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Into the Stars

Victoria hugged Mika tight.

"You know... I keep forgetting shes a rich kid... some of these places must be newer to her then even us," Kasu said
"Ah being with you guys is like a story book! I should hang around more often." Melody said.

Leo chuckled, "I'm... not sure what you're seeing..."
Taji nodded in agreement with the other two. With enough walking in the swamp like area... they eventually got to a rather overgrown Temple. It looked about 7 stories high.

"Oh... wow.." Leo said looking up.
"Who wouldn't be?" Melody said with a grin.

Leo could think of one person who didn't like being carried off first thing in the morning....
When Justice picked her up, Mika went in first. She looked around, alert for any kind of danger. Taji followed behind her, he surprisingly pulled out a dagger. Leo didn't even know he carried a weapon with him now.
Kasu looked at the dagger and avoided reach of it out of caustion he did stay neer Leo though. Justice took the rear going to carry Melody in.
Melody seemed to tense up in Justice's arm, she was preparing not to make it through the door. Suddenly, they made it through. Melody threw her hands in the air, "YES!" She said happily.

"Wow, it worked." Leo said surprised, "Good thinking Justice."
"Woopy!" Melody said again, though she jumped out of Justice's arm. "Thanks for the lift." She told him.

"Alright... where do we even start?" Leo asked looking around.

Mika put down Victoria on the still lightly moist ground, but a lot better than outside.
"Well I kind of suggest we go up." Melody said, "Just a guess."

Leo smiled a bit, "We could split up, but in larger groups."
"For the record I have no idea where I am going either..." Melody said putting her hands up.

Taji shrugged, he didn't care, he just wanted to get this done.
"Well we have time lets go caustiosly at first." Justice said

Victoria took Mika's hand "I don't know its so big maybe we should split up,"
"Lets have a quick look around before we decided that.." Taji said, agreeing with Kasu... the last time the split up, Leo was kidnapped.

They walked a bit, but by then the sun was starting to go down. By then they had almost scoured the whole building, they were on the last few rooms.

Leo made a bit of a face, "We have school tomorrow morning..." It was sunday.. since saturday Leo spent dying.

"Mika thinks we are close." She said confidently.

Melody nodded, "We are! We have to be!"
Kasu was having another problem he was getting hungry. He had slipped on the ring when he felt it coming.

Justice had tried to make the search a quick one thoughseems he failed.

Victoria smiled "I'm sure its close now!" she said
It was proububly a good 20 more minutes before Kaishiro peaked into a room absolutely stuffed with gold and treasures. Les however felt rather uncomfortable. Specially with Kasu looking not so great.
"Treasure?!" Melody said happily before jogging over happily.

Mika followed behind as well.

"What do you mean Kaishiro... What does Les not like about it?" Leo asked.

Kasu could hear a larger heart beat in the room, one that was a bit different from everyone else.
"We aren't alone! Melody!: Kasu called

"He's uneasey," Kaishiro said shrinking back a bit.

Justice took his short sword from the pack and drew it.
Melody stopped in a long stride into the room, looking at Kasu while she did so. It was when there was a loud thump a hiss. Melody looked back to see a very large lizard. Looked a lot like a komodo dragon of their world, but a hell of alot bigger. To Justice it looked like a wingless dragon. The treasure was most likely it's hord.

"Uhoh..." Melody said falling back words just as the lizard lunged at her.

Les was the closet, even after Kaishiro backed off a bit. Les made a fist mostly to punch it. It collided with Les, but hit the hand with so much force, Kaishiro was sure to fly back. The lizard fell to the ground just in front of Melody.
Kaishiro few back right into Mika closing his eyes scared.

Kasu rushed to get Melody his vampiric speed making him quite fast he took her and rushed back.

Justice rushed the creature sword ready.

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