Justice of course could go to which ever side he wanted. Buba remained in the sitting room with Shougen, trying not to fret at what else could go wrong. Now Tempest was kidnapping fairy. She couldn't even figure out what his end game was.
Justice went to the free spring not wanting anyone to see the burns because they were a bit unsightly.

The group had fun splashing around and playing together in the other spring
It was pretty much a giant sleep over party, and it was rather fun. The group as a whole seem to really get together. Even Taji laughed with the group.

When it was time to sleep, Les waited for the group as a whole to fall before he took Kaishiro's body and tried to get out without waking anyone. Mika woke of course, but he assured her he was just going to the bathroom. Really he was not... He closed the door behind him before making his way to Kasu's room.
With all the noise in the house it was hard for KAsu to get to sleep. So when he finally did he was asleep pretty well and didn;t wake when Les got to his room.
"Usak!" Les whispered in a loud voice. He was standing by the door way. He closed it behind him for privacy.
Red eyes shot open and Les got a very critical look from the now awake vampire and then a hiss. Usak knew it wasn't Kaishiro
"Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, i'm not here to pester you. The last thing I want is to be sealed in the back of Kaishiro's head." Les said with a snort, though he was on guard for an attack.
"To talk." Les said putting his hands up to show he meant no harm. Usak so a flash of shadow, the very large hands hung over Kaishiro's head in he same open postion. Those were the ones that had caught him last time and allowed Les to make a fool out of the changling. The hands went invisible again as fast as they became visible.
"Yes.... So much so i'm willing to come here and make amends... I felt confident in protecting Kaishiro.. but I know now that isn't enough. This group as a whole... needs protection. And I know you were the one to talk to." Les said now walking into the room and moving the chair from the desk and turning it to face Usak.
"You won't even let Rick get close to the group." Les said rolling his eyes. "Besides lets be a bit smart about this. Leo can't die... Victoria has a occasionally temperamental blade that I want to throw out a window...." Les was still VERY sour about the mess DoS had made. "Taji is.... " Les grinned at Usak. The group was keeping that secret. He wondered if he really knew.
"Don't say it," Usak said he knew but if he heard it it would make him want to keep Taji holled up. "Leo is immortal but there's a deep love for him in my heart in Kasu;'s heart... he is most likely a huge weakness to us,"
"Alright... watch Leo.. check." Les said sarcastically. "Seriously though... Madame Buba was right. I've been a real snot." Les admitted, "I need to be more of a team... I did help that Melody girl today you know. Though I will admit I was looking for a leech to chase Victoria with... but that is like... harmless fun!"

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